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imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:45:40 PM
Departing from the landing bay, Drasen paced down the long stretch of corridors in sought of a specific someone. Footsteps cried out in echoes through the hallways of the Fortess, surely allowing all who took residence inside to note his presence.

A name, yet no face to match. Hera DrenKast, a name, that was all he knew. The rest would fall into place on its own, or so he hoped for.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 23rd, 2002, 10:46:04 PM
Reclining in a chair in front of the security monitors, Daiquiri watches as the young man approaches Hera's office. He wasnt one that she recognized and the Faene mistress wasnt expecting him or else she would have informed Daiq of his imminent arrival.

Her blue gaze shifts quickly to the monitor that showed the corridor behind Drasen. One of the techs was slowly following behind him, putting on a quiet show of misplacing something in one of the pockets of his over-sized coveralls.

What no new arrivals were aware of was the amount of hidden security that ShadowFaene had at its command. All the techs were armed with various makes of blasters, stun grenades and cuffs among other personal favorite weapons.

The halls and corridors themselves had small forcefields located in strategic spots and boasted concealed mini-turrets at the beginning and end of each passage.

But even amongst such advanced weaponry, the best defense at the Fortress was the owner and her force-wielding employees.

Purposely letting the stranger waste his time by knocking on Hera's office door, Daiquiri finally puts in a call Haman on his personal comm code, calling him up to switch places with her.

Much to her surprise, Haman responded quickly and blowing a sarcastic kiss at her retreating back, he settled in the chair to take his turn in the security room.

Striding down an adjoining hall, Daiq turns the corner and comes up behind Drasen.

"The boss isnt in right now. Im Daiquiri. What can I help you with?"

(ooc: Hera might be gone rl for another 2-3 days)

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 25th, 2002, 05:20:22 PM
"It depends,"

The visitor turned to face Daiquiri.

"When are you expecting her?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:40:23 PM
Noncommittedly, she shrugs.

"With Hera, who knows? She shows up when she wants. Thats why shes the boss."

(ooc: Im hoping she'll be back by the end of this week, not sure, though)

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:27:35 PM
"I'll wait."

(ooc; alright, thanks)

Oct 26th, 2002, 05:44:19 PM
**2 Days Later - Daiq and Hera talk in the Main Office.**

Hera paused between sips from her rum glass.

"And he's been here the whole time?"

Daiq nodded, downing the remainder of her own drink - she preferred the liquid gold whiskey over Hera's rum.

"We put him up in the guest quarters" (which was a room monitored closely and guarded round the clock, but still had the comforts of a suite. An upper-class prison cell was really what it was, but one that served not to give offence while keeping tabs on a individual.)

Daiq continued in explaination. "He insisted on waiting for you. You know this guy?"

Hera shook her head as she looked Grev over once more via the monitor. He was reclining in a chair in his quarters, reading, unaware of the scruitiny.

She had just now returned from a trip to Coruscant, tying up some loose ends that would have far-reaching benefits for SFF and their future enterprises. She wondered if this new visitor and her run in with the Corsucant Watch were related. She doubted it. Only one way to find out, she guessed.

Daiquiri pointed to the computer and the "rap sheet" that had been put together on him during his stay.

"As you can see, we dont have a great deal to go on."

"Hmm" Hera sat back thoughtfully in her chair.

"Well, we better have a chat then. We'll get one of the crew to bring him here."

She called and instructed a wiry looking man to do just that, and then both women resumed watching the monitor.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:15:35 PM
Drasen was escorted to the chambers in which Hera and Daiq were awaiting, his eyes roamed from face to face, revealing little expression as he took his arms from the security's grasp.

"Lordess DrenKast?"

Nov 5th, 2002, 08:30:02 PM
"Sith Master DrenKast, actually, but you can call me Hera."

She gestured towards Daiq.

"And you have already met Lady Daquiri, I believe."

Hera took a seat and motioned for Grev to do likewise.

