View Full Version : A Lesson in Swordsmanship (Open to a Swordsmaster)

Oct 28th, 2002, 05:59:35 PM
It was a normal, nice day in the Jedi Order’s many Combat Facilities. Padawans and Knights, Masters and Students of all kinds gave the atmosphere a lively touch with the sounds of clashing lightsabers, yelps of pain as one was knicked with a training blade, and the all around combat.

Of course, One who is blind could only see so far into the rooms. Such did the Blind Knight Chance did on his way to the large enclosure that housed no individual rooms and welcomed all. He was hoping to find a Master of Combat or a Weapons Expert for he decided on a new weapon other than the lightsabers that were common to most Jedi.

From his back, attached to a large frog sheath, a finely crafted sword (http://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/UC1267_large.jpg) hung nearly to the ground. The leather sheath kept the blade from view, but the lovely hilt poked out from the confines in a T-crossbar and a half-hand hilt complete with a rounded but flat pummel.

The Blind Knight’s boots clicked methodically on the polished floor as he continued forth with only the force to aid his sight. Although the Dark Lord Vega Van Derveld had robbed him of his one true joy, Chance had long forgiven the Dark Jedi and counted the disability as a blessing.

Of course, it was a pain in the posterior when you couldn’t see the door in front of you.


Chance ran right into the double-backed doors that lead into the large arena like training facility. Stepping back and rubbing his face, Chance muttered a few curses before placing his right hand on the right door and pushing it forward. The door moaned slightly, but slid open easily revealing the bright enclosure.

“Smells… fresh,” He commented quietly, stepping past the threshold and scanning the place with unseeing eyes. Why bother? You may ask, Well, Chance wanted internally that he could still see and that looks can be deceptive. Not that he wanted to trick anyone at all..

Gurney Devries
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:04:20 PM
ooc: With a title like this, I couldn't resist. /ic

Gurney had been on his way to the courtyard when the Jedi Knight, Chance, had walked right by him. He hadn't thought much of it - the training halls were always quite crowded, after all, and he'd passed by no less than a dozen other Jedi on his way there. However, he did take notice of Chance when he saw him smack right into the cloister door. He winced, empathetic at the sight of the impact, and was going to help him through the door when he seemed to get it on his own.

Still... maybe that walk through the courtyard could be postponed. Instead, Gurney made a turn and headed through the same door, out into the training area. He walked up behind Chance, whom he now noticed had a weapon strapped to his back, and cleared his throat.

"Hello there, sir Jedi."

Oct 29th, 2002, 07:32:45 PM
Chance halted in his progression as Gurney hailed him, turning around on his right Chance gave a small bow in greeting before regarding the Padawan before him. Gurney’s Force signature, like all others, flowed off him uniquely. The rest of the world being blurred brush strokes of monotone gray and white.

“Greetings, Lovely day isn’t it?” He replied, unseeing…

Gurney Devries
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:40:13 PM
Unsure of how to respond, Gurney chose to return his bow.

"Aye, it's a good enough day", he remarked. "I don't mean to be rude, but I notice you had, eh, a little bit of trouble back there. I thought maybe I could help you to wherever you're going."

Oct 29th, 2002, 07:47:49 PM
“Well… I am at where I need to be, but I must find a swordsmaster though,” Chance replied, rubbing his chin in thought, “Do you happen to know any in this area?”

Gurney Devries
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:54:26 PM
The look of surprise that crossed Gurney's face was almost comical.

"A swordmaster, you say? That's certainly an unusual request. I was under the impression that the Jedi used lightsabers almost exclusively."

The former combat instructor brought one hand up to his chin, massaging it lightly. All he had on him was his Mistryl dagger, which he was never caught without. Still, he did have a sword, back in his quarters.

"Ayuh, I'd say I do know of one. You happen to be talking to him, in fact. What's on your mind?"

Oct 29th, 2002, 08:04:43 PM
“One thing everyone must learn is that Jedi aren’t all sabers and pretty lights,” Chance spoke before Gurney continued, “I purchased a interesting blade not too long ago and, quite frankly, I have no clue on how to use such.”

Chance had spent too much time with light sabers, making it difficult for him to branch out into different weapons. Soon, in the future probably, a task would come up where a saber was useless against the problem, and a bladed weapon could determine the effect of karma.

The Blind Knight reached over his shoulder and grasped the pummel of the sword and sliding it out of the sheath without a sound. Once the blade cleared the leather, Chance laid the blade over his free hand and held it out for the Padawan to examine.

“What do you think about it?”

Gurney Devries
Oct 29th, 2002, 08:16:50 PM
Gurney gave the blade a cursory glance, examining its make, size and various other minute details. The blade was free from wear, suggesting it had never before been used.

"Aye, it's a pretty nice sword you got there. Looks like it's actually got an edge on it, which is a plus. I've seen more people than I kin count who've got themselves swords without an edge, made only for beating someone to death. I'll tell you what: I have a sword of my own, back in my room. If you'll permit me, I'll go fetch it and return here."

Oct 29th, 2002, 08:28:22 PM
"By all means, please fetch this weapon of yours!" Chance replied with a wave of his now free hand, the blade of the sword resting lightly on his right shoulder..

Gurney Devries
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:23:18 AM
He nodded and turned to leave.

