View Full Version : Slip to the darkside (Open)

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:49:08 PM
Dalamar's recent revelation's about himself left him slightly confused. Alana hadn't turned him. So who did? where did he come from he was sure he would find out soon but for now it was a mystery. Who was the Assyrian and why was he plaguing his dreams? Turning back to his bloodwine he sipped it gingerly looking into the glass as if the answers where in the red liquid.

Hearing a creaking sound someone else entered the bar. The Warlord looked up a little suprised at his new arrival.....

Zereth Lancer
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:47:26 PM
I entered the bar and sat down next to a strange man I had never seen before

I ordered a glass of red wine and sipped it slowly.

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:53:51 PM
suprised because it was not who he had expected nevertheless some company was not unwelcome. "Good night to you sir." Dalamar spoke with quite resolve.

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:35:56 PM
::Saharia walked in, her ship had been getting repaired all day and she was ready for a rest and a drink.
Saharia had not expected anyone to be at the bar. Noticing Dalamar and another she did not recognize Saharia realized she was wrong, there was someone here at this time of night. She went towards them, nodding to Dalamar and the unknown man before ordering a Jawa Juice from the tired and what smelt like an irritated barkeeper. The man glared at her as he gave her the drink and she gave him a chilling smile in return. Rudeness was most innapropriate if uncalled for.::

Zereth Lancer
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:47:33 PM
"Good night to you too" I said to Dalamar

as I took a long swig of my drink

turning to the young ladie that had just entered my Blood red eyes focused on her as she ordered a jawa juice "Hello."

Oct 30th, 2002, 04:36:23 PM
:;Saharia looked at his blood red eyes in a polite manner and half smiled::


::The jawa juice tasted fine, but a little too much of the Jawa blood had been put in. She felt slightly sick and put it aside, she was not a vampire and though she enjoyed the taste it was too much for her to stomach.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:22:35 PM
"Ahhh, Saharia it has been too long. I see you escaped your recent troubles whole. Glad to hear it really I am." Turning to the dark haired man the Warlord asked a question. "Well since your the only stranger here maybe you could tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be here?" Saharia and Dalamar looked at the man giving him there full attention.

Zereth Lancer
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:59:46 PM
"My name is Zereth Lancer I'm a assassin and a sith" I said taking a few sips of my drink.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:38:44 PM
"Well aren't we all." Dalamar smiled and turned back to Saharia. "So its your destiny to give birth to some universal savior, that must really mess with your mind? You better pick your mate well. Wouldn't want to cloud up your Gene pool, the dark lord said with a wry smile."

Nov 5th, 2002, 03:52:24 AM
::Saharia laughed coldly at the jest, oh yes she had to pick well. What she didnt like was the fact that the child would not be a sith. The child would follow lies, yet save the world with it. The whole theory did not fit with her belief system and that system was what kept her sane. She remembered how she had learnt of that, would always remember it. There was also another question that ebbed her mind.::

I suppose it does....
The dark way is the way of the true path and nothing can come between that. How can one follow thier belief and have a child that follows the wrong path yet does a greater good? That is what I cannot accept.
Why were you sent to deliver the message?

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 04:12:10 PM
You misunderstood the situation mi'lady I was not sent to deliver any message. Nor would I lower myself to do such if it was requested of me. I was on the weird receiving end of that bit of knowledge also. If you remember correctly we fought the Slithe together?

But I mean no offense. Dalamar pulled her close kissng her firmly. Have no doubt I enjoyed our adventure together. The Dark Lord smiled at her sure that his brazeness would at least earn him a slap. :smokin

Nov 10th, 2002, 04:51:59 PM
::Saharia looked at him with one eyebrow raised, her eyes slightly icy before becoming coldly amused. She would have slapped him and suspected he was expecting it but she didnt like to do things people expected and simply looked at him, smiling too softly and speaking too quietly.::

I think that was going too far. People might get the wrong idea and we wouldnt want that. One request though, no more slithe. They are terribly unbecoming.

::She sipped her jawa juice and looked outside, two people were sitting on the far corner now, and one looked slightly drunk. The other had a particular gleam in their eye that was not altogether pleasant. The drunk one was in for trouble. Smiling in amusement she shook her head and blew a kiss to the drunk one. The look in the others eyes caught her interest to a topic that she would like to ask.::

Tell me, when you choose your victims, what do you look for? The choice of vampires have always interested me, like how a hawk picks it's prey or how a cat plays with it's mouse. I will admit I am one that enjoys others pain at times but I have never agreed with the killing part. Senseless killing is such a waste, but in a vampires case it is survival.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 10th, 2002, 05:25:54 PM
Well I cannot speak for others. But I look for three things one is beauty which you possess and second I look for power. We hunger for the metacloren's in the blood system so the more powerful they are in the force the more we desire to make them a victim. Thirdly I look what appeals to me an exotic beauty or a rare species. Like a gourmet looking for a delicacy. By the way, you do have somewhat of an exotic origin yourself dont you?" he said with a sly smile. >D

Nov 10th, 2002, 07:03:50 PM
::The tiniest cold smile touched Saharias lips and she laughed softly as she sipped her jawa juice in silence for the moment. He was playing a game and she was an exotic mouse who knew a game when it saw one. Two could play that game. Smiling in a complete innocent way that a passerby would not believe she was a sith she laughed softly, putting a genuine sound to it. She almost looked disturbingly like a jedi.::

Half ambrellian, half dragonlord. Hightened sense of hearing and smell, no sense of taste. Perhaps exotic could be the world for it, perhaps not. other words that come to mind are dangerous, perhaps ruthless and not entirely dim-witted.
You have a peculiar taste, not everything that is beautiful on the outside is beautiful on the inside dear friend.
I certainly hope you do not toy with your food, things can become rather messy when one does.

