View Full Version : About deleting posts.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:02:03 PM
Ever been logged in as one character and then you see a thread that another one of your characters was in? And then you reply to that thread forgetting which character you are logged in as? Then you have to edit the post, and pray a mod will see it and delete it.

Why can;t we delete our own posts? We can edit our own posts, but if we post as the wrong character, it sure would be nice to get rid of the post ourselves instead of waiting on a mod. Anyone know why that is? Would anyone like to see that changed? I know I would. It would be so nice to be able to delete the posts I make as the wrong character.

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:04:05 PM
I always PM a Mod. Or if one's on IM, pester that mod endlessly until the offending post is deleted. But yeah, it'd spare me some time and spare the mods some trouble.

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:22:30 PM
It is an intentional policy that was brought over from ezboard. If people had the ability to delete their own posts, such a privilege would be abused, when it came to important discussions, leaving people angry, confused, or possibly even more upset then they were originally. Really, its not that difficult to send a PM to a forum mod requesting a post deletion in such times.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:29:46 PM
OK, that's cool. I was just wondering why that is. Now I know. Thanks for the info.

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:31:14 PM
You are welcome. :)

Jehova Eaven
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:31:24 PM
How letting the users "delete" their own posts. In other words when a user clicks the delete post link, the post gets flagged and awaits moderator review on some sort of list. It would probably be easier and less troublesome than constantly bothering the mods if there was a list..

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:46:09 PM
You can use the "Report Post to Moderator" link to do just that.

Leeloo Mina
Oct 29th, 2002, 11:17:33 PM
I had wondered the same thing before.. but I never have any reason to delete my posts.. other than the fact they're all worthless ^_^;

Thanks for asking Wei :)

James Prent
Oct 30th, 2002, 12:51:10 AM
*deletes all Leeloo's posts*


*remembers that she isn't signed in under LD*

Darn it! :mad

:p Love you Leeloo! And, Wei, feel free to let me know about posts you have made that you need deleted.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 30th, 2002, 06:32:27 PM
I'll make sure to remember that, LD.

Tyreal Dalarsco
Oct 30th, 2002, 06:47:03 PM
The only time I've ever wanted to delete a post was when I posted something that was inaccurate, then a few more people posted in the RP and I just had to make a new one to keep the continuity.