View Full Version : Life is a Beach.

Milivikal k'Vik
Oct 27th, 2002, 02:21:02 AM
Mili hated oceans. Hated. Loathed.

Of course, the spaceport rose out of the ocean, flanked by beach on either side. Thus, she spited the spaceport.

She hated oceans, and she hated salt air. The Siren turned around, looking back into the ship, Tirsa and Sorsha still inside. She had been here less than five minutes, and decided it was a vile place.

"I hate this place. It was my idea, but I hate this place already."
Every intake of salted air was followed by an exhale of disgust and dissapointment.

Somewhere in Bast, Mili had found a simple black annodized metal cane, with a plain silver top. She now twirled it, using her middle finger as a fulcrum. Twice it went around, before she brought it back to the ground, a bit hard, bringing a delightful metal ping. Her eyes squinted as the sun looked around the puffy white clouds again, and Mili cursed it for being so bright, and her parents for being so pale. The temperature, though, was perfect. If nudity were not taboo, the Siren's first action would have been to remove her red spagetti-strap top and black pants, and stay in the shade.

"So, what shall we do first?"

Tirsa Krylana
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:45:51 PM
:: hopping out of the ship, Tirsa shaded her eyes with a gloved hand and sighed ::

"We couldn't have waited until night could we!"

:: her eyes were squinting so tightly that it was hard to make out Mili. Her people had a problem with such bright and sun shiny weather which made Tirsa's eyes light sensitive ::

"We're getting sunglasses first. That's what we're doing."

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:56:49 AM
:: Sorsha steps out of the ship with a hop and a bounce. There was a look of child-like glee on her face as she looked around ::

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 23rd, 2003, 06:55:44 PM
Sorsha was bouncy. Ye gods and demons! Sunlight cascaded off of her blonde hair, as if it were liquid gold.

"I wish I had a hat." Mili remarked, feeling rather like an ant beneath a mangifying glass. She could litterally feel the sun burning her skin. Sorsha seemed absolutely unpeturbed, and bathed in the light.

"Yes. Sunglasses and hats."

She crouched and peered off the edge of landing platform, looking for somewhere suitable. The spaceport was littered with botiques of all sorts, selling everything from sunblock to souvineers, from eveningwear to underwear and swimsuits.

"Its too damned bright." Tirsa was right. They should have waited till evening.

Well, it was clear they had to go shopping. Whether they would purchase the goods was another matter altogether.

The landing platforms mercifully provided shade from the noon sun. Tirsa looked relieved.

Tirsa Krylana
Feb 25th, 2003, 04:52:31 PM
:: the Nebari rubbed her eyes, trying in vain to get rid of all the sun spots that blurred her vision ::


:: She blinked a few times and finally her vision did clear up. Tirsa's eyes widen considerably because now she could see all the wonderful stuff they could snurch ... And one place in particular had sunglasses! ::

"I'll ... be right back!" :D

:: Tirsa snuck off towards the vender to ... borrow a pair of much needed eyeware ::

Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 28th, 2003, 02:33:35 PM
:: Sorsha's tummy growled, so instinct took over as she tracked down the source of cooking smells ::