View Full Version : Teaching my cuzin how to fight (Destiny)

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:38:44 AM
Straffe stood deep in the forest. His young cousin requested that he teach her how to fight. Since he was familiar to the art of hand to hand combat he decided to show her some techniques. He sat in a tree, hidden by the leaves and watched the lake that was beside it. The ripples of the water almost hypnotizing. He wore his black cloak and had his Martial Arts uniform under it.

He woundered where his cousin was since he couldnt wait all day. He thaught to himself

This is going to be fun

He remebered the days when he was young and used to wrestle with her. He remebered somedays she used to win...But not today.

Destiny Stormrider
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:27:52 PM
Suddently, a voice interrupted Straffe's thoughts:

"So.....I'm here as you summoned me!"

It was the person he was waiting for, his cousin. She had approached him calmly. Her face was right beside his right ear as she talked soflty.

Before Straffe had the chance to turn around, the young girl had kicked his leg, kneeling him to the ground.

"Boy o boy! Has my brother taught you anything at all?" she said, followed by a wink. She then offered her hand to bring him back up.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 31st, 2002, 10:35:53 AM
He took her hand and flipped her on her back. She seamed a bit stuned at how fast he moved. He then picked her up and stodd her straight

"So are you ready to learn to fight?"

Straffe removed his cloak and revealed his black belt and Kung Fu uniform. He was ready to show her alot

Destiny Stormrider
Oct 31st, 2002, 03:00:24 PM
Destiny's back hurt but she managed to laugh at her own mistake.

Should've figured.....Man he's good!

The teenager rubbed her back gently to ease the pain and then managed to make eye contact with her cousin:

"I don't need to LEARN...I KNOW how to fight!" she replied on a babyish tone, even if deep down, Destiny couldn't wait to learn his techniques.

Her cousin was the only one Destiny fought with for fun since childhood. She admired him, because he had always been better skilled than her, and even if she never admit it, she knew that.

"But I'm always up for a challenge!"

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:12:35 AM
Straffe walked around her slowly examining her. He saw that she had a naturaal build to be flecible. After examining her appearence he staopped in front of her

"Well...Show me then"

Straffe got into his normal tiger position and awaited her move

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 4th, 2002, 06:19:55 PM
With a very serious expression on her face, Destiny nodded. She cautiously approached her cousin, right foot first, with her fists ready. The girl had found some sort of confidence out of nowhere. Suddently, her left leg left the ground as a whip to hit her cousin's stomach.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:13:41 PM
Straffe side stepped and blocked the kick with his left hand, he then pulled his knee up and let her weight hit his knee. She fell to the ground winded. He stood her back up and waited until she got her breath back.

"Thats is one of your average blocks and you must have fast reflex's to block and use the attack. Other then that...Good kick"

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 7th, 2002, 05:58:25 PM
Destiny felt she had broken a food pipe or something, the pain was unbearable! She had her hands wrapped around her stomach, and was moving from front to back.

"Trust me! There is NO WAY I'll forget that block!" she said with the little power she had left.

Finally, Destiny gained back her stability and took a stance, waiting for her cousin to make a move.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:12:53 PM
Straffe watchd as Destiny got back up. He admired her courage and stamina. He quickly dashed towards her and slid on the ground to trip her. He then fliped up and back kicked her

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:33:16 PM
Destiny felt her cousin coming with that one, somehow Straffe had learnt a lot over the years, but he had kept some of his old moves.

"Argh!" she groaned.

Destiny jumped to avoid being tripped but as she got her feet back on the ground, she received Straffe's kick in the back. Obviously, her reflexes were good but the girl couldn't manage to think about more than a move being queued up.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 13th, 2002, 07:01:26 PM
He walked over and put her back on here feet.

"Dont worry about what move to use...Just try your best to hit me"

Straffe took a few steps back and wited for her to attack this time

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 15th, 2002, 05:23:35 PM
Straffe's words didn't help Destiny because she was stubborn, she didn't like to listen to other people, even when it was for her own good.

