View Full Version : Name your useful skills
Morgan Evanar
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:59:59 PM
Initially this was a topic mostly for my own selfish plot needs, but I figured everyone should sort of post promenit useful skills that they have. Could be very useful for invoking some Jedi in an RP. (cough cough cough selfish I am cough)
(I see everyone went fancypants on me. Well, I can play :D )
Heightend Senses (natural)
Danger Sense
Force signature bluring
*Light/Immediate area energy manipulation
Hand to hand combat
Mental Resistance
Animal Instincts
Unpredictable responses to mental attacks/manipulation.
...most everything not listed.
*Could bend lightning around him.
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:35:31 AM
All around skills, but deals a lot in the healing arts.
Actually, I never really thought of it till now.
Marcus Telcontar
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:56:00 AM
Ooo, I wrote this out not long ago....
(Goes to a dig up)
I presume Force abilities, although listing physical could be good as well
Hide (but not the normal way)
Telekinesis (Basis of a lot of his abilities / Defines a lot of his moves via Teleknesis like Weather Control and Firestorming)
Energy Manipulation - both short and long range
Danger Sense - not gifted, refined like crazy
Warrior Arts / Combat (duh)
Physical Prowess
Shielding / Mental strength
Commune with nature / animals
Mechincal apitude
Play offs - Average at Mind Tricks, can not create illusions worth a damn. OTOH, extremely resistant to said
Wilst excessive good at throwing energy around, cant absorb at all
Bad at -
Cant see the future beyond his danger sense
Dress sense
Way too rash and physical
Things he shouldnt know but does
Very Well versed in the Dark Side and what can be done(refer to backstory to know why)
Death Touch
Sejah Haversh
Oct 27th, 2002, 03:33:45 AM
Well, Sejah has a few, but most will not surface until later. No I'm not telling you waht those are, either.
Well skilled fencer
Force manipulation at the molecular/subatomic level
Gullible. Yes, that is a skill, when it is used properly, that is.
Complex theory
Figrin D'an
Oct 27th, 2002, 03:36:41 AM
Hmm... could prove useful...
Sabre Technique (greatest combat asset... one of the best around)
Close-range Force explosion techniques
Mental Fortitude
Teleportation (a rare skill, so considered a strength even thought only effective over short distances)
Force-enhanced sight
Average Skills:
Far-Seeing (future vision, precognition)
Force-enhanced strength
Force-enhanced speed
Force Protection (shielding, reduce damage, deflection w/o sabre)
Telepathy (including mind tricks/mind control)
Hand-to-Hand combat
Illusions (related to telepathy)
Life Detection (and related Living Force skills)
Ranged Force abilites (lightning, weather control, telepathic link, etc.)
Disguise/Masking abilities
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:20:31 AM
Very quick/nimble
Archery/Swordsmanship (saber included)/Melee combat
Excellent sight/hearing
Sensing others
Self healing
Moderate skills:
Healing others
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:42:54 AM
Force boosting physical attributes
Moderate at
Lightsaber duels
Weak at
sensing other people and their intentions. This is more than likely due to Wei's unusually trusting attitude.
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:50:02 AM
Slight illusion
Speed (In and out attacks)
Exellent hearing
Pyrotechiques and Aerotechique.
Telekenetics in general.
Sanis Prent
Oct 27th, 2002, 12:56:49 PM
Strengths -
Saber technique (Form 2 adept)
Telekinesis (amazing Magneto, but with all things)
Presence (makes a statement without a word said)
Weaknesses -
Frail body
Mentalism weakness (susceptible to mental shock, illusions, etc)
Backfiring techniques (some advanced powers can be interrupted, thus injuring him in the process)
Martial arts
Fortitude of mind and body (highly resistant to pain or trauma)
Zealous Pacifist (extremely opposed to violent conflicts)
No lightsaber, or any other potentially-lethal weapons
Naive at times
No telekinesis, bare telepathy
Xazor Elessar
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:32:16 PM
Cleaning the slate and beginning again. Advice taken after it was put another way. :)
Ryla Relvinian
Oct 27th, 2002, 02:42:44 PM
- Living Force skills (Nature, Life detection, Healing, Self-healing)
- General technical aptitude (Lightsaber construction, Training droids, Broken toaster ovens)
- Craft ability (Leatherworking, sewing. Not Force-enhanced, per se, but darn useful for those ripped tunic RPs.) :D
- Stealth (Diplomacy, Negotiations, Covert Ops. )
- Enhanced speed, agility and hearing, to some degree (From Twi'lek heritage, but can also be force-enhanced.)