"I'll be back in just a minute. It's not very far from here", he said, walking briskly away. And, true to his word, he returned a minute later, a long and slender sword sheathed at his waist.

"I'm back", he said, not sure if Chance could hear him approach.

He pulled the sword free of its scabbard, the light glinting off of it brilliantly. He turned the blade around in his hand, offering the handle to Chance.

"Hold out yer hand. It's quite light."

Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:54:22 AM
Chance did so, reaching out slightly with his hand and taking the hilt of the weapon freely. Indeed it was light, lighter than his own. Chance ran a finger up the flat edge of the blade and over the crossbars before handing it back to Gurney.

"Very nice, I don't know much about blades, but it's obvious that it is very well made," Here Chance drew his own sword again, (which he had put back in the leather sheath after Gurney left,)

"Using these kinds of weapons are similar to lightsaber but with the weigth differance, correct?"

Gurney Devries
Nov 14th, 2002, 07:53:08 PM
ooc: Sorry it took me so long to post. /ic


Gurney took back his sword while making a face of consternation.

"Er... yes an' no, iffin ya follow. The basics are the same, a'course. But the very nature of lightsabers makes them vastly differ'nt. Would you like ta see a little bit 'bout how to use one?"

Nov 17th, 2002, 04:12:49 PM
"Yes, if you dont mind," Chance replied, motioning for Gurney to continue..

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:56:15 AM
He nodded.

"Ok... Ahve never really showed anyone how ta use a sword before, so bear with me. What I have here is a light, short sword. You wield it with one hand."

He held his aloft, slashing at the air to demonstrate its speed.

"What you got yourself there is a two-handed sword. It has the advantage of weight behind it, letting you strike much harder and deeper. That's where it begins to differ from lightsabers. But you hold it much in the same way."

He bent over, parting the cloak by his feet and retrieving his Mistryl dagger in his free hand.

"Now, I want you ta go ahead and take a swing at me with that sword of your's."

Nov 19th, 2002, 08:59:01 PM
Chance gave a firm and quick nod of his head before clenching the leather hilt in his hands. "Bear with me if I miss, blindness sucks'," He commented before swinging the sword horizonially at full arms length like that of a Baseball player striking a pitch...

Gurney Devries
Nov 19th, 2002, 09:37:10 PM
"This", Gurney spoke quickly, even as he brought his dagger up to block Chance's strike, "Is what's called a Parry-Dagger. Well, not technically... but that's what I'm using it as, right now. And this," he swung his sword around, gently letting it touch Chance's exposed side, "is the advantage to having one: You block with the dagger and strike when your opponenet leaves himself open."

He dropped both arms to his side, taking a step back.

"You see, there's a little more to swordfighting than using a lightsaber. What I just showed you is one of the reasons I prefer a one-handed sword.

The drawback of them, if you can call it that, is that they're not really meant for making deep wounds. They're more geared for making lots of light, small slashes. Your sword, on the other hand, is better known for nearly taking limbs off."

Gurney glanced around briefly, looking for something suitable to use as a demonstration. Off in the corner of the training area, there was a few rocks - ranging from pebbles to boulders - along with a few logs. Raising his hand in an effort to help him concentrate, he attempted to lift one of the logs, using the Force. After a few seconds, the log lifted into the air a bit, but continued to drop back down to the ground.

"Now if only I could get this stupid thing over here....", he mumbled.

Nov 23rd, 2002, 08:44:29 PM
Chance listened alertly as the parry dagger pinged against the blade of the sword in his hands, drawing back as Gurney took steps back and spoke.

"You see, there's a little more to swordfighting than using a lightsaber. What I just showed you is one of the reasons I prefer a one-handed sword.

The drawback of them, if you can call it that, is that they're not really meant for making deep wounds. They're more geared for making lots of light, small slashes. Your sword, on the other hand, is better known for nearly taking limbs off."

This perked a question in Chance's mind, to which he let sleep until the swordsman had finished and began concentrating on a long in the corner. "But, given enough experience with strength, blades, and the Force, one would be able to use a two-handed weapon in a manner that it could work as a quick, in and out, weapon or a hack, dismembermention, weapon... theoricially speaking, of course?"

Gurney Devries
Nov 24th, 2002, 12:14:14 AM
Gurney stopped trying to get the log over to them as he frowned, thinking about Chance's question.

"I'd not given it much thought. Using the Force, ye very well might be able to make up for a lot of lost speed and agility. But, by the same token, I bet you could do some really incredible stuff with a shorter blade and the a little bit o' the Force."

He looked down, slightly shocked, and noticed the log he was trying to pull over was neatly standing on its side at his feet.

"Well, whaddya know?", he muttered while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Now, I want ya to try and make as deep a cut into this log as you can. I'll hold it the best I can with the Force."

Nov 24th, 2002, 01:43:10 PM
"Mmm... alright," Chance replied, moving the sword behind him as he stood sideways. Reassuring his grip, the Knight hefted the blade up and brought it down apon the log. The sharpened edge split the upper half of the wood effortlessly, but the rough grand began to create friction against the metal.

Applying harder pressure by shifting his weight onto the hilt and pummel, Chance forced the blade down half the log's length before it wouldn't buldge again..