View Full Version : ...Sleep Walking...

James Prent
Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:18:06 PM
James studied the piece of paper through sleep blurred eyes, and then shifted it upside down. She stuck her finger in the middle of the paper, and traced a wobbly line...then turned the paper once more.

She was standing just outside the Jedi Living Quarters, yet seemed unsure of where she was. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant was huge, and James was, once again, completely lost. The kind Jedi who had found her on the steps had drawn her a map, but she was too tired to make heads or tails of it.

After another three minutes of hesitating outside the door, James timidly walked to the doors and tried the controls. They slid open noiselessly, and she walked inside. It was four thirty in the morning...no one was awake that she could hear.

She yawned again, trying to cover her mouth, but dropping the paper instead as her face felt like it was unhinging for the yawn. Eyes squinched up, James knelt down to try to find the paper she'd dropped as another yawn over took her.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 23rd, 2002, 07:13:08 PM
I had been taking a early morning walk and was coming back to my room when I noticed a young woman trying to pick up a piece of paper off the floor I walked up to her

"excuss me miss are you lost?"

I said bending over and picking up the piece of paper off the ground and handing it to the young lady

"here you droped this."

James Prent
Oct 23rd, 2002, 08:01:39 PM
She looked up and accepted the paper from the man. "I am lost. I'm looking for the Jedi Living Quarters, and, y'know, I've never been here before... So, yeah, I'm lost." James flushed and stifled another yawn.

"I was sent here by Oriadin and Salemn Lysce..." She looked down the hallway, as if trying to determine which room it was that she was to be allowed to bunk in.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 24th, 2002, 12:56:51 PM
"I'll help you find a room my name is Kyle Krogen" I said with a warm smile "follow me"

I started to walk down a hallway James following behind me.

Rognan Dar
Oct 24th, 2002, 01:37:51 PM
Rognan was cleaning up his room when he heard someone talking about a room, he loved meeting new faces and since someone was looking for a place to stay he finished up and opened the door.

He steped out just to have bumped into a young man that he heard talking, he didn't know who this was so introduced himself.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you. My name os Rognan Dar, who might you be?" Rognan asked seing a woman behind him. "And its nice to meet you to ma'am." He said giving a bow in greatings to the pair.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 24th, 2002, 10:49:07 PM
The young man that bumped into mr said his name was Rognan Dar

"Hello my name is Kyle Krogen and I'm helping this young ladie find a empty room" I said nodding my head toward James "maybe you could help?"

James Prent
Oct 25th, 2002, 12:22:27 AM
The Jedi were unusally active at 4 am...but perhaps they all got an early start. She usually wasn't awake before noon, and then went to work the late shift at the diner. James had just lost her job, so she'd probably be getting used to a different schedule shortly.

And after a long night at work, rude customers, and a splitting headache (not to mention the getting fired bit) James just wanted to sleep. "I have the room number, y'know, can you show me where room 492 is?" She showed Kyle the piece of paper Oriadin had given her. "Oh, and m'name is James." She tried to stifle another yawn.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 25th, 2002, 01:56:04 PM
"Oh ok room 492 is right down this way" I said walking down the hall

I stoped at a door wit the number's 492 on it

"Here's your room James."

James Prent
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:32:33 PM
She followed Kyle sleepily, and smiled as they stopped in front of the correct door. "Thank you, I think I'll just turn in. Mebbe I'll see you around, y'know?" James waved goodbye to the other Jedi, and carefully opened the door.

It was an empty room, with sparse furnishings. Closing the door behind her, she fell onto the bed and pulled the blanket over her, shoes and all. The tired girl was asleep within seconds.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:11:17 PM
I walked to my room and fell on my bed and went to sleep.