View Full Version : What gaming systems have you owned?

Oct 28th, 2002, 11:38:52 PM
Pretty simple, list the systems you've ever owned, right up to now. And any comments you have on them. Computers don't count, sorry. :)

1986 - Sega Master System. I think I was the only kid in Canada to have chosen this system over the NES, but I absolutely loved that system.

1989 - 1996 Sega Genesis. Probably have the fondest memories playing this system. Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Super Monaco GP, it was just so much fun!

1997 - Acquired my grandfather's NES. Yes, my grandfather's. After 10 years he was bored with Duck Hunt and Mario.

1998 - Acquired my pals SNES system so that I could play the Super Star Wars games and Zelda.

1996-2002 N64. Unfortunately never got much into the games on this system, but I lived the remote. Zelda, Rogue Squadron and Goldeneye were pretty much the only games I ever played on this system, but I got hundreds of hours out of them.

2002 - PS2. Heads and shoulders above everything I've owned before. Especially for sports games.

I really want to log onto E-Bay and buy a new Sega Master System and a new Genesis, just for the hell of it and play some simple old games that require 2-3 buttons instead of 50.

Dae Jinn
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:02:52 AM
nintendo - christmas present from my dad, still kicking around at my mums house with most of it's original parts :lol
turbo graphics 16 - i only remember Bonks Adventure from that system
Sega Genesis
Super Nintendo - can you see a theme here? lol
Playstation - the best system by far
Nintendo 64 - I hated the controller, too hard to play RE on :(
PS2 - great system with great games

Oh, and we had an old atari system with donkey kong and a few other classic games. And although computers don't count, we did have games on our commodre 64, The Hobbit and a weird Donald Duck game :lol

Severen Morkonis
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:59:31 AM
From earliest (from where i could remember) to latest.

Atari 600
Atari 1200
First Ninendo
Sega Megadrive
Sega Megadrive 2
Saga Saturn

and i still have every one of them and if i counted all my games i would be suprised if it did not add to around 800-2000 games

Figrin D'an
Oct 29th, 2002, 01:13:22 AM
Atari 2600
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2

I never actually owned an 8-bit NES system... I made up for it by being one of the first people to have Super Nintendo (got it the day it hit shelves). Of all of the gaming systems I have owned, the Super Nintendo was the best, IMO. It had a such great lineup of games... Zelda 3, Super Metroid, Super Mario World, F-Zero, two Final Fantasy games (at least in the US), and the Super Star Wars games, among others.

I bought a Playstation specifically so I could play Final Fantasy VIII... I have maybe about 10 PS games total... good system, but I got into it too late to really make a big investment in it. Now, it pretty much collects dust since the PS2 is backwards compatible. Nintendo 64 was a good system, but it didn't have enough "killer apps"... the two Zelda games were great, Rogue Squadron was awesome, and of course Mario 64 was a lot of fun... all total, though, I only had maybe 12 games for it.

The PS2 has been a good system so far... the EA sports games are amazing (a credit more to EA than Sony, but still)... and games like GTA3, MGS2, Jedi Starfighter and Final Fantasy X have provided many hours of happy gaming... still love Madden 2002, I've been flipping between that and NCAA Football 2003.

Oct 29th, 2002, 05:45:19 AM
I had an Atari... can't remember which one. Think it was the 2600. I bought an NES as soon as I could, and damn near every decent game for it... I think it's still the system I've gotten the most games for. Loved that thing. Let's see... never bought an SNES. Instead, I got the Sega Genesis and was quite happy. Shining Force 2 and Phantasy Star 4 filled the RPG gap.

After that, I kind of drifted away... I had a friend who got a PSX the day it came out, but it didn't really interest me. I played Battle Arena Toshinden and it was OK. Then I sat down and played through all of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. YUS! Definitely a great game. But still... there wasn't enough games on the console to coerce me into getting one for quite a while. I finally picked up my PSX around the time Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 came out. It was a really fun game, so I got my system with that, MGS and Monster Rancher. Overall, I got nearly a dozen games for it, so it wasn't too bad a purchase.

I was trying to put off getting a PS2 for as long as possible. Because, honestly, PS2 games look pretty ugly. But that left the realm of possibility as both Soul Reaver 2 and Silent Hill 2 were slated to come out around September. Now, SH2 I could possibly live without. But, at the time, Crystal D said that there wasn't going to be a PC port of Soul Reaver 2. So being the huge LoK fanatic I am, I had to break down and go get a PS2.

