View Full Version : Bloodied angel [one jedi needed]

Aevenon Cloak
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:20:31 AM
Exertion had overcome him finally. The days and nights without sleep had brought him to the brink of his own bodily limits, and finally he had collapsed. His body crumpled against a wall on Coruscant city streets, he continued to inhale and exhale staggered breathes somehow. Around his body the cocoon of wings was not complete, as the left lay sprawled to the side, damaged by the fall against the hard stone. His right temple had dashed against the stone he lay against, and splattered crimson across the shoulder of his azure robes and down his pale complexion.

Aevenon was not in a pleasing state.

Someone had stolen the hat he usually wore whilst he had been out of consciousness, though the Force guarded him now and would not permit any further theft, as it encircled him in a loose pale yellow glow. It would take another day for him to regain his mind, left like this, and this his subconscious began to reach out, screaming for aide.

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 30th, 2002, 04:25:32 PM
::Azhure was at a nearby bar, the day had been slow and nothing out of the usual had happened. All in all it had been a relaxing day, besides the training earlier on in the morning. She and another were in a conversation about the recent politics, and she did not think much of the dull ache in her head.
She put the glass of water to her mouth when a loud noise came to her head in full volume, and the glass dropped from her hand at the same instant. Glass shattered everywhere, water spilling and blood mixing from the cut it had caused her hand.
It had been a cry for help and a very loud one too. It was also close to this place.::

I'm sorry, I have to go...

::Getting up from the seat and grabbing her bag, she paid her credit and started to run towards the sound, leaving the back-packer correllian to which she had never asked a name behind. Slowing down she could feel the mind and reached towards it unconciously, trying to find where the person was. A few more steps and she was faced with a man with broken wings and terrible injuries.

Azhure was not very trained in healing but she knew how to keep the mind calm, which in turn kept the blood flow and body better regulated to keep working properly. With one hand she touched his chest, feeling the hard breathing and concentrated on his breathing, then her mind went to where it was being regulated and slowed it down to a calmer state. There were things she could do but would not do unless there was an absolute need to. A trained person in this area was a far better choice.
With her mind she reached for the strongest power she had in telepathy and called out to the jedi as further as she could for assistance.

She slowly and carefully moved his head away from the rock, and taking off her jacket put it under his head, but mainly the neck. She would have put him into a better position for breathing but that required his whole body to be moved and she wasnt prepared to do that as she wasnt sure of his condition.
His head was resting on the jacket enough so that he would be able to access more air and his head would have a soft surface. Her hands were crimson with his blood.
Opening her bag, she took out her water bottle and a top she would have used for extra clothing. Wetting the cloth and wiping the blood away she inspected the wounds, careful not to touch or go near any places that may prove fatal. What her mind picked up though was this man had been pushed to the brink and his mind was not exactly where it should be. In her usual manner she tried to reach out to what was there, to what had called for help. She wasnt exactly the most compassionate of the jedi when it came to words.::

Hold on on or die. I've called for an expert, but until then I'll do what I can, and I will use all of my power to keep you alive.

Oct 31st, 2002, 12:56:21 AM
:: AB made her way towards the bar Azhure had told her about. It hadn't taken the yougn woman that long to contact the jedi and ask for a healer. AB, having been readily available, answered the call and was out on the streets in no time, with her medical satchel slung over her shoulder. ::

:: She reached the area Azhure had described and stopped, seraching for the other woman through the Force. It took her but a second to distinguish the woman's life signature, and she made a straight line for it, reaching her and the wounded being. ::

:: She knelt beside the fallen man, eyeing his injuries. She immediately began to work, taking medicinal herbs, clean bandages, and cleaning solutions. She applied bacta patches to those serious wounds, and wrapped them, then worked her way to the minor ones. As she worked, the Force flowed through her like a life-giving river, healing the man internally where she could not reach with her hands. ::

:: She worked quickly, but kept a calm and sound mind, turning to Azhure briefly before going back to her task. ::

Azhure, how did this happen? Do you know?

Aevenon Cloak
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:02:11 PM
Though physically he still did not move for a good while, inside he was cheering with excitement. His subconscious watched as two women tended to him carefully, bandaging his injured arm, gauzing a wound to one wing and applying some form of healing product to his battered and bruised head.

For a moment before he regained consciousness he could feel the two life forces more clearly. They were similar to the man Terran’s, and this lead him to believe that they were of the same group he was sworn too. From earlier conversations with Starek he’d learnt a lot of these Jedi and their ways, and no longer felt curiosity or fear when it came to their vocation. Their personalities, of course, were another matter.


