View Full Version : Mon Orishma
Oct 23rd, 2002, 10:41:08 PM
Reshmar reverted from hyper space just outside the Calimari system. He had given mush thought to the name of his new vessel. A brand new MC-90 . He had decided to name it after a cove near his home where he swam often as a child. he was ready to return to active duty . He had been injured in an attack by the a pirate group on his personnel shuttle almost 2 years ago. He reached the borders of calimari space and set the transceiver to the channel needed to hail Calimari space command.
" Hello . This is Captain Reshmar. I am here to assume command of a MC-90 cruiser under orders from Admiral Ackbar."
He waited a minute then a response came.
" Yes Captain we are expecting you. I will transmit the location of the shipyard to you. Welcome home Captain. "
" Thank you ."
Reshmar waited then the information came streaming on his nav panel. He turned Is shuttle and preceded to the shipyard.
As he saw the ship yard coming over the horizon of Calimari he saw the giant vessel he would call home. It was beautiful. The vessel reminded him of a large fish he had seen once swimming as a child. All Calimari made cruisers were different. The MC-90's were the new bulk cruiser for the fleet. Although They were made at other shipbuilding worlds like Sluis Van and Hast the ones made at Calimari were special. They varied from design specs because each one was a work of art to the Calimari. He had inquired while enroute to calimari of this vessel. It was Different then most MC-90's. Most MC-90s had been standardized. The controls had been converted to such as would be used by all races. This cruiser had been Built as the old MC-80's had for Mon Calimari command crews. He was found of this idea. he did not mind working with other races but the controls of the calimari were more precise and efficient. As he neared the vessel in its berth he could see a difference in the appearance. It was a lighter shade then the Defiance and the Star Voyager. He would look over the specs once aboard.
" Shipyard Alpha one five This is Captain Reshmar . What is the status of this vessel? "
A voice cam from the com channel .
" Welcome Captain. The vessel is complete and awaits your inspection before launch. "
" Very well Were shall I dock? "
" Shipyard hanger two Captain."
Reshmar turned the Shuttle toward the hanger. He sat it down and shut off all power. He was meet at the foot of shuttle ramp by A mon calimari commander he had once served with.
" Welcome Captain Reshmar. Good to see you active again. "
" Dorshar my old friend. I did not know you would be here. "
The Mon Cal Commander smiled at Reshmar.
" Yes Captain I have been assigned as your executive officer. "
Reshmar returned the Smile.
" Very good. I could think of no one else i would rather have at my side. Tell me Dorshar .How long have you been here?"
" I have been the overseer of this vessels construction the whole time Captain."
" Please old friend Reshmar "
The Commander smiled again.
" Very well . This is a fine vessel . She incorporates state of the art Calimari technology. I have seen to it all specifications were at least 110 percent of standard. This is the First MC-90 Built for Calimari crew. She Is indeed a work of art. "
" I would expect no less from you Dorshar. when can we launch? "
" Within the week.We have some final crew appointments and some systems redundancy tests to do.Then we will launch. "
Reshmar stopped at a view port to look out on the vessel.
" Very good ."
" What shall the designation be for the vessel sir.? "
Reshmar looked at his friend and smiled.
" We shall call her the Mon Orishma. "
Oct 26th, 2002, 03:48:07 PM
Two days had past since Reshmar had arrived at the orbital shipyard over Calimari. He had Looked over prospective officer candidates. made finale arrangements for departure and even went to visit his home .
His Command crew and engineering team were all Mon Cal. The systems and environment in those sections were designed for Them. The rest of the crew came from the general pool of officers of the New Republic.
He had Meet with his Wing Commander Yesterday ,and the Colonel over the military forces of his vessel today. He had left it to them to assign there staff and all personnel under them. Commander Warren seemed a fine Officer and Colonel Goinz Was A EX Imperial Major who had Joined the New Republic 3 months before Endor. Both men were highly qualified and he was luck to have men of such caliber On his vessel. He has scheduled a meeting for all senior officers and was awaiting there arrival. Commander Warren entered first.
" Commander Warren How are you today? "
The Commander walked to the meeting table and took a seat.
" I am doing well Captain thank you for asking. "
" That is good to hear Commander. "
As Reshamr was speaking Commander Dorshar entered the room and took a seat beside Warren.
" Good day gentleman " Dorshar said as he sat .
" Good Day Commander . " Reshamr spoke first then Warren immediately after him.
" Good day, how are you Commander? "
Dorshar reached for a data pad which was sitting on the table directly in front of him.
" I am good. "
The Three Sat and looked over the data on the pad as they waited for the rest of the Senior officers to enter. The last to enter was Colonel Goinz. He took his place at the table and nodded to the people already gathered .
Captain Reshmar Stood and walked over to a view panel on the wall where he had transferred the data from the data pad.
" Ladies and gentleman. As you are aware This is the newest Mon call vessel to be constructed. fewer are being built due to the republic Star destroyer and other vessels having a better value for construction. This vessel Has been reverted back to the systems of the modified Mon Cal Cruisers of the MC80 type. Unlike other MC-90's this vessel is Built for Mon Cal Command crew . Just like the original Cruisers. She has some variations in her design but none worth mentioning. "
Reshmar push another button with the control he had in his flippered hand.
" This is our present location. We will launch tomorrow and test all systems under her own power. We have been assigned to Transport the Mon Cal senator and his advisors to Coriscant for the senate meetings which will be taking place soon. This will be the first leg of our shakedown run. I want round the clock monitoring of all systems. I'm sure there will be no problems with the vessel but we have to be prepared if any should arise. "
As he explained the mission to his Command staff he explained the urgent importance he felt for safety of crew and equipment. He wanted this shakedown cruise to go off without a hich.
" In concluding I would like to welcome all you to the Mon Orishma. I Hope to get to know each and every one of you in the weeks to come and wish you all to enjoy the time you spend under my command. "
He turned off the view screen and took his place at the table once again.
" I wish you all good day . This meeting is concluded. Thank you for coming. "
As the Officers stood and began leaving the room he watched as they talked of his meeting and the coming days ahead. He Hoped he would befriend them. He wanted every soul aboard the Mon Orishma to feel like a family.
He looked over at Commander Dorshar and Commander Warren who were in the midst of a conversation. He approached them .
" Gentleman I would like you two to stay for just a moment. "
The two commanders looked at Reshmar and in unison said.
" Yes sir. "
After everyone else had exited, the three men sat once again. Reshmar looked at them with his large bulbous eyes.
" Gentleman you two are senior to everyone on the vessel. I expect much of you. i have full confidence in you and wish you to feel free to speak you mind and give your opinion on any command decision I make. In private of course. I appreciate your experience and opinion . That being said let talk business."
He sat back in his chair and turned his head towards Warren.
" Commander Warren. Have you finished your flight crew appointments ?"
" Yes Captain. The remainder of my Pilots will be arriving in transit between here and Coriscant. We will rondeaux with them the day before we reach the final leg of our jump to Coriscant."
Very good Commander. His's large eyes turned to His fellow Calimari officer.
" Commander Dorshar, what is the status of the Mon Orishma ? "
Dorshar took the data pad from his pocket and looked over it.
