View Full Version : The Truth Revealed and the Path Chosen...

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:34:17 PM
Slowly and quietly two figures made their way into the Jedi Recruitment Center. One followed the other and the follower seemed a bit cautious, to say the least. The pair stopped in the center of the room and the one who was hunting the Truth stepped forward and lowered the hood of his black cloak. His eyes shifted to the gentle woman who helped show him the Light and had led him here. Immediatly his nerves tensed and Adrenaline rushed through his blood stream...though somehow, her presence calmed him.

"Thank you Maia....I would never have made it here without you."

He said softly and then turned to look at the darkness of the shadows that surrounded the walls. No one seemed to be about, though people were everywhere. Would someone come and greet him with open arms? Or was he destined to be turned away...not good enough to become a Jedi? Closing his eyes, the ex-assassin took a deep breath and exhaled, then opened his eyes once again and decided to speak into the darkness.

"My name's Elijah Kalrico....an' I come for d.......the Truth."

Slowly but surly he was beginning to correct his basic the way that he had learned it growing up, though his accent was a bit difficult to get rid of. Hopefully someday though....maybe he would be a respected member of this Order....but he was not holding his breath...not yet.

Oct 30th, 2002, 09:46:54 AM
A figure in all black regime robes stepped out from seemingly no-where. Giving a slight nod of understanding, or so it seems, Chance lifted the robe from his head and examined the newcomer with fierce blue but blind eyes.

"Welcome Elijah Kalrico, I am Chance Leonhart. What made you decide to come here, to the GJO, other than to seek The Truth?"

Maia Tharrinn
Oct 30th, 2002, 01:39:39 PM
Maia had walked Elijah into the Jedi Recruitment Center and backed away into a darkened corner. She wanted one of the others here to greet him. Her heart went out to the young man. She could have accepted him in but she wanted him to meet others so he could feel the kindness they all held.

She smiled softly as Chance questioned Elijah. She sent out comforting waves to the young man.

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:03:31 PM
Elijah looked into the man's eyes who approached him....and saw depth, though he knew the man was blind. How he knew was beyond him....accept for appearance. The young man shrugged his shoulders and looked at the floor thoughtfully as he pondered the question.

"Honestly.....I wanna change my life. I can't be livin' like I was....an' well....I know d.....that this is right."

Again he caught himself in time to correct his Basic, or so he hoped. Sighing to himself, Elijah seemed to straighten up a bit in Chance's presence. He rubbed the back of his neck for a moment and let his eyes sink into the blind man's.

"An' also because.....I......I hate hurtin' people.....I wanna fix what I've done wrong.....if that's possible. I'm a frellin' terrible person! I need to do somethin' soon!"

Oct 30th, 2002, 07:17:40 PM
Chance bowed his head for a moment, eyes closed and his breathing slightly decreased, "Your heart holds true in this matter, but, do you think the Jedi are the only thing that can help you in fixing this matter?"

The Knight raised his head again and spoke before Elijah could respond, "Commitment to the cause is the motivator in such occurances, Are you willing to be shunned by some of the populus, to be hunted by the dark every day? Are you willing to commit yourself to the Code of the Jedi?"

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:25:15 PM
Elijah could see the seriousness of the matter written all over Chance's face. Indeed, his heart was in this...but he was so scared. Too proud to admit it, he nodded absently and shifted his weight as he thought of what to say.

"Yeah.....I'm tired of huntin' people.....I know what it's like too an' I hate it, to tell the truth. Yeah....I am committed to dis here life. I want it....please."

Perhaps 'please' was put in the wrong place? He knew not, but he meant well. Sighing for lack of better Basic, he made it a point to learn some better after a while. Maybe the Order wouldn't even accept him. This put disappointment and a bit of fear into his soul as he stood before the one that was deciding his life's fate.

Oct 30th, 2002, 07:32:02 PM
A slight smile crept onto Chance's face and he dropped one gloved hand from within the folds of his robes onto the right shoulder of Elijah. "Then, I welcome you to the Order because you hold true."

Removing the reassuring hand, Chance motioned around slightly before returning the hand behind the covers of the robe. "A Knight or Master will contact you soon for instructions, unless of course..." He glanced over to Maia in the shadows with a coy grin on his face, "... Lady Maia here wants to teach you?"

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:44:03 PM
Elijah's eyes widened as Chance spoke the words. He shook his head and shut his eyes tightly, then opened them once again. What just happened? He questioned himself in his mind. Shrugging off the overwhelming feeling that did not seem to go away, he looked over to Maia with an irremovable smile upon his face. Tears welled up in his eyes, though he would never allow them to fall....they were there and one did manage to escape down his cheek.

"You've given' me somethin' I never thought I'd find.....thank you."

He said softly to Chance and then glanced over at Maia expectantly, wondering who would become his Master. Even if she could not, perhaps another like her would. One could only hope, so he stood within the room where his future began.....

Maia Tharrinn
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:09:55 AM
Maia stepped forward and grinned at Chance. "As much as I would like to take Elijah, I cannot. I would not be able to offer him the time nor the guidance he need's. I have to many padawans as it is old friend. But I am sure that someone will step forward and take him. He has a good heart and an eager mind." She turned toward Elijah and gave him a reassuring smile.

Everyone here is kind Elijah and whoever your teacher will be, you will find yourself in good hands. Just as they will be lucky to have you as there student."

Oct 31st, 2002, 09:02:43 PM
"Your problem is understandable, Maia." Chance smiled, musing slightly as he examined the newly ranked padawan infront of him, "I belive that I can instruct you Elijah, that is, if you do not mind having a blind man for a instructor?"

Elijah Kalrico
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:04:05 PM
Elijah's heart sank slightly at Maia's words, though he could not believe it when she spoke so kindly of him. He smiled slightly until Chance spoke......then his smile bent to a full grin at the offer.

"Do ya mean it? You'd b' willin' ta me? I'd frellin' appreciate that so much man.......er......Master."

He had now added that new word to his vocabulary for after walking around this place, he saw a rank system and saw the level of respect, something he lacked greatly, being used.

Nov 1st, 2002, 07:25:58 PM
Chance chuckled lightly, "Sure am,"

Now, he removed a round holopad from his robe. The display popped to life with a 3D grid of the Jedi Facility, a yellow bleeping dot indicated the position of the pad (and thus the user) as well as an arrow pointing at the desired location.

Handing the device to his newly appointed padawan, Chance explained it's purpose breifly; "We're the yellow dot, just select your destination and it'll point you in the direction of the desired locations. Before we begin your lessons, I belive it would be smart to grab a room in the Living Quarters 'cause they are filling up pretty fast!"

Elijah Kalrico
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:15:53 PM
Elijah took the holopad from Chance and he smiled slightly, looking at their location on the map.

"A'ight......I'll take your word for it and get myself a room...."

He said as his eyes fixed upon the part of the map that read "Living Quarters". Elijah selected that option and then he was pointed in the direction to go.

"Guess I'll be seein' ya! Thanks again....Master....."

Still it was weird to say it, but he called another Master....for the first time in his life he was a subordinate. It was quite strange for he was used to being his own boss unless he had a job to do for someone.....soon he would get used to everything that was changing in his life.....soon.....