View Full Version : Back without Lack. (Xazor)

Oct 26th, 2002, 10:11:03 PM
Chance strolled down a familiar hallway toward an equally familiar door. It was the Jedi Knight Xazor’s room, his master!

Of course, she would not recognize the person who had come to visit. For Chance wasn’t the little boy he used to be, He had grown up with frenzy. Being now 5 foot 11 inches tall, and well muscular. His fierce unseeing blue eyes scanned out from a bushel of blonde hair, which hid his strange elongated white ears. The Knight wore a white tank top shirt, covered by a short sleeved leather jacket with emblems on the sleeves, a black pair of denim jeans that covered brown hiking boots, and black gloves.

Soon, the Knight came upon Xazor’s door and rapped lightly three times before stepping back and watching the door with the force.

Would she recognize him?

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:31:05 PM
Xazor had been reading a book to her Daughter when suddenly a knock came upon the door. Smiling to herself, she rose to get it but of course, the bouncy six year old was at the door and opening it. Putting the book upon the nightstand beside the bed that she and her now Husband, Terran, slept.....the Knight made her way towards the door to greet someone she had not seen in a long time. The door opened slowly and the little Valanya looked up at Chance with wide eyes.

"Ooooo, mommy! He's pretty isn't he!"

She exclaimed with the joy only a little girl would hold. Smiling, Xazor nodded and eyed him, then suddenly it hit her like a ton of bricks. His Force signature....and even features of his struck a memory of a young boy she had trained long ago....the first student she had to make it to Knight.

"Save for the Heavens!"

The Garou exclaimed as she moved past her daughter and wrapped her arms around the young man. How he had grown up! So tall and muscular now....even his hair color had changed quite a bit. Overall he was stunning and so different from the little boy she had once known. Xazor too had grown...but not physically....mentally and in the Force. She seemed to glow even more than before and no trace of anger or frustrations of the past filled her presence. She still looked young as ever for the Garou appeared sometimes sixy years young than they truly were. Though she was thirty two now, she still looked like a nineteen year old, and rather liked it that way. As the Knight pulled away from Chance, she grinned to herself.

"Please come in! It has been too long!"

Oct 26th, 2002, 10:45:08 PM
Chance gladly accepted the invitation, stepping through the threshold of the door and crouching down to the little girl's height. Reaching behind her head, he popped his index finger with his thumb and brought back a pure white rose.

Smiling lightly, Chance placed the pearl plant into Valanya's hair right above her ear before standing back to his feet.

"Indeed, it has been quite a long time!" Chance spoke, in reply to Xazor, with joy in his voice. He was glad to be back within the halls of the Order, although, he would've been sooner had it not been the fact that GJO had moved from. "A long time indeed... I've missed this place."

Xazor Elessar
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:53:38 PM
Xazor grinned as the door closed behind him and she watched the display he made for her little girl. Smiling thoughtfully, the Knight went to the kitchen and made up some quick snacks and drinks for she and her guest.

"Please come in a sit....."

Would he be able to see anything though? Quietly she walked over and sat down upon the couch, setting the tray of goodies upon a small table before her. She hoped that Chance was well adapted to his blindness and had learned to use the Force to see more than he did before. Her heart went out to him for all that he was missing now....or perhaps, he could 'see' more than she could.

"So how have you been? I have missed you so!"

Oct 29th, 2002, 07:08:54 PM
“I have been well,” Chance spoke as he sat down with a trademark grin, “Also, I apologize for my lengthy absence from this place, I must’ve had you worried greatly.”

Folding his hands over each other and rested the elbows on the armrests, Chance examined Xazor’s features with unseeing eyes but with a deeper ability. He could sense each feature by the Force, for it radiated off her as it did with everything living but in a blurred and stroked monotone world.