" She will be ready to go by the end of the day. all systems are fully operational. There are a few redundant systems which have yet to be installed but they will be ready by launch time Captain. "
Captain Reshmar Smiled at the Commander. the stood again.
" Very good Commander . You gentleman may be excused. "
The Two officers stood And nodded to Reshmar and both turned and left the room.
Reshmar returned to his Quarters . The humidity there was much damper and he enjoyed it. He sat and entered the days events in his personal log. After he was finished he laid down. He would rest . Tomorrow will be a big day.
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:10:02 PM
All arrangements had been made and Captain Reshmar had taken his seat on the bridge of the Mon Orishma. His command crew were all at there stations.
Reshmar's Chair slide around to the port interface. He made some adjustments to the control interface on his chair then rotated it back to its zero position. He opened the Com channel to the Shipyard.
" We are ready here yard. "
A gruff voice cam back over the Com channel.
" You are cleared to commence separation. "
" Thank you yard separation to commence in 3 minutes. "
Reshmar redirected his Com panel to connect with the engineering section.
" Lieutenant Iackmas , Separation in 3 minutes. Power up engines to 25 percent. "
" Yes Captain. "
The deck floors began to rumble as power was increased to the engines. The vibrations could be heard through out the vessel. It sounded as if a ancient sea dragon had been awaken from its timeless slumber. All aboard rushed to there launch positions. The Captains voice came over the intercom system over the whole ship.
" Attention all personnel. Yard separation in one minute. Prepare to launch I repeat Yard separation in one minute. "
Captain Reshmar turned his command chair to the bridge crew prepare to launch. The Stress between the Giant vessel and the shipyard was growing stronger. The engines were active and ready to engage thrust.
A voice came over the communications channel to the shipyard.
" Separation in 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4, "
At that point The sound of mechanisms releasing began Small conduits which once powered and supplied life support to the MC-90 released.
" 3 , 2 , 1 Separation now. "
The sound on the giant arms which held the mass of the Mon Cal Vessel releasing was heard throughout . In some areas towards the outer hull it was very loud. The arms swung away from the Ship and locked into position against the shipyard.
" You are clear and free Mon Orishma We will begin tractoring you out now. "
Reshmar swung his chair back to the forward position and watched as the yard began sliding past the view port. It was 2 minutes before the ship cleared the yard.
" Mon Orishma you are clear. Propulsion is yours. Have a good voyage Captain. "
" Thank you yard. "
Reshmar turned the com link between the Mon Orishma and the shipyard off.
" One forth thrust Commander. "
" Yes sir. "
The Commander engaged the trust and increased it to 14 max thrust. The vessel shuttered under the increasing power of the massive engines propelling it forward. The vessel began to move and the shuddering decreased. After a minute it was barely noticeable.
" Take us into a orbital position over Calimari Commander. "
" Yes sir. "
The Commander walked to where the piloting command Panel was.
" Take us to position alpha nine four. "
A Mon Cal pilot began making the entries in his navigation panel and the vessel change directions. Reshmar looking out the forward view port could see the stars field changing.
Three minutes later the vessel had reached its desired location.
" Alpha nine four sir."
The Commander approached Captain Reshmar,s command chair.
" We have reached the co-ordinates captain. "
" Very well Commander put us in orbit and power down
engines. "
The Commander Walked back to his Chair at the Navigation and weapons center portion of the bridge.
" Put us in orbit Ensign. "
" Yes sir. We are in orbit sir. "
The Commander sat down in his chair.
" Power down the engines . "
The minor vibrations in the floor began to decreases and then were totally gone. The Ensign turned to Commander Dorshar.
" Engines are powered down Commander. "
Reshmars command chair turned so he could see his whole bridge crew.
" Very good work gentlemen. We will be departing Calimari as soon as the senators shuttle arrives. "
Jul 18th, 2003, 12:56:30 AM
(ooc: the next posts are 10 mounts after the first 3. this time period will be rped at a later date.)
After Spending the Last year on a deep Recon patrol on the border of Known space the Mon Orishma Reverts into Normal Space from Hyperspace near the Calimari System. Captain Reshmar sat in the Command chair and looked out into the distance at the sun giving warmth to his home. He was recalled 6 mounths before his mission was to be complete and all the information he was given was the situation in the Republic had become volitile and him and the Mon Orishma were needed.
"Commander prepare for the final jump to Calimari." His XO made all the arangments and gave the order to jump. Soon Reshmar would be home again.
Jul 21st, 2003, 02:08:13 PM
Reshmar Sat In the Command Chair of the Mon Orishma and waited for the countdown to end for the reversion into Real Space.
His XO, Commander Scott had only been on the Mon Orishma for 4 months. His Last XO had been killed during a Skirmish with a group of pirates on the Imperial Border. The Human had proven himself a competent officer and had served well. His tactical thinking and superb flight skills had come in useful many times. Acting As wing commander and XO the man had not failed to carry out the duties of either job. Getting used to the Command deck was a different story. Scott had difficulty with the Command visor Reshmar had created to interface with the Systems Calamari systems. The humidity in the command deck did not seem to bother him but Reshmar knew it was uncomfortable to him at times. There fore he had let Scott take a leading role in the flight ops and given him a squadron. Scott was the best pilot aboard the Mon Orishma and Reshmar believed in having his subordinates in a role best suited for them.
"Commander Scott, Time untill we reach Calimari?"
Redic Scott
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:03:19 PM
Redic studied the boards and already knew the time. He checked every system over and over, even though he had people to do that, Redic felt like checking everything himself when he could. He turned to the Captain, "Sir, three minutes and twenty five seconds till reversion into Mon Cal space. Would you like an escort sir? My squad is ready if you need it. All systems green and are ready. Everything is running smoothly sir."
Redic looked back at the displays an frowned. He was getting used to the silly headgear he was wearing, but it still bothered him. The humidity was ok, but the head set was troublesome.
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:04:52 PM
Reshamar listened as his XO relayed the information he had requested. "Very Well Commander Scott. you have the Bridge. And thank you but i will not need an escort to the surface." Reshmar stood and smiled with his bulbous eyes rolling to look over the command deck before he left. "I will return in 12 hours. Make preparations for us to depart at 2300 Hours coruscant standard time Commander."
Reshamr Walked past his XO and out the hatch into the hall way. He admired the Man and respected him for never once complaining. He would make a good Captain one day.
Reshmar Felt the Deck Shake as the Hyperspace Engines disengaged and released the Mon Orishma into Normal Space.
Redic Scott
Jul 22nd, 2003, 08:50:53 AM
Redic nodded at the Captain, "Very well sir, I have the Bridge."
He turned to look out of the view ports and into the blueish-white tunnel of light. It was so peaceful here. He looked around and smiled. Redic admired the Mon Calamari for everything. Their courage, strength as a people, art work, their ships, their cities, everything. Without them the Rebellion would have never probably succeeded. This crew was excellent and respected everyone on it. Everyone did their job to their fullest and that was the most you could ask.
"Give me the countdown Leuftanent."
"Sir, reversion in thirty one seconds. All systems still green."
"Very well."
He started to wonder about the future and about the past. It didn't matter now though, everything that mattered was the now and doing his job.
"Sir, fifteen seconds."
"Very well, count it down."
"Yes sir." The Mon Calamari turned to his station and started to call out. "Reversion into real space on my mark., Mark."
