View Full Version : Hunting The Truth...(Dasquian and Open)

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 26th, 2002, 12:12:53 PM
A dark figure entered the Bar and Grill for a second time this week....though this time, he removed his weapons without hassling the guards at the door. Walking into the establishment further, he let his eyes wander about before settling on an empty booth in the back corner where the shadows seemed to lurk. Smirking slightly, the figure clad in a black cloak with hood drawn, made his way to the destination. His footsteps were heavy upon the floor with each step until he reached the darkened booth and sat down.

"Aiyo, gimme a Whiskey an' hurry up!"

He called to the Bar-keep before settling in with his cold blue eyes upon the door.......waiting for someone who could answer his questions....

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 26th, 2002, 12:15:23 PM
“Excuse me,”

A voice spoke from above, as a man dressed in doe-browns and tan smiled down towards Elijah.

“I’ve not seen you here before, and I sense some concern in you. Is there something I can help you with?” he questioned.

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 26th, 2002, 12:21:24 PM
Elijah nearly jumped as he looked up and saw a man with pointy ears and long blonde hair. He nearly laughed and nodded, motioning for the stranger to sit.

"Yeah....I'mah....lookin' for da Truth.....ya got any of dat here?"

He questioned in what sounded like a mocking tone, but he was quite serious. The Bartender brought his flask of whiskey and set it down on the table, then returned to his work and left Dasquian and Elijah alone.

"Basically.....I ain't got nothin' goin' for me.....an'a.....some chick in this very place gave me a look.....only a look an Assassin would wear but she was filled with some junk....somethin' about letting go of anger 'cuz it only hurts me. I ah.....wanna know more 'bout this..."

His eyes showed a sincerity though his heart was full of darkness. Somewhere in the depths of this mans soul was a spark of the Light....just waiting to be brought to the surface...

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 26th, 2002, 12:24:19 PM
Dasquian remained silent and still for a moment, staring at the man, trying to decipher exactly what he’d just said. With a nod that showed he was resolved, he took a seat and began to size up the man.

“The truth? I assume you are referring to the ways of the Jedi which most here follow. If so, then I can most certainly help, for I myself am a Jedi Knight.”

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 26th, 2002, 12:54:36 PM
Elijah's brows furrowed as he looked at Dasquian with a confused look upon his face.

"The......the what?!"

He was so confused now....he thought that the Jedi were good-doers who lied to the rest of the Universe about their true nature...but this man did not seem like that.

"You're a frelling Jedi?"

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 26th, 2002, 01:22:57 PM
“… Yes, I am a Jedi Knight, a student and teacher of the ways of the Force, and the Jedi,” he repeated. “My name is Dasquian.”

“Might I ask who you are?”

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:28:27 PM
Elijah smiled slightly at the sudden realization that perhaps the Jedi were not terrible creatures as he had first assumed. Or, perhaps someone had once lied to him and he had a few things mixed up. It mattered not, for now he was out to set things straight.

"The name's Elijah Kalrico.....an' I guess I used to be an assassin an' a merciless mercenary. Now....I dunno what I am.."

He said with a bit of sadness upon his voice. Holding out his hand for a greeting, he smiled once again.

"Maybe I was wrong 'bout your kind.....I ah.....wanna know more....please?"

It was something he had been taught to say growing up. His mother had taught him well, but through years and years of hard living....he had forgotton about these things. Maybe it was time to change....maybe...

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:25:13 AM
Dasquian nodded smartly.

“I see. Well I shall tell you what I was told about the Jedi … our duty is to serve the others in the galaxy, whether they wish for our help or not. We defend those without hope or protection, and uphold law and peace in the galaxy, guarding it from the dark forces of the Sith and others like them, who would seek to destroy all in their path for their own personal gain.”

A pause and he continued.

“We use what is known as the Force, the life force of every living thing, and manipulate it to aide us. We are both its master and servant, as it allows us to accomplish tasks, but to do so we must stay faithful to it.”

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:56:42 PM
Again Elijah furrowed his brows and shook his head with a sigh of sadness.

"Sounds ta me 'dat you'd have ta be a pretty special person ta be touched by this....Force. Guess I'm ah....jus' too bad to be a Jedi....wit' all I've done."

He shook his head once again and leaned back in the booth, letting his eyes rest upon Dasquian. He seemed to have such a kind heart, yet Elijah could never see himself as so...kind. Perhaps it was in his nature.....or he was underestimating himself.

"Would the Jedi even want someone like me?"

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 27th, 2002, 02:12:23 PM
“The Jedi accept any and all. We welcome those even with the darkest of pasts, permitting that they are willing to repent and change. I am sure that if you wished to become a member of this Order you would be welcomed Elijah.”

Dasquian smiled expectantly, “Is that what you’re here for?”

Elijah Kalrico
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:35:44 PM
Elijah sat back and shook his head sadly, letting his eyes fall to the table top.

"I dunno man.....it's not my style.....but.....I'll think 'bout it. Maybe.....just maybe somethin' is pointin' me here."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:20:17 AM
“That is the case with some. The Force chooses them at an early age, and though you may try to avoid it, you could end up being pulled ineffably into its field of influence,” Dasquian said, almost foreboding, and then added with a smile:

“But we are always eager to welcome newcomers.”