View Full Version : Late night at the Lounge (ALL TSO MEMBERS)

Oct 29th, 2002, 04:05:38 PM
(ooc: Its been a little quiet here lately...just thought I'd give everyone a chance to hang out..interact...whatever...come one, come all....)


Within the palace walls there were so many rooms and places to relax. One of Sasha's favorite late night places to be was in one of the lounges on the upper levels of the castle.

It overlooked the ocean and the city lights below. The view, at sunset, was one to rival any other sunset in the galaxy.

He had gone there this evening to kick back, have a few drinks, and hopefully get a chance to socialize with some of the other members of the order.

It seemed that all too often they all kept to themselves, everyone so hell bent on their quest for power. Tonight, he hoped, things might be different.

He had left notices under everyone's doors to let them know of the informal gathering. And so, drink in hand, he looked out the window at the fading sun as he waited to see who might arrive.

Oct 30th, 2002, 01:17:26 AM
Robi had been forlornly wandering the halls of the Sith Palace, looking for something or someone to ease the ache in her heart. Her mistress, Gouyen, had been gone on a training mission for several days, leaving Robi behind to pine in her absence. Her wanderings brought her to the upper-level lounge, and she wandered in.

Suddenly her ears pricked up and her tail rose to a level with her back, wagging gently back and forth. Her keen senses had caught the scent of one she knew almost as well as her master -- a young Sith knight called Sasha Kovalev. She trotted up to him, a renewed spring to her step, and sat down next to him, laying a massive paw on his lap.

Sasha, how good to see you, she said through the Force. Although she was capable of speaking Basic, she was far more comfortable speaking mind to mind. I've been sooo lonely these past few days, what with half the order gone to Ottethan on a training mission. I don't know when they'll ever get back -- if at all, she added mournfully. She was obviously in need of comfort, and looked to Sasha to provide some.

Oct 30th, 2002, 08:30:34 AM
Sensing the presence of another, Sasha turned towards the door to the lounge just in time to see Robi walking in. She’d looked rather forlorn until she’d seen Sasha, and then her tail rose and she wagged it happily in greeting.

A wide grin spread across his face as she came to sit beside him, resting her paw in his lap.

He reached out to pet her, scratching behind her ears.

He sighed softly.

“I know, Robi. It’s been a while.” He stated, his thoughts wandering to Gouyen and Feliciana and the others that were away on the mission. It had been quiet around there lately, and while for a few days he hadnt minded the quiet halls, it hadnt taken much longer before they had become too quiet.

“But I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” He added, doing his best to reassure Robi. He had initially been worried about the mission to the Ottethan system. He cared too much about several who had left not to. But something told him that good things would come of the mission, and he clung to this hope, rather than giving in to darker thoughts.

“If they arent back in a few more days, we’ll go find them.” He promised, but was pretty confident that this would not need to happen.

“So what have you been doing to keep yourself distracted?” He asked, knowing it had to be difficult for Robi to be without Gouyen. He missed her quite a bit himself. She was one of the few that he trusted completely. And he loved her as he would a sister.

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:24:28 PM
*LV entered the lounge, making her way straight for Sasha and placing both hands on each shoulder from behind. She squeezed lightly.*

This is a great idea, Sasha. With each passing day, you never cease to amaze me.

*She smiled broadly.*

Nov 1st, 2002, 08:36:36 AM
He had felt her presence the moment she entered the room. It was familiar and comfortable, yet, it still continued to be awe inspiring.

As she set her hands on his shoulders, giving a light squeeze, he looked up at this woman that he admired. His master and his mentor.

A broad grin spread across his lips and then he stood, as a gentleman should, out of respect for this woman.

“Well, its been a while since I’ve seen everyone gathered in one place….” He replied, his thoughts going to the last major event, which had been during his first week at the order – the union between Lady Vader and Lord Vader.

“And since I found myself staring at a new member in a bar the other night and it took her waving at me to remember why she looked familiar…I thought maybe it was time.” He added with a small shrug of his shoulders as amusement glittered in his violet eyes.

“Have you heard anything of the training mission?” He asked, knowing that as he did, she would know easily why he asked. He’d spoken with her of Feliciana before, and she knew well of his close friendship with Gouyen, which had sprung out of the fateful event some time ago from which so many other good things had come.