Everyone held on as the hyperdrive disengaged and the tunnel disipated in front of them. Redic smiled as he saw the stars appear and looked at the beautiful world spining in front of him.
"Helm, give me quarter power, ease us in."
Redic took up the comm, "Mon Calamari control, this is the Mon Orishma on approach. Requesting orbiting coordinates."
"Mon Orishma, welcome back. This is Mon Calamari control. You are clear to enter holding pattern at Two..six..nine."
"Roger that Mon Cal control. Also requesting replanishment shuttles. We need to get underway as soon as possible."
"Copy that Mon Orishma. We'll get everything ready for you right away. Enjoy your stay."
"Roger that, thank you Mon Cal Control. Thank you."
Redic smiled and turned to the crew. He wiped the sweat from his forhead and looked out. "You heard them, take us in. Nice and slow now. Show them how the big boys do it."
The crew laughed and started to work at once. In 25 minutes they were inside their holding pattern and recieving the first of the resupply shuttles. Crews were resting while others were working to get the ship ready to go. Things were going right on time and Redic sat back in his chair and watched the crew and shuttles leaving and arriving. Everything was done with skill and presition.
Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:43:50 AM
Reshmar walked up the ramp into the awaiting shuttle. He sat and relaxed waiting for the trip to be over. It did not take long. The shuttle sat down on a construction platform which had been near the orbital Co-ordinates of the Mon Orishma. Reshmar walked out of the boarding hatch of the bulky looking Shuttle and was greeted by the Officer of the deck. "Welcome Back Captain. We have Preped your private shuttle as specified and it awaits your inspection sir." Reshmar made a odd expression with his face which most people believed was a mon cal smile. "Thank you Commander. Please lead me to her."
Reshmar fallowed the Commander thru the large cavernous repair hanger. It was huge, had the capacity to hold an MC-90 within it and several smaller craft as well. This was the Birthplace of the Mon Orishma. Where she began her life 10 Months ago and where she would most likely end it once she was decommissioned. The walk was not bad and Reshmar enjoyed it. Watching the Repair Crews as the were working on the New Squadron of X wing XJ's for the Mon Orishma. He would have to inspect them upon his return.
The Commander lead him to a corner security pod where he entered a code into the wall mounted access panel. The doors flew up with a whish of sound from the sudden movement and the air pressurization. Reshmar saw His personnel shuttle which he had left here for the Shakedown cruiser of the Mon Orishma. He looked at the Deck Officer and nodded. "sir she has been filled up and is ready for departure. I will notify the com you will be departing. Reshamar smiled at the Commander again. "Thank you commander, you have keep her in good shape since my departure. I expect the X wings to be ready with 6 hours. i will return then for their inspection." The Commander smiled and saluted. "Yes Sir they will be ready." Reshmar returned the akward salute then walked to his shuttle.
The strange looking craft had been designed by him many years ago and had proven to be an excellent craft. Its sleek orcaninc Calimari lines and bluish tan reflective skin set it apart from any other vessel in the dock. Reshmar entered his access code and the hatch opened and ramp slide down. the air in the shuttle was a little stale but that was expected. Reshmar walked to the small control room of the shuttle and sat in the command chair. he began the preflight check and turned on the comm transceiver. "I will be arriving in 40 minutes. Reshmar out." was all that was said. he ignited the engines and waited for then to warm up. after he was finished with the preflight and the engines were warm he eased the controls and lifted the elegant vessel of the platform floor and thru the hatch opening into the giant docking bay. "Docking control this is reshmar requesting permission to exit docking bay." Reshmar waited for the reply for only a sec. "Captain you are clear for departure on exiting vector alpha 4 95" Reshmar applied thrust to the engines of the shuttle and began to maneuver his craft to the exiting point and the vector which he was given. As he cleared the dock's gravity barrier he opened a channel to the Mon Orishma. "Commander Scott, After all cargo has been loaded and the ship is ready for departure take a shuttle to this docking station and inspect a new batch of X wings which have been assigned to the Mon Orishma. They are brand new so look over them well. they may need some bugs worked out. Reshmar Out."
Redic Scott
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:35:09 PM
Redic set and monitored everything. He got tired and took of his visor and walked off the bridge. The Commander headed for the hanger bay to look at the shuttles coming and going. Large hover carts came and went, taking supplies to their storage rooms and boxes of new foods were taken to the food storage lockers and preservation rooms.
Everything was rooming right on schedual. Redic heard his comm beep and answered, it was the Captain, "Yes sir. I'll take my men and get them onboard quickly. We'll be ready sir."
Redic keyed in his squad, "Dragon Squadron, assemble at hanger three on the double and bring your maintainance chiefs with you."
Redic went to the turbolift and arrived at the Hanger soon after. His squad members started to arrive as well. They were ready for flight and Redic smiled. They were good, very good, and he was proud of all of them. After them came the maintainace people, carrying bags of tools and diagnostic computers with them. A shuttle was already waiting for them.
"Alright Ladies and gentleman, we are heading over to the docking station and taking a look at the new XJ X-wings we will be bringing on board. If everything checks out, we'll fly them over. I want them all thoroughly checked and ready."
The Squad saluted and gave a "Yes Sir!!"
"Good, now get into the shuttle and lets get going."
They all piled into the shuttle and Redic got in after them. It took off quickly and speed toward the Docking station. Redic marveled at the size of it. It was huge, even compared to the Mon Orishma. They recieved clearance and landed quickly.
As Redic got out he smiled. In front were the 12 brand new XJ X-wings they were going to taking on. They didn't look too different, except for the extra Torpedo Launcher, but looks were decieving. His squad members and techs rushed out as well and started to pick their fighters. Redic walked upto the one he was looking at and reached up, running his hand over the smooth surface of the Space Superiority Fighter. After weeks in the sim, Redic knew everything about the fighter and so did his whole squad.
Redic smiled and walked up to a man in a tech uniform. He was hunched over and looking at a computer screen, with wires connected to the fighter's main computer bank. "Howis she John?"
The human tech turned and smiled, "She's a beaut. I have to tell her. There isn't anything really that's coming up. She is top shape. All systems green and ready."
"Very well."
John nodded and went back to his display. The other fighters were mostly in the same great shape. Some, however, need a few system boards and wires replaced. Others needed new coolant pipes and some work on repulsor systems. Other than that they were in great shape. Everything was fixed withing 2 hours and Redic was pleased with his people.
At the end the techs got into the shuttle and Redic and his squad members got into their XJs. Redic smiled at the roomer cockpit and locked the canopy over his head. The other did the same and powered up their systems. Redic flicked the switched and heared and whine was the engines started up. All lights turned red, then yellow, than to a steady green.
"This is Dragon Lead, all systems green. Engines hot. Dragon Squad report."
"This is Dragon Two, all systems go, green, and hot. She's running great."
"Dragon Three here, All green and ready."
After everyone checked in Redic keyed them all, "Alright Dragons, lets take them home than. Fire up repulsors."
He hit the repulsors and rose gently into the air. "Docking Control, This is Dragon Squad. Requestion permission to depart."
"Roger that Dragons, you have a clear path back to the Mon Orishma. Have a pleasent trip."
"Thank you Control. Dragon lead out. Alright Dragons, lets go."