Average Skills:
- Hand to hand combat / Disarming
- Lightsaber technique (She'd rather make them than actually practice)
- Past- and Future-sense (Happens in rare, rare flashes.)
- Scalding Sarcasm
- Illusions / Mental manipulations (Cannot perform them, is also very succeptable to them)
- Energy Manipulation / Elemental powers / Force Barriers (Totally hopeless)
- Very easily influenced by poisons, force-nulling, and Jagermeister.
- Likes to be alone / Work alone. Tends to be shy around strangers. Easily distracted by Elf guys. *grin*
Oct 27th, 2002, 08:25:24 PM
Strengths: telekinetics, Force boost
Average: Force senses, telepathy
Weaknesses: illusion/mindtricks/energy absorption, healing
Lillian Snow
Oct 27th, 2002, 08:29:33 PM
Strengths: levitation, Force senses, healing, Reason
Average: diplomacy
Weaknesses: Force boost, no fighting ability
Since he's always with me...
Strengths- Stronger than normal beings
Long range combat with blasters in palms, chest, shoulders
Short range combat with tail that extends to twice normal length, lightblades in wrists
Capable of thinking logically
Strong armor over cortoris covering to defend from all kinds of weapons
Weaknesses: No personality
Will not fight if Lillian is not in danger
Azhure Darkstone
Oct 28th, 2002, 01:44:52 AM
- Hand to hand skills(weapon or without) - this has been established in her backing story before GJO but could be refined much further with training.
- Psychic (yet to be further devaloped)
- Living force skills (yet to be devaloped)
- Speed/agility/silent skills.
- Intelligence.
- Good at deception (linked to intelligence so could possibly be the same point)
- Emotional response. Isnt very practised at using her emotions.
- Physical strength. Body build isnt built for heavy equiptment so all the weapons are fairly light in weight.
- Dealing with emotional situations (practise is needed in that area). This applies to dealing with others emotions.
- Problems with trust.
- Has a blood disorder (every three months she throws up blood or has to cut something to let it out or it could kill her. This process weakens her for two days.). if this happens during a battle she's screwed.
Helenias Evenstar
Oct 28th, 2002, 02:16:58 AM
Never really thought about it...
Strengths :
- Excels in hand to hand combat / ferocity in battle
- Marked ability for Force speed, jumping, and throwing objects around via Telekinesis
- Foresight (Seeing the future, both long term and short term)
- Enhanced danger sense (linked to Foresight)
- Markedly intelligent
- Thinks outside the square, willing to use very unJedi-like ways (Bombs, missles, trickery, traps)
- Mentally tough, unable to be tricked easily and sees through illusions, thinks fast on her feet. Has a great deal of mental control over her own body
- Has proven herself capable of defeating Sith / Jedi Masters
- Able to command and lead others
- Not actually all that powerful in The Force except for quoted
- No ability for distance attacking except for the standard Force Push
- No real shielding or absorb abilities
- Come to think of it, no abilities at all in The Force except for quoted. Her only real abilities are Seeing the future, mental control over her own body, and Telekinesis at a macro level.
:-/ I've always done what I could to increase my fighting abilities, which would even be called peerless by a Jedi warrior, but never really done anything else. Even the seeing the future has only really been cultivated to help in a fight.
Skills to be learned / learning
- Diplomacy
- Mind tricks
Oct 28th, 2002, 03:41:14 AM
- Telekinesis.
- Very clever. Thinks everything through and is very reliable.
- Good knowledge on the Jedi ways.
- Very strong in the force. Excellent potential
- Saber technique or hand to hand. Good ability but needs work.
