View Full Version : Purchase (TriOptimum)

Jeseth Cloak
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:14:05 PM
Vessel: Super Star Destroyer
Price: Your ability to legally engage in business transactions anywhere in the galaxy.
Payment Method: Renewal of Imperial sanctions and corporate licenses.
Delivery Method: None. I will personally arrive at Myrkyr with an armed escort to relieve you of custody.

Ryu Warusa
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:24:03 PM
Vessel: Slaved Super Star Destroyer w/ Full Compliment of Droids and Droid Fighters
Payment Grudgingly Accepted

Jeseth Cloak
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:09:28 PM
A pleasure doing business with you, as always.

Telan Desaria
Nov 9th, 2002, 05:13:55 PM
The Imperial Sovereignty,as far as business transactions go, would be willing to cede to TriOptimum directly, forty pecent of weekly produced bacta. This you could sell at your own leisure and icrease or lower the price thereof.

We have the IC ability to sustain her.

We are as wiling to pay 60,000,000,000 billion credits from the Imperial Treasury to pay for her.

Post here, pm, or im me with your answer.