View Full Version : GAME ON! [something new, read please]

Kurzen Fox
Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:20:13 AM
All around the academy I’d been walking with a pack of papers in my hand, pinning them up to walls that people would spot. Each was brightly coloured and had a picture of two people on the front; one holding a glowing orb tightly, and the other with a long flat piece of highly polished wood, like a bat or paddle, resting on their shoulder. Above it the people it said in bold letters ‘Race for the Feuershild’ and below was smaller writing, which ran off onto the back of the pamphlet:

“Life isn’t all training and work. Take time out from your schedule and join the battle for the Feuershild in the new Donnerkrieg league. Donnerkrieg is a sport which people of any age can participate in, and the rules are simple! To enter the league, you must have a team of four people. Two of these people will be your attackers, and two your defense, so pick wisely!

The aim of the game is to keep possession of the sphere shown above, the Donner ball. To gain points, members of the team must each first touch the ball, and then get it to a member of their attack who must drive it through the hole in the goal – which is only the size of the ball to begin with, so a good aim is required!

The defenders job is to make sure this doesn’t happen by intercepting the passes of the opposite team or batting away the Donner ball when it’s heading for the net. Defenders quite possibly have the toughest job on the pitch when it comes to stamina, but lightning speed is needed for the attackers too, so each position is in actual fact as hard as the other!

For a dunk through the goal the team gains 10 points, and for every save the team will be awarded 5 points. At the end of the game, which lasts a quick-paced 15 minutes, the team with the most point’s will be award a tally of one on their league status. At the end of the season, the team with the highest tally is awarded the Feuershild and armlets that mark their achievements.

Games are played in a variety of arenas, ranging from jungle forests, to anti-gravity chambers, and even under the outrageous weather conditions of Hoth and Tatooine!

So if you’re up for something new, sign up below or go see Kurzen Fox, who can usually be found in the Academy grounds from 10-00am until 5-00pm! Games will begin soon, so sign up quick!”

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:35:32 AM
::Azhure looked at the poster, and read it. It sounded interesting, something she wouldnt normally do.::


::Walking off, her thoughts mingled on the proposition. Perhaps she would arrive to play.::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:58:13 AM
:: A tall man walked slowly around the halls of the academy his jaded eyes looking everywhere around, as suddenly...something caught his attention...Lance walked towards a paper pinned to the wall and grabbed it.::

:: He read it carefully...not leaving a letter behind and then his eyes widened as a wide grin formed on his lips.::

"Hehe...seems like something fun to do...guess I'll have to participate."

:: Lance turned around and walked slowly around the academy, wondering who this Kurzen was...never heard of him before.::

:: He crossed his arms behind his head looking up.::

"Damn now how am I going to find him..there are so many padawans here..."

Kurzen Fox
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:01:00 AM
I sat on a rock in one of the gardens of the academy that a lot of people seem to pass through, tossing the Donnerball up into the air then catching it, over and over. As I watched people walk past, I wondered who, if anyone, would be interested in the sport that I’d played back home with my old friends. Just incase anyone was wondering where to go, I’d pitched a sign beside me, and my protocol droid was wandering around somewhere doing some P.R for me.

Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:51:46 AM
Oriadin approached Kurzen. Kurzen wasnt someone he was familiar with. Perhaps he was new around here. It was a nice day out. Birds singing and the sun shineing through the waffer thin clouds.

--Hello. Are you Kurzen? I read the poster about some kind of sport and was keen to know a little bit more about it I guess.--

Kurzen Fox
Oct 23rd, 2002, 07:13:57 AM
Rising up to my feet sharply I grinned to the figure who’d just arrived.

“Yup, I’m Kurzen. What’d you like to know, man?”

Oct 23rd, 2002, 08:19:55 AM
--Pleased to meet you, my name is Oriadin. I was wondering how you move the ball around. Do you carry it? Then, how do you tackle people to try and win the match?--

Kurzen Fox
Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:36:08 AM
“Oriadin, good to meet ya.”

Palming the Donnerball from one hand to another, I raised it up for inspection. It was large enough to make me have to strain my hand open to hold it, yet at the same time seemed to be just the right size. It was made of a fairly lightweight material, which reflected and refracted the light around it to give it a continuous glow, varying in hue due to the setting – today it was a dull white.

“You can carry it in one hand or two, doesn’t matter. And tackling… well it depends on the match rules. You have a contact and non-contact form. In contact you can plough into people and snatch it up, in non-contact you can knock it away but you aren’t allowed to actually touch your opponent, ya know? If you do it’s a free pass to them.”