His voice slipped into the two’s minds at first, though carried on to become audible more clearly as he corrected himself and cringed at a twinge of pain.


Oct 31st, 2002, 04:31:41 PM
:: Before Azhure could answer her, the man's voice spoken inside her head and then audibly brought her back to look at him. ::

You're welcome. But do lie still. I've sent for an ambulance to take you to the medical clinic near the Jedi temple. I'll have more there with to tend to your wounds.

:: She could tell he was weak, and didn't want to strain him too much with too many questions. But one she had to have answered. ::

Do you know who did this to you?

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 31st, 2002, 09:23:44 PM
::Azhure watched as AB did her work, so he would survive. That was good. She shook her head in reply to AB's question, as she did not know what had happened. She answered AB"s question none the less. She too would like to know who had done this, she felt this man was not exactly jedi but still a force user, and in the matters of healing it mattered not.::

I heard a cry for help and responded but other than that, only he can tell you. It seems he has worn himself out, perhaps by not enough rest or a harsh battle. Is there anything I can do to help?

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:10:38 PM
Aevenon did as the ruby haired woman instructed and rested back against the wall, sighing out a long breath.

“I believe… I did it to myself,” he replied as his eyes eased closed.

The unconsciousness had done nothing for his tiredness, and if anything only made him feel drowsier.

“I haven’t slept in…” he wheezed and words failed him for a moment, “weeks.”

Nov 1st, 2002, 08:02:24 PM
:: She gently placed a hand over the man's forehead, sending soothing thoughts into his mind. ::

Then rest now. Your body will heal more quickly if you rest.

:: She turned to Azhure. ::

You can help by staying with him when the ambulance arrives and staying with him at the clinic. We need to know more about what happened to him... whether this was an attack, or as he said, his own doing.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:37:11 PM
Adjusting to the new living arrangements on Coruscant was practically non-existent for Navaria Tarkin. This was the planet of her birth and it was met with mix emotions for the Jedi. Almost bittersweet ... So many memories of this planet were forgotten that in recent weeks they seemed to be funneling to her conscious thoughts. Especially the memories of her brother, Marc.

One thing that had not changed since coming from Arcan IV to Coruscant was Navaria programming her personal computer to pick up specific calls to emergency agencies that dealt with the Jedi and Sanis. She might not admit it out loud all the time but she knew more often then not he was getting into more trouble here then back on Arcan. Suddenly, she felt terribly alone without him ...

The familiar incessant trill of the computer alerted Navaria that something had come up. She half wondered, almost half hoping, it was Sanis.

It wasn't. An ambulance had been called by Rie, her fellow Council Member, to pick up someone that was injured. It mention briefly that Azhure was the first to find this stranger.

Quickly she put in a communication to Rie and hoped the Jedi Master picked up ...

Nov 4th, 2002, 02:42:29 AM
:: AB was beginning to put her medical supplies back into her satchel as the ambulance came into view, when her comm started to peep. She plucked it from her belt, finishing her packing, and slinging the satchel over her left shoulder. By now the medics had decsended from their hover vehicle, and where getting a stretcher out for the fallen man. She answered the comm on it's thrid peep. ::

Mystt here.

:: She stood, standing aside to let the medics do their work, but still watching to make sure all went well. Azhure stood beside her. ::

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:41:30 AM
Aevenon was regarded at first with some confusion by the men who moved to help him, though they set aside their curiosity in the haste to lift him from the ground to the stretcher – with the utmost care. Set down upon the soft gurney, he relaxed as much as he could. To enter the ambulance his wings were needed to be folded in, which caused a sudden sharp pain as the medics held them inwards. During the move, he looked back towards the Jedi, straining to see if they were still there or not.

Are you coming? his mind called out desperately to them.

Nov 4th, 2002, 07:31:53 PM
:: AB nodded her head indicating Azhure to go in with the man in the back of the ambulance. She herself went to the front, sitting herself in the passenger seat. She still held the comm, waiting for a response from the call. ::

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2002, 08:08:02 PM
Rie, it is Navaria. I found out you called for an ambulance. Is everything all right? Do you need extra assistance?

OOC~ sorry about that... somehow my post was really messed up

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 5th, 2002, 03:31:35 AM
::Azhure went in the back, and sat beside the man on the side seat. She squeezed his hand once, not sure how to treat the patient, but a message to stay they were still there. He could see and he was concious, that was a good sign. He seemed uncomfortable, those wings would certainly cause a problem in the laying down.::

We are here. Worry not. AB, is it ok to give him some water?