He glanced to Robi, reaching to pet her again, and knowing she would be interested in hearing what Lady Vader had to tell them.

(ooc: hopefully they can return and this can turn into a celebration for the newly knighted…. :) )

Nayala Palain
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:40:12 PM
Athena thought it over as she read the notice that was resting on the floor of her quarters. She didnt know a soul here other then Mistress Vader and Mistress Live Wire. But there was no other way to get to know anyone else. The Sith Master shrugged and grabbed her cloak. Clasping it around her shoulders and resting the hood of her cloak on her head. She left her quarters heading towards the bar.

As she walked in she noticed someone with a wolf companion. Then the force signature of Mistress Vader entered into the picture. Taking a deep breath and then walking over towards the trio.

She paused as she heard Mistress Vader speaking. Then finally...

" Mistress Vader, Its wonderful to see you tonight. Who are your firends? "

Athena was holding the notice that was left on her floor she brought it with her for some odd reason.

Salem Ave
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:17:02 PM
Without a word of greeting, Salem strode in. At first with his hood over his head, he felt the sun die past the sill of the windows in the room and pushed the shroud away. Solid black eyes roamed the room to pick up on the presence of his comrades – a large dog, Sasha, Mistress Vader, and another who had welcomed a short while ago, and still could not place from his past. Seeing that the group appeared to be in conversation, he was content with slouching back against the wall by the doorway, eyes easing closed once again.

Dark Lord Maim
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:28:51 PM
A dark shrouded figure within a far corner, hidden from view, the Sith Master and Priest was easily able to mask his Force signature, as he had done so many times before. Dark eyes watching silently from within a true black cloak, he remained utterly hidden from all.

Diete Somir, otherwise known as Maim, has been hailed by his followers as the ultimate source of Dark Power ever to have lived. Though he does not necessarily subscribe to their theories, he does, however, know his powers extend far beyond that of most. Choosing, some years back, to live a life of solitude, he has learned, either by way of the Dark Force or Sith holocrons, from some of the most powerful Dark Lords ever to have reigned.

Diete's father, who had also been named Diete, was a Sith priest trained in the ancient ways and Diete himself had learned the art at a young age. Not satisfied with that, he had gone on to master almost every Sith power known, and some which have yet to be unveiled to the galaxy. However, Maim had decided some years back that his time was not now.. perhaps, it would never come. Until his path was clear, her merely grew in strength waiting out his enemies.

Many times over, Diete's followers had suggested he take the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.. a title which, by all respects, he could hold with the honor and glory it had served in the past. However, he had not yet chosen to adorn himself with such a mantle. Instead, he would choose to become the most highly trained Sith of all time, and perhaps the most powerful.. only time, and the Dark Force would tell.

Now, in the present, he watched those in the clan he had pledged himself to. Pleased, silently, with their strength and will, he would continue to observe them. However, now he would get to know them.. personally.

Stepping from his corner, he allowed his mental walls to drop and removed his true-black cloak, placing it to his side. He said nothing, only watching the faces and reading the Force-senses of the others

Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:38:13 AM
She was comforted by his touch and voice and was about to answer his question when Lady Vader arrived. As she gently squeezed the young man's shoulders, Robi could feel the affection she had for her young and talented apprentice. And it was more than evident in her voice as she expressed admiration for her student's idea.

As Sasha expressed concern about the training mission she moved to his side, feeling his fingers ruffling the fur between her ears. But before Lady Vader could answer, another woman entered, one strange to Robi, but apparently known to Lady Vader, judging by her familiar greeting. Close on her heels was a member of the order she did know of, a vampyre, who filled her sensitive nostrils with the stench of death -- but not so full that she could not detect another unfamiliar scent -- the scent of one who wished to remain hidden, but forgot that there were ways outside the Force to detect someone's presence. The source of this new scent revealed himself, dropping his mental shields and doffing his cloak, and stood looking at the small gathering that was forming around Sasha.

Robi turned to this newcomer. You hide yourself well enough with the Force, she said, using the Force, but you make your presence known to anyone with a decent sense of smell. She was not being impertinant, only direct, as was the manner of her kind. You humans always forget that some have senses that are far stronger than yours, senses you invariably neglect, like smell. So when you try to conceal yourselves, you forget your body's odor and are thus easily traced. She looked at him with amber eyes. Let this be a lesson for you, she concluded and turned to the stranger woman.

