View Full Version : Goldilocks? nah [lookin for a roommate]

Kirrto McKavity
Oct 27th, 2002, 08:06:19 AM
The silver disk of the speederboard flew hazardously along the corridor, about five feet off the ground, decapitation height for most of the residents.

Clinging onto it for dear life with the tips of his fingers was Kirrto MacKavity, now having serious regrets about buying the frelling thing in the first place.

He had started out fine, standing proudly on top of the silver disk, as it cruised along sedately about a foot off the ground, as he practiced making it go higher, lower, and ocasionally speeding it up to about the speed of a gentle jog.

after about ten minutes of this, he had decided to take it full speed, the thing had zipped out from under him, and now left him in his current predicament of clinging to it by his fingertips, with no way to get down.

It hurtled around a corner, and straight into a solid wall, just as he finally built up the courage to let go and fall to the floor.

slightly stunned, he picked it up off the floor and tucked it under one arm, then continued his search for a room. he had no idea how to pick one, did he just walk into a room that looked empty?

he pushed the nearest door, and found that to his surprise it opened.

the room seemed empty enough, the bed covers a little crumpled, but not enough to suggest that someone lived there.

he slung the speederboard into an empty wardrobe, and lay down on the bed, shutting his eyes and hoping to get some sleep before going out to find out more about the Order.