View Full Version : A message to Oriadin

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 28th, 2002, 03:36:46 AM
There was a datapad awaiting for him, sent via courier from the Senate.

Padawan Oriadin,

You are hereby required to create your own lightsabre. This sabre shall thence be presented to me within 30 days. You are not allowed to ask other Jedi how to do this, but you may access any archive you wish.


OOC : 30 days = within 10 posts. You are under test - you are required to describe the workings of a sabre, then create one and test, then present to myself. Satisfactory completion of this task, I will go ahead with what I have in mind


Oct 28th, 2002, 03:45:58 AM
Oriadin recived the data pad and nodded. He had expected this as she had mentioned the building of his own saber in a recent training session. Thoughts began racing through his head on what to do next. Where to get the parts and whatnot. 30 days... would that be enough time? No time to waste he thought to himself.