View Full Version : Night Entrance (Xaz only)

Kaytor Surna
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:28:00 PM
The shadows in the recruitment center where darker than usualy. Even the night shadows. It was pitch black. A cloacked figure slowly made her way into the room.

Kaytor pulled her hood off her head. She stood, shroud in shadows. Her eyes shifted back and forth. No one knew she was there. Not even Xazor. Kaytor walked towards the door that entered the temple. A guard was walking out side of it. Kaytor stopped him. He didn't know who she was and never would.

"Tell Master Xazor to come to the Recruitment Center as soon as posable."

The guard nodded and quickly took off to find Xazor. Kaytor steped back into the shadows and hid herself. She knew that Xazor would be there soon. She hid her force signature as well.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:53:54 PM
A dark figure walked the halls of the Temple keeping watchful eyes upon even the slightest movement in the darkness. Suddenly a guard rushed up to the one cloaked in black, beckoning her to go to the Recruitment Center. She bowed with a silent thank you and quickly made her way toward the designated destination. As she walked, the black robes flowed behind her liked the waves of the ocean.....and they covered her identity well.

Pushing through the large doors of the place where Jedi Hopefuls passed, she let her eyes adjust to the Darkness and search the perimeter of the room. Her night vision set in and she quickly came to rest her eyes upon another clad in the shadows.....though the Knight could not read the Force signature directly.....the being felt familiar and so Xazor advanced forward, keeping her gaze locked upon the stranger.

She stopped and took her hand up to remove the hood of her black cloak, letting it slip through her fingers to reveal her identity. Xazor glowed with the presence of the Light within her heart. Her blonde hair fell out of the hood into the waist length Garou Warrior braids with silver coins woven into them, replacing the golden ones that had previously been there. Atop her head was a wreath of these braids and secure around them was a ring of silver coins that gleamed in what light they caught. The silver was much like the specks within her deep blue eyes, reflecting the curiousity within her spirit as she eyed the stranger curiously. The Garou did not smile as she bowed slightly, and then rose to full height.

"Greetings......reveal yourself, for I am Xazor and I have come...."

With the Force incresing the power of her voice, the tones echoed off of the walls and softly touched the listener's ear drums, letting the Unknown have proof that it was indeed the one whom they sought. Folding her hands at her weapons belt, Xazor stood tall and proud, awaiting the stranger to reveal themselves.....

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 08:20:53 AM
Kaytor walked forward a few steps to where only her lowerhalf was in the light.

"I know full well who you are, Xazor. And you know who I am. A lost soul. A lost cause."

Kaytor walked the rest of the way into the light. She lifted her head up to look at Xazor.

"Now is the time to find out where I belong."

Xazor Elessar
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:29:49 PM
Xazor stepped back slightly, placing her hand upon her Lightsaber's hilt as her eyes came to rest upon her former Padawan, Kaytor Surna. Sighing, the Knight watched her with caution, opening herself up to the Force to be aware of any sudden movements.

"Why are you here? Are you here to mock me? Here to torture me with the knowledge that you left me?"

She spoke calmly though the words were stressed with a pain from her heart. The young woman had left Xazor and her teachings to join the Shrine. It had been such a sad time....how Xazor had been so proud of this young woman and had risked her life for her when Lance's brother came.....then she threw it all away. Xazor wondered aloud why she had returned.....was it because she wished to change and become a Jedi once again? Or was it to find out where she belonged by challenging her former Master? The Garou did not know.....so with hand upon saber, she awaited Kaytor's answer....

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:38:47 PM
Kaytor lowered her eyes. Her sword, dagger, lightsaber and guns floated away from her. They slowly flew towards Xazor. 2 feet from Xazor, they drop harmlessly to the ground.

"I don't know if this is the right choice or not. I don't know about much right now. But I do know that my life went to chaos when I left the order. All of my friends I left here. My life was left here. I belive that this is where I belong if the order will accept me back."

She paused a moment.

"If you will accept me back."

Kaytor droped to one knee and lowered her head. She was prepared for anything. Harmfull or not. She had betrayed the order and she was prepared for any coniquenses.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:07:46 PM
Xazor let her eyes follow the weapons as Kaytor let them float over to her to come to rest upon the floor. The Knight let her eyes stay upon them as Kaytor spoke....and then she eased up on her saber. Closing her eyes a moment, Xazor sighed and then opened them upon her former student.

"You know how the Order feels about betrayal....but you have no idea how I feel about betrayal....and how I deal with it."

She said, exposing her elongated canines as she moved past the weapons and over toward Kaytor. Grabbing her saber from her belt, she ignited it and moved to hold it just centimeters from the back of Kaytor's neck.

"The way that I deal with betrayal is different from many others. Kaytor, you have hurt me......now in return I give you....."

She cut off her own words and swung her saber down, just a centimeter from the young woman's nose....then she disengaged it and placed it upon her belt. With a great compassion in her eyes, Xazor put her hand on Kaytor's shoulder and squeezed it gently....sending calming waves through the Force.

"In return, I give you love.....and I accept you back to the Order....and I invite you to be my Padawan once again.....please...."

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:16:06 PM
Kaytor flinched as the saber almost hit her. She expected another swing to be brought at her. She then heard Xazor words and looked up at her.

A smile formed across her face and she huged Xazor. A small tear driped down her face. She was beyond words at this point. Her actions showed that she was overjoyed that she had been reaccepted and practicly begged Xazor to take her back.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:24:19 PM
Xazor smiled brightly as she held Kaytor tight. It was as if she had a member of her family back....and in a sense, she did. A tear trickled down her own cheek as the moment overwhelmed her with joy. She pulled the young woman away for a moment, just enough to look her in the eyes.

"What you have displayed to me is an act of humility and strength....it takes a lot to do as you have young one.....for that I commend you....dear friend......."

She said softly and embraced her Padawan once again. It was good to have her back....the Order was practically different without her there.....now they could move on down the right path together.

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:33:49 PM
"I'm sorry for what I did, Xazor. I made the mistake of falling to the dark side. I promise I wont do it again. The vampire in me took over. I didn't know what to do."

She closed her eyes as more tears fell. She tightened her embrace on Xazor a little more. She somehow felt safer now. She felt like she belonged again.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:46:28 PM
Xazor nodded with silent understanding...more understanding than Kaytor knew of right now. Sighing, she gently rubbed the girl's back, sending calming waves of the Force through her.

"I know.....and I forgive you....the Order forgives you. Now it is time to begin again and take up the life you know is right.....the life you pledged yourself to in your heart of hearts. It may not be easy, but nothing good ever is easy..."

She said softly, pulling back a bit to wipe Kaytor's tears away. Smiling warmly, Xazor embraced her once again and smiled.

"You are home.....and that's all that matters."

Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:36:07 PM
Kaytor nodded. Then another thought came to her mind. What if her friends wouldn't forgive me. She tried to hide her thoughts from Xazor. She looked to the door that Xazor came from. She levitated her weapons with her force and placed them back where they belong.