"So, Mr. Dresen, we have kept you waiting long enough. Why dont you tell us what ShadowFaene can do for you..?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:21:48 PM
"I believe it is what I can do for ShadowFaene, Hera."

Spoken in a monotonous voice, Drasen remain standing with his arms folded promptly behind his back. It wasn't disrespect, he just preferred to be on his toes; his trust for the place was still up for grabs.

"I am here for employment."

Nov 5th, 2002, 10:26:17 PM
"I see."

Hera leaned back in her chair and looked the man up and down.

"Whats your specialty?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:49:26 PM
"I believe its what I can do for ShadowFaene, Hera."

His confidence in his abilitites was obvious. Drasen stated the fact calmly without any show of cockiness or bravado. That was a plus in Daiquiri's book. She had her fill of the over confident, loud braggadocio Haman to last her another couple of months and Drasen's quiet demeanor suited her.

As she and Hera waited for his forthcoming sales pitch, Daiq studied the young man intently, watching for signs of nervousness or deceit.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:53:15 PM
"I can do whatever you need done, Hera. Specialties aren't something I limit myself to."

He awaited her response, hoping not to displease his inquirers with his answers.

Nov 7th, 2002, 12:18:28 AM
Hera laughed softly at Grev's reply. It wasnt a condescending laugh, but a genuine "good" response to what he had said.

She, like Daiq, had noted the quiet confidence in which he held himself and appreciated his frankness.

"ShadowFaene is a contracting business. Jobs you do for us, you get a cut. Jobs that hire you specifically, SFF gets a cut for the use of personell and resources.

Have you done anything - any high profile jobs - we may have heard about? Tell us a bit about your background."

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 23rd, 2002, 06:37:55 PM
(Ooc) I forgot all about this, sorry.

“Nothing you would be familiar with, Hera,” he continued, “I have carried out a number of missions for The Sith Order, and at one time had some associations with The Sector Rangers. Some mercenary work, mostly freelance.”

Nov 24th, 2002, 01:57:23 PM
ooc: its ok :) I figured you had changed your mind.

At the mention of the Sith Order, a sidelong glance at Daiq was the unspoken signal for her to make some discreet enquiries from their mutual friends at the Order. Daiq excused herself from the conversation and moved out of the room to do just that.

While she was gone, Hera continued her questions.

"The Sith Order - Lady Vader and LiveWire are good friends of mine, not to mention many others among their deadly ranks.
You are in good company, Mr. Dreysen.

They do not have a problem with you seeking employ here? If you are apprenticed to someone there, it would not be wise to anger a Sith Master. Though, in all honesty, I dont believe you would have come here against their wishes."

She didnt comment on the Sector Rangers at this point, it was important to have the first clarified before they moved any further.

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:05:24 PM
“I have no Master,” he paused for moment, “He turned his back on me, as did he the Order.”

Nov 24th, 2002, 08:38:50 PM
This information surprised Hera.

"I take it you killed this Master for his betrayal. Or atleast tried to?"

imported_Grev Drasen
Nov 26th, 2002, 10:32:32 PM
“No,” he was silent, ridding his face of any expression.

“He... they fled after their ambush. If there are no further inquiries, could we discuss business?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 28th, 2002, 11:46:27 PM
As Hera cut her eyes over to Daiquiri, the latter was already standing and moving towards the door. Exiting the office, she heads for the comm station, dropping down onto the extra chair.

Using her personal clearance code, Daiq brings up a list, one of many, of ShadowFaene's contacts and scrolls down the numerous entries until she locates the information on Lady Vader.

Daiquiri herself had never spoken with nor met the well know Sith Master but the Faene mistress was quite familiar with her.

Opening a channel, she sends a transmission to Lady Vader and waits while the dark Master is located.

