View Full Version : The Return

Oct 26th, 2002, 10:22:51 AM
What happens to a thought that is placed aside? Is it forgotten forever? No, a thought itself cannot be forgotten, it travels on the breath of time, through the mind of space waiting to be remembered. A thought is immortal, it cannot die, it cannot be forgotten, only placed aside.

Much has happened since Cloak last surfaced. Death, life, conflicts, alliances, time. The people he knew were different, the places he knew were unfamiliar, and the things he did were undone. He had been gone for long enough, and it was time to return; to be remembered.

A small transport stumbled to realspace just outside of TSO's defense grid. Inside a pale man, clad in tattered brown robes, knelt in a state of meditation. As the transport completed is fall to realspace, the mans head slowly raised to an upright position and his eyes opened.

Regardless of how things changed, Cloak always knew he could return to Corellia. He knew his ship was to be hailed soon, so he moved to his feet and made his way to the cockpit.

Lady Vader
Oct 26th, 2002, 03:56:07 PM
*Corellia's spaceport was tracking the ship at the moment of it's reversal to real space. A crisp male voice sounded over the ships open comm.*

Corellian spaceport: Unidentified ship. You have entered Corellian space, held by the Sith Order. Please state your intentions.


*Inside the Palace, LV knelt within the round room at the center of the library before the Sith holocron. The crimson pyramid glowed softly, casting an errie red light about the dimly lit room. As she knelt there in meditation, a presence she had not felt in a long time tickled the edges of her senses.*

*Her eyes slowly opened, instinct telling her a visitor was soon to land.*

Oct 26th, 2002, 04:18:53 PM
A small smirk brushed itself across cloaks face. "Right on schedule", he thought.

"Why I'm just returning home, I hope my rooms still in order."

Cloak was in a good mood for once, it felt good to be home. And with the things that were going on, he couldn't have picked a better time to resurface.

He sat down and strapped himself in as he awaited clearance to land. This was an all too familiar event for him. Seemed as if Cloak spent more of his time "coming back" then he actually spent helping the cause. Hopefully, he could change that for good.

Nov 1st, 2002, 08:27:33 PM
The Shuttle, roared through the Correlian sky as it made it's way to the Sith Palace. Cloak wondered about the new faces he would see, the old faces he would see, and the old faces he wouldn't see. He knew that change was inevitable and the thought toyed about in his mind. Regardless, Cloak had two goals. First he would finally advance to the master ranking, and then he could once again return the sith to greatness.

A thick jet of exhaust billowed about the shuttle as it stabilized on landing. The cloud slowly cleared as the exit ramp lowered from the ships belly. Once the smoke screen was completely cleared, cloak appeared at the top of the ramp, to the sight of a small gathering about him.

Lady Vader
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:43:54 AM
*And indeed the gathering was small. It consisted of four TSO honor guards, flanking the shuttles ramp, with LV at the end of it. Inside the Palace's hangar bay, the shuttle had landed smoothly, and now DDC walked down the ramp.*

*LV smiled.*

Welcome home, Darth Dark Cloak. I hope your journey was productive?

Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:03:49 AM
[i] Cloak smiled slightly at this notion. He knew that he would soon know something that few have ever had the privilage of knowing. However he would keep that to himself for now.

"Indeed my journey was productive m'lady. It feels good to be back. Especially now that I sense some distress about. Something tells me that my return couldn't have been more timely. Please, fill me in on the events of late, and explain this distress I sense."

Lady Vader
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:17:02 AM
*LV grinned, beginning to walk out of the hangar and into the Palace towards the living quarters.*

Distress, no. Stress, yes. We come to have an influx of new recruits and not many Masters or Knights to deal with the flow. But we have handled it, if temporarily, with group trainings.

As to the Order's prosperity, as you can see, the Palace has been rebuilt and fortified ten fold. We even have an underground command base, and have tightened our planetary and space fortifications.

AND in the past months, we have built and aquired a resort ship, the Saiatah High Roller. She's doing well under the command of Javus Parr, and I might add being quite a profitable establishment.

*They reached the lift and began ascending towards the higher levels of the Palace.*

Nov 10th, 2002, 02:50:52 PM
Thought after thought raced through Cloak's head as the two scaled the palace in the lift. He knew that he had alot of catching up to do, and now was a good time to do most of it.

"It pleases me to see that TSO has done so much in my absence. Tell me, is everyone still here?"