Which posed a problem with doors and such. But that’s another tale…

“That smile of yours,” He commented unexpectedly, scanning with fierce blue eyes, “Never ceased to bring warmth to me in the deepest reaches of fear,” The Knight leaned back now "Have you been well?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:33:58 PM
Xazor nodded slightly as he spoke and she grinned to herself.

"Indeed, I did worry in your absence.....but to see you again is like to welcome home a long lost Brother....."

She said softly and then was taken back when he commented on her smile. Blushing, the Knight let her eyes wander to his....though blinde, he still saw so much. Xazor could not help but giggle to herself and she sighed.

"Yes indeed....I have been well, though many things in my life have put a burden upon my shoulders. As you are aware, I'm expecting my child.....a daughter....and her name is to be Valanya Verse Belargic...."

She said softly, not hinting to the fact that she and Dasquian were not together still. Her whole situation seemed a mess, though she felt it not time to discuss sad things now. Her heart went out to all she had hurt.....for she had been hurt in return. Right now though, she was glad to be in the presence of one who brought her happiness.

Nov 6th, 2002, 08:16:05 PM
"Congratulations then, and such a nice name as well," Chance replied, smiling merrily. Although troubled by the shroud over Xazor's heart, it was similar to the one over his own... but different.

"I am always ready to hear if you have any problems, you know that right?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 11th, 2002, 10:17:27 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded as she let her eyes drift to meet his.....though he could not technically see her.....he could in several ways.

"I know that....and I thank you for being such a good friend to me. More than a student you ever were....you were also my companion and dearest friend. I trust you with my life....."

She said softly and then let her thoughts drift to all that was bothering her as of late.

".......There is a dark omen upon the birth of my child, Chance.....many wise Jedi seers....Helenias Q'Dunn, mainly, has foretold this through visions. Many will die and Marcus may be one of those who do. Dasquian will face a difficult choice and it's been said that one of those choice will bring innumerable ammounts of death. I fear for that time......it haunts my every day....."

Nov 13th, 2002, 06:01:59 AM
His smile dissapeared and brows furrowed, the news was quite disturbing indeed. Chance cantered his head slightly to the left and seemed to bore his eyes into the table, but he thought.

"Thats... not good at all. The Seers are pretty sure that this will happen inevitbly?"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:22:47 PM
Xazor nodded her head with a solemn look upon her face.

"Indeed, it is what shall come to be. Worse yet, there are missing pieces. Always in motion is the future, I know...for these are the words I have even spoken to you, yet....it is difficult to remove these menacing thoughts from my mind. Still I have yet to figure out and I ponder daily, why is it that such terrible things happen to relitivly good people? I don't think it to be very fair at all....life isn't fair."

She said, finally looking up at Chance and remembering that he had lost something so great....his whole outlet to the world: his sight. Sighing, the Garou lowered her gaze to the floor and sat in thought.

Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:36:21 PM
"Well... Nothings ever fair, Xaz. I've learned that the hard way, probally from Vega the most.. but this... this is beyond fair. I guess Murphy's First Law comes into effect on this subject, "If anything can go wrong, it will."

Chance shook his head back and forth, "I doubt I'll be much help when that comes around... I dunno... but I plan to be at your side through the whole thing if I can!"

Xazor Elessar
Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:43:40 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded, placing a hand upon his and squeezing it lightly.

"You are a Brother to me, Chance....and to have you at my side in times of such trial means everything to me....even if the events prove to be extremely perilous. That means so much..."

She said softly, avoiding letting a few stray tears fall from her eyes. To know that he was devoted to her like that meant everything to her....

Nov 23rd, 2002, 10:59:27 PM
"It's the least I can do for a Sis' I never had before," He replied, patting the top of her hand with his free. The report was disturbing, but he did plan to stick by Xazor during the whole thing. For better.... or worse.

Chance could feel the sadness radiated off Xazor, whom sounded on the verge of tears, "Maybe you should introduce me to Miss Helenias sometime.. I'd love to meet her..." Oh well, he tried to revert the subject off the depressing matter...