View Full Version : Learning the ABC's of the Dark Side

T'air'un Bled
Oct 24th, 2002, 12:37:28 PM
T'air'un had found a vacant room and deposited his things. He still needed to get some supplies from his ship, but for now he was more interested in finding someone else in the castle, someone who could teach him the ways of the Force. He had taken a walk through the halls of Bast in order to see if there was anyone else who lived here. He kept an eye out for the slightest hint of life, while at the same time he memorized the layout of the Castle. After 30 or so minutes of wandering, he had found nothing but a computer terminal, and that was only good for displaying floor plans. There was a strong feeling in the air, an isolated vibration emanating from the very walls. The corridors themselves seemed lonely, as though they were alive and stuck in place, forcibly kept there by some invisible force. Bled shook this feeling off, deeming his line of reasoning ridiculous. T’air’un started to wonder how long it would be before he found a master in Bast.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 2nd, 2002, 02:45:25 AM

A figure spoke to him, barely visible down the hallway from where T'ai'run stood. The feminine voice, however, echoed into his ears, as if she were standing next to him.

T'air'un Bled
Nov 5th, 2002, 08:05:18 PM
T'air'un's head popped up and looked around for a sign of someone else in the same room. Bled immediately noticed a lack of people. His mind raced through possibilities, worried and scared who was talking to him. He forced himself to speak.
Bled shook his head... of all the responces he could have given, that one was by far the least intimidating. He sighed and continued talking again, his mind still racing with possibilities about this voice.
"I'm affraid I can't see you. Would you care to reveal yourself so we can speak more... personally?"
T'air'un's mind had completed its assessment of the situation. Either this was the work of some dark jedi, or perhaps he was right in his guess about the walls being alive after all.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 8th, 2002, 02:07:25 AM
De'Ville walked up slowly, remaining quiet until she reached the doorway. Leaning against it, she smiled quirkily. "Hello T'air'un. How are you liking Bast so far?" She took in the sparse room, and scant accomodations, but waited for him to reply.

T'air'un Bled
Nov 8th, 2002, 01:21:37 PM
Bled breathed a sigh of relief when he realized who it was. He untensed his body and smiled back at De'Ville. T'air'un still felt nervous but he kept a casual demeanor.
"Ah, Lady De'Ville, you had me worried... for a second. I'm affraid my stay has been rather uneventful. Aside from wandering around, there appears to be nothing of interest. However, I have been pondering what you said earlier. I did spend a rather lengthy time exploring Bast, but I have yet to find anyone else here, let alone a master. Perhaps..." Bled paused in thought. "Perhaps you could assist me in my search?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 9th, 2002, 01:07:03 AM
She entered without asking, and sat on the edge of the bed. "Assist you in your search? Tell me, have you had any Force training before?" De'Ville tested the mattress with her hand, and then returned her attention to the young man near the door.

T'air'un Bled
Nov 11th, 2002, 12:51:17 PM
T'air'un turned slowly to watch De'Ville walk through his room and sit down. He wondered if all the residents of Bast had this sort of casual demeanor. Bled listened to her question and thought for a second.
"No formal training, however I have practiced on my own quite a bit. My skills are nothing to celebrate over, this being the reason why I'm here to begin with. I can telekenetically move things around and enhance my own abilities. You must understand, though, the effect is not overly powerful, and it also has a severe draining effect on me. I cannot weild the Force for very long or too often, or I become weary. Aside from those, I have no other Force skills."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:25:58 PM
She nodded, and then stood up. "Perhaps I can help you with that. But my training does not come without a price." She eyed him, as if sizing him up, and then quirked an eyebrow upwards. "Show me what you can do. Let me assess the draining effect you mentioned."

T'air'un Bled
Nov 21st, 2002, 01:21:48 PM
T'air'un looked a her strangely. This price she spoke of quickly set off mental alarms. His experience with costs was, on the whole, not good. He wanted to strenghthen his powers, but not at the expense of something else.
"Wait a second. What is this price of which you speak? I would like to know what I am getting in to."
Bled crossed his arms and watched her carefully.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2002, 02:07:30 AM
"If you are careless, or stupid, you may die. I make no promises that you will survive. The Dark Side is cruel, and those who master it and bend it to their will must first overcome it." Her hazel eyes seemed green, and did not blink.

T'air'un Bled
Nov 22nd, 2002, 09:49:13 AM
T'air'un uncrossed his arms and softened his face. His fear of prices was allayed. However, her lack of faith was disturbing ((ooc: sorry bout the cheap quote)).
" I see. Allow me to reassure you. I am neither stupid nor careless, and you need not make any promises to me. I will survive."
Bled, in an attempt to prove himself, used the Force to levitate his disruptor out of its holster. He waved his hand and kept his palm facing toward the weapon as he maneuvered it. He finished moving it and kept it levitating in front of his face.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2002, 02:37:20 AM
She held out her hand, and wrenched the disruptor from his grasp with the Force. It smacked solidly into her palm, and she turned it over to look at it. "Highly illegal, frustratingly long recharge rate. You have been in 'bad' circles for some time, have you not?"

De'Ville tossed the disruptor blaster back to Bled, and he caught it carefully. "So, you can levitate. The very fact that you own a disruptor tells me, either it is not your primary weapon, you are far from home and do not know about the downfalls of this weapon, or you are fully aware, and are just cocky." Lilaena narrowed her eyes at him. "Cocky will get you killed sooner than you can blink, but Luck usually manages to save those such as yourself."