Nov 5th, 2002, 04:44:43 PM
Hello Navaria. Yes, I do believe we have things under control. The...

:: She turned briefly to answer Azhure. ::

Yes, water would be fine. Though not a lot at once.

:: She returned back to the communique. ::

The ambulance has been instructed to bring the injured being to the Jedi medical ward. I will remain with him so as to ascertain what happened to him.

Perhaps you could meet me when we arrive? There may be some questions you may have that I may not be able to think of.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 5th, 2002, 09:10:46 PM
I will be happy to lend my assistance in any form that I can. I can find out which hospital you are heading and meet you both there.

Leaving now

Navaria could have asked Rie more about the situation over the comm but it was more important getting to the hospital as quickly as she could. Answers to what had happened and to whom would be found there.

Within a span of ten minutes, she was already lifting off the landing pad near the Jedi Temple. One of the best things about being on the Council, when you needed something, it happened quickly and without any questions asked.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:25:36 AM
::Azhure nodded at ABs response and taking some water from a compartment closing the compartment door. The water felt cold but not too cold that it would make a greater reaction to the throat. She took her own suspicions to his look of lack of moisture and applied a few small drops of water onto his dry lips. AB was right, the body would probably not react well to too much water. Pouring a tiny bit more into his mouth, enough to wet the throat she waited to see if it would do any good. His body may not react to it well just yet. What had he done if this had been self-inflicted? Was it self-inflicted?
With a curious and troubled look she waited to see how the water went.::

I will give more if you can handle it.

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 6th, 2002, 11:31:39 AM
The thoughts of the Jedi came to him in fits and starts, the strings of words incomplete. He could tell little or nothing from what he was hearing and rather than helping him feel at ease, the rush of jagged terms only disarray in his mind.

Of course he accepted the water gladly and craned his neck to receive some more from the woman. It was rare that he was treated so well and with such care, without prejudice, and therefore he felt a faint feeling of satisfaction. What did confuse him was the fact that so much fuss was being made over his fall, whilst others seem to die without so much as a bat of an eyelid from a Jedi.

… I didn’t mean to fall, he said quietly into Azhure’s mind, as he strained to look at her.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:55:28 PM
::Azhure gave him more water, in small amounts then nodded. She was not sure how much he heard of her speech. She moved more to the right, noticing the water seemed to do some good, there was slightly more colour. Not much, but enough to notice.
Moisture it seemed he needed badly.
It felt strange helping an enemy, she figured he was dark jedi or sith by the feel of the force, but no one deserved to die that way and he had asked for help.::

No one means to fall. The only thing to do is to get back up again.

:;She did not say this into his mind as she felt his hand slightly jerk, whether he was unaware of it she did not know, but words in the mind did not seem to take well. She turned to AB::

How much longer?

Nov 7th, 2002, 07:12:45 PM
:: AB turned to look at Azhure. ::

Not much.

:: As if on cue, the ambulance came to a gradual halt. ::

As a matter of fact, we're here.

:: The medics immediately opened the back doors and brought the winged man out on his stretcher, wheeling him into the hospital. ::

:: AB herself went to the desk there at the emergency entrance, motioning for Azhure to stay with the man. ::

Stay with him, Azhure. Keep him calm. I'll wait here for Master Tarkin.

Aevenon Cloak
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:16:04 AM
The conversation between the one named Azhure and ‘AB’ was slightly muffled to him, but he caught the general idea and relaxed some. He was quite obviously in capable hands, and had no reason to panic – so instead he closed his eyes and lay back. All the while, of course, his mind watched the area in a small radius around him.

…Am I going to the Jedi temple?

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 12th, 2002, 04:00:57 AM
::Azhure looked at him, and nodded quietly as she watched the area around her. This place had a feeling around it and it felt somewhat like...it held a meaning or purpose. A way to do good without having to use her battle skills. Strange, she had never thought to challenge her own wrongs another way but... it twinged a memory with the sound of Navaria within it but she could not remember it.
Looking back at the man she answered with words this time, her task was as AB had given and she would do it. He looked fairly relaxed so she answered gently into the mind that had rejected the sounds earlier, making 'yes' prodominant and the rest only hearable if he could pick up outside sound. They would find out what happened soon.::

Yes. The healers in the jedi temple will attend to you soon.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 12th, 2002, 09:46:36 PM
Before her ride even touched down, Navaria stepped out of the hover car and landed with graceful ease by the Force. Rei was in sight and with determined steps, covered the distance quickly until both of the Jedi were walking towards the hospital entrance together.