Overall, I wasn't too disatisfied with my purchase right off the bat. But there has been an underwhelming lack of good games for it since then. I loaned my PS2 to a good friend of mine, and there it's sat, at his house, for almost a year now.

I'm not sure if I'll pick up another console. Both the Gamecube and the X-Box look nice, but they don't have a large enough game lineup to convince me yet (although the X-Box is pretty close).

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:26:03 AM
I always ended up getting games consoles late as Ive always been in a pretty poor family and things like that were usually out of reach. I always seemed to get a games console when something newer came out and people were flogging theres for £30 with a few games or something.

I had a few mates that had a Sega Mega Drive and we used to pile around each others houses for mass competitions on the old Fifa football games, Mortal Combat and Sonic. They were great days. One of my friends had a Nes and that was alright. He was then the only one to get a Snes and that rulled. I was in envy. I absolutly love that system and Im still tempted to buy one now, although I doubt I ever will. I think the Mega Drive had a better selection of games but the snes's top games were much better.

I owned a Master System about this time, with Alex Kid built in! Got loads of games for it on the cheap and had a great time playing on it. Got me hooked on playing games. Ive never seen daylight since! :lol

I bought a Mega Drive some years later off some guy. Played desert strike to death and still never managed to complete it!

Kinda went very quiet on the games playing front for ages then until I decided id get a PS2 or a Dreamcast. The dreamcast got my vote in the end, partly because it was cheaper but another reason was Shenmue. Ive never regreted the choice either. No matter what anyone says, they will never get me to say a bad word against the DC. I love that system. Its by far the most enjoyable system Ive ever played on. I just loved everything about it. It was sole destroying when 12 months after I got it, Sega announced they would no longer support the system but hey, I got my moneys worth.

I also have a GBA which is an excellent little machine, especially for the price. ITs kinda gathering dust at the moment but I get it out every now and then and usually cant put it down for weeks.

Errr, think that does it. Oh, My next system will probably be the GC. Looks very impressive and I love the Res Evil series.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:37:35 AM
Lemme see

Sega Genesis
Sega 32X
Sega Nomad
Gameboy color
Gameboy Adavance
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2
Sega Saturn.

Not necessarily in that order.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 29th, 2002, 10:56:22 AM

... Didn't bother with anything else. I had a nextdoor neighbour with a SNES, and have one with a PS2 and Gamecube at the minute, so don't feel the need to buy anymore.

Oct 29th, 2002, 12:39:57 PM
Oh yeah... I can't believe I completely forgot to mention that I got a Dreamcast. >_<

I was very pleased with it. It had a strong lineup of games right at launch, with some good stuff in every genre. And Sega, unlike Sony, actually developes and publishes a lot of their own games, which were exceptionally good. NFL2K is the only sports game I ever bought - I liked it that much. Also, Get Bass (aka Sega Bass Fishing) was a blast to play... never got around to buying it, though. Plus, there were a lot of innovative and unique games for the Dreamcast, such as Jet Set Radio, Chu Chu Rocket and Space Channel 5. I really wish it had stuck around longer.

Sene Unty
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:11:58 PM
I had an Atari when I was a kid, but the greatest day of my video game life was getting my NES. I remeber how euphoric a feeling that was. My family wasn't wealthy at the time so I didn't expect it to ever happen. Then one day we were walking around Toys 'R Us and my dad just shelled out the 100 bucks for it! I couldn't believe he did that.....

So I have had:

Gameboy (I still have the original one I bought in 1989...it still works too....)
SNES (my favorite for a very long time.....this system was just awesome!)
N64 (I have finally been able to admit how bad this system was....*sniff* why nintendo WHY?!?!)
Playstation (My favorite now....it has grown on me.....I really only love it for the FF games...)

I really wish I still owned my SNES so that I could go back and play FF 3...I'm sure it has to be on sale somewhere...

Figrin D'an
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:19:17 PM
At least Sega didn't go under completely... they just got out of the hardware business, and have deals to make games for all three of the major platforms now (GC, PS2, X-Box). I never owned any Sega system (hey, what can I say... I was a Nintendo guy when the big "Battle for Gaming Supremecy" was going on...), but I agree, they have developed some great games. Dreamcast seemed like a good system, for the little time that I actually had tried it.

Sene Unty
Oct 29th, 2002, 03:48:50 PM
I was also always a Nintendo guy and that is the reason I went with the N64 when it came out....I got that thing the day it came out too. I couldn't believe the lack of games for it though.

I am glad that Sega is making games for other systmes too. They really know how to make some great games and its fantastic that now they are going to focus solely on making great games....