Lady Vader
Dec 2nd, 2002, 08:13:12 PM
*LV had been coming in from a walk through the Sith Order gardens on Corellia, when her commlink beeped. The indicator on the commlink said the call was coming in through the space relays, meaning the call was off-planet. She reached for it and thumbed it on, answering the call.*

Vader here.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:30:39 PM
"Lady Vader, I am Daiquiri calling from ShadowFaene Fortress at the request of Hera DrenKast. One "Grev Drasen" has applied for employment with us and used the Sith Order as a source of reference. Can you confirm or deny his time with you?"

Grabbing up a pen and quickly rummaging through one of the drawers, Daiq sits ready to shorthand down any information that Lady Vader can provide her with.

Lady Vader
Dec 3rd, 2002, 10:28:32 PM
He is indeed a part of the Sith Order, and a promising member at that.

*LV's voice came over the commlink sounding small, though carrying much strength.*

I haven't heard any negative reports about him, nor have I heard him failing in any of his training exercises.

But do tell me... what kind of job has he applied for?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 4th, 2002, 12:57:18 AM
With quick neat script, Daiquiri jots down the information kindly provided by the Sith Master. A professional curtesy for Hera, she was sure.

At Ms. Vader's inquiry, Daiq paused then tapped the end of the pen on the paper, her brow knitting slightly. Drasen hadnt asked about any one specific job...just 'work' in general.

It was natural that the woman on the other end of the conversation would be curious. Daiquiri's own inquisitivness was piqued. Drasen, a member in good standing of the Sith Order according to Lady Vader, suddenly decides that he wants employment outside of the fold? Interesting.

"Truthfully, Mr. Drasen left his request rather vague. 'I am here for employment' were his exact words. He left it wide open but I have to assume that hes not looking to be a grease monkey. Hes with Hera now and its possible that theyve already come to some agreement. Would you like for Hera to personally contact you about this, later?"

Lady Vader
Dec 4th, 2002, 06:54:25 PM
*LV nodded her head to no one in particular.*

Yes, if it wouldn't inconvinience Hera too much.

*She took a breath.*

It's not that there is anything wrong with Drasen asking for emplyment outside of the Sith Order... in fact, we encourage our members to go out into the universe, so to speak. My only concern is he does not choose or be given a job that interfere with the order and it's well-being.

*She'd made her way into one of the lounge rooms near a fireplace. It had gotten dark outside and a bit chilly, and the fire did wonders to warm her.*

I do thank you fr contacting me, and letting me know of this.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 01:43:15 AM
"Youre welcome, Lady Vader and thank you for speaking with me on Hera's behalf. I will relay your request that you wish to talk personally with her, just as soon as her meeting with Mr. Drasen is concluded. Shadowfaene out."

With a flick of her finger Daiquiri cuts the connection and stands, pushing her wheeled chair out of the way with the toe of one booted foot.

Giving Hera's office door a light rap, she re-enters without waiting for permission to be granted. Daiq had, after all, been asked to sit in on the meeting earlier.

A minute nod of her head told Hera that communication with the Sith Order had been made and that Lady Vader had given Drasen the green light. Daiquiri also knew that Hera could read more from her obvious bland expression and once the office was cleared, Daiq would relay any and all info that had been passed on.

Dec 14th, 2002, 11:10:17 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
“No,” he was silent, ridding his face of any expression.

“He... they fled after their ambush. If there are no further inquiries, could we discuss business?”

Hera spoke of non specifics and generalisations - the whole while making up her mind about Drasen.

He seemed the sort to fit in well at SFF, and her instincts agreed with this observation. The fact he was involved with TSO was only a concern in terms of conflict of interest - though that was miniscule as SFF was in no wise in competition with them, so really it was a non-issue.

Daiquiri re-entered the room and the go ahead nod was what Hera had been anticipating.

Sitting forward, she eyed the man opposite her with a hard direct stare.

"Very well, Mr.Drasen, consider yourself hired. If I feel there is any conflict of loyalty that arises between TSO and SFF - your employment will be terminated immediately. This is for your own benefit. No hard feelings will be kept as it will be out of your control.

If you agree to this, we can show you a more private quarters that you can stow your belongings in."