View Full Version : Odin - Training 1 - The path you must walk
Oct 28th, 2002, 05:04:50 PM
Sasha had promised Odin some time ago following a spar on that training grounds of the order that he would take him on and be his master. Since that time, Sasha had lost one apprentice to a rather precarious cliff, and travelled far and wide, learning the tale of his father in the process.
Since his return, he had since learned of Odin's absence from the palace - that he had been away on a personal voyage.
Of this, Sasha was curious, and more than that, he was prepared to begin his training of Odin.
He had left a note under Odin's door that morning, letting the lizard know that should he choose, his master could be found down on the training grounds.
This was where Sasha had chosen to spend his day, watching others, and if Odin arrived, speaking and working with him.
He walked for some time, enjoying the gentle breeze and the cooler weather that had come to pass for the day. And then he finally sat down beneath a tree and opened a book he had been carrying. While he waited for Odin, he studied a passage on the element of fire and its use in conjunction with the force.
Odin Murk
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:33:37 AM
:: I slipped down from the large tree Sasha sat under and hissed under my breath.::
Fire isssssssss useful but the plassssssssssmatic energy of the lightning still sssssssssseemsssssssss to cause more damage.
:: A slight shivering came from the tree above and I looked up and made a strong clicking noise. My clan... or what was left, was about as prejudice as I had been but they seemed even more so when they were in a group.::
Nov 4th, 2002, 05:53:43 PM
He did not appear to be concerned or disturbed in the least as Odin slithered down the tree and came to speak with him.
He smiled.
"Im not concerned with which will do more damage. Im more concerned with learning all that there is to know. A small mind tends to make a shorter life..." He replied easily.
He glanced up as Odin did, clicking in clearly some sort of rebuke.
"Why dont you tell me of your travels..." Sasha suggested.
"Youve been away for quite some time..."
Odin Murk
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:11:00 PM
:: I nodded to his statement and made another clicking noise and watched them slither from the shadows.::
Sasha, meet the glory of my clan, the Zodiac is what they would be called in your tongue...
Nov 7th, 2002, 10:07:53 AM
As they slithered down from the tree, Sasha stood and looked to each and every one of them, nodding his head to each in a respectful greeting.
“Im honored to have the opportunity.” He replied, his gaze coming back to Odin.
“Is this what has been keeping you busy?” He asked.
“You went to find the others?”
Odin Murk
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:47:13 AM
I was sssssssssssent a message from my ssssssssssecond, the one I put in charge while I went to learn the power of the darksssssssssside, that said that we were being syssssssssssssstematically killed by hereticsssssssssss. I left to find them and pull them out. I did and now the clan of nearly a thousand issssssssss left to it's elite, the Zodiac. Others sssssssssssssurvived but they did not agree or feel like dealing with large groups of mammalssssssssssss so they decided to ssssssssssplit off.
Odin's Clan
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:01:05 PM
:: The clan leaped onto the ground before the mammal and Odin, they all slowly listened to the dialogue between the two, Odin constantly trying to lower himself by becoming a fluent in their guttural and inferior language.
Out of the Zodiac stepped a very similar looking reptillian to Odin's stature but with a deep scar through one eye and much longer tail. This was Scorpio, Odin's second and it, under the recommendation of Odin had learned some basic also.::
Hooman... Sssssssssscorpio... Ssssssssssecond tu Odin.
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:43:38 PM
Sasha listened, a thoughtful expression faintly crossing his features.
“Im sorry for the loss of the others.” He stated respectfully, and with sincerity.
He watched as they began to creep forward a bit, surrounding the Odin and the one he had asked to train him.
As the second in command stepped forward, his basic was slightly broken, though quit understandable.
Sasha nodded.
“Sasha.” He replied, gesturing to himself.
He turned back to Odin.
“Are any of them force sensitive?” He asked.
Odin Murk
Nov 10th, 2002, 01:34:07 PM
:: I glared at the smallest and then to my second.::
Aquariussssssssss... also known as Tek is force sensssssssssitive, but only with machinery, we assume the darkside blessssssssssed him with some power to make up with hissssssss lack of physical abilities. And Ssssssssssscorpio... he has a few basssssssssssssics I taught him but his concept of the force is not ssssssssstrong enough, nor will it ever be. He doesn't understand that the their are two sssssssssides to the force... Ssssssscorpio had a nest, which means he was retired from hunting, his life had been peaceful... but the hereticsss...
:: My eyes crackled with energy at the thought of it.::
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:19:17 AM
Sasha’s eyes looked over each one of them as Odin spoke, and then back to Odin himself.
“Have you found time for training in between…leading your group?” He asked. It was not a challenge, it was simply a question asked in order to better gauge what his apprentice might or might not need. Certainly, leadership was a good quality to have, and something that Sasha, as a master, would encourage.
Odin Murk
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:02:33 AM
:: I nodded to Sasha, the whole quest had been one big expirement, and the training derived fro it had been very useful.::
Yessssssssssss, I have increased my skills to a greater capacity, souls devoured in the hundredssssssssss, accumalating and strengthening me.
Nov 20th, 2002, 12:43:10 PM
He nodded with this. It was his belief that Odin was close to being ready for advancement to knighthood. But he wasnt there yet.
His leadership skills were abundantly clear, and while Odin was quick to judge on the basis of what he believed was inferior, he was a quick learner. While it was likely he would always carry these prejudices with him, he was more aware that this was, in some situations unwise.
What Odin needed, in order to be promoted, was to demonstrate his knowledge of force skills - not raw physical battle skills - for knighthood in the order was based on both. A Sith could not advance without having considerable knowledge of force skills.
Whenever Sasha had sparred with Odin, or seen Odin spar, he had witnessed excellent physical strenth, but nothing of the mental force powers that an apprentice should be able to demonstrate.
This was Odin's downfall. Until he accepted that physical strength was not the only key to winning battles, he would remain where he was - and eventually his learning would stagnate, for there was only so much to learn about physical skills.
"And what skills would those be, that you've worked on?" Sasha asked.
Odin Murk
Nov 20th, 2002, 01:21:58 PM
Mosssssssst of what I've taught mysssssssself have been support abilities. Sssssssssspeeding myself up and slowing othersssssssss down. I've been usssssssssssing my abilities to make the Zodiac unssssssssssstoppable and developing my own senssssssssssory sssssssskills in the force and increasing the range of my force pusssssssssh and pull. But I am aware that, alone, againssssssssst more atune force user I have smaller chancesssssssss. So far, I have not come to that point yet.
Nov 20th, 2002, 01:58:52 PM
Speed and strength increased through the force were helpful, and force shoves, of course, were always a good tactic. But there were so many other things.
“What have you learned of detecting the presence of other force users, or reading the minds or emotions of others?” He asked.
“What of illusions or force lightning?”
Sasha sighed.
“You need to take the mental aspects of training as seriously as you do the other aspects, Odin. There is more to the force than merely increasing speed and strength, and pushing others around. Those tactics are basics, to build upon.”
He glanced over at Odin’s followers.
“Perhaps you might dismiss them for a while, and we can work on some of these things….” He suggested, though, it was more of a command than a polite request.
Sasha took being a master very seriously, and he expected the same of his apprentices.
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