The Stormrider turned about and sent her left elbow in for her cousin's neck.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:15:38 PM
Strafffe arched his back so that the elbow went right over his face. He then stuck out his foot and pushed her away

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 23rd, 2002, 07:17:15 PM
Destiny stumbled across a rock as she got pushed away by her cousin. The young girl got back up and took a deep breath.

Destiny smiled. "This is as hard as it used to be. Times change...people don't..." she thought.

The Stormrider girl then rushed towards Straffe and kicked on the side of his chest.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 24th, 2002, 10:03:39 AM
Straffe didnt move as he obsorbed the blow. As her foor connected with his side, he grabed it and twisted i. She spunn to the ground. He slowly walked over to her and picked her back up.

"You have to learn how to do more then one move"

Straffe took a deep breath but grimised as he felt a shot of pain run up his side. He tried his hardest to not show that she did some damage to him

Destiny Stormrider
Nov 24th, 2002, 02:53:55 PM
Destiny got frustrated. Her cousin kept picking her up as if she were still a baby.

"STOP PICKING ME UP! I AM NO MORE THE BABY YOU REMEMBER ME AS! YOU KNOW, IT'S BEEN QUITE LONG SINCE WE LAST MET!" she said chuckling. The girl was trying to be nice about it but she hated the fact that her brothers and her cousin seemed to treat her like a child.

"Anyways...back to the topic, if Jedi Padawan Straffe Stormrider knows so many different moves, he will surely not mind showing me some, so bring it on bro!" she said, taking position and awaiting his move. But Destiny soon realized something was wrong with Straffe.

"Say, are you ok?" she asked with concern.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:55:56 PM
Straffe smiled to not show his weakness

"You want me to go all out? Just dont say I didnt warn you"

He quickly dashed at Destiny with incredible speed. He simply stuck out his knee witch connected with her middle abdomen. He then jammed his elbow onto her back, making her fall to the ground instantly. He stood there, watching her, waiting for her move.

"You must concentrate. Do not let your emotions get in the way of your fighting. You must stay clear minded all the time, for you must choose your battles wisely"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:27:30 PM
Destiny was flat on her stomach when she pushed herself back up with her palms. She couldn't bear the pain anymore. The Stormrider managed her way towards a tree and sat on the ground leaning agains it, her arms crossed against her.

"You mind taking a break for now?" she asked with a trembling voice, looking up at her cousin.

OOC: Sorry, fighting treads are like broccoli to me ;)

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 13th, 2002, 10:08:02 AM
O.O.C: Its all gravy baby :D


Straffe fallowed his cousin over to the tree and sat down beside her

"Guss you still cant beat me..."

He chuckled lightly

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 16th, 2002, 01:29:12 PM
Destiny hated defeat, but sadly, it seemed she had to accept it today. She looked at her cousin, making an eye connection that could not be broken.

"You know, I'm just a bit rusty. I can't even remember the last time I fought anyone." she said with an evil-looking smile.

Destiny would never admit being wrong, and Straffe should've known this by now. She could've been on the floor, bleeding like Hell, and still manage to keep her dignity.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:48:30 PM
Straffe wraped his arm around her neck to comfort her

"Just remeber...Ill always be there for you...No matter what. Just yell when your in trouble and ill be there"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:07:13 PM
It did in fact make her feel better.

"Thanks Straffe, means a lot to me." she told him, looking straight into his eyes.

"So how's your mom and the rest of your family?" she asked innocently. It had been very long since she had last seen any close family members.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:03:30 PM
Straffe's heart sank when he had remebered what happened to his family

"My Mother....Is dead. She died awhile ago because of my step father. He had got real drunk one night and nearly beat her to death. When she was in the hospital she told me that I had family in the Greater Jedi Order. She said that there were others like me in the world. She said to look for someone with the same last name as me. She knew I was destined for great things. She died right there in front of me. All that was left was my little brother Drake. We were sepereated because we were to young to stay on our own. After they put me in a foster home, I ran away to find a meaning in life. I spent alot of my life searching for myself and my brother. I spent alot of years alone untill I found my way here. Then everything came together after becoming a Jedi. I found the rest of my family, I found my brother and I found people who treat me with respect. Destiny..."

