View Full Version : But you were so much prettier before... (Azhure)

Oct 26th, 2002, 04:39:03 AM
:: You could say I was stalking her. But I had scanned her mind and she had intrigued me. In the back of her mind was the programming of an assassin. It was so beautiful... the whole kill and don't think about it, as if it were a normal function. And I had let her know I'd been following her too just a couple minutes before she had left the bar. My eyes glowed and I leaped off the roof of the building and landed not but five feet away from her.::

Name beautiful?

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:47:06 AM
::Azhure watched him warily, there was a dark feeling about him. She knew where all her weapons were and stood where she was, brown eyes twinkling in the darkness of the fading light of evening::

My name is Azhure. Who might you be and what do you want?

Oct 26th, 2002, 04:55:42 AM
Wow... straight to the point. My name is Fiend and I want you, if you want to be so blatant. What's it like to be a human that knows how to kill on reaction, or mere impulse. And what did you do it for? Money? I just have to know, the memories I've already extracted from your dark haired head are too sweet not to come back to. How you killed all those people over and over and over and over.

:: I laughed, it was a shrill metallic laughter and my eyes flared with brilliance once again. My head tilted to the side as my words affected her and more thoughts seemed to spill out into the open.::

Gaurd yourself Jedi... your thoughts run like water from your ears.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 26th, 2002, 05:02:54 AM
:;Azhure looked at him, a darker look in his eyes. If he wanted answers he would have it, though his words touched something slippery, something not pleasing in her mind. The voices that had been silenced long ago, but she pushed them back::

You feel like a robot, you are trained from the age of 3 to do this and you do this for your clan, not for the money. Being an assasin is a job, it is a way of life and it is a destructive path to live. Don't you ever tire of killing?

::She could see in his eyes he had killed many times. A person who had touched death many times knew that look as they new the back of their hand, and recognised the look of a killer. This one was a killer and she watched him with smooth calmess outwardly. Don't let him get to your mind.::

One day you open your eyes and find you are meaningless, you are nothing, you are deaths enemy because you take his job away from him. And my as yet nameless friend, you are in the path of nothingness.

Oct 26th, 2002, 05:12:15 AM
:: I laughed again.::

Azhure... how pathetic. Without death, creation is over balanced and it would devour itself. I am the equalizer. But you worked for me, you simple little toy. Why try and complex yourself with such nonsense when you can always go back to your simple wind up motions of slice, cut and slash.

:: I reached into Azhure's brain and shut down her senses. She couldn't see, hear, touch, or even taste the city air before her. I took a step and was right in front of her. I let go of her senses and she opened her eyes. ::

You smell like them too, the death lilies...

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 27th, 2002, 06:30:50 PM
::Azhure looked at him, death lillies, angel of death...jedi. She was a jedi. Looking at him she shook her head. How dare he take over her mind. Putting on a stronger block to her mind and then another for good measure she shook her head, this one was a slippery man, one she would watch carefully. had to watch carefully. The assasin part was gone, would not be used anymore.::

You work for the same as I used to, nay I work for the light side of the force now. Darkness only goes so far, but death sayers only see so far. I am not a death lily.

:;Her eyes flashed at those words and she felt her weapon on her hip, what did he really want? to torment her with her past?::

If you are here to dig up unattended memories that have not been looked in some time for a reason, find someone else.

::She looked at the man for a few seconds before turning to leave::

Oct 27th, 2002, 07:01:31 PM
:: I jumped over her with a force leap anjd twisted so I was facing her. My face was only millimeters from hers and I used the force to put images of death lilies and dead roses in her mind, and to make the images seem to come to life with simulated smells in her mind.::

I care not for your memories, other than what beauty they used to accomplish. You... you are what I care about. You are still beautiful, just not as, but you could still be.

:: My hand went to her the place where her neck met her chest and two fingers slowly pushed her backwards. I smiled and my eyes flared.::

But then again, the blank stare of your eyes when you're dead could be just as beautiful too... Azhure.

:: I sneered and stared at her for a moment before my hand flew into the air and the smell of stagnant and burning bodies began to appear. The windows in the alley suddenly cracked and my other hand reached into my jacket and retrieved a long sickle. The air was on the point of combustion now and a black aura seeped from me like smog.::

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 29th, 2002, 01:36:05 AM
::The smell of the dead had sharpened her from the images that had come into her mind and shivering she decided something very definant. Putting her hand on her saber and stepping back she studied the man, looking int his own mind and using her telepathic ability for the first time for a different reason altogether. She hated looking in poeples minds as it was going against their privacy but him she didnt mind. She would not attack him first, a jedi did not attack first but she would make sure he knew she was not one that would sit there, she was a warrior::

I have decided I do not like you Fiend....

Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:49:46 AM
And I care? What a wussy little girl... do not waste my time with your pathetic lightsabers. And you can read my mind all you want, it drones on constantly over one thing and about one thing, death, destruction, you know, that old thing. Anyways...

:: My fist closed and the air around me seemed to set aflame as I lunged forward my sickle drawn.::