Morgan Evanar
Oct 29th, 2002, 04:00:07 PM
I've only had one console, a Sega Master System that got lunched by hurricane Andrew. No consoles since. The PC survived just fine and I had Falcon 3.0. Sooooo yeah.

Admiral Lebron
Oct 29th, 2002, 04:02:46 PM
That I can remember...

Atari 2600
Sega Genesis
Game Boy Color

(Soon--hopefully--a PS2)

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 29th, 2002, 11:00:11 PM
Atari (have no clue which one)
Activision (briefly)
Sega Genesis
PS2 (I think this is best system, IMO)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 30th, 2002, 05:55:55 AM

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:51:02 AM
I played Shenmue on teh Dreamcast. That game was magic. I loved every bit of it. I only played it about 5 times in a row. Then I waited so long for Shenmue 2 to come out on Dreamcast like Sega promised it would, and it didn;t. I want to play Shenmue 2, but I don;t wanna buy a X-box just to play it.

Sanis Prent
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:56:09 PM
Got a NES in 1988...Gameboy in 1991, and thats all I've ever had.

Leeloo Mina
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:09:05 PM
Atari - That was really before my time, but before it broke, I'd play my brothers since he had an NES and he'd yell at me for messing with it ^_^;

NES - Ah.. This thing was great. Before I had a PC, I'd sneak into my brother's room while he was gone and play his games.. I loved it to death. I still have that one too.. it doesn't work, but the controlers do.. my brother stole some of my sticker things and stuck them on there :D

SNES - I haven't played with this much.. only have some of my brother's old games for it.

Gameboy - No, not the nifty color ones.. back in my day, we had grey, big, huge gameboys!! My brother got it for me for christmas :D 1991

N64 - I hate this thing.. The only good game for it was Zelda :x

Playstation - I've played Parasite Eve on it.. and that's about it.

And comeon.. why don't PC's count?? I remember staying up past 12 *gasp* and playing commander Keen and Duke Nukem.. and DOOM... :crack

Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:08:56 AM
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Coleco Vision (I think that was what it was called)
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive for you Euro folks)
Sega Saturn

And out of all the systems I have owned, I have always been most pleased by the Nintendo products. The GC controller is a tad too small but otherwise I find the system and the games to be great. :) Playstation graphics have typically left a poor taste in my mouth, though the prices of their games kind of indicate their quality since there are so many and they are so much cheaper than the average Nintendo game. But from what I have seen, the graphics just aren’t quite up to par. Plus my handicapped status of missing the fingers on my left hand makes it nigh impossible to deal with having two L buttons on a controller, :x

X-Box I haven’t really looked into yet. PS2 and X-Box really seem to be too expensive for my blood. I don’t need another DVD player. I have three. Besides, I was able to find my Gamecube with four games and a memory card for a lower price than I have seen any comparable price on a PS2 or X-Box.

Starts sending out emails to third party controller manufactures to start producing decent joystick controllers for the new generation systems so he can utilize them better even with his handicap/disability

Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:56:23 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
I played Shenmue on teh Dreamcast. That game was magic. I loved every bit of it. I only played it about 5 times in a row. Then I waited so long for Shenmue 2 to come out on Dreamcast like Sega promised it would, and it didn;t. I want to play Shenmue 2, but I don;t wanna buy a X-box just to play it.

Shenmue 2 came out here in the UK and I have to tell you, the game is superb. Nothing really new or anything thats worth shouting home about but the places to explore are bigger, the graphics are better (how is that possible!?) and its just a great follow on.

:: Goes off to play again ::

Sanis Prent
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:15:39 AM
My friend just returned Shenmue 2...he said that a game you play, that you have to 'work' in, is not his idea of fun. Funny funny.

I dunno...I just can't find a console that will ever beat a PC. At some point in time the best PC and the newest console may have similar performance power...but a PC's ability to modularize and upgrade components will always make it that much better. That, and for the most part...PC's get the best games.

Zasz Grimm
Nov 9th, 2002, 10:31:10 PM
Atari 2600
Atari 2500
Game Boy
Game Gear
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
A PS2 for a short time, brother took it.

I hear you Ogre, I find it somewhat challenging with my missing fingers on my right hand to operate some controllers. Namely the PS2 controller, and the X-Box controller, but that's me. I just have to have time to get used to it, or I don't and it doesn't work.

I would get an X-Box, but alas, I don't have the $$.

Judas Escariot
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:36:50 PM

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:59:17 PM
In order.

Atari 2600
Sega Genesis
Super NES
Game Boy
Sega Saturn
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2