View Full Version : You owe me. (Chii, open)

Alex Frost
Oct 25th, 2002, 10:40:27 AM
Alex sat back in his high-backed chair. A cold smile twisted his mouth. He knew she would come. She had no choice really. Not if she wanted her family to live. Reaching down he pushed a button on his desk.

"Is she here yet?"

A voice immediately spoke. "She is here boss, standing across the street. She looks like she is having a hard time figuring out what to do." The box issued a dry laugh.

"Oh she knows what to do. Let her stand there, it is only a matter of time." Alex chuckled.

He looked at the picture of Chii, that sat in the center of his desk. Her tear streaked face looked back at him. He had the picture taken when he had told her of her brothers death. "I own you Chii." He whispered coldly.

The men that surrounded his building watched as Chii struggled with what she had to do. All of their cold eyes fixed on her. They all knew that no one turned the boss down, when he wanted something.

Oct 25th, 2002, 11:13:36 AM
Chii stood outside the building she knew so well. Her eyes glued on the window she knew Alex stood behind. Her heart clenched in fear. She knew she had no choice but to go in there. Chii placed her hand against the cold brick, she moved forward.

Her steps were slow and unsure. She moved past the guards, all of which she knew. They did not nod in greeting, nor did she. She walked up the stairs that she had used frequently in the past. Her cold hand clutched the railing. Chii's thought strayed to Oishii. "Please don't let Alex know about him." She muttered.

As she raised her hand to knock, Alex's voice called out. "Enter Chii."

Chii's head lowed and she stepped through his door. Her hand shook as she pushed her hair back from her face.

Alex Frost
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:15:17 AM
He stood there silent, his eyes fixed on the one thing he would never willingly part with. She had come to him not long after leaving her family home. Unwanted, scared and lost. Alex had taken her and shaped her. He had acted the part of a loving boyfriend. Until she had walked in on a conversation she was not meant to hear. Chii had been angry and hurt by the betrayal and Alex had been pleased he would no longer have to play a part.

"So you have finally come my dear. I must say it took you long enough to answer my summons." Alex moved from behind his desk. His walk was slow and self assured as he moved toward her. He could see her shaking, be it with anger or fear, he didnt know. More than likely both knowing her.

"I need you to do another job for me Chii, and it requires you staying here for the duration of it." He moved behind her and ran his fingers lightly over her bare shoulders. His mouth twisted into a frown when she jerked away from his touch.

"You don't want to deny me my rights Chii, Unless you want to loose the new toy you have taken a liking to. What was his name... Oh yes, Oishii. He could always end up like your brother." He once again placed his hands on her shoulders that now shook with her cries she would not voice in his presence. A sadistic smile formed on Alex's lips.

"You owe me Chii." She hissed softly in her ear.

Oct 26th, 2002, 11:30:17 AM
Chii cried silently as she listened to his cruel words. She had no need to ask him why he had changed, why he had become so mean and sadistic. She had no need, because now she knew it was how he had always been. The boy she had known and fallen in love with had only been an act, to capture her. When she had first come to him, he had been so kind, showering affection and love on her. He gave her everything her heart desired. Sometimes she wished she had never heard the conversation between him and her father. In her heart she knew it would not have kept him from showing his true colors eventually.

She felt his hands on her and said nothing. She couldn't, with every word she uttered in protest, he would find a new way to hurt her. "I owe you nothing Alex. I have repaid my debts to you and then some." His fingers tightened on her delicate skin. They would leave a bruise she would try to hide the next day.

"I will do as you ask Alex. If you leave Oishii out of this." She muttered in broken tones. Her heart aching at the thought of Oishii finding out about her life. "What do you want from me?"

Alex Frost
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:48:45 AM
"You owe me everything, Chii. Without me you would have been dead, or worse. I could never understand why you cant see this fact." He said as his fingers dug into her flesh and his lips grazed her neck. He moved back in front of her and lifted her chin. Forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Go back to where ever you call home now and pack your cloths. Tell your new found friends you must be gone for a while. I want you back here no later then tomorrow. Then I will tell you what I want from you. Do as I say Chii or this Oishii will pay for you betrayal." Alex went back to his desk and dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

Before she stepped out he called out to her one more time. His words as biting as his tone. "Your mother and brothers have moved into the complex, along with your father. They owe me now to." He laughed as he saw her hand tighten on the Katana he had given her. His laughter followed her as she walked out of the room.

Oct 26th, 2002, 11:58:58 AM
Chii ran down the stairs and past the guards, their smiles knowing, they mocked her with laughter. She stopped at the corner of the building where she had waited before. Her hand bracing her as she leaned forward. She was gasping for breath as she cried. Her body rocked with the force of her sobs. He had her family now. Under his so called protection and she knew he would kill them, and anyone else she cared about, if she failed to comply.

