View Full Version : Star Wars Role Playing Game

Oct 30th, 2002, 07:31:09 AM
How many of you have ever roleplayed starwars? Ok. Have you ever roleplayed starwars online? Ok. Do you know what a mush is? A mush, multi-user shared hallucination, is a roleplaying game played over telnet.

I play on a Star Wars Mush at located at www.starwarsmush.com.
This mush takes place 2 years after the battle of endor and has many sides, the Empire, New Republic, Caspar Democratic Union, Griffons Alliance, and Corporate Sector Authority. There are many subgrous, organizations, businesses, shipyards, (hutts, Karrde)etc etc etc.

My character is Count Aknar Koth'lyri, a Bothan of high royalty, who is Minister of Intelligence for the Bothan Federation.

Thats my official title at least. Really I run the Bothan Spynet

The mush currently has about 500 active players all spread out over about 100 organizations. The Bothan Government only has 5 people. We need more.

If you're interested, go to downloads.com and download a MUSH client called simpleMU. Connect to starwarsmush.com on port 4402 and once you make you character- type @mail Aknar=Hello- I was referred here by your post on thebothanspy.com.

whenever i log in i'll get your message and hel;p you to get started.

Moderators- I didnt know if this post would be ok or not- and i figured you're tolerant of all things Starwars so I hope Im not posting this in the wrong place.

Aknar Koth'lyri
Director of the Bothan Spynet.