He looked deep into her eyes

"I joined the order to help those in need because I know what its like to have nothing. That why I want you to be happy and if you need anything to just ask me....Ok?"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 27th, 2002, 06:59:28 PM
Destiny felt really bad to have asked such a question. As she listened to him, she felt his pain. She thought of what she'd do if ever she had to see her mother die in front of her and was horrified.

"Of course I'll ask you! What are you there for anyways?!" she said with a wink.

Destiny had tried a lame joke, but it was the best she could come up with.

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 27th, 2002, 08:58:07 PM
Straffe cracked a small smile for his cousin

"For me to pick on of course"

Straffe grabbed his cousin and held her close. A small tear rolled down his cheek as he has never felt apart of something for so long

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:26:46 PM
Destiny felt really bad at her cousin's comment. From now on, she was decided that she'd try to stop picking on him as much...but it wasn't guaranteed.

Suddenly the young girl got up.

"So you still up for more?"

Straffe Stormrider
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:17:23 PM
Straffe hid his emotions cause he had to keep his tough guy image up. He roled on the floor then fliped onto his feet

"Want some of me?"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:45:26 PM
Destiny turned about and directed a kick towards Straffe's face.


Straffe Stormrider
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:42:14 PM
Straffe didnt see it comming as her foot connected with his face. He staggered a few feet back and shook his head to stop the dizzyness. He smiled as blood started to run from his nose. He wiped it on his sleeve and charged at Destiny. He tackled her to the ground but quickly jumped back to his feet

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:37:51 PM
Destiny was very excited as she was finally able to hit her cousin.

"YES!!!" she screamed as she jumped of happiness.

But that didn't last for long. Destiny soon felt bad as she saw blood dripping from her cousin's face. She looked away; and was then surprised by Straffe.

The teenager soon got back on her two feet, her arms prepared to attack if needed.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:45:03 PM
Straffe smiled at her. He slowly made his way to her, waving his hands really fast to keep her off guard. As soon as he was close enough he waved his hands fast so that he could deek her out. He made the bottem of his palm hit her right in the fore head. He then took both hands and pushed her back

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 2nd, 2003, 03:56:37 PM
Concentration Destiny...Concentration... she kept repeating to herself. Straffe's little hand trick did not distract Destiny, but his next moves were unexpected from her.

"What the...?" she exclamed as she was pushed by her cousin.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 2nd, 2003, 04:01:43 PM
Straffe jumped into the air and landed with both feet on each side of her. He then sat down ontop, pinning her to the ground. He started to pinch and pull her face while talking to her like she was a baby

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 3rd, 2003, 12:43:48 PM
Straffe's actions struck Destiny very badly. She was wondering if she was having a hallucination of if her cousin really went crazy. With all her strength she pushed him, making him land meters away.

"Wow! I can do that?!...I mean.....What's wrong with you?!"

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:03:02 PM
He layed on the ground laughing to himself

"Im fine Destiny...At least you know how to push someone"

Straffe got back up and dusted off his shirt

"Show me what else you got"

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 4th, 2003, 06:54:07 PM
Destiny blushed. She herself did not know what she had, how could she show Straffe? Only the future would tell what Destiny Stormrider was truly about...

Suddenly, confusion appeared on the teenager's face.

"Straffe..." she mumbled "I think it was fear or anger that gave me the strength to push you like that, do you think the Darkside might take over me?"

It was a foolish fear, but it terribly scared the girl.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 5th, 2003, 03:20:10 PM
Straffe walked over to Destiny and put his hand on his on her shoulder

"Keep your mind clear and pure....You will not be affected by the darkside"

He huged her to show that she had nothing to fear

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 6th, 2003, 06:16:14 PM
Destiny listened to Straffe's words with consideration. But soon, she realized that Straffe had made ONE mistake, simply one...let his guards down.