Redic hit the landing gear retraction and pushed the throttle forward. The XJ eased out into space, followed by the rest of the squad. In space they hit the thrusters more and flew faster. Redic couldn't help it and did a series of lazy rolls. He came out and smiled.
"Mon Orishma, This is Commander Redic. We are coming in with new XJs, requesting landing clearance."
"Welcome back commander. Hanger two is cleared for you."
"Thank you."
He took them in and they all landed gently at the hanger. He climbed out and ran his hand across the chilly surface of the fighter. As the rest got out as well, techs rushed over, from the other shuttle and started to check the fighters.
Redic dismissed his pilots and went to the bridge, "Office on Deck!" Called the Lieutenant Commander.
"At ease. How ready are we?"
"Sir, we will be fully ready in 2 hours. 1 hour ahead of schedual."
"That's great news. Carry on."
Everyone turned back to their duties and Redic sat down. He took the comm and called The Captain. "Captain Reshmar, Commander Redic here. We are almost ready to depart and are one hour ahead of scheduel."
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:23:17 PM
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:28:11 PM
Reshmar now on his way back to his shuttle after the secret meeting was riding in a Calimari repulsor skimmer across the water. He loved his home and the cool refreshing water. He watched the waves rolling below him and fought the urge to jump in. He knew he had no time for a swim and after the meeting he just had he knew he had to leave as soon as his ship was ready. Reshmar was staring out at the land mass before him and watching it grow larger. He was in a daze and his body relaxed by the moist cool breeze of the ocean. He could have sleep if he were some place different.
He was jarred from his relaxed near sleep daze by a com. churp. He presses the receive button on his personnel com pad. He was looking at the face of his XO. The Commander informed him they were one hour ahead. and that the ship would be ready upon his return. This was good new Reshmar needed to get going as soon as possible. "Very good Commander I will want to depart as soon as I return. get those fighters fastened in and locked down. then get the crew prepped for launch. Did everything check out ok with the XJ's Commander? I intended on inspecting them upon my return but there is no time now."
Redic Scott
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:49:23 PM
The Commander nodded, "Very good sir. We'll be ready, sir. The fighters are getting locked down and preped as we speak. The Xjs were all in great shape. Some needed a few parts here and there, but nothing too major. The tech I brough along fixed everything in record time. The Fighters are now fully combat ready. They look and feel great sir. Come on back as soon as you can, your chair misses you Captain."
Redic laughed and smiled, "Have a safe trip back sir. This is the Mon Orishma signing out."
Redic turned to lifted the ship comm, "Attention all crews, this is Commander Scott. Prepare for departure. Get everything ready."
He watched as people started to get to their stations and the last of the shuttles left the ship. Redic call up Docking.
"Mon Cal Docking control, this is Mon Orishma, over."
"This is docking control. Reading you loud and clear."
"We will be ready to leave soon. If you could make a vector for us and keep it cleared for another hour, that would great."
"Roger that Mon Orishma. We'll keep vector Delta 65 open for you. Leaving in a hurry are you?"
Redic laughed, "We are. Thank you control. Mon Orishma out."
He smiled and sat back, relaxing as much as he could in the heavy and humid air.
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:12:06 AM
Reshmar Stepped off the Repulsor craft onto the raised launch platform overlooking the ocean Reshmar so loved. the situation with the Imperial Warlord was far worse then the New Republic Knew. They had been building there fleets and training troops in secret for some time and were becoming very powerful. The Sun was setting on the horizon and the colors reflecting of the water was one of the most beautiful things Reshmar had seen. reds and greens and blues swirling and colliding in a blur of beautiful light.
Reshmar took a last look at the image of beauty and then walked to his ship. He hoped to seen this sight again. Every time he left home he feared it would be his last. For now the imperial problem was at hand and if an attack came from them or any other group he wanted the men under his command to be prepared.
He walked up the ramp into his Shuttle and closed the ramp behind him. He warmed the engines then prepped the craft for lift off. He walked to the side view port to take one last look at the Sunset. Such beauty, such peacefulness. He will miss it as he always does upon leaving. One day soon we will come here to stay. but for now the peace of the galaxy was his concern and he must protect Calimari and the people of it from the Imperial powers or any other group which threatens it.
Reshmar walked back to the command room of the shuttle and sat in the chair and secures himself into the chair. "Calimari Flight Command This is the Shuttle Rip Tide requesting Clearance to depart." Reshamr listened as the clearance came thru for him to leave. He applied thrust and the Shuttle rose from the ground with ease, then turned and sped off into the oncoming night.
"Mon Orishma, this is Captain Reshmar requesting clearance to come aboard."
Jul 24th, 2003, 07:58:43 AM
The 11B-Wngs and one modified TIE Interceptor compromising Tie's Blck Knight's squadron were in the Mon Calamari System reporting for duty to the new MC-90 Mon Orishma.
"Black Knight Squadron leader to Mon Orishma control requsting permission to land. "Tie called out over his comm system. A reply crackled in.
"Permission granted, just bring your squadron over to the ventral hangar and dock there." thecontroller aid.
"Alright, Thanks." Tie said. He brought his Interceptor on the new heacing nd th B-Wings ollowed and eventually the -Wings were inside the cavernous hangar of the Mon Orishma.
OOC Just so you know the reason i fly a TIE Interceptor is because I defected from he Imperial Navy and brought the fighter with me. But dont worry I know the Admiral personally and he trusts me, its just i wehn i made my character i thouht tat would be an interesting history to have.
Redic Scott
Jul 24th, 2003, 08:43:51 AM
Redic laughed, "Permission granted Captain. Welcome back. I trust everything when well?"
Redic Scott
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:37:11 PM
Redic was informed that Tie was on aboard and called his comm, "Commander Yamagi, This is Commander Redic Scott. Welcome aboard. Please secure your fighters and get ready for a hyperspace jump. The Captain is already on his way."
((Sorry about the late post, I didn't see you posted till now.))
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:47:20 PM
OOC: No prob
IC:"Alright boys and girls, power down your fighters and secure them." Tie ordered. The twelve pilots shut down their fighters and clambered out, and were met by a young Captain in a Fleet uniform.
Jul 24th, 2003, 03:04:13 PM
Rashmar moved his shuttle out towards the far said of the Mon Orishma and saw the New B-Wings entering the Hanger fallowed by a Tie Interceptor. He had been informed about the New Squadron and was promised the Imperial Defector could be trusted. He moved past hanger 1 and took his Craft slowly into hanger 2. Setting it down gentle and killing the engines. he wanted to meet this new B-wing Squadron Commander and see for him self if the man was to be trusted. Reshmar was a good judge of character and wouldn't be satisfied until he , himself trusted the man.
The Ramp Swung down onto the floor and an honor guard quickly ran up to meet the Captain. "At Ease Gentlemen" Reshmar said as he passed there statuesque figures. he walked to the Deck Officer and orders his vessel be put in storage in Bay 134 then left the hanger and made his way to the Command Deck.
Reshamr walked into the humid command deck . "Captain on Deck" shouted the officer seeing him first from the corner of the Command deck in the com section. All personnel stood and turned to stand at attention as he walked towards the Command Chair. "At Ease" Reshmar said and let his subordinates relax and go about there work. "How is my ship Commander?"
