View Full Version : Downward Spiral: The Beast of Bodmington

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 27th, 2002, 06:04:23 AM
<center><u>Rammstein – Du riechst so gut</u>

“Der Wahnsinn
ist nur eine schmale Brücke
die Ufer sind Vernunft und Trieb
ich steig dir nach
das Sonnenlicht den Geist verwirrt
ein blindes Kind das vorwärts kriecht
weil es seine Mutter riecht

Ich finde dich

Die Spur ist frisch und auf die Brücke
tropft dein Schweiss dein warmes Blut
ich seh dich nicht
ich riech dich nur Ich spüre Dich
ein Raubtier das vor Hunger schreit
wittere ich dich meilenweit

Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde dich
- so gut
ich steig dir nach
du riechst so gut
gleich hab ich dich

Jetzt hab ich dich

Ich warte bis es dunkel ist
dann fass ich an die nasse Haut
verrate mich nicht
oh siehst du nicht die Brücke brennt
hör auf zu schreien und wehre dich nicht
weil sie sonst auseinander bricht

Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde dich
- so gut
ich steig dir nach
du riechst so gut
gleich hab ich dich

Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher
du riechst so gut
ich finde Dich
- so gut
ich fass dich an
du riechst so gut
jetzt hab ich dich

Du riechst so gut
du riechst so gut
ich geh dir hinterher.”</center>

Cold breath spiralled through the air in a plume barely visible to the naked it. It was cold, but not so chilly that ice had formed. Instead rain massed in puddles on the pavements and in the sheaves of grass. The continual under-foot crushing of the blades as Vega strode off of the knoll onto the pavement. Up ahead there was a mid-way rest point, built for travellers just like the Lupine and his friend. After a short while of walking, the two arrived at the door and pushed it open.

Stepping in, they found themselves in the warm glow of lamplight, and were welcomed by a rosy cheeked middle-aged man. The blonde man strode forward up to the desk, and said in a highly accentuated tone:

“A room for two. Make it a large one, with two single beds… and a window looking out onto the forest-land.”

With a nod, the man scribbled down what the two gentlemen had asked for, the proceeded to ask for their names. In the book, Vega noticed, there were only four other guests. Heightened eyesight permitted him a scan of their names: Mr and Mrs Turrel, Mr Mulvain, Mrs Henderson and Mr Graham. None had been here longer than one or two nights, aside from Mr Graham, who appeared to be a long residing resident.

“The name’s Mino. Petr Mino.”

The man smiled pleasantly and gestured towards the stairs on the back wall, before handing a key to ‘Petr’, who gave him a handful of credits in return. The two departed, and once out of sight of the reception, and into the room, Vega sighed heavily.

“Not exactly the Ritz, but it’ll do.”

Severen Morkonis
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:08:51 AM
'I don't know why you feel the need on taking my training to locations of apsaloute filth.' He said flatly from under his water drenched hood. ' I mean this place stinks,...look at that..just look at that!'He looked towards a pile of dropping left by ether a bird or small feline in disgust.

Sieken lifted his hood away from his face no they were safely walking down the corridor to there large, 2 bedroom 'apartment'. The place was dimply lit and was plastered from wall to bulk in cream and red wall paper, it smelt like crap and never in his life had he seen such dirty disgusting people inhabiting of that in the hotels bowels. he birthed wide at a man who walked between Vega and Sieken who smelt just like a wet dog.

'This is what you call a Halloween trip do you?...so wheres the pumpkins hmm?' He asked Vega as they got to there room....number 13a.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 30th, 2002, 10:46:18 AM
“Halloween?” he remarked in reply, a little confused, though shrug the remark off in an instant.

“We’re here – surprise – for a little more training. Like you couldn’t have guessed anyway, but,” Vega threw his bag that had been on his shoulder down on one of the two beds in the room.

“It’s hunting season!”

Severen Morkonis
Nov 1st, 2002, 01:11:54 PM
' The hell?' He said after slopping his backpack on the bed. ' We have done this time and time again, gone out and killed somone, walked on, kill somone....it gets boring Vega!' he added with a silent sigh.

Sieken flopped himself onto his bed, and with his weight,crumbs and dust sprang into the air. 'Just great'

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 1st, 2002, 03:00:09 PM
“We aren’t just here to kill people,” he snapped in reply.

“Training, you fool. You’re a bloody Lupine yet you can’t change without me ‘saying the magic words’. I want that changed.”

Severen Morkonis
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:56:30 PM
'oh...' Sieken simply said tilting his head side to side with a snap. ' And how do you think you are going to do that?' he asked looking out the window to a very rain sogged street, the heavens bucketing rain down hard.

' Sometimes i wonder why you changed me in the first place...' He said flatly.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:42:55 AM
“It’s not exactly hard to do, Sieken. If Darius could master it when he was barely past being a newborn, then I’m sure you can do it too.”

Stepping up to the window, he looked out onto the dark road, where a speeder of some kind was passing by.

“You just have to want to be able to do it …”

He tilted his head around to look over his shoulder, “So do you?”

Severen Morkonis
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:28:06 AM
'Right... He said with little intrest. ' So from werewolf to full Lupin....i just simply love the idea sire!' He said braking into a fake song and dance about the idea. He got up swiftly, did a full turn on his toes and then bowed low at his Master with a sneer.

' Do what you want....this THING you turned me into is discusting anyway...Whatever you do to me only makes memore insane.' He looked at Vega for a few moments then turned to the window again.