As Straffe was hugging her, Destiny flipped him over her head. It was hard, since she wasn't very strong, but the will to prove herself to her cousin gave the Stormrider girl the power she needed.

She then turned around and took a stance.

"Sorry, but if there's one thing I've learnt so far, it's to never let my guards down, thought I'd share it with you!" Destiny told Straffe with a child-like innocent smile.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 11:17:29 AM
Straffe laughed histarically as he never knew that Destiny could be so sneaky. He fliped up onto his feet and looked at her

"I was testing you..."

He made a devious look on his face to show that he ment to do it

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 03:50:29 PM
Destiny backed off slightly as she saw Straffe get back up. She smiled at him, although not sure if she should believe his words or not.

Destiny then directed a kick towards Straffe's stomach.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 07:28:16 PM
Straffe saw the kick comming. He quickly caught her foot and saw the surprised look she had on her face, like she knew what was going to happen. He simply twisted her foot so that she would fall to the gorund spinning

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:17:24 PM

Destiny did in fact know what her cousin would do. By this time, she knew perfectly that Straffe was a great fighter and had even better reflexes (of course, not as good as her own...in her opinion).

She screamed as she fell to the ground.

"Hey! That kills! I think I twisted my ankle." Destiny said in a childish way, tears about to start running down her cheeks. Her ankle was NOT twisted, but she didn't know that...

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:43:17 PM
Straffe laughed a bit as he witnesed her childesh like state. He stood there with arms crossed, not moving

"Im not helping you up...Im not falling for that agin. Your ankel isnt even twisted"

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:16:13 PM
Drake stood in the shodows of the trees. He watched his brother and cousin fight and was impressed. She was becoming better and better as she progressed. He found her amusing with all the stunts she pulled trying to win or at least get a good shot at straffe.Sudentaly old memories of he and his brother raced through his mind. They used to fight every day. Straffe hadn't changed a bit, he always acted as the strong one, trying to better than every one else. Drake enjoyed the good old days until the Sith invasion if his home town, He and his brother escaped but there mother was killed. That was the day Straffe left to become a Jedi. Drake was left along with a swordsman who taught him how to fight.

Drake stood there and continued to watch the lesson and not disturbe anyone, until it was time.

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:32:24 PM
Destiny was furious to see that Straffe didn't believe her.

"Yeah right! How'd you know, it's my ankle and I know when..." she said, and suddenly stopped. She had gotten up while talking and now realized that Straffe was right.

"Um...Sorry...but I swear I didn't know!" the Stormrider replied, feeling quite stupid.

She stood there, awaiting Straffe's next move.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:53:52 PM
Straffe laughed

"Told you I wasnt going to fall for it"

He sensed his brothers pressence but said nothing of it, hoping that maybe Destiny would pick up his signature. He quickly dashed forwards and grabed her arm, twisting it so that he held both of them behind her

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 10th, 2003, 06:42:57 PM
The pain was unbearable to Destiny. She fell to her knees and with great force and speed rolled to the side, making Straffe lose his balance. They rolled for quite a while and finally when they stopped, Destiny was over Straffe.

Her mind though, was elsewhere.

"Straffe?...", she asked, "Do you feel something, like a burst of energy coming from elsewhere? Somewhere around here..." she inquired, looking around suspiciously.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 11th, 2003, 10:00:12 PM
Straffe let her go and got back to his feet

"So you finally sensed him..."

He looked towards the tree that his brother was hideing behind

"You remember Drake dont you Destiny?"

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:46:52 PM
Drake removed himself from the shodow of the great giant tree and showed himself to his brother and cousin. Drake removed his hood from his head and walked up to them.

"Boy it took you long to sence me"

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:32:11 PM
Straffe turned to his brother

"You only think it took long but I sensed you since you got here...Or you just need a shower"

A smile spread across his face as he said those words

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:42:17 PM
Destiny felt like joining Straffe's side. By now, they had almost become brother and sister, rather than cousins.