- Just learnt force jump and is improving on his learnt skills.
- Sense. Good at senseing things around him but still needs work.
- Dimplomacy. Very keen on this but
Hard to tell at the moment. So far everything hes done hes been pretty good at it. Has very little experience though, mainly all theory as he's always reading. Sometimes he can be indecisive which can lead him into trouble and he still has no memory of his past before joining the order. Could something dark be hanging over his head?
Levi Argon
Oct 28th, 2002, 06:58:24 AM
For Loki at ten years old I would say these are how his list of strengths and weaknesses would look.
<LI> Intelligence.
<LI> Unnatural wisdom - for someone his age.
<LI> The ability to sense through the Force.
<U>Moderate abilities:</U>
<LI> Lightsaber combat - is a fast learner.
<LI> Nimble and quick.
<LI> Communication.
<LI> Physical strength - a temporary flaw.
<LI> Height and size - like strength, only a temporary flaw.
<LI> Naive - willing to trust and befriend most.
<LI> Hyper-sensitive to the feelings of others; such as pain and fear.
<LI> Both susceptable to and has great difficulty performing "mind tricks".
<LI> Egocentric.
Sene Unty
Oct 28th, 2002, 08:50:56 AM
Damn I should probably have thought about this before....I guess now is as good a time as any! :D
-Absorbing (though he has not demonstrated this he will in the future.)
-Diplomacy (he can usually talk his way out of things.)
-A calm person
-Speed and agility (he can run very fast and has good leaping a cat he always lands on his feet.)
-Lightsaber combat
-Reading others minds
-Age (he is only 14)
-Strength (he is a skinny little lad)
-Martial Arts (He has no fighting background)
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:37:21 AM
*Combat (hand-to-hand/weapons)
*Can control the element of heat/flames well (he's been praciticing) :)
*Force-enhanced physical abilities (force enhanced jumping, strength, agility)
*Force barriers (Force-shields, walls, and the like)
*Force illusions
*Force manipulations
*Mind reading
*extremely suspicious
*future seeing
*Force Healing
The shouldn't-really-know-but-does-anyways catagory:
*A large knowledge of Sith Arts (*points to Satine's background*)
Pierce Tondry
Oct 28th, 2002, 02:21:53 PM
Hm. Pierce knows/ has access to very, VERY few Force powers and skills that are not somehow grounded in other areas (his abilities with marksmanship are high and his sniping abilities are near peerless but he has no method of using the Force to enhance his aim other than excellent concentration, for example).
I will consider this and return to the subject after I have made a list.
Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:25:43 PM
Verse's Skills:
Master at Multiple Lightsaber styles
Shadow Dancing (His own style of Garou Jedi Marial Arts)
Extreme Illusionist
Extreme Mentalist
Able to reflect/produce Light different ways with the Force (IE, The Dawnstrider's Light and Wall of Glare)
able to do some minor Elementist things
No Seer ablities
Weak around women
Protective over loved ones and family (Takes it to teh extreme at times)
Has a hard time getting serious
Loves to drink (I plan to play this out a bit more)
Can get argumentive at times
Navaria Tarkin
Oct 28th, 2002, 08:27:30 PM
Hm. This .. is tough.
Lightsabre Combat one and two handed (From being bonded with Dalethria)
Pre-Cog to a limited degree.
Hyper sense of touch, taste, smell, seeing and hearing. And able to duplicate any physical attack, or Force attack once seen (Bonded to Daleethria) - RP NOTE - For fairness, I do not copy anything unless I RP it out fully. Also, I hardly ever use it if ever.
Didn't list all the various techniques she could do because they can fall under healing and telepathy. For example, Navaria cannot do illusions but can enter someones head and mess around in there if she so choosed. Xazor knows this :p
Diplomacy of course :)
Telekinesis. Dale is the main woman when it comes to this.
Elemental Powers
Love - Come on. Dating Sanis???? :lol Talk about conflict between work
Prone to zoning out for no reason whatsoever because of bonding with Daleethria.
Nice to a fault at times.