::Saharia watched the drunk man and the other more dangerous fellow go past them and gave the drunk one a very devilish smile. The other man looked too much like an assasin for her to ignore and perhaps he would not play with his prey.::

No, playing with food can be rather messy.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 12th, 2002, 12:10:33 AM
Do not worry my dear I am not one to thwart destiny. Beside's, some beg to be killed and you are not one of them. You put in me a appetite for other thing's though mi'lady that have nothing to do with the splatter of cold dark blood. Smiling at her with a rogush grin he pulled out a solid gold coin with the emblem of the bat on it. Here bartender, for our drinks. Dalamar looked at Zereth once more "You dont talk much my dark friend, maybe black moods surround you. You need to lighten up."

Saharia had a serious look on her face also. Dalamar could not see why Vampyre's put so many on edge.:smokin

Nov 12th, 2002, 03:32:43 AM
::Saharia watched him and her eyes glittered with a lighter mood, perhaps amusement at some silent thought.::

You would not thwart fate? It would be interesting if one denied fate it's miracle child. There needs to be less followers of lies around here anyhow. But a comfort anyhow, I do not intend on dying just yet.

::Catching a certain thought in his eyes and smelling a certain mood she laughed softly and shook her head::

Vampires have a certain advantage. They are stronger, they cant die easily and they usually win. In certain cases in different battles some may lose though. Depends how hard they fight.

::Saharia sipped her drink and looked at the other sith::

Silence can kill you dear fellow. You say you are a sith, what else does your mind hide that you may verbalize for my curoius mind.

:;her tone was not unfriendly, nor was it patronizing but sounded like a simple question.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:32:04 PM
You intrigue me Saharia. Ask anything and I will answer all my life and history my past and my future are open to you just ASK. There is one thing I am honor bound not to speak of but I doubt you know to ask about that situation. So feel free to plum the depth's of darkness that are in my heart they are your's for the asking. ;)

Nov 17th, 2002, 09:38:04 PM
::Saharia shook her head::

I would not intrude on honour. Doing so would also do against mine own and honour is a vital thing. If I have any enquires I will remember your words.
How old are you? Vampyres are eternal so time must mean naught to you. It goes by and people with it, leaving only remnants of memory. There must be many things you remember then, of the past, of things forgotten. It would interest me to learn of galaxies history that is often untold.

::Time interested her, the past did, the history. History repeated itself because people so easily forget and their nature allows them to make the same mistake again. How easily one could forget the bad times and remember the good.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 18th, 2002, 07:35:54 PM
"In the time before time when the humans where our slave's and we ruled the universe. I was known then as the Keeper of the Dawn. The father lived then back before the mother took his life. We lived in luxury and style and all knew who there master's where. The humans did not even dare to look at us then. They thought we where some kind of Gods. Massive pyramids and golden spire's where erected to our honor and to our mastery. Few of us are left from that time, but those of us with long memories still long for our days of glory. Does this answer your question or would you know more?"

Nov 28th, 2002, 04:40:27 AM
::Saharia smiled::

I'm always one to strive for as much knowledge as is available. Knowledge can be a powerful weapon, even in it's most innocent form and history has always fascinated me besides.
If thee has more then more I would crave.

Vampyre Dalamar
Nov 30th, 2002, 10:34:02 AM
Should I tell you of the circle of nine? Or how about the mysteries of the obelisk? Why the Trichea Bellium craves the morning sun. How bout how Memnoch my shadow servant came to be trapped by me? The information I could give you would take a lifetime to impart. Not all of it is understood not all is known. I will share one more thing with you. My name is not Dalamar. In truth thou I have adopted that name and will answer to it from here on. My true name is D'alamar a translation of my title. Given to me by Tiberious and Alana upon my reawakening. It means "He who come's with the Dawn." Or Keeper of the Dawn. But in the high toungue there is another translation. A translation I have lived up to in this life as well. "Warlord of the Dawn."

Dec 2nd, 2002, 05:43:44 PM
::Saharia laughed softly::

It will take a long time, and in truth I do not have that long. I was given a task a long while back from a spirit and I know someday it will come...
I will take the information you give.

::The glass hid the darkened light in her eyes, she remembered the words the task had been given with. Remember everything when only memory remains. we were all forgotten sooner or later.
If she fell before the prophesy was done she knew that it would be passed on to the other. She was much in personality like the other and knew this was because some things were not rightfully hers. Looking at Dalamar she half smiled in ironic thought.::

I like D'alamar, it brings in itself a long legacy.