"Yeah...well we were busy doing something more important, like say...fooling around!"she replied with a wink.

It was fun picking on Drake, especially since for once Destiny wasn't the target of the mockery.

"So what brings you here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, simply to make him feel uncomfortable.

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 14th, 2003, 02:36:45 PM
Drake winked back at her taking. Drake didn't mind being picked on by his family members. Drake then smiled at Straffes "compliment".

"what bring me here you say?? Well.... i came to check up on you guys, to see how mu cuz is doing"

Drake winked back at destiny and smiled

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 15th, 2003, 11:00:13 AM
Straffe walked up to Drake and pushed him back

"You better watch yourself...She can really pack a punch"

He looked back at Destiny and gave her a smile while rubbing his nose

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 15th, 2003, 10:38:23 PM
Drake pshed his brother back

"I never said she couldn't"

Drake was begining to get frusterated with his brothers comments.

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 16th, 2003, 03:34:43 PM
Destiny saw the tension go up between the two brothers.

"Hey! Chillax you two!" she said, interposing herself between them. "What's up in the family?! Brothers never get along!"

Straffe and Drake seemed like an exact replica of Lance and Xeno, but younger. The same arrogance in one of them, and the same "Don't act like if you're better than me!" in the other.

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 16th, 2003, 05:56:45 PM
Drake smiled at Destiny

"I do get alone with by brother were just playing, aren't we bro?"

Draked stoped smileing and went back to his serious face

"So whats up with your training?? how are you doing so far?"

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:09:22 PM
Straffe gave her a smile

"We are just buggin...Its sibbling rivalry"

He he gave his brother a friendly tap on the shoulder

"We have been here for a while now...Just showin Detiny how to fight thats all"

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 19th, 2003, 02:04:25 PM
"So is she kicking your a*s*s yet bro?"

Drake was confident that Destiny would be able to beat up his brother.

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:20:16 PM
There was a smirk on Destiny's lips.

"Nah! I don't feel like it today! Wouldn't want to make a Jedi look weak now, would I?"

Destiny knew very well that she had a long way to go before being half as good as Straffe. She simply lacked the training, but then again, she wasn't going to admit that due to her proud personality.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 19th, 2003, 07:00:37 PM
"She is pretty strong...For a *caughs* Girl *caughs*...Jedi"

He smiled as she gave him a severe look

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 06:49:36 PM
Destiny acted furious.

"Well FINE! This Girl, as you say, will leave you two menfight like the baboons that you are!" she said before starting to leave, her arms crossed and looking a bit annoyed. Destiny's walk resembled a child's, but a much bigger one! She looked back narrowing her eyes, turned back, and left.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:18:50 PM
He smiled as he remember that she looked exactly the same as when she was smaller. He continued to laugh as she walked away

"Dont forget...Just think of me when your in trouble"

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:24:13 PM
Drake feel on the floor laughing his heart out and then had a thought

"Hey destiney how about you and I fight Straffe together, for say double team him"

Drake waited for a response

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 23rd, 2003, 07:27:11 PM
Straffe turned to Drake

"Thats not funny...Wait...Ya, come on Destiny. 2 on 1. It cant get easier then that"

Destiny Stormrider
Jan 25th, 2003, 08:55:01 PM
"Yeah! Yeah!" was the only response that came from Destiny concerning Straffe's help. Drake's offer made her feel worse.

"No thanks! I may be weak, but I fight fairly! Have fun the two of you! And Drake...see ya if you're there tomorrow morning!"

Destiny waved without turning back. A few moments later, there was no sign of her.

Straffe Stormrider
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:12:35 PM
Straffe watched as she dissappeared. He turned to Drake

"Well dude...I gatta go...Im tired. See ya later"

He walked away and towards the Living Quarters

Drake Lonerunner
Jan 26th, 2003, 03:36:07 PM
Drake nodded and did the same