If anyone is confused about the bonding with either Dale or Dalee, let me know :lol
Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 28th, 2002, 09:08:22 PM
I have always been confused about that. I just found that if I sit back, smile, and nod, no one notices I hardly know what goes on around here. Alas....I am always the last one to find out and understand it all.
Salemn Lysce
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:33:02 AM
- Telepathy
- Extensive knowledge in herbs/plant life
- Healing
- Agile
- "Diplomacy"
- Lightsabre combat
- Hand to hand combat
- Perfectionist
- Too demanding
- Naive at times
Jackson DeWitt
Oct 29th, 2002, 11:37:07 AM
Hard Worker
Team Player
Power to Inspire
Extreme knowledge of Jedi history and trivia
Positive attitude
Some social graces
(If ever developed, may become a seer, or use battle meditation to enhance the performance of others around him.)
No martial skills
Not fast
Not strong
Not big
Not smart
Very little (if any) force ability
James Prent
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:00:34 PM
Strengths (These are the most apparent, and will come with training)
- Diplomacy
- Telekinesis (latent ability, pops up unexpectedly and is the reason she sought out the Jedi)
- Telepathy
- Endurance (trained as a long distance runner previously)
- Any fighting skills
- Healing
- Mind tricks (telepathic convincing)
- Struggles with "nicotine fits" which tend to make her over agressive and grouchy
- Resistance to mind tricks (Marcus got her quite a few times already)
Gurney Devries
Oct 29th, 2002, 01:00:02 PM
<u>Major Skills</u>
* Strategy - Whether in the midst of a duel or on the helm of a ship, Gurney excels at figuring out the best course of action.
* Durability - He takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'.
* Swordsmanship - Having extensive Mistryl combat training, Form I lightsaber fighting comes naturally to him, and makes him more adept at learning other forms.
<u>Minor Skills</u>
* Enhanced Senses - He is more likely to notice something that would pass under a normal person's radar.
* Healing - Not in terms of others, but he can take care of moderate wounds on his person.
* Subtle enhancements - He can temporarily boost his strength, speed and agility using the Force. Also, he has just enough precognitive abilities to effectively weild a saber.
* Most everything involving the Force. Gurney is not terribly Force sensitive, and has a great deal of difficulty with such things as telekenesis. Illusions are all but beyond him. He cannot read intentions, nor use the Force to coerce people effectively.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:15:25 PM
Sabre technique (best skill)
Quick and nimble
Strategic intelligence
Force-enhanced speed
Mental fortitude
Hand to hand combat
Force-enhanced sight
Force-enhanced strength
Self healing
Force-enhanced protection
Oct 29th, 2002, 10:54:42 PM
Healing (this is his main deal)
empathy and and some mind reading
physical strength
ability to easily pick up knowledge
Moderate Strengths
force enhanced strength and speed
force detection
Illusion creation and detection
force signature cloaking
Saber skill is limited to self-taught fundamentals
Easily swayed by a pretty face (aka tends to think with something other than his brain)
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 30th, 2002, 08:22:14 AM
-Sniping...I often RP Lion with his customized "long-rifle"
-Weather Manipulation...he can clear away fog and stuff to make his "targets" more visible
-Size and muscles
-Saber Skills...haven't RPed this much yet
-Force Speed, Seeing
-Force premonitions
-Too reliant on technology and his physical ability, ignores the force sometimes
-Too trusting at times
-THE BLACK RAGE! (<---I'll RP this soon...turns out Lion isn't "human" like we all thought...:))
Estelle Russard
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:47:07 PM
Inner Calm
Dedication of purpose & destiny
SKILLS (Moderate ability only):
Force Ability (incl. force-push, leaps etc/basic telekenisis)
Force Sense (communicating via mental contact & heightened natural senses)
Saber Technique
Combat/Hand-to-Hand fighting (speed, but not natural strength)
Healing (self and projected healing to others)
Insight (latent "dream" ability being developed)
Piloting Skills
Military Tactical/Weapons Knowledge
Inexperience/a certain general Naivte (this is gradually changing)
Physical build
Kyle Krogen
Nov 16th, 2002, 03:40:19 PM
falling down on my face
getting my butt kicked by my master in a spar
I cries when I fall down and a get a owchybooboo
Nov 17th, 2002, 11:49:30 AM
-Illusion. That's it. Therefore, I have uber illusions.
