View Full Version : Wake up Tomak! Your training awaits you... (Tomak, closed)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:39:15 PM
" Wake up sleepyhead. "

With the simple flip of a switch, unexpected light permeated the shared bedroom of Tomak Ohara and Ki Adi Kindo. The bedside clock read 5:30 am. Tomak gradually began to come out of sleep, and adjacent to his bunk was Kindo's, however he was not to be found sleeping in it.

Ki stood by his Padawan's bedside, dressed in his usual training attire; black pants, a white button-up shirt, and his dormant lightsaber hilt placed by his side. He had awaken an hour earlier, and prepared himself for long day ahead. He grew up exercising before sunrise, and over the years he had grown to enjoy it.

It was Ki's first Padawan's first day of training, so he was quite nervous, for never before had he ever instructed someone in the ways of the Force. Despite his uneasiness, he trusted in the abilities, wisdom, peace, and knowledge he had gained has a Padawan. Just has he had grown profound within the Force, so would his first learner. He would teach his Padawan everything he had been taught. He kept the training he once received placed deep within his heart, and to that he held.

" Lets get up, it's training day. "

Tomak Ohara
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:05:16 AM
Tomak looked at Ki Adi and then at the clock...5:30! "Whoa! It's early." Tomak stood up and rubbed his eyes. He went and put on his jedi training outfit, and looked at Kindo, "Can we at least have some tea and food before we go?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:19:58 PM
" Bring along a water container to have while we jog. "

Kindo stood poised with hands placed behind his back. He seemed rather peaceful, which was unusual for anyone in that time of the day.

Tomak Ohara
Nov 11th, 2002, 06:26:41 PM
Tomak put on his robes and grabbed a bottle of water, "So are we running for 10 or 15 minutes?" He said satill looking sleepy.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 11th, 2002, 08:02:12 PM
" Try an hour's worth of jogging. "

Kindo casually jogged towards the main door; a clever grin flashing across his face.

" You ready to begin your training? "

He winked.

Tomak Ohara
Nov 12th, 2002, 08:34:56 PM
Tomak looked stunned for a moment, "Yes master. Just cut me some slack please. I have never jogged before." He walked over to his master. "Ready."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:41:59 PM
" Lets go. "

The pair left their chambers has quiet has possible, and began by jogging at a brisk pace down the narrow halls of the Jedi Living Quarters. Kindo had always enjoyed exercising before sunrise, even though he himself would have loved to have slept till sunrise. Here lately, he had received little rest. Work kept him busy.

" Waking up early ... and exercising will oftentimes ... be extremely difficult to do, ... but it develops a strong self-discipline. ... That I promise you. "

He tried to catch his breath has he spoke, causing him to have persistent breaks between various phrases.

Tomak Ohara
Nov 13th, 2002, 07:41:10 PM
Tomak caught up with Kindo, "Watch this!" He jumped and flew for a few inches and landed again. "Maybe...we could...do some...exercises for me...to enhance my air combat skills." He smiled and continued jogging. The leather made it very hard for him, but it would make him stronger.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 22nd, 2002, 12:10:25 PM
" We are going to... keep running... till we get to... the Acedemy... so we can begin... your telekinesis training. "

The two continued jogging through the silent corridors, trying to be has quiet has possible. This particular activity reminded Kindo of the day after he first entered the Order, how he got up early and began running through the Living Quarter halls. It still shocked him to think of how far he had come since that day, but it never ceased to bring a smile to his face.

Tomak Ohara
Dec 2nd, 2002, 01:08:24 AM
Tomak smiled and looked to him. He said, "Sure thing man." He continued to jog ahead of Kindo.