Redic Scott
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:37:44 PM
Redic saluted, than stood at ease. "Welcome back Captain. She is all yours. You ship is much better than it was. We now have enough food for a long voyage. The crew will like that. We also got some buggs out of the trageting system for our port turbolaser. They should be more accurate now. They were off by 5.54 cm. We got that fixed. We also replaces some worn wiring and pipes. Nothing major. She in excellent shape. This rest stop really helped. Plus with the new XJs and the B-wing squad, we are ready to go."
Redic looked at the data card in his hand, "We can leave in 20 minutes if you like. I have had the vector cleared of all traffic, it's all ours."
Redic stood tall and expressionless, waiting for the captain.
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:49:02 PM
Reshmar listened as Commander Scott filled him in on the status of the Mon Orishma. He loked around the Command deck to take in who was on duty at the time. "Very well Commander lay in a course for the Co-ordinates I have here. This is a spot in a dead section of space where no one will bother us." reshmar handed Scott a data pad containing the co-ordinates.
Redic Scott
Jul 24th, 2003, 10:29:54 PM
Redic nodded, "Sir."
He turned to the Helm.
"Helm, lay in these coordinates." He handed the Card to the Mon Calamari, who got busy plugging them in.
Redic turned to the other crew, "Give me 10% power and move us away from the planet slowly."
"Yes, sir. Everything in the green, engines on line at 10%"
The Engines growled to life and the huge ship started to move slowly, turning into it's vector.
"Hold us on Vector Detla 65. Increase thrust to 15% and than to 20% 30 seconds after that."
"Yes sir."
"Docking control, this the Mon Orishma. Thank you for the supplies. We'll see you later."
"Roger that Mon Orishma, have a safe trip. We'll save a space for you."
"Copy that. I expact one when we get back. Mon Orishma out."
Redic laughed and smiled. He turned to the Captain.
"Sir, everything is in the green. All systems ready. Jump path is computed. All we need your go sir."
The large ships whine started to lower and it got quiter as the time passed.
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:08:42 PM
Reshmar sat in his command chair as his XO began the process of leaving orbit and getting the ship going. The deck plates began to shake as the massive engines broke the Mon Orishma out of orbit. The Massive MC-90 began moving towards its exit vector. Commander Scott ask for the GO signal. "Proceed to hyper space Commander."
Redic Scott
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:55:12 PM
Redic nodded, "Are you ready helm?"
"Yes, sir. All systems go. Points locked in. We are good to go."
"Very well, Lets get the party started." Redic smiled, "Hit it Lieutenant."
Stars turned to streaks of light and the massive MC-90 entered the other dimention known as Hyperspace.
"All set sir." Redic started to Reshmar.
Jul 25th, 2003, 09:04:27 AM
The pilots each eceived their room assignents and Tewent off to the bridge to try and find the Captain of the ship. He found two guards next to the bridge entrance in Naval Trooper Uniforms nd they saluted Tie as he stepped through to the busy bridge. He walked towards the captain of the ship.
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:03:51 AM
Reshmar watched as the black starlit sky before him distorted as the vessel jumped into hyperspace. with a slight rumble and a small vibration the massive vessel was gone. Speeding away from Calimari and off to some undisclosed empty part of space.
The door slid open at the back of the Command deck and Commander Yamagi Walked in. He was a vison of memory dressed in his tie Jump Suit. Reshmar would have to get used to that. For many years the sight was something he hated now it was something he would have to deal with. With time he was sure it would be second nature to him. He knew the non calimari had to make sacrifices on certain parts of the Mon Orishma because of her Design and so he too whould have to make them.
Reshmar stood and turned to greet Tie "Welcome Commander Yamagi. I must say your preseance here has caused some excitment in some of the crew. But i am sure they will grow used to the sight of a Tie here. Now gentilemen I would like to meet with both of you in my Ready room in 30 minutes. Commander Scott keep us on this heading for 15 more minutes then enter in these Co-ordinates. Commander yamagi. Go settle into your quarters then be back here for the meeting. I will fill you 2 in on what we will be doing. Now if you will excuse me I must get some food and prepare for the meeting."
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:07:42 AM
"Yes, sir." Tie replied saluting and walked off to settle into his quarters before the meeting. After he took a turbolift he found his quarters next to his XOs quarters. he stepped in, everythingwas pretty much th same a it was on the Badanov.
(OOC I've got few mor ships. We ould talk about it in the briefing)
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:33:02 PM
Reshmar Walked into his ready room where his dinner awaited him. as he ate he looked over the star charts of the galaxy and the area which the Mon Orishma would be hiding in for now. Snug between Sith space and sovereignty space was a corridor which the mon orishma would have to transverse. But he knew it was possible. The gap was large and by using a spot near Fondor as a jump point he could get around any sith or Sovereign patrols which might cause a problem. Reshmar looked at the Chrono on his desk and saw the meeting was just minutes away. He finished his meal and buzzed his assistant to come and retrieve his plate. He now sat and waited for his commanders to arrive.
(ooc: ok it will be late tonight before i can reply again. I have work. blah)
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:37:32 PM
After changing out of his flightsuit into a normal uniform Commander Yamagi went to the briefing room where he found the captain waiting. There were charts of the galaxy everywhere and the Captain was studying something.
(OOC: Heres what i have fore reinforcements. The MC-90 Badanov which is the official home base of my squadron, the Nebulon B frigates Hawkbat and [/I]harrier[/I] and nine Corellian Gunships. Since me and Admiral Johnson were the only active NR Navy members fra a while I get some jurisdiction over ship movements but not too much. I can mve soeships but not major portions of the fleet. So thats all i can give you now, but I might be able to get you more later. We have a new type of ship under contruction also. If you wait I might be able to get one of those for you.
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:51:46 PM
(OOC: do you want to transfer back to the Bandanov? or keep your squadron on the Mon Orishma?)
Jul 25th, 2003, 12:57:10 PM
OOC: Ill keep it on Mon Orishma for now.
Redic Scott
Jul 25th, 2003, 04:06:21 PM
Redic nodded, "Yes, sir."
He took the coordinates and gave them to the Helm. He turned to see Tie walk in. Redic nodded and went back to work. After checking out the systems with his visor, Redic watched the captain leave and turned back to his work.
It 15 minutes exectly the Massive ship emerged from hyperspace and it's engines roared to life, vibrating the bulkheads.
"Helm bring us about to the right vector."
"Yes, Sir."
The response came quickly and stars shifted, as the large ship rolled to the ship and started to turn. It leveled out and the Helm called it, "Sir, ship is in position and ready. Points ploted and inserted, jump is ready."
"Very well. Jump us out."
The Mon Cal turned and in seconds the engine whine died down and the ship was inside the huge blue-white tunnel again. Redic got up and smiled, "I'm leaving for the meeting. You have the bridge."
"Yes sir."
Redic stood up and took off the visor. He sat it down on his seat and went to the Captain's office. He knocked on the door, "Sir, It Commander Scott, requesting permission to enter."
After gettin it steped inside and saluted. He saw Tie was there. Redic stood at attention.
Jul 26th, 2003, 01:41:14 AM
Reashmar granted Commander Scott clearance to join. Scott walked in and stood at attention. "Please commander sit." Reshmar motioned to a chair beside Tie he had set up across the Desk from himself. Redic Sat down and made himself comfortable.