-Note: When combined with Anbira, we become the Green Lantern. :)
-Illusions made out of light. I can do 'em, but only a couple, and smaller than normal illusions.
-I can control anything that I have studied with the Force for several days, i.e. my own weapons.
-Any physical Force attributes. I can't block a Force Push from a padawan.
Mr. Dust:
-Ancient one-handed saber combat... very fast, but hard to block heavy strikes
-Can become immaterial for a short time (about 3 times per fight at present rank)
-Knowledge of Lupine weaknesses, how to fight them.
-Normal resistance to mental and physical attacks. Nothing special, nothing terribly bad.
-Anything else. No telekinesis, no illusions, no telepathy. That's it.
Ezekiel Frost:
-Power of the spoken word; basically uber strong Force Persuasion
-Can do basic Force telekinesis, but it must be something he says. As in, "Staff, come to my hand" works, but if I can't describe it in words, I can't do it.
-Rather resistant to mental attacks because of willpower involved with Persuasion, but that's about it.
-If you can't hear him, or don't understand his language, his powers don't work.
-He's an older guy, so he's a bit slower and easier to hurt.
-Can only use his plasma scythe. Basically, he's too old to learn how to use a saber.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 17th, 2003, 11:37:48 PM
--Natural abilities of the Garou
--Transferring these abilities coupled with immense Force power
--Martial Arts
--Weaponry in the area of the Lightsaber and sword
--Hearing, sight, smell, and taste are ultra-sensitive because of species
--Communicating with animals
--Irrational at times
--'Has solutions for everything'
--Has potential in the area of marksmanship as far as guns and a bow, but is only moderatly refined
--Anything that has to do with physical Force strengths save for enhancing physical strength
--Is erratic
--Too physical
--Looses temper quickly
--Would rather use force than talk out a problem
--Is too emotional
--Allows emotions to control her
--Cannot control any element except for the cold factor
--Changing into feral form weakens her tie to the Force
--Is very aggressive in feral form
--Cannot see into the future at all
--Warning sense is okay but has been ignored so much, it is not prevelent in the senses even though she can use her mentalism abilities to find out others intentions
She knows things that she should not because of her background as a Sith, but she will not use them despite her irrational behavior. Many people judge her and so she has pent up anger but has a few great mentors who have been working with her consistently to dissipate this problem.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 18th, 2003, 01:02:42 AM
Well here is mine, even though I'm a Padawan, I do have weakness and skills of course..
Telephathicial orientated abilities
Emotional Stability
Mental and Oral congrunt (Meaning: He can't form his words like his mind has them)
Mind Tricks
Humanoid Conversational Interaction
Somewhat Selfish
Simultaneous Force actions, further pass 2 would strain him
Mental attacking
Force Detection
Danger Detection
Emotional Judgement
Jedi Code (Working at that)
Mental Defense/Shielding
Force Empathy
Force Defelection
Bodily Strenght
Patience(He's getting better)
Inexpirence in Force
Force eye-enhancement
Lightsaber Combat
Lightsaber Fighting Technqiue (Mix between Obi in Darth Maul Fight, Anakin, and Yoda-He's very jumpy, and mobile)
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Force Futurustic Persception (Max: 1 day ahead)
Martail Arts
Enormous Speed
Data info
Force Enhancements-Bodily Boosting, speed, strenght, etc. etc.
Telekentic Levitation
Physical Energy
Hard Worker
Hard Worker
Lilya Goldberry
Jan 18th, 2003, 09:39:17 AM
:cry <font size=1>This thread makes me realize, not even my Sith (that I've been playing for well over a year) knows any Force anything! :\</font>
Lilya is still a padawan -- currently learning telekenesis, adept with a bow, heightened sense of sight and hearing, light/quick on her feet. I think that's it.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:09:09 PM
I'm sorry, if you percieve this to be a weakness, you have issues.
