View Full Version : Holiday Box Office Contest Weekend 1
Jedi Master Carr
Oct 28th, 2002, 08:45:39 PM
Okay its that time everyone Week one of the box office, in case you forgot the rules here they are
Period of contest: 1'st of november - 31'st of december
1. How to play: Each weekend, predict the order of the top 5 movies, and how much each film will make. To make sure people don’t make the same predictions, post your dollar figures to the nearest ten thousand, for example "25.58M" (25 million 580 thousand).
2. Movie Order Points: For every film you place in the correct order, you get 5 points. If you get #1- 5 right, you would get 25 points.
3. Accuracy Points: The closest person to each of the five films also gets points, and they are as follows;
# 1 - 25 pts
# 2 - 20 pts
# 3 - 15 pts
# 4 - 10 pts
# 5 - 5 pts
Please notice; you only get points for a movie if you have it in the right #1-5 position.
4. Double Points Weekends. Points are doubled on the following weekends:
* Thanksgiving; 28 november - 1st of december. All points are doubled.
* TTT weekend; 18-22 december. Double points for TTT 5-day weekend and the rest of the top 5.
* Harry Potter weekend 15-17 nov. Double points for HP prediction.
5. "The Price is Right" - bonus for extreme accuracy. If someone guess a movie correct down to the nearest 10-thousandth, the contestant will be awarded with 50 extra points, in addition to the points he won that weekend. Example: If a movie makes 25.343M and you predict 25.34M, you will win the bonus.
6. Deadline: All predictions must be in by saturday 9 am EST every weekend. On double points weekends, special deadline will apply. Please make sure your predictions are in before the deadline, however, we may look the other way if the estimates are not yet made public and/or it is obvious such results have not been seen.
7. Who can play? Everyone. It is fun! You may enter or exit the contest at any time or post predictions whenever you like, as long it is within the deadline. Of course, be aware maximum participation increases your chances of a high score at the final tally, so it is recommended to participate as often as possible (it makes your predicting look smarter! ).
8. The winner: The player with the most points at the end of contest, wins instant fame and glory (being worshipped by the all the BO forum posters) AND a prize!
Okay you have until Saturday Nov 2 9 AM
Good luck to you all.
Admiral Lebron
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:31:44 PM
Can it be later on saturday. The numbers don't come out till like 2. And Its hard to get up before nine on a saturday.
Jedi Master Carr
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:57:55 AM
I allowed later entries this past summer (as long as they came out before the numbers did) so if you can't post them before 9AM EST and get them up before the numbers do then they will count.
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:48:04 PM
Why not just post them before saturday altogether??
Sene Unty
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:00:45 PM
What is the first weekends movies so I can start thinking now?
Master Yoghurt
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:11:06 PM
<a href=>Last weekend</a>, the top five were as follows:
1. Jackass: The Movie $22,763,437 (New) - 2,509 theaters
2. The Ring $18,488,259 (+23.1%) - 2,634 theaters
3. Ghost Ship $11,503,423 (New) - 2,787 theaters
4. Sweet Home Alabama $6,524,217 (-31.8%) - 3,182 theaters
5. My Big Fat Greek Wedding $6,209,500 (-13.1%) - 1,967 theaters
New releases, this weekend nov 1-3, theater counts (estimates)[/b],
"I Spy" w/Eddie Murphy & Owen Wilson
3,000+ estimated theaters - Sony
"The Santa Clause 2" w/Tim Allen
3,000+ estimated theaters - Disney
"Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (IMAX)"
57 IMAX screens - Fox
"The Weight of Water" w Sean Penn, Dir. Kathryn Bieglow
23 theaters - Lions Gate
"Roger Dodger" - 20 theaters - Artisan
"Love in the Time of Money" - 4 theaters - ThinkFilm
"Blackboards" - Leisure Time
This post will be edited as it is updated with more info..
Jedi Master Carr
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:53:20 PM
Since everybody is shy about going I will go first
The Santa Clause 2 39.56
I Spy 26.22
The Ring 14.42
Jackass 11.54
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6.11
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:00:59 AM
The Santa Clause 2 30.21
I Spy 25.88
The Ring 12.99
Jackass 6.13
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5.01
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:36:08 AM
The Santa Clause 2 27.89
I Spy 22.34
Jackass 11.55
The Ring 10.95
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5.01
Sene Unty
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:42:23 AM
I Spy 28.65
The Santa Claus 2 27.45
Jackass 12.23
The Ring 8.98
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 4.43
Master Yoghurt
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:31:56 PM
This is what the experts say..
Lee's Movie Info:
1. The Santa Clause 2 - 32.847
2. I Spy - 29.647
3. The Ring - 13.877
4. Jackass - 9.983
5. Ghost Ship - 6.340
Box Office Prophets
1. The Santa Clause 2 - 27.3
2. I Spy - 20.8
3. The Ring - 15.9
4. Jackass - 12.9
5. Ghost Ship - 5.9
6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding 5.6
7. Punch-Drunk Love 5.3
8. Sweet Home Alabama 4.1
9. Red Dragon 2.7
10. Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie 1.7
Box Office Guru
1. The Santa Clause 2 - 28M
2. I Spy - 26M
3. The Ring - 13M
4. Jackass - 10M
5. Ghost Ship - 6M
6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - 5M
7. Sweet Home Alabama - 4M
Box Office Mojo
1. I Spy - 24.4
2. The Santa Clause 2 - 21.5
3. The Ring - 12.0
4. Jackass - 18.1
5. Ghost Ship - 5.4
6. My Big Fat Greek Wedding - 5.3
7. Punch-Drunk Love - 4.8
8. Sweet Home Alabama - 4.2
9. Red Dragon - 2.5
- Attack of the Clones IMAX - 1.1
Master Yoghurt
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:50:09 PM
Movie Trailers:
<a href=>Santa Clause 2</a>
<a href=>I Spy</a>
<a href=>The Ring (1)</a>
<a href=>The Ring (2)</a>
<a href=>Jackass: The Movie</a>
<a href=>Ghost Ship</a>
<a href=>My Big Fat Greek Wedding</a>
Master Yoghurt
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:57:41 PM
Rotten Tomatoes Scores
My Big Fat Greek Wedding - 77%
The Ring - 71%
The Santa Clause 2 - 57%
Jackass: The Movie - 50%
I Spy - 21%
Ghost Ship - 11% :lol
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:00:32 PM
I wonder why Mojo is predicting SC2 so low?