"Gentlemen. I have called you here to fill you in on our orders. We are to train our crew and do some mock fleet training. we will be in and around the area between Endor and Bakura. We want to try to go undetected if possible. The Senate has agreed to allow the Imperial Sovereignty an audience. I as well as some higher ups want to know what he is planning. If this is a real attempt at peace then that is all fine and good. but if this is something more my superiors want to know about it before it happens." Reshmar reached for a glass of water then turned his attention back to the two men before him. "We are to use long range scanners and try to monitor the traffic coming out of the Thyferra/Bespin area. We will have 4 Sentry points where we will equip A wings with long range full cells and Sensor equipment. They will fly out to these points and monitor the activity in there area. Incoming and outgoing traffic. stuff like that. By no means are any of our forces to get within 10 light years of sovereign space. we are there as observers. and I would rather no one know we were there at all." Reshmar paused for a moment to look at the two men. "Do you have any comments or questions?"
Redic Scott
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:10:44 AM
Redic listened carefully. He was excited about this mission.
"I have a question sir. What if we happen to run into some Imperial ship? What do we say? Also do you know if we'll see any friendly ships doing what we are? Since we are in neutral space any moves against us will be concidered hostile right, sir? Or are we to avoid engagments no matter what?"
Redic Scott
Jul 26th, 2003, 11:10:44 AM
Jul 26th, 2003, 02:48:16 PM
Reshmar Listened as Commander Scott ask his question.
"We are not to engage for any reason. If the Peace Desaria and the Sovereignty is proposing is in fact legitimate then we do not want to do anything which might negate the process."
Reshmar paused for a moment then before another question could be ask spoke again.
"I would like to have no contact with anyone. the fewer people who know were out here the better."
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:23:42 PM
"There are some things you must realize captain. A few weeks ago my squadron and a small taskforce discovered new shipyards around Theyferra, and we got into a small skirmish so they are on full alert and we cannot be caught. As for reinforcements I can get you the MC-90 Badanov Nebuln B figathes Hawkbat and Harrier Assault Frigate Curageous and nine Corellian Gunships."
Redic Scott
Jul 26th, 2003, 04:19:39 PM
Redic nodded, "Very well sir."
Redic smiled at the good news of reinforcements. He wondered if he would be transfered though. He liked the Captain and didn't really want to leave the Mon Orishma. He knew the ship like the back of his hand and was attached to it.
Redic stood expressionless and waited for orders.
Jul 26th, 2003, 04:22:09 PM
"However none of them are carrying their full fighter complement. The Badanov another MC-90 can carry seven but shes only got four, the Nebulon frigates have one squadron each as does the Assault Frigate."
Jul 26th, 2003, 04:35:02 PM
Reshmar let both men speak. the reinforcements to his fleet had been long overdue. He knew Tie had come with news of them but did not know what to expect. this would surely get some unwanted attention.
"This changes a few things. A NR Battle group of that size will surely be detected by Sovereignty patrols. I will have the Mon Orishma send out a Non Threat Alert to all near by Outposts. We will indicate our intentions. We will be far enough from any Imperial of other groups borders so that no one will care what we are doing. But I want to raise some hairs on the Sovereignty Border Guard. let them know we are there. 2 MC-90's with 11 escort vessels will be very distracting."
Commander Scott was about to correct him on the Number of Escort vessels but Reshmar motioned for him not to.
"Yes Commander I know 12 escort vessels. but i have a job for you."
Redic Scott
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:09:39 PM
Redic smiled slightly.
"What is it you want me to do sir?"
Jul 27th, 2003, 12:32:31 AM
Reshmar watched as Commander Scott Smiled.
"Commander I need you to take your squadron and supply support for the A Wing Squadron on this mission. You will take the Hawkbat for support and work from it. We will make a big ruckus out here with our exercises and try to keep the majority of the attention of the Imperials from you. The same orders stand, at no time or for any reason will you engage Imperial forces. You will be out there alone and are to maintain communications silence. this will not be a cake walk commander you are alone close to Imperial territory and with a Frigate and 2 Squadrons you will be a choice target for an imperial patrol. Us any mean necessary to keep your presence secret."
Redic Scott
Jul 27th, 2003, 12:50:06 AM
Redic grined, "Yes, sir. So you are saying that if we are attacking, we wont get any backup and we can't fight back?"
He thought about it and smiled to himself. This would be a nice challange.
"I will do it to the best of my abilities sir."
Jul 27th, 2003, 01:45:45 AM
Reshmar Gave Commander Scott a grim look.
"What Im saying Commander is I dont want you to even be noticed. Run on emercancy power with all light blacked out. No emissions of any type. I want you to look like a rock in space to any sensors which might get withing range of you Commander."
Jul 27th, 2003, 08:45:00 AM
"You have to be ready to move again at a minutes notice Commander. Imperial patrols have both been extended in range and frequency. I think it has something to do with the accelerated construction program. Anything you wnt me to do Captain?"
Jul 27th, 2003, 10:05:10 AM
"Were going to run some advanced simulations Tie. I want you to find a Uninhabited planet out here and you and your squad will start by running percission bombing drills."
Reshmar Paused and drank more water from his glass.
"Then we will run some fleet drills. I want the Gunships running hit and fade drills on the Capital Vessels. If a batel was to ever come we would ned there fast attack capability."
Redic Scott
Jul 27th, 2003, 10:41:28 AM
Redic's grin faded. Did the Captain really think this was his first scout mission? He had been with Captain Reshmar for months and the Captain doesn't think he could handle it? It seemed as though the Captain didn't have much confidance in him.
He looked at Tie, neither did Tie, Redic supposed. That was ok however, since Tie was new. That Captain, however, had known Redic for much longer. It was very disappointing to have the Captain not trust him to do the right thing.
Redic put on an expressionless face, "Yes sir." Was all he could manage.
Jul 27th, 2003, 12:06:52 PM
"Actally sir my squadron has been practicing that for a while, we are an elite B-Wing squadron. I think we need our fighter squadrons trained in anti missile defense because the new Imperial ships are packing alot mre missiles now thatn they used to." Tie could detect a lack of confidence in the Captains voice. Whether it was from Tie's Imperial backround or his lack of experience with him he didnt know.
Jul 27th, 2003, 02:18:01 PM
Reshamr listened to Ties ideas of anti missile training. He like his Commanders to speak up. No one in this galaxy is perfect and if a fresh idea from his subordinates was better then his then he would use this idea. Ties idea was sound and had its advantages for actual training but Reshmar knew he needed more of a show then standard defensive drills.
"You Make a good point Commander but we will train in both. The training is not for you and your squadron. We want anyone who may be looking to think we are running standard drills. Keep there attention away from The Hawkbat. We will run the anti-missile drills as part of our normal drill alotment. But I want the Imperials thinking we are training for an assault as well as for defense. This will better get the attention of Desaria and the rest of his Imperial lot. If we just trained defensively he would lose interest in us and the sentry mission my came under attention from him and his forces."
Redic Scott
Jul 27th, 2003, 03:19:33 PM
Redic liked the idea, but they could do something else with it.