I am Robi, a Cybernian wolf-dog and companion to Gouyen Chee, who is currently away on a training misssion she told the woman. And who might you be, besides a friend of Lady Vader?

Nayala Palain
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:37:51 AM
Athena smiled at the wolf.

I am Sith Master Athena, I just joined the Order but a few days ago. I have known Mistress Vader for years now. Shes a great friend. As for the man you smelt he can hide when he needs to even from you nose.

The new Sith Master did nothing but look around something was sure to happen althought she didnt know what it could be yet.

I cant wait to meet your other half, where is this person you speak of?

Lady Vader
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:51:57 AM
*Seeing Athena had struck up a conversation with Robi, LV answered Sahsa's question.*

I really haven't heard anything about the training mision as of late. I do believe Master Dyzm is still working on it.

It's quite possible he will be done soon and tell us about it.

Dark Lord Maim
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:11:51 PM
Maim's expression remained unreadable. His voice seemed to come from every direction, thanks to the Force, a simple trick that was now second nature to him.

"If I wanted to be compeletely un-noticed, I would not have come at all. My powers easily allow me to look on via the Dark Force, without need to actually be here. My purpose in remaining concealed is simple.. I like to be left alone while meditating and pondering the mysteries of the universe."

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:57:04 AM
Sasha had nodded slowly at Lady Vader’s response. Though he had been working on his patience, it was something that still took effort, and naturally, he could not wait for those who had been on the mission to return.

It was then that he noticed Salem in the doorway. The presence of the vampyre was familiar to him – particularly after the night out on the town some time ago.

Salem, he knew, had gone on the mission, and for a moment, a wide grin spread across the young knight’s face. They were back…..but if they were back…where were the others? Concern flashed over his features, concern that he was sure his master could feel.

He excused himself from speaking with her and approached Salem.

“I was thinking of going into the city later….” He commented, mischief sparkling in his eyes as he approached this one that he considered a …friend. No matter how odd a fellow Sasha thought that he was.

“How did the trip to the Ottethan system go..?” He asked.

Oolana Taine
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:06:00 PM
Oolana walked quietly into the gathering. She too was new and only knew a few people in the Order, including her new master, Lord Dyzm. News of the training mission had come to her too late, and she was eager to hear how it went. So she found a seat and waited.

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:01:19 PM
He ducked his head into the room, wondering what in all the hells was going on. Sith? Acting sociably? He'd never heard of it. Seeing that his master had taken residence in one corner, he sat just inside the door, avoiding the rest. If they wanted to talk, so be it, but they would have to approach him.

Salem Ave
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:38:28 AM
An almost uncertain feeling came over Salem as he saw Sasha approaching. This growing acquaintance he had made in the Sith Knight irked him sometimes, though he was growing less weary of Kovalev.

“It wasss cancelled in its infancy,” Salem replied bluntly, quickly changing the subject.

“… Why have we all been called her?” he muttered.

Feliciana Devano
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:20:19 PM
A figure in flowing black robes made her way into the large room of gathering Sith. A smile was upon her face as she spotted Sasha. How she had missed him while she was away on the training mission. Sighing as she pushed her long black hair out of her face, she casually walked over to Sasha and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It has been too long since I saw you last....."

She said softly, pulling away from the one she loved. Her eyes made contact with a few others who had arrived before her from the mission, but they came back to rest upon Sasha once again. A smile lit up her face and she was happy to see him.....even though there was a deep healing gash upon her arm where the Rancor they took down nailed her with a claw. Her attention was on him right now, though.....so she paid it no mind.

Nov 5th, 2002, 02:59:13 PM
Sasha raised an eyebrow at Salem’s response. He wasn’t sure exactly what the mission being cut short meant….

Why have we all been called here?

Faint amusement showed on his features. Salem just wasn’t a social kid, and nothing was going to chance that.

“Its my fault..” He answered, though clearly not upset about it.

“I just thought it might be cool for everyone to hang out…you have to be here if you don’t want to…” He added with a slight grin.

It was as he was saying this that Feliciana entered the room and wrapped her arms around his neck.