Marcus Telcontar
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:23:50 PM
Ewww, I cant decide.
Box office Mojo for my picks?
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:53:36 PM
Why not pick your own ;)
And SC2. Isnt it a bit...........EARLY? :)
My picks:
Santa Clause 2: Judgement Day 29.99
I Spy 24.83
The Ring 12.84
Jackass 12.64
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 6.82
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:31:45 PM
I think it is coming out so early because of Harry Potter 2 and LOTR really, they probably would have liked to released two weeks from now but HP 2 is there, they should release it Thanksgiving Weekend, but I guess they can't move Treasure Planet any earlier or later.
Master Yoghurt
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:00:02 AM
1. The Santa Clause 2 - $32.69M
2. I Spy - $27.45M
3. The Ring - $15.31M
4. Jackass - $7.56M
5. Ghost Ship - $5.79M
Master Yoghurt
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:12:46 PM
Friday numbers.. traffic seems slow..
1.Santa 7.651
2.Ring 5.757
3.Ispy 4.328
4.Jackas 4.328
5.Ghost 2.060
6.Greek 1.631
7.Alabam 1.384
8.Punch 1.328
9.Dragon .818
10.Brown .455
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:52:06 PM
Man I Spy sank, I think we can say it will be another Murphy bomb. SC2 should make at least 25 million maybe 26-28, I say that because it should go up on Saturday because its a family movie (they always go up on Saturday's) and then it should do well on Sunday, it could make 30 million still I think depending on far it goes up.
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:20:50 AM
the thing is i spy was really funny
i think people have backed off after his stinker pluto nash
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 3rd, 2002, 05:37:06 PM
Here are the numbers
1 The Santa Clause 2 Dis. $29,019,000
2 The Ring DW $18,490,000
3 N I Spy Sony $14,000,000
4 1 Jackass: The Movie Par $13,100,000
5 3 Ghost Ship WB $6,570,000
6 5 My Big Fat Greek Wedding IFC $5,621,000
Looks like nobody really did well because I spy flopped so badly. SC 2 rebounded well it made about 21 million from Saturday to Sunday and I read the ratings were excellent from audiences, I expect it to make at least 100 million maybe more because it will play through much of the holiday season.
Also AOTC made 1.4 on IMAX those are pretty good numbers for the first weekend.
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:56:07 PM
Safe to say that no one did that well....
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2002, 04:17:49 PM
Yeah and probably those who missed out on the first weekend (CMJ, Lebron) could join Friday and still win the thing.
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:20:19 PM
I didn't have a good feeling about ISpy. If this officially bombs then that should almost stick a fork in Eddie Murphy's movie career.
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:14:10 PM
I think Murphy could rebound, he needs to pick better scripts, instead of POC like ISpy and Showtime, admitely both films had good premises just awful scripts. Not sure to include Pluto Nash that film was made 2 years ago, it had an awful script, have no clue what happened with that movie.
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:25:21 PM
Maybe a reprisal in the role of Axel Foley is what he really needs!
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:44:03 PM
Okay here are the results for round One
Winner for #1 ReaperFett
Winner for #4 ReaperFett
Winner for #5 Master Yoghurt
So here are the current totals
ReaperFett 45
Master Yoghurt 20
Sir Dizzy 10
Marcus Q'Dunn 10
Jedi Master Carr 10
Sene Unty 0
Okay except for Reaper and Yoghurt (who had a good weekend) the rest of us stunk, I attribute this to I Spy tanking messing up half our predictions and killing Sene's still there is plenty of time, we got two bonus weekend coming up. And as a few of last years contests can tell you, last year we had several changes up top, I was the lead briefly for example and was overtaken. Also for those who did not play including Jedieb, CMJ, Lebron, etc you guys can still join I think you still catch up, unless Reaper dominates the whole thing ;)
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:52:12 PM
How embarassing.........
It's like I didn't even know what movies were opening....
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:56:13 PM
Well the whole Ispy thing messed us up, look at this way Mojo picked ISpy #1. Nobody saw the film falling like it did. It shocked me I thought it would open closer to 20 and finish in second. Also the Ring is a surprise, that film hasn't dropped at all, I didn't think that would happen either.
Master Yoghurt
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:48:11 AM
Man, I totally overpredicted I spy, and it ruined my prediction for "The Ring". I did concider putting The Ring before I Spy, but when I saw some crowd reports, I thought I Spy would do well :rolleyes Not to mention Jackass, which I thought would really crash. But ok, I kinda expected slipping on the soap the first weekend. It takes a while to get into it again.
Oh, and the points calculations are verified correct :)
Sene Unty
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:39:42 AM
Hey dont feel bad JMK.......look at my score!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2002, 12:05:43 PM
Yeah, none of us did great luckily there is still time to catch up.
Nov 5th, 2002, 01:45:47 PM
Reaper NEVER does well, he always drops to the floor by week 3 :)
Jedi Master Carr
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:20:52 PM
Still you did the best job of predicting, have to hand it to you there.
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