Chii straightened and wiped the tears from her eyes. She had no one to blame but herself. She could lay blame on her father but he was to money hungry to see his folly. Chii made her way back to where she was staying with Oishii, and his brother. She would tell them what she must, to protect them from her past. "When will my debt be repaid you bastard." She whispered angrily.

Oishii Sakana
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:22:15 PM
Oishii walked up behind her. "Your debt will be repaid when he is no longer living."

Oishii looked up at the building. He had some experience with Mafia dealings through Yasashii. "I know he has been following me. He has been 'researching' as some would put it."

Oishii's hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. "Yasashii should be here soon. You stay with him. I will see an end to this mysterious boss of yours."

Alex Frost
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:22:00 PM
Alex's intercom buzzed on his desk. "What is it?" He asked with impatience.

"Sir, someone seems to have joined her. He is talking with her across the street." The voice of one of the guards piped up.

"Keep an eye on them. I am sure Chii will be smart enough to keep whoever it is out of my way." Alex had no doubt it was the new man in Chii's life, Oishii. "He may turn out to be a nuisance." Alex said with a grin.

"Make sure someone follows them, and no one gets into my building without having been invited."

Oct 26th, 2002, 11:33:32 PM
Chii gasped when she heard Oishii's voice. Her panicked eyes looked from him then to the building. She knew how dangerous Alex was. Just as she knew that her family would die if anyone attacked Alex or went against him.

"Oishii, I can't explain right now.... You must not do anything to attack him. He has something over my head and I must do as he asks." Chii began to cry again. She did not want Oishii hurt, nor did she want her family killed. Chii knew with a push of a button all of that cold happen. She did not want Oishii to think less of her but she had no other choice.

"Please Oishii, I do not know what else to do. He hold's something precious in the palm of his hand." She put her hand out, her eyes pleading with him to understand.

Yasashii Mikan
Oct 27th, 2002, 06:36:18 PM
"Well if ya won't let Oishii do anything, I'LL do something."

Yasashii eyed the building Chii had come from.

"Go on back Chii. And don't worry about any snipers or spies or hitmen. I took them out on my way here."

Being former Yakuza, he knew the workings of criminal organizations. The men in their service had been painfully obvious to spot.

"Leave it up to us."

Oishii Sakana
Oct 27th, 2002, 08:59:34 PM
Oishii nodded. "Chii, believe me, if we don;t face him now, he will keep on doing this to you. He may have already killed your family and is dangling it over your head. Chii, he is not going to stop. It is time to cut you loose. I'll return. i promise."

Oishii headed toward the building.

"You will pay for your crimes," he said under his breath.

Oct 27th, 2002, 09:43:43 PM
Chii watched them walk away. She Knew if they breached the outer office Alex would be long gone. She wanted to tell them that. She had a feeling they would not listen. She had been with Alex for four years and knew his ways almost as well as she knew hers.

Alex would not forgive her this slight. He would blame it on her and take it out on her. She didn't want Oishii and his brother to suffer for her past. Chii's had rose, she wanted desperately to call Oishii back. She turned away from the building, her head lowered. Leaning her head against the cold brick.

A hand closed over her mouth. A voice hissing in her ear. "Foolish, my dear, you should have paid attention to who was following you. Now you will pay the price. I will have you again Chii." With that he shoved her into the brick and her head struck the corner. Placing her hand to her head she looked around, Alex was gone.

Oishii Sakana
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:46:18 PM
"So, brother, how do we handle these Mafia people? We need to get to the boss. How can we do that?" Oishii asked. He wanted this to be over with now. He would get this right the first time. Chii deserved it.

Yasashii Mikan
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:25:38 PM
"Mob bosses are cowards by nature. We won't find him here, he'll be long gone. But this is one of his bases of operations. The mob doesn't believe in rebuilding old places or reusing them. Let's put this place and all its people out of their misery."

Oishii Sakana
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:50:52 PM
Oishii nodded. "Ok, then. Let's go."

Oishii drew his katana and deeply cut one guard's neck while bringing the flat of his blade to block another guard's fist.

"Coward! Fight me!" Oishii roared.

Oct 29th, 2002, 05:11:19 PM
Chii drew her hand away from her forehead. Her fingers were smeared with blood. She rolled her eyes and looked for Alex and saw he was gone.

"Oishii, don't go in there." Chii cried out. If Alex had left then he more than likely had left an unpleasant surprise behind. She staggered t her feet. Blood seeping from the cut. Her vision blurred. She began to walk toward the building.

Oishii Sakana
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:57:44 PM
Oishii fought on, destroying the guards one by one as they came to face him. Finally he caught one and slammed him into a wall.

"Talk! Where is your boss?" Oishii spat.