Edit: what.... Its fairly clear you don't understand. We're talking about direct weaknessess that are pretty much static. Interaction with your environment isn't permanet.
Morgan's bad telekensis is pretty much a permanet character flaw, just as his senses are pretty much a permanet character strength.
Kelt Simoson
Jan 18th, 2003, 06:23:19 PM
Healing (self and others)
Marksmenship (bows and throwing weapons)
Malee (sabers,swords; mostly sword swords)
Speed within fighting
Speechcraft (being able to talk to others in a calm mannor)
Enhanced sight,hearing and reflexes
telekenetic skills
Weak against poisions,and modern medication.
Elemental Skills
Clumsey at times.
Hadrian Invicta
Feb 3rd, 2003, 09:36:47 PM
Have since changed my origional thought for this character...
Seer: This is going to be his major strength as I rp this char. He will be able to see the most likely outcome and deal with it a relative 90% of the time, sometimes lower depending on the chaos of the situation. This is also seen as Pre-cog in his reflexes which will be his saving grace in hand-to-hand combat.
Telekinesis: Aspires to be like Yoda in regards to Tek, though won't actually ever become that powerful.
Telepathy/Mind Tricks/Force Persuasion: Diplomacy is his game, and fighting with his mind.
Illusions, won't be great but won't be bad
Force Sensing: See illusions
Celerity - fairly fast
Resistant to Bacta, so if immobilized someone w/ Force Healing will have to help him
Physcially not all that resilient. He's not a pansy, but can't take too many punches.
Physically not that strong
Saber skills (will learn VI) can deflect blasters and what not, but against another saber user won't be able to defeat anyone over the level of Apprentice/Padawan with a saber. And against a Padawan or Apprentice that happens to excel at sabers (such as Sejah) will be outmatched as well.
Hadrian will want to try to come to a peaceful solution to problems at first, (though he will happily kill a darksider), but if it becomes Hostile, he will tend to try to keep the oppent at a distance to defeat him. If his enemy get's in close, he's done for.
Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 12th, 2003, 10:39:39 AM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
I'm sorry, if you percieve this to be a weakness, you have issues.
Edit: what.... Its fairly clear you don't understand. We're talking about direct weaknessess that are pretty much static. Interaction with your environment isn't permanet.
Morgan's bad telekensis is pretty much a permanet character flaw, just as his senses are pretty much a permanet character strength.
Ok I understand...
Pierce Tondry
Feb 12th, 2003, 12:58:46 PM
Duh... I would forget about this thread.
Sniping and Combat Weapons Use*
Military/Intelligence Operations Experience*
Information Ferreting*
Martial Combat
Photographic Memory
Strong Will
Physically powerful
Moderate Skills:
Attribute enhancement through meditation
Some empathic sensing
Lightsaber Form I and III combat experience
Physical vulnerability to stun weapons or electrical shocks**
Most Force-based attacks
* indicates that this is a defining characteristic of Pierce
** indicates that this is closely guarded information
Sage Hazzard
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:26:23 PM
Okay, I might edit this later if I think of something I left out. I'll put down Syrius Cline's data later, even though it's fluxuating due to him being a Padawan. Oh, and forgive me if I'm too in-depth about my abilities.
Sage Hazzard
Hand-to-Hand - Sage is well versed in almost every martial art existant. He doesn't rely on one form but rather uses his knowledge of what works to come out on top in any given situation. His style often comes off as Judo in nature, as he relies heavily on using good balance, leverage, and positioning. Often flipping opponents or tossing them, using their strength against them.
Sabre Combat - This is a staple of Sage. During his time as a Jedi he's switched between double bladed sabres, single bladed sabres, and multiple sabres at once. He uses his hand-to-hand knowledge in sabre combat, using the sabre like an extension of his hand, rather than a club.
Cellular Manipulation - Provided Sage has enough time to prepare and focus, Sage can strengthen or weaken cellular make-up slightly and temporarily. Such as making his skin tougher so a knife won't cut it. Or making an opponent's bones, in a specific spot, weakened so it will break more easily. He can only do this if given a fair amount of time to prepare. But sense it's so powerful of an ability, and he has a vast more control over it than other Jedi, it can be called a strength.
