View Full Version : Light Troubles.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:32:03 PM
Kaytor sat outside a little before dark. Several rocks were around her. She was kneeling down, consentrating on them. She held her right hand out to one of them and tried to concentrate on the lightside of the force.

Her face contorted into compleat concentration. Her right hand started to shake from focusing so much.

After 5 mins, she became frustrated in herself and sliped. The rock she had been focusing on shot into a nearby tree by the dark side. She lowered her head and pounded a fist into the ground.

A hard wind started up as she got frustrated.

"Is it even posable for me to come back?"

She yelled into the wind. Moments after the wind came, it left. Kaytor now stood up, stareing at the setting sun. She almost started to cry but stoped herself.

Oct 24th, 2002, 07:46:44 PM
He often took these early evening walks in the park. Granted it wasn't quite the same as his home planet of Arus, nor even like the wide forests of Yavin, but it was peaceful enough. He had never been to a place like Coruscant before. The endless streets and towering buildings made him feel a bit uncomfortable. Although the city-planet of Coruscant never truly slept, sometimes, in the evening in the park, he could almost believe he was out in the wild, a thought that helped him relax and concentrate.


Suddenly, the peace was brocken by a fist sized rock, which tore through a nearby tree and came mere feet from doing the same to him. Instinctively, he dropped to the ground--he could feel the dark energies of a Sith in the area.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:52:52 PM
Kaytor spun around when she heard him drop to the ground. She instictivly reached for her sword and withdrew it. She sensed his force signature and saw he was another jedi.

She let the tip of the sword drop to the ground and lowered her head. She tried to push the dark out of her again but it just grew bigger the more she tried. She shook her head and looked back to the man on the ground. She put her sword away and walked over to him.

"Sorry about the rock. I'm trying to control that."

She knelt down and offered to help him to his feet.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:34:54 PM
Tomak came over and sat down beside her, "Havin trouble? Don't worry it happens to all of us." He smiled, "You will get it. Takes time you know." He put his hand on her shoulder, "We will try it together. Just concentrate and we will lift a tree, okay?" He looked back at her. "Ready?"

Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:39:20 PM
Kaytor looked up at Tomak. She lowered her gaze again and walked over to the stones again.

"I just cant seem to reajust to the light side."

She focused on another stone and reached out to it. She was trying to get it to come to her. Once again, she got frustrated and forced it away with a huge blast of the dark side. She shook her head.

"And I cant seem to get it. That keeps happening. Maybe I really dont belong here, Tomak."

She saddly leaned against a tree and looked up at the setting sun again.

Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:44:30 PM
"First off get the negative thoughts out. Think positive thoughts. Next don't get frustrated. I havent dont this in a while either. Third, when your doing this start off slow. No one gets it right the first time. Just think clearly, stay positive, and remember I am here to help you. Then if we still can not do it then we will just try again. So come on. Just sit here and hold my hand. Think of the great life we will have in the future, and then try it." Tomak smiled and held out his hand for her.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:54:42 PM
Kaytor looked at him then to the stones. She took his hand then held her other hand out to the stones.

A slight breaze started to blow. SHe closed her eyes and tried to push away every evil thought she had. She tried to push away the dark thoughts.

She started to focus on the stones. She focused on one of the smaller ones. Only about 2 inches in diameter. She focused on it for a while. Nothing happened.

Kaytor tightened her grasp on Tomak's hand slightly and tried harder. Nothing yet happened but she didnt give up.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:52:42 AM
"A Fallen Jedi trying to teach another Fallen Jedi....my Padawan, none the less."

A voice rang out....low and commanding. The figure whom it belonged to stepped into the light, allowing it to bath her features. It was Xazor and she appeared to be wearing a bit of a frown.

"Tomak I appreciate you efforts dear friend....but there are many a things I must discuss with Kaytor....many a things she has yet to learn....many a things you have yet to learn. Please, I wish to teach her now."

She said softly, walking over to the young woman and placing a hand upon her shoulder. Xazor finally smiled, exposing her elongated canines. Perhaps Tomak would understand her reasoning, and if not....she would speak with him later.....

Tomak Ohara
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:15:37 AM
Tomak opened his eyes and looked at Xazor, " I am sorry Xazor. I was just trying to help her. I understand mam." He smiled at Kaytor and handed her a necklace, "It's my mother. If ever you have problems then just squeeze it and think of me. I have my own training to get to. Bye Kaytor, Knight Xazor." He leaned in and kissed Kaytor on the cheek, and walked away waving at her.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 28th, 2002, 05:12:17 PM
Kaytor watched Tomak walk away then stood up to face Xazor. She looked her in the eye a moment then lowered her gaze and bowed to her. She glanced at the stones a moment then waited to Xazor to adress her.