View Full Version : Anger and Rage: The Human Form

Miiki Barrok
Oct 26th, 2002, 06:52:45 PM
From William Blake, "Songs of Experience"

Cruelty has a Human Heart,
and Jealousy a Human Face,
Terror the Human Form Divine,
and Secrecy the Human Dress.

He still hurt from his neck.

The blade had sliced cleanly through his neck..

Severing the chords he used to rasp from.

He would have died.

He should have died.

But the Dragon.

The Red Krayt Dragon...had saved him.

Nourished him.

And now...it wanted him to rest.

To recover.

Then he would hunt again.

Let his fear be known...

And he would kill...the silver eyed butcher.

And her friend in white.

The Monster lay sprawled on the bed on Dantooine.

"YOU ARE LUCKY TO SURVIVE!" The Red Krayt Dragon crowed.





Miiki Barrok lay there...

His neck still bandaged, but healing...

And listened to the sound of the city...

The sound of the fools below...

And slept...

With the bit of hair from Loklorien s'Ilancy...

He'd stolen weeks before.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:57:21 PM
Business usually didnt bring Silus in this direction. Dantooine. Silus' presence here was indeed rare. But this was different. Something was here that Silus was after...

A man with an obsession...

Silus' new obsession...

It had been a few weeks since the attack. The vicious assualt on the one woman that Silus cared for. Silus now carried so much conflict. Conflict that was eating at him...

He wanted to stay at her side, but he was useless to her now.

She told him to stay out of it. He didnt want to upset her more than she already was. But he couldnt stay away. How could he? He loved her. It was a love that was only equaled by one other emotion. Hate.

Since his youth, it was instilled in him not to hate. To not let his anger consume him. This was slowly being forgotten.

So much conflict. So much anger.

Silus sat in his office of the Crimson Dragon. He'd only had the ship a month. He was just now getting used to it. Silus sat at his desk. On one side of him was a green bladed lightsaber, the design and former ownership belonging to his father. One his other side sat a Tenloss DX-2 Disruptor Rifle. In front of him sat a piece of paper. On it was a letter he had written. It was folded up. Written on the outside....

Confidential: Grand Admiral Taylor Millard

When unfolded, it would read like this.......

Grand Admiral Millard,

If you are reading this letter, unfortunately, I haven't survived my hunt for Loklorien's attacker. This ,however, should be the least of your concerns, as I assume it is already. I am trusting in you, that in the wake of my passing, that Loklorien will be safe in your protection. I ask of you to care for as I couldnt, and if the need arise, lay down your life to save hers. There is nothing more for me to say now, except to destroy this as soon as its read. Tell Loklorien that I decided to leave, and wont be coming back, and that wherever I went, I am happier there. Please just let it be known, that I have always loved her, and always will.

Good Luck to you and Loklorien....


Silus picked up his saber and the disruptor rifle, holstering them both underneath his coat as he stood. His droids, TC-10 and R2-T25 were both given the instructions to take the ship to Balmorra in the even that Silus didnt return. There they would become property of s'Ilancy and Taylor. With all his loose ends covered, Silus left his office and walked out, making a right as he entered the hallway, and then a left, up a small flight of stairs. There he made another right, walking past the main bridge and down another small flight of stairs. He turned a left at the bottom of the stairs and walked down the main hall until he reached the ramp leading out into the night....

Miiki Barrok
Oct 31st, 2002, 11:56:22 PM

He needed food...

Even with the Red Krayt Dragon in control of his body,

The monster still needed food.

And thus he was out getting food.

Something simple and easy on his stomach.

And on his slit throat.

The brown jacket covered his red pants and slippered feet

And his slit throat.

Who had slit the Red Krayt Dragon's throat?

Some poweful man who used the Force?

Or someone who was just there...

Whoever he was...

He was goood.

And probably a worthy adversary.





The monster rounded the corner and headed out into the darkened street.

Towards food...

Soft and supple food.

Silus Xilarian
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:47:08 PM
He wasnt exactly sure how to go about his search. One of his sources, a reliable one, had directed him here. And he knew more about the man who attacked s'Ilancy now than he ever had before..."Stupid" he thought to himself "You should have done this five years ago".

It plagued him. He had the resources, he had the tools. But he had done nothing. She told him not to worry himself with it. She begged him to stay away. He gave in then.

So Stupid.

Prior to his trip to Dantooine, Silus had gone to Commenor. To the very same dock that the original attack occured. The security vids didnt leave him with much more than a basic description. But the image of the man looking up a the camera as he cut her open was burned into Silus' brain.

This one wouldnt live to make it off the planet.....