"Sir, Tie has a sound point, but perhaps not only fighters can train. It would be good if our gunners trained the same way. If they are accurate enough and can manage to train in creating an overlaping wall of fire, we might be able to use turbolaser to take out masses for missiles as well. We wont hit a single missiles, but if they are in waves, a turbolaser can do a lot a damage. I think the engineers might even have fun playing with the targeting system, maybe making it a lot more accurate."
He paused and looked at Reshmar, "Sir, where is my mission taking place? I would need to know the location of planets and any asteroid fields in the area. Can you tell me if there are any fields in or near the area?"
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:58:07 AM
"Sir in order to complete the deception of an assault, perhaps we can obtain a few troop transports and make a large show of gournd troop personnell transfer to the other ships in order to fool Desaria into thinking we are indeed preparing to invade."
Jul 28th, 2003, 06:11:36 PM
Reshmar Listened to His 2 Commanders with interest. there ideas were good and he liked that they volunteered them so freely.
"That is a good Idea Tie. But lets concentrate on assaulting orbital installations. We can give the perception that we are training for an assault on there ship yards and orbital defenses."
Reshmar turned his attention to Commander Scott.
"As for your question Commander Scott. You and i will be going over the particular details of your mission later. First let concentrate on getting the new ships and modifying our A wings for there mission."
Redic Scott
Jul 29th, 2003, 08:27:23 AM
Redic nodded, "Yes, sir."
Jul 29th, 2003, 02:33:39 PM
"Bring us out of hyperspace Liuetanant." the captain ordered his helmsman. The Badanov returned to realspace flanked by the Hawkbat and Harrier woth the Assault Frigate Curageous in a high covering position nd the nine gunships in three formations of three taking point. The ships then headed toward the Mon Orishma as per orders.
Jul 30th, 2003, 01:43:29 AM
Reshmar had Wrapped up the Meeting and now sat on the Command deck. The Badanov and its support vessels were due to arrive soon. He sat thinking of the coming days. If everything went well the Imperials would be watching there drills and completely Miss the Frigate and the true mission which was occurring. He did not want to tip the Sovereignty off to there presence or cause any unwanted incidents. The Peace between the Sovereignty and New Republic may be in the up and up and Reshmar wanted nothing more then that to be true. peace would me he could go home. Home to his family and the cool waters he loved so.
"Captain we have contacts emerging from Hyperspace 137 Km out on our Starboard Flank."
Reshmar scrolled his Command view panel to display that section of space. There before his eyes the Badanov and its support vessel had entered Real Space and were making there way to the Mon Orishma's Position.
"Open a channel Lieutenant."
Reshmar waited until the communications officer gave him the signal indicating the channel was open.
"Badanov, Welcome. Take up a position 5 Km port of the Mon Orishma All other vessels proceed to form up on Our aft quarter. I would like all Vessel Commanders to report in on vessel readiness and crew complement. I will talk with each of you one on one soon. Until then relax and do some last minute preparations. Also send word to all personnel to make any calls or contact anyone they wish in the next 48 hours. After that we will be under Fleet wide blackout. Only Command Channels will be open. Welcome and my the force be with you."
Reshmar Closed the channel then opened a channel to Tie's Quarters.
"Commander Yamagi I would like to see you in my Quarters in 1 Hour."
Redic Scott
Jul 31st, 2003, 07:38:33 PM
After the meeting Redic excused himself and went to the mess hall to eat. He had some food and drink and than went back to duty. He came to the bridge and sat down just as the other task force came out of hyperspace.
Aug 1st, 2003, 12:12:28 AM
Reshmar turned and noticed Commander Scott sitting down at his station. He stood and turned to face the aftsection of the commande deck.
"Commander Scott you have the Bridge. I have some business to see to."
Aug 4th, 2003, 07:22:35 AM
Tie walked up to the Captain's quarters after had goten something to eat and knocked on the door.
Redic Scott
Aug 4th, 2003, 09:51:26 PM
"Aye sir, I have the bridge."
Redic took over and started to monitor the other Fleet. Watching them get into position.
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:30:59 AM
Reshmar sat at his desk reading over reports on traffic in the Sovereignty area and known defensive strength. He rasied his head as he heard a knock on the door.
Aug 24th, 2003, 01:08:39 PM
Tie walked in and sat in the Chair opposite Reshmar. He was dressed in his Jump suit and he wore it with the pride and pomp of an Imperial officer. The ex-Imperial had been a welcome addition to his fleet and had brought much wanted expertise and experience to his officer core. Reshmar respected his Imperial counter parts. They were fine officers in there own right and trained there officer core well. He did not how ever agree with there ways and there outlook on most things. Tie seemed to not share the normal anti alien outlook alot of the Imperials shared. It had become more and more less apearant over the years but the anti alien sentiment still remained for the most part. The Imperials had begun taking a few alien races in as troop candidates but few made it through the training. Reshmar paused and took a drink from the glass sitting on the edge of his desk. He slid a data disk across the desk towards tie.
"Tie, Here is an Encoded data disk containing your orders. I beleave it will answer any questions you may have. We will be losing the Battle group which arrived in the last week. Instead we will be reciveing a task force and new orders. We have been called upon to provide assistance to New Republic intellegance. The Harrier will remain as part of our group. Commander Scott will take command of group 2 which will move you into his position as Wing Commander for Group 1. Please read over your orders and get some rest. we will be leaving in 7 hours and meeting up with the rest of the task force."
Sep 2nd, 2003, 07:57:40 AM
"yes, sir. I will carry out your orders to the best of my abilities."
Sep 2nd, 2003, 05:14:11 PM
Reshmar talked more with Tie then excussed him. He sat looking over the new orders, Thinkning of the best way to carry out his mission without the Imperial Factions ever knowing he was there.He depressed the comm buttons.
"Yes Cpatain?"
Rang the voice of Commander Scott from the opposite end of the Transmission.
"Commander Please report to my Ready Room right away."
Redic Scott
Sep 2nd, 2003, 09:28:29 PM
Redic dropped what he was going and went to the ready room. He knocked on the door and went in. He saluted, "Reporting as ordered sir."
Redic stood there and wondered why he was there.
Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:01:04 AM
Reshmar looked over Mission Briefings whiles he sat and awaited Scott. He had already read over Scotts orders and was pleased. He has submitted a request for promotion for Scoot and it was good to see the Higher ups thought he deserves it as well. The chirp of the door alert buzzed as reshmar looked up from his reading.
"Come in"
Commander Scott walked through the door moments after it slide open. He could tell the man was tired he had been on shift for sometime and his shift should have just been ending.
"Comander Scott. Sit , I have received orders which will change the Structure of our Missions somewhat. Our suspicions about the Imperial Factions may have been more on par then we suspected. I have here a security Holo vid Sent by NR fleet command for you. In it are your orders and information on what you need to know about the upcoming mission. We will be returning to Calimari with the Harrier and meeting our new task force. Once there you will leave the Mon Orishma for Coruscant for a few days. Seems the Higher ups want to make you a captain. Your training will begin 3 days from now. Congratulations."
Redic Scott
Sep 5th, 2003, 05:25:27 AM
Redic nodded and sat down softly. He was tired, but not that tired. He listened intently and was surprised when he heard about leaving for Coruscant and becoming captain. Redic was happy, but also sad at the same time. Was he ready to leave the Mon Orishma? He loved his job and had only now earned the respect of the men under him. Now he would have to do everything all over again. He couldn't pass this us though.