T'air'un Bled
Nov 25th, 2002, 01:15:57 PM
T'air'un head cocked back in surprise. Somehow he had expected these people to be less knowledgeable about technology. Bled was starting to figure out that most of his preconceptions were wrong. He grinned.
"Well, you are right... it isn't my primary weapon. In my line of work, disintegration aren't always appreciated. However, one can hardly deny the sheer power that you get from this weapon. If you want someone dead quick and dirty, this is the weapon. Besides, I wasn't entirely certain what sort of obsticles I would have to overcome to get in here, and I didn't think walking in here with an arsenal would be appreciated either. I wasn't sure what to bring honestly. But rest assured, I trust my life not to this disruptor, or any weapon for that matter, but to myself."
Bled slid his weapon back into its holster.
"Thank you for the advice, though."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 26th, 2002, 02:00:22 PM
"If you trust a disruptor to be quick and dirty, then you must be a fair marksman." She had a ghost of a smile about her face, testing his emotions and seeing his surprise at her knowledge of weapons. "The recharge rate is too slow to allow for second shots."

Her mind wandered back to someone else she knew who was a ...more than fair marskman. The smile disappeared.

"Telekinesis is useful, but it is also powerful." She thrust her hand out towards him, and Bled slammed back against the wall across from her, and stuck. "It is as much a weapon as your disruptor is."

T'air'un Bled
Nov 27th, 2002, 09:42:30 AM
Bled's eyes opened wide as she threw him accross the room. He struck the wall with enough force to knock the wind out of him. T'air'un stared at her in disbelief for a second. His mind floundered and he panicked. T'air'un futilely struggled to move. He attempted to use his own power against her, but to no avail. His will over the force was not strong enough to move her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:22:44 PM
He fell from the wall, and caught himself on his hands and knees, before getting to his feet once more. De'Ville regarded him with no malice. "Try to move me again, but focus your anger. That made you angry, did it not? Use it to your advantage. Focus your energy into the Force and the Force against me."

T'air'un Bled
Nov 27th, 2002, 07:59:08 PM
"Do you think that made me mad?"
Bled's head snapped up from looking at the ground. He squinted at her gathering his mental prowess. He used his anger, using the force more for its raw power than it's intricate movement. Raised a hand into a fist and thrust it foreward, toward her, as though he were trying to punch her. At the same time he released his anger and hate in the form of a heavy push toward her stomach, in an attempt to strike her more than move her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 27th, 2002, 10:09:54 PM
She grunted as the Force unexpectedly shoved her in the stomach, and shifted her feet slightly. "I would be wary if I were you, T'air'un." If he wanted to play rough, then she could accommodate his tactics.

"The Force is not an ally, it is a tool. Bend it to your wishes." She made a small pinching movement, and he gasped as his trachea started to close up. "In time you will learn to perfect smaller manipulations." She didn't release him until he started turning purple, and then Bled found his throat open once again. "Now, push me."

T'air'un Bled
Nov 30th, 2002, 03:15:08 PM
T'air'un gasped for air as he felt her control lift on him. He was finding it more and more difficult to follow instructions after her abuse, but he curbed his anger with fear. For he knew in any battle with this woman, he would not win. Bled figured he had best do what she asked. He swallowed his pride and did as she asked. He stood up and closed his eyes. He focused his thoughts on accomplishing what she asked. Every part of Bled's brain was commanding her body to move toward that wall. As he worked his mind and control around her body, he could feel her becoming more of an object, something he could move. He drew back his hand, as though to punch, but instead, opened his hand, and threw his palm foreward into the space in front of him. As he did this, De'ville was pulled backward quickly and she found herself tripping over the bed she had been sitting on earlier. all T'air'un could manage was just a short push. He felt exhausted. With beads of sweat, dripping down his forehead, it felt almost as though he had been practicing martial arts in a sparing match.

((ooc: I'm not certain if the result I gave for your character was acceptable, I'm not used to that style of roleplay.))

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 5th, 2002, 02:24:33 AM
De'Ville stumbled backwards into the bed, and sat down heavily. She found her lips quirking upwards in a slight smile, but then pushed to her feet. "Not bad, for a beginner."

She tossed an apple into the air, having procured it from her cloak somewhere. Catching it in her hand again, she lofted it towards Bled, who caught it deftly. "It was nice to meet you. Perhaps we shall meet again."

T'air'un Bled
Dec 7th, 2002, 11:35:24 PM
Tairun stood completely baffled. He had no idea how one could be so calm after being attacked. He shook his head and looked the fruit over for anything dangerous. He found no sign of tampering, but he didn't eat it nonetheless. Bled attempted more to focus on the fact that Lilaena had been trying to help him, but found it very hard to ignore her acts of malice towards him. He resigned his need for revenge temporarily and, in the interest of achieving his goal, acted polite.
"It was nice to meet you as well. I certainly would be remorse if we did not see each other again. However for now, I think I will need some rest."
Bled bowed his head toward the woman and showed her the door.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2002, 12:33:24 PM
She nodded, feeling the malice he felt towards her, and delighting in it. "Sleep well."

The spirits of Bast would probably make for a very restless night. De'Ville smiled to herself as she walked down the hallway, wondering who would take him as their apprentice.