View Full Version : Hitman 2
Artimidor Ferkarial
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:19:56 AM
Anyone played this game and if so...did you enjoy it as much as i did? :)
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:29:54 AM
Yep. I was very pleased with the improvements they made over the original game. The ability to actually save during a mission instantly made the game more enjoyable. I did, however have a few qualms with it: Namely, the fact that it's nigh-impossible to sneak up on a moving target. That, and the fact that some people in the game are way too paranoid for their own good. I'll just be walking around in full costume and they'll decide to open fire on me. Fibrewire kills were few and far between, but very nice whenever I could pull it off.
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:40:28 AM
This is Artimidor: AKA Sieken)
Yeah, i mean i remember one mission: Where, i think it was Russia and you need to carry a sniper rifle all along the roads till you get to a building oposite where the window was, where the 4 generals were having a meeting. I went to the locker, took the rifle out and as soon as i did the innocents ran up the stairs and told the took me 20 mins to get up there with the sniper rifle without being spotted and kill a gaurd to get his cloths...and even then as you said they are very paranoid and as soon as you walk pas them they go "hmm?"
but other than that and the problems you mentioned good game...i especially liked Kuewaler Lumpur..thats a good chapter, and how you needed to work out how you got the gun through the metal detectors...i didn't like the japanese chapter tho'.
Oct 25th, 2002, 11:34:32 AM
I preferred Hitman over it, although I played 1 a lot, and 2 only sporadically on my friends comp.
imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 25th, 2002, 10:11:29 PM
I'm still stuck on 'Samurai Showdown', the other levels came relatively easy to me but this one is giving me hell for some reason.
Severen Morkonis
Oct 26th, 2002, 06:14:06 AM
If you want me to tell you how to do it...just ask :)
imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:34:40 AM
Alright, tell me.
Oct 26th, 2002, 11:46:49 AM
Is that the Helecopter one?
Kelt Simoson
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:38:34 PM
Okay pretty simple.
Okay, i take it you are just below his private quarters?, okay if you go up the stairs you will meet the head japanese honcho just there?...ill go from there anyway.
Okay, for starters dont even think about going up there. You will never make it out so dont bother,there are to many guads to make it down the steps and out the door. I tried it about a thousand times. I tried dropping the detonated bomb in his room and trying to escape to the helecopter where i could escape then setting the bomb cant do what do you do?...i know this sounds crazy cause its your only escape route, but theres an option that you can actually put the bomb on the chopper.
So get out of his castle without being noticed, ignore the gaurds and such and get back down to the chopper, place the bomb, pull out a SMG or AK or your largest weapon and make your way back into the castle, make your way back up to his room (Again without alerting the guards) , and when he starts shouting at you to get out of his room LEG IT, make a break for it! run as fast as you can (again ignoring all the gaurds fireing at you and chasing you) dont look back. A few moments after it will say ""Blah, Blah is escaping". Dont worry about this cause hes making his wayto the chopper :p. I think you can work out the rest. Exit the building and get into a good hiding spot where you can see the chopper but depend yourself from the haurd of gaurds chasing you kill the first front few and then wait.
The chopper will start to take off (you will hear him shouting first anyway), you simply pull your detinator out and blow him sky high, kill the remaining gaurds off if need be and look for the 2nd exit. Simple.
You Go up to his bed room kill him where he is and do the same. Leg it down to the chopper without turning to fight his men (cause you got a snow ballsin hells chance of doing it) and make a break for the chopper, get in it and fly your butt away. :)
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