Oct 23rd, 2002, 11:13:16 AM
--So basically, you get the ball and run like hell?--

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:08:41 PM
:: Lance walked out of the academy and into the gardens when his attention was caught by Oriadin talking to a cool looking dude, Lance walked towards to the two of them and coughed a bit.::

"Excuse me Oriadin, but do you know who Kurzen Fox is? I'm looking for him..." He said looking at the other guy and giving him a short bow.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:11:19 PM
Wei had never played sports before, and he was always up for trying something new.

"Teach me." He said simply.

"Oh, and do I need any special equipment?"

Oct 24th, 2002, 02:42:10 AM
Oriadin sensed lance approach and turned to see him as he coughed.

--Ah, Lance. This here is Kurzen Fox.--

Oriadin turned back to face Kurzan, indicating to Lance whi he was.

Kurzen Fox
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:09:00 AM
I replied to Oriadin with a simple nod and laugh, and then turned to look at the two others who had arrived.

“Hullo Lance,” I said, picking up the name from Oriadin.

Then looking to the man in what appeared to be Martial arts get-up, I shook my head.

“Just some loose clothes to play in. I’ve got the bats and donnerballs. You’re allowed to wear armour too if you want, but nothing too heavy.”

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:40:19 AM
:: Lance listened to the requirements well and scratched his head.::

"Alrighty, count me in too dood!"

Kurzen Fox
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:05:10 AM
“Anyone else want it?” I said aloud with a grin.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:35:27 AM
"When Grandmother told me that my clothes were suitable for all tasks, she really meant it," Wei said, looking at the kung fu uniform she had made him. She had made all his clothes, and Wei was very proud of them.

"Let's play, let's play!"

Kurzen Fox
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:54:17 AM
“Man, We can’t! We only have the four of us, that’s only enough for one team,” I said with a bit of a whine.

“We need to rally some more players!”

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:32:06 PM
"More?" Wei asked, disappointed. "Well then, we can fix that, I think."

Kirrto McKavity
Oct 27th, 2002, 07:31:28 AM
A loud scream, ending with a crash, and Kirrto fell from the sky onto the gravelly path.

a few seconds later, and a large silver disk spinning out of control and making a noise like a wasp's nest thudded into a tree.

"whoa! sorry guys!" the blue-haired figure laughed breathlessly, "Just tryin to learn how to ride a speederboard!"

The boy sprung to his feet and dusted off his black denim jacket and jeans hastily, brushing his messy hair back out of his face.

he caught a glimpse of the flyer Lance was clutching in one hand, and read it quickly.

"Fun!" he grinned, "Can I play?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:48:27 AM
:: Lance crossed his eyes and walked a few steps backwards of the man who seemed quit excited.::

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:49:45 AM
"Hi, Kirrto. Learning speederboard, eh? Me and you should hangh out. I got a speederboard too, if you want to hang out sometime."

Kirrto McKavity
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:54:24 AM
"Hi again Wei!" Kirrto said, recognising him as the one who had first introduced him to the GJO

"I kinda suck at speederboard, but sure, if ya don't mind me crashing up all the time!"

he pulled the silver disk out of the tree, and examined the edge, before setting it floating a few feet up in the air and sitting down on it.

"So, when's the game?"

Kurzen Fox
Oct 30th, 2002, 12:00:00 PM
I grinned wide at the cobalt haired newcomer and gave thumbs up as a greeting.

“Sure you can play. That makes 5 of us… now we just need to recruit some more. Tell your friends about it, yo… I’ll … call a meeting,” I fumbled over my words, “Or something soon to sort it out, cool?”

Kirrto McKavity
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:07:38 PM
Kirrto nodded, then said,
"Actually, I'm kinda new here.... I'm afraid i dont know anyone who isnt here already.... I dont even have a room yet....." he rambled, his train of thought derailing itself, as the board began to float higher up into the air.

Kurzen Fox
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:10:21 PM
I grinned rather nervously, and looked around at the others for an opinion.

Kirrto McKavity
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:13:36 PM
Kirrto steadied himself on the board, then said

"hey! ive had an idea! if me and Wei use the speederboards, we can get posters everywhere in GJO in a few minutes. that should call up some interest!"

he grinned then said,

"Anyone who can ignore a 'board flying around at decapitation height probably wouldnt do too good on the team, either!" he laughed.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 05:33:19 AM
:: Lance shook his head lightly.::

"Hmm.....how much ppl do we need I mean how much is the minimum...?" Lance said rather puzzled