"Yes sir. I have one question though. Will I return to the Mon Orishma task force? Or will I go to another one?"
Sep 6th, 2003, 09:31:11 AM
Admiral Reshmar Sat as Commander Scott Ask His Question.
"That I am not sure of Commander. I believe You will be returning to the Orishma Task Force. All I am aware of is You will be training under Admiral Lion and upon Completion of your training he will assign you."
Sep 6th, 2003, 12:00:09 PM
Tie walked down to the hangar and was met on the way by his XO Captain Melina.
"Captain it looks like we're going to be assigned to the Mon Orishma. Have the squadron make sure all their belongings are transfered from the Badanov as we might be here for a while then have them perform maintenance checks on their fighters." The captain saluted and walked off to carry her orders. Tie went down to the hangar to check out that his own fighter was in working order.
Redic Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 01:41:06 PM
Redic nodded, "Very well, when do I leave?"
Sep 6th, 2003, 02:36:51 PM
"We will be leaving within the hour for Calimari. After we arrive there you will proceed to Coruscant. Make the arrangemets for the Jump to Hyperspace. I will be joining you on the bridge in a few moments."
Redic Scott
Sep 6th, 2003, 06:28:17 PM
Redic got up and saluted, "Yes, sir. We'll be ready."
He went out and onto the bridge, "Helm, plot a fast course to Mon Cal. Get everything ready to go."
Redic sat down and waited as the crew started to get to work. He started to think about life as a captain and what missions they would give him. He would miss the Mon Orishma, but he had also known that one day he would have to leave. Redic smiled than, hopefully he would be a captain soon.
Sep 8th, 2003, 01:16:01 PM
Tie was working on his fighter just thinking. The captain seemed to be a pretty nice guy considering that Tie was a former Imp. Fights often sprung out between former Imps and other non-human species who had been subject to the cruelties of the Empire. There wre a couple instances when he had been walking down the hallways of the ship when he had gotten none too friendly glances from other members of the crew.
Dec 1st, 2003, 12:47:42 AM
Two Months had past since Commander Scott had left the Mon Orishma. Reshmar had missed the man, he had been the best Xo he had served with to date. Commander Yamagi had turned out to be everything that Fleet Command had said. Diligent and serious in every endeavor he had raised the bar for the pilots in the Orishma Task force and every pilot serving under Reshmar has had a dramatic increase in there simulation scores. The last 2 weeks had been a series of drills and simms to ready the fighter corp for any action they may come against. Tie was now away on personnel business on the surface of Corescant and Reshmar sat eating some type of kelp dish he had requested. Touching little of the meal he read over the latest reports and news from fleet command. Since his arrival at Corescant 2 days ago little had happened and he and his crew were enjoying some rest and relaxation.
After Pushing the remainder of his dinner aside Reshmar stood and walked to the view port to look out on the surface of Corescant. Brilliant lights illuminated the surface of the massive planet sized city. Away in the distance small freighters were making there way to and from the planet. Reshmar took a deep breath of the artificially humidified air in his quarters and walked back to his desk. Noticing a small pad he had looked over he sat and took the pad from under a report he had glanced at earlier.
In it were the status reports of the vessel and fighter simms in his Task Force. A note caught his attention and he pressed the button to his aid.
" Yes Admiral" The soft voice of his newly assigned aid spoke over the comm channel. "Please make a note to ask Commander Yamagi about these Bomber simm reports upon his return Lieutenant. Something seems odd about them." Reshmar cut the comm connection and sat back studying the data pad once again.
Dec 1st, 2003, 01:44:05 AM
As Reshmar looked over the report once again He noticed a note by Chief Flight Engineer Yuri. He pressed the comm transceiver on his desk and was connected the Hanger and maintenance Deck by his aid.
"Please Send Lieutenant Yuri to my office."
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:45:52 PM
Tie stepped off the shuttle from Coruscant into the Mon Orishma's docking bay. A Lieutenant came up to Tie and handed him a message on a datapad requesting that he meet with the Captain concerning the recent Bomber simulation scores. Tie made his way to the Captains quarters and knocked on the door.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:35:49 AM
Reshmar sat waiting for Yuri to arrive and heard a tap on his door.
"Come In"
Reshmar sat back and was surprised to see Commander Yamagi Walk in.
"Ah Tie, I was not expecting you this soon. Come in and sit. I was needeng to speak with you about the last Bomber simms you ran. It seems 20 % of your shots are missing. Is this an error? Can it be a mechanical thing. Usually your Squadron scores top notch scores."
Dec 2nd, 2003, 01:17:24 PM
"I believe it is sir. I had a tech look at the bombers after our last run. He says theres something wrong with the launchers but hes not sure. And i don't think its the munitions we've been issued either because the ones I have on my personal Interceptor are fine. I think the manufacturer made a mistake or something when they made the bombers. None of the other squadrons have problems with their launchers."
(OOC: just wondering what kind of bombers is the bomber squadron using? C-Wings? Im also assuming your talking about a separate bomber squadron thats under my command but not my personal one.)
luitenant Yuri
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:41:08 PM
Yuri's appaling manners and bad habits shone through once more as he simply walked into the captains quarters, "Sorry I'm late Sir, I was grilling one of my mechanics, he had managed to missalign all of Yamagi's squadron's targetting computers, what was it you wanted?" Yuri waited momentarrilly, not realising how increadilously rude he was in fact being "I'd appreciate it if you knocked next time, well i guess you just explained our targetting error..." Before anyone could continue Yuri displayed another blantant parade of rudeness "But thats not all, you know what else it is, I've been meaning to talk to you about it, its your cockey fighter pilots, you push your fighters too hard, I'm getting less and less sleep!, and I'd imagine its mutch the same for my mechanics, people like you Taichi, you need to take better care of them, dont have it at 100% throttle all the time, and all your jacknifing and ... youre just pushing those damn fighters too hard..." Before Yuri could continue his rambling Remshar decided to do some of his own rudeness "Yuri, thats quite enough, don't you have work to do!" Yuri paused... "well... ok.. i'm gone" and walked out.
Dec 2nd, 2003, 04:46:58 PM
Reshmar turned and looked at Tie who was sitting half in shock and half offended.
"Sorry about that commander. He has some attitude problems I am dealing with but he is the best mechanic I have ever seen. I beleave if it were possible he has some Verpin in his family."
Dec 2nd, 2003, 05:49:32 PM
"Thats alright sir, I understand. I was wondering if we would be deploying again soon sir." Tie replied.
Dec 3rd, 2003, 01:10:47 PM
Reshmar still angered after Yuris behavior sat and almost missed the question Tie was asking.
"Yes Commander we will be departing in 21 hours to resume our patrol duties. Prepare the fighter wing for some exstensive training and live fire runs. I will make sure Lieutenant Yuri's Men have your squadron fixed and at peek status. Now if you will excuse me I would like to get some shut eye before we depart. I suggest you do the same Commander."
Dec 4th, 2003, 04:48:17 PM
"Yes, sir." Tie acknoleged snapping to attention and snapping off a crisp salute and then turned and left.
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