"What has happened?"

Her eyes were wide and absorbing all that was around her, trying to understand while listening. Something in the Force had caused her to feel disturbed but Navaria could not place the source.

Nov 15th, 2002, 07:47:56 PM
:: AB shook her head. ::

Your guess is as good as mine. I got a call from Azhure needing medical help and I came. But I'm not sure how it was this man was injured.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 16th, 2002, 10:24:18 PM
This didn't bode well.

"What were his injuries and is he stabilized?"

Nov 18th, 2002, 01:43:16 AM

:: AB looked off in the direction they had wheeled the man off in, most likely into one of the exam rooms. Azhure was with him and she'd let AB know of any change in his condition. ::

He had several cuts and bruises, like he'd been badly assaulted. And I believe one of his wings was broken.

But I did stabalize him before the ambulance came, and then they did the rest.

As soon as he's a bit stronger, we can question him as to what happened.

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 18th, 2002, 02:29:44 AM
::Azhure sat down and watched the man. She still had not gotten his name and no changed had arrived yet. He seemed relaxed and was breathing deeper. His wings were definantly broken but the water had done some good. Azhure suspected he had not drinken or eaten for a while and they would have a ravonous patient by the time he woke up. She almost felt like asking AB to feed him in a tube for a bit to build up strength or even fluid, if her suspisions were right but AB had done a lot more healing than she and probably knew best.::

Aevenon Cloak
Dec 12th, 2002, 12:51:32 PM
It wasn’t like a normal hospital here, more like a child’s ward of some kind. As he was pushed into a small room to be further tended to he could feel so many presences around him, rushing with the energy of the Force. The feeling intoxicated him and he all at once found it hard to concentrate on anything at all, finding his whole body lapsing into lethargy as if he had consumed some opiate. The sensation left quickly, of course, as no such thing can carry on into unconsciousness.

Once he awoken, too, it had left him, as had his aches and pains. Much to his surprise the Jedi had healed him at what seemed like hyperspeed, and now had him lounging on a bed in the same small room, without anyone to watch him. Of course within moments of his waking a clansman would have been informed, and on their way, leaving him only a few minutes to himself. In this time he straightened out his appearance a little, and gave himself a short while to become accustomed to the high concentration of Lightside energy that passed around him.

One pulse of said energy was approaching the door to the room, and caused him to snap out of his thoughts.

Come in.

Azhure Darkstone
Dec 14th, 2002, 06:50:16 AM
::Azhure had stepped out for a drink, and walked in to see him up already. Lokking slightly surprised but the surprised hidden withing seconds it came she smiled and nodded.::

Good to see you standing. You were in pretty bad shape. I will call AB, she might want to check you before your kinsmen take you away.

::Walking out she went towards AB and Navaria, not expecting him to wait, but still who knew. They needed to be informed anyhow. It was late in the night, almost morning by now, and she could feel the creepings of tiredness around the edge of her outer mind.::

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 17th, 2002, 05:57:45 PM

That caused Navaria pause.

"Perhaps he is related to Warren or Jeseth? Or ... at the very least a member of their people. Should prove ... interesting."

Jan 13th, 2003, 05:48:05 PM
:: AB looked throughtful. ::

Hmmm... that hadn't accured to me. It is possible, I suppose...

:: She looked in the direction they'd taken him and where Azure had accompanied him. ::

Perhaps it is time we inquired about these things. He's had some time to rest and we do need to find out where this attack originated from.

:: She began walking towards the room, followed by Nav. ::

Aevenon Cloak
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:47:49 AM
The sleeping pattern he had developed in his life had been erratic at best – none existent in the past week – but it still remained in his mind. He would not need to rest properly again for a good thirty hours. This was quite fortunate, considering the fact that he could sensed he would be having more visitors very soon.

Deciding against keeping the position of an invalid, lying in his bed, he sat up. The medical staff he piled his own clothes in the corner of the room on a desk, and had left him in a robe-come-cloak made from what felt like white, sheet plastic. It covered the front of his body, but had been crudely cleaved at in the shoulders to accommodate for his wings.

There were still a few monitoring devices attached to his wrists, which he snapped off carefully so to not damage them. His eyes moved upwards quickly and he settled back against the bed, hearing footsteps approaching.