View Full Version : The journey ends(Re-joining)

Malice Draclau
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:16:25 AM
It was a black stormy evening. One that Corellia had seen many times before. Though one thing different about this night, the rain had brought with it a forgotten face. Walking up the stone stairs, a figure hidden under white robes, His clothes dry except for the cloak which covered him. The figure walked silently, though he kew good and well those within had probably sensed his arrival long before he had reached the palace.

Upon reaching the doors, Malice pulled back his hood, not caring if the rain would soak his hair and the upper part of his shirt. He was home once again, his true home. Truth be told that hen hehad left he joined with the Sith Empire, reason beings he wanted to see what they had to teach. The sith there were strong, but Malice just could not feel the enviornment he had liked back here at TSO. Lifting a hand, the rouge sith knight knocked hard on the twin doors. Now all he had to do was stand and wait, wait for someone to either greet him in, or scowl and turn him away.

Lady Vader
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:09:53 PM
*The massive doors swung open silently, allowing the man to walk into the dry enterior. LV stood in the center of the entry way, eyeing the man she knew all to well.*

Explain your return.

Malice Draclau
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:31:08 PM
Before speaking, Malice bowed to the sith lordess. Looking up he spoke out.

*As you may already know mistress, the terms in which i have left were to go out on my own for a while. To journey and learn new things. Once I had done so, I decided itwas time to come back home, to the place that created me*

He grinned as he looked around. It felt like TSO, even though it was different. He remembered when it was attacked...hell he was in the palace at the time. Many things looked new and different.

*If it is allowed Lordess, i request to be put back amongst the ranks of TSO once more. The family i had grew up with, and wish to continue to grow with*

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2002, 01:11:11 AM
*LV's face remained as stone, before a smile broke on her face. She stepped forward, placing a firm hand on Main's shoulder.*

The Order is more than happy and accepting to have one of it's own back among it's fold.

Welcome back, Malice.

*She steered him towards the living area, heading towards where his new room had been rebuilt.*

Tell me... was your journey fruitful?

Malice Draclau
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:24:41 AM
Malice walked along with Lady Vader as they talked.

*Somewhat i believe yes. Why, i even came really close in turning a jedi woman to the darkside. Pity some other sith had to mes it up by fighting her*

He chuckled to himself as they entered his new room. Looking around the sith just had to grin. Surprisingly it looked ver much like his old room.

*Perfect. I guess when i left the builder my request to keep my new room the same as my old room he listened. But I learned a soe new things....gotten stronger. Now all i wish to do is return and share my wsidom here with future sith of this order*

Malice flashed LV a glance before turning to sit on his bed.

*Where is Master Live Wire? Is she on another one of her missions*

He said it in sort of a teasing tone knowing he might be right. LW was always gone now, working for the better of TSO.

Lady Vader
Oct 31st, 2002, 05:22:22 PM
*LV smiled.*

You know Live Wire. She spends a lot of time traveling to finish off contracts and meet with others to do business for TSO.

She should be back in a few days, but I'll send her a message to let her know you've returned in either case.

*She walked to the doorway to leave, but before she walked out, she faced him.*

It is good to have you back, Malice.

Malice Draclau
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:20:38 PM
Malice looks at LV and nods.

*It is good to be back Lordess*

As she left, the sith walked around the room. Taking a look at everything and settling in. Grabbing his saber, Malice turned and headed towards the training grounds. He felt he needed the warm up after the days of traveling he had done to get back here.