His expression lit up and he turned to her.

“You’re back…” He stated with a wide smile.

“How did it go?” He asked, wanting to hear all of the details that Salem had not been willing to provide.

Feliciana Devano
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:59:51 PM
Fel grinned as she saw the happiness upon Sasha's face. It was so good to see him once again, to be back in his arms. While away, she had missed him terribly and had thought of him the whole time.

"It was cut short by Master Jeseth.....though I still feel that we were successful in many aspects. It went well otherwise. I had the honorable and most joyous job of being the Leader.....but I think that I served the Order well. We fought off a Rancor....and often times, eachother. Cherice tried to trick me too....but that's when Jeseth came upon the scene. We only lost one person on the whole mission, and I'm pretty sure he didn't die. Levi Argon got taken away in a massive sand and wind twister. It was pretty terrible. Our sabers all got knocked out, but we made due. I'm just so glad to be back...."

She said softly, locking her eyes with his. It was such a relief to see them again.....so warm and caring as she bathed in their violet color....

Nov 5th, 2002, 04:13:53 PM
He nearly chuckled as she went on and on about things. It wasn’t that he was laughing at her, it was that he was genuinely glad to have her and the others back – alive – well, except for one, it seemed. He had not known Levi, but lstill, he regretted that any member of the order had been lost.

“Sounds like quite a mission…” He replied. He cast a glance at Salem.

“Was I supposed to get all of this from your answer?” He joked lightly.

Salem Ave
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:45:08 AM
With a simple shrug he turned away. It was obvious he was a third wheel in the conversation now, and he had no intention of standing about whilst Sasha and Feliciana drooled over one another. The vampyre shoved his hands into his pockets and paced away to another quiet stop, sighing inwardly.

Nov 6th, 2002, 11:57:15 AM
He watched as Salem shrugged and shuffled off. He wasn’t surprised, really, for Salem had always seemed to keep to himself.

He turned back to Feliciana.

“Gouyen was with you….did she…?” His words trailed off, his thoughts flickering to his friend, a woman who had become like a sister to him.

Nov 6th, 2002, 03:05:24 PM
She's on a training mission, the canine responded, then glanced up as Inu and Feliciana entered the room.

And it looks like the mission has just concluded, she added, her brow furrowed with worry as she wondered what became of Gouyen. The pair bond between the two was strong and Robi would have immediately sensed if her mistress had returned. But she didn't and that filled the Cybernian with concern. Something was wrong, very wrong.

Then she felt a familiar mental touch -- Gouyen. Robi -- Ottethan -- Mantis -- treason -- come, it said. Her eyes dilated and her hackles rose as she heard the silent summons, and she bolted wordlessly out of the room.

Nov 11th, 2002, 12:39:24 AM
She ran down the hall until she found an open room. She changed direction, paws skidding on the floor tiles and aimed for an open window. She flew through it in a seemingly suicidal leap, falling five floors to the soft grass of the garden below, landing with a Force-assisted cushion. She sped through the garden and headed towards the Mantis' hanger. She skidded to a stop and keyed in the entry code with a clawed digit. The hanger door slowly rolled open to reveal the Mantis already engaged in a pre-flight check. The ventral boarding ramp was already lowered and Robi trotted aboard.

"Gouyen's in trouble, she woo-wooed in Cybernian for the cyborg intellignce's mechanical ears to hear.

"I know -- I just got the coordinates of a distress signal, Ottethan system," replied a familiar, faintly metallic voice. "Do you feel what I feel?" she asked.

Robi paused a moment, listening with something other than her ears. "Yes -- she's in pain -- nearing death. We have to hurry."

"Then strap in and I'll get us there faster than even the legendary Millenium Falcon," the voice replied as the repulsors cycled through their take-off procedure. The Mantis shot up almost vertically from her berth, leaving Corellia behind with only a sonic boom to announce their departure.

Nayala Palain
Nov 18th, 2002, 01:53:47 PM
She just watched.

" That was odd. "

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 16th, 2002, 12:58:18 PM
The Sith appeared from the bowls of darkness, his black robes covering any and all features of his form. Those who knew him, would. He chuckle dlightly as he stepped up near Athena, and spoke in a low tone.

"Any room for an old friend to relax?"