Molecular Manipulation - Same as Cellular Manipulation, except not nearly as strong. He can speed up molecules if given time and make something hot, or slow them down and make something cold. Not that developed, but it is a strength.
Force Speed and Strength - He excels in this in this as well, using it to aid in his combat. He can punch through a durasteel wall if he has to.
Stamina - Due to the fact he practices religiously, every night and morning, and the fact he fights Sith oftenm, he has high stamina. He can fight or do anything physical for hours without slowing.
Pain Threshold - Sage hardly feels pain anymore. He just doesn't give it any thought anymore. He's been hit so many times and been fought so many times his nerve endings are dulled. Also, he can block them out fully through the Force.
Physical Manifistations of the Force - Can erect Force Walls in any shape or position, for long periods of time. Can use these walls for shielding, etc.
Telekinisis - This is almost a strength, but not strong enough to be considered as one.
Ship Flying - Sage is almost an ace. However since he hasn't kept with it, he isn't as good as he could be.
Insticts - The Force seems to guide him well. Which is one of the main reasons he can fly a ship well. His combat relies heavily on this as well, but it's not to the point he can truely tell exactly what's going to happen, 100%.
Healing (though he can do it, just not well at all)
Mind Control
Single Mindedness (stubborn)
Most of the stuff I haven't mentioned, Sage isn't good at. I can't think of all his weaknesses, but he's not good at much else than listed in minor and strengths. Pretty much I've focused on Sage being a powerhouse. Since he wants all the Sith dead, and has wanted that forever, he's trained to be able to kill any Sith he faces. He's not revengefull, he just thinks their rats that need to be extreminated. His father and mother was killed by a Sith and Sage wants that to never happen again. So he's a fighter and everything else is secondary.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:59:42 PM
Guuuhhh... I know underlining is a useful style format sometimes, but could Sage's post potentially be edited so that not every description is underlined? I'm just havin' trouble reading it, is all.
Edit: Muey bueno, senior. :)
Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2003, 12:54:55 AM
Oh man... I'm such an idiot. I didn't review my post, sorry. I clicked the return to forum option. I missed a "/" I suppose. Thanks Marcus.
Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 14th, 2003, 07:54:37 AM
I need to put up Alexander's........
Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider
Computer Hacking
Hand-to-Hand Fighting
Dead Speak (Coming in a Future RP)
Ship Flying
No Seer abilities
imported_Terran Starek
Feb 22nd, 2003, 04:44:30 AM
**Note: If my post wasn't this late in this thread, I imagine most who know me would be worried! :P**
Terran Starek (he's a padawan, so not many well-developed strengths)
Compassion: He's a hippie...yeah, I said it! He hugs trees! He kisses dolphins!
Knowledge: He reads a lot, so he knows quite a bit of stuff.
Sense: Very attune to the Living Force and the different energies and auras of life.
Weapon Making: Something from his past. He's very skilled at creating and fixing blade weapons--from archaic to saber and in between.
Charisma: He's a real nice guy and he tends to gain people's trust with his genuine character. Uses this skill most to avoid conflict.
Philosopher: Formulates theories and generaly enjoys thinking and analyzing quite a bit.
Moderate Skills
Saber Combat: He's a decent swordsman. Not great, but he can hold his own.
Diplomacy: Hopes to be an ambassador someday and work alongside the great Jedi Figrin D'an.
Elemental: From his original master, he learned a bit about controlling some of the elements--wind and water, namely.
Pilot/vehicle operation: He can fly a starship and speeder, though not great.
Most combat: Not a great all-purpose warrior.
Idealistic: Some would consider this a weakness. Believes firmly in the classical Jedi Code and conduct. Somewhat blind to reality at times because of this.
Computers and other tech: No. Not a big tech-whiz. Prefers books to datapads any day of the week.
Too Trusting: Trusts people too easily. Believes in the good of the galaxy and pays for it regularly. :D
That's about it. More and different personality traits, but you don't want/need a dang novel!! :lol
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