Yasashii Mikan
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:07:48 PM
"He doesn't know. He's an underling. A worthless piece of cannon fodder. The higher ups will know. They'll be up top, commanding the operation and sending reports as things occur."

Yasashii gutted another on his fist, then snapped the man's neck.

"Upstairs, bro."

Oishii Sakana
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:01:41 PM
Oishii delivered a headbutt to the man's face, leaving him unconscious before breaking down the door and rushing inside.

Oct 30th, 2002, 09:58:33 AM
She watched them enter the building. She stumbled forward as quickly as she could. She could almost hear the tic of the trap she new he would have left. She hoped with her being this close, that Alex would not set it off. The wound on her forehead, though not enough to kill her, was bleeding profusely.

She stepped through the doors and called out again. "Oishii,
Yasashii, please come out it's not safe in here." She moved towards the stairs. Her shaking hand clutched the railing. She pulled her self up and darkness closed around her.

Oishii Sakana
Oct 30th, 2002, 10:02:44 AM
Oishii did not hear. He was already almost to the thrid floor.

"How many stories? Yasashii, where can we find the higher ups that will be able to tell us where the boss is?" He asked as he fought his way us the stairs.

Alex Frost
Oct 30th, 2002, 12:35:41 PM
Cold eyes watched as Chii entered the building. Alex's finger tightened in anger on the button. She had, in his eyes, betrayed him. Perhaps not by choice but by her ignorance.

"She should have been more careful." He released the detonator and laid it aside. He would give her one more chance to make right what she had done. Of course she would have to lose another family member to teach her a well deserved lesson.

"I want the youngest brother gone." Alex growled into the com-link. His brows furrowed in anger. "I will have you Chii one way or another. If I have to kill everything you love, one by one."

"Take me to the compound. I have a message to deliver to Chii's father." His cold voice held a hint of pleasure.

Yasashii Mikan
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:37:50 PM
Yasashii elbowed his brother.

"Chill. They'll be at the highest floor. There's a helipad up there. Oh, and one more thing...one of us needs to go after the big boys. The other needs to help her."

He jerked a thumb over his shoulder where Chii was following them.

Oishii Sakana
Oct 31st, 2002, 04:52:31 PM
Oishii saw Chii, her face bloodied.

"What are you doing here?" Oishii helped her to sit on the stairs, then turned to his brother again.

"He's gonna kill her family. The idea is to get this guy, but her family needs to stay unharmed. Got any ideas?"

Oishii knew that it would be hard to kill Alex when he held Chii's family in his hand.

"I think we should go find her family, get them safe, then go after this guy. Of course, if we do that, we probably won;t be able to find him for a while."

Nov 1st, 2002, 10:09:27 AM
"Oishii we must get out of here. Alex is gone." She gestured to her head. "He left me a small present. He will have left a trap in here for whoever came in. I know him and he may pause because I am here but I don't know for how long. Please Oishii we must go." She said as he grabbed his hand trying to tug him toward the open door.

Yasashii Mikan
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:04:46 AM
"Yeah, get her outta here bro. I'll see what I can dig up, see if I can catch any other of their big wigs that got left behind."

Oishii Sakana
Nov 1st, 2002, 04:57:10 PM
Oishii mulled it over.

"Do what you can. I'll take Chii and leave."

It really burned that Oishii could not take out Alex right then and there.

"Demon, I swear I will get you." Oishii silently swore.

"Let's get you out of here," he said to Chii, picking her up and leaving. He needed to find her a hospital.

Yasashii Mikan
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:04:37 PM
"Don't go doin' anything stupid, bro..."

Yeeaaah...this was the way he liked it. Against all odds...his Yakuza days were flooding back to him.

Nov 1st, 2002, 05:10:55 PM
Chii wrapped her arms around Oishii's neck. Her head lolled against his shoulder. "He can't stay Oishii. Make Yasashii come with us please. I don't want anyone to get hurt." She pleaded softly. Her eyes blurred from the pain in her head. She had struck the wall a lot harder than she thought.

"Alex will hurt him if he sees you and I leave. He will know your brother stayed." Chii struggled weakly in Oishii's arms.

Oishii Sakana
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:14:32 PM
Oishii thought it over. "I think Alex would be the one getting hurt. Yasashii has worked for an organization similar to this one. Yasashii knows what to expect. They can't touch him because he knows how they operate. Trust me, sweetheart." Oishii said softly into her ear.

Yasashii Mikan
Nov 1st, 2002, 05:28:20 PM
Yasashii, no longer burdened by his brother and Chii, burst into the room at the end of the hall on the top floor. It was as he had expected: the largest room, highest up for security purposes, was full of mob boss types.

"I need info. You guys have it. You will give it to me. Now."

He spoke coldly, with a harshness he'd abandoned long ago. Yasashii was all business, just as he had been back before he'd destroyed the Yakuza.