View Full Version : Dream Turned Sour

Morgan Evanar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 04:52:08 PM
Morgan had finally stopped running after 7 hours. He sat on a bench in the middle of the garden outside one of the buildings that comprised GJO's living quarters.

Rain continued to fall, a steady stream short of a pour, as it had all day. The Jedi Master's left arm hung limp like soaking clothes that he lacked.

Rie was fine, he knew, and not too far away now.

I'm the most terrible date ever. Sure to win over the ladies with an attempt on my life!

He sulked beneath the black clouds on the moonless night, and wondered what he would do--both with Rie and the fact that there was probably a bounty on his head.

Oct 22nd, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
:: AB, now clear of the blast in the forest (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22031) and having emerged from the safety of the ground, walked silently from the living quarters. Her make-shift clothing made of ivies and mosses had begun to die. While her connection to the plants made them live a little longer away from the mother plant, there was only so much she could do for them before they would begin to whither. Needless to say, it was imperative that she got some proper clothing before she went out again. ::

:: Now fully clothed in her usual green jumpsuit with green cloak once more, she made her way into one of the adjoining gardens where she felt Morgan was. In her arm, she carried a dark brown robe. She could feel he was sullen and somewhat sad, but also scared. Not scared in the sence of frightened, but in the sence he would lose something. ::

:: It wasn't long before she saw a figure, slumped on a bench, chin propped in one hand with his elbow resting on his knee. The rain by now had turned light, and was merely a sprinkle under the big oak he had decided to sit under. ::

:: Coming up to the bench, she stopped and gestured towards the empty spot. ::

Is this seat taken?

Morgan Evanar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:30:16 PM
Morgan lifted his head up, and gestured at the empty space on the bench with a sigh.

"I'm really sorry Rie. You don't expect someone to blow up your speeder. Especially people you haven't had anything to do with for over ten years." He looked up at her, with his cat-like night eyes.

"I've never been very good at seeing the future, but anyone near me isn't safe. I expect there are a few bounties on my head now." Morgan slumped into the bench and looked away from her green eyes.

"It was a job. Not an honest one, really, but it was more honest than those I ran jobs against. Two wrongs don't usually make a right." He slicked his hair back, staring into the leaves. Even if you don't run sometimes the past will chase you anyway.

Oct 24th, 2002, 04:44:12 PM
:: AB listened as Morgan spoke. It was so different so see him worried like this. Usually he was so sure of himself... but now, ever since with that run-in with the Sith, he seemed somewhat distant. ::

:: She took the dry robe she'd brought out and placed it over his shoulders, scootching closer to him on the bench. ::

Morgan... though the future is something we should look forward to, it's not something I dwell on. Your past is your business, and when you feel you want to share with me what happened, you will. But I don't want to force you. What I'm more interested in now is the present.

And as to anyone near you not being safe...

:: She gave him a qwirky grin. ::

...I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. I don't want you to worry about me.

If you've got bounties on your head, then we'll take care of them... together.

:: She too began to stare at the leaves on the ground, glissening with water from the rain. ::

Though I am curious... who was that Sith and how did she know you? And why did she call you Nevyen?

Morgan Evanar
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:04:36 PM
"After being expelled from the Taanab University of Technology for what essentially amounted to revenge, I took to slicing, and did bussiness strictly as Nevyen. I wasn't the best slicer, but I seemed to be better at getting into secure systems because I'm very good at breaking and entering. Direct physical access to the machine makes things a lot easier." He explained.

"As for the Sith..." Morgan trailed off "I'm not sure. She's a bit familiar somehow. But she has criminal connections. I only ran jobs against syndicate based companies. I guess I hurt a few of them really badly. Remeber Kniffix Transport? All of the allegations and suspicions were proven and the Senate ran them through? That smoking gun document, I pulled it. I guess someone figured it out after ten years and misses their SorruSub 15 series yatchs." He grinned sheepishly, and then looked at his broken arm.

"I think I should get this fixed, but I've lost my way, can you show me to the infirmary, Lady Mystt?"

Oct 24th, 2002, 05:20:51 PM
:: She listened closely as Morgan explain his more seedy past. Though she would not have approved of that at the time, she knew now he had gotten past that. He'd vindicated himself by helping the Senate with that one case, and now he was a Jedi working for good. ::

:: She looked at his arm as he gestured towards it, and smiled at his need of help to find the infirmary. ::

But of course, Master Evanar. I shall guide you there so you don't get lost.

:: They both stood and proceeded down the garden's winding path towards the building adjacent to the living quarters. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:26:15 PM
It seemed empty at first. The free clinic the Jedi normally ran was teeming with people until it closed. Someone was supposed to be here in the event of an emergency.

Morgan supposed a broken arm that was already starting to heal wrong, and the pain was really beginning to kick in.

He gave the empty, simple front room another look over.


Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:32:58 PM
Master Evanar, how may I be of service?

(Jubei entered from a far room, sending a nondescript female padawan on her way with a nod. He approached Morgan and Rie, clasping his right hand over his fisted left, and giving a slight bow. He paused, looking at the arm the Jedi Master gingerly cradled.)

Let me tend to that, if you will.

Oct 29th, 2002, 10:24:41 PM
:: AB stepped into the clinic after Morgan, watching Jubei come out from one of the hallways addressing Morgan. She knew Jubei knew a good lot about the healing arts, probably why she and him got along so well. She smiled at him knowing Morgan would be in good hands. ::

:: She pointed to one of the couches in the waiting room, speaking to Morgan. ::

If you want, I can wait out here for you?...

Morgan Evanar
Oct 29th, 2002, 10:51:04 PM
"Please?" Morgan blew Rie a kiss before he dissapeared behind the door with Jubei in tow.

"Its not a clean break." he explained. "It was crushed, and its free floating in the muscle. Now its a bit tricky, because my bones are structured closer to crystal than most creature's." Morgan's hands began to twitch visibly, part from the pain, part from trying not to think about it, and part from the stress. Regardless, he focused on what else might be broken...

"My ribs on the left side are cracked too." A strange look crossed the Jedi Master's face as Morgan tried to figure why he hadn't noticed before, and chalked it down to the fact that he had other things to worry about.

Oct 31st, 2002, 05:10:03 PM
:: Her cheeks grew warm as she smiled back at him, watching him disapear with ubei into one of the clinic's rooms. ::

:: She herself went to a couch in the corner of the waiting room, sitting herself at it's edge where a potted plant stood. She busied herself with tending to a yellowing leaf, stroking it gently, and speaking to it softly in the language she had first spoken as a child. The leaf seemed to green as she spoke, while the rest of the plant took on a vibrant look. ::

Pierce Tondry
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:02:27 AM
Pierce Tondry stepped, hesitantly almost, into the infirmary's waiting room and went straight to the check-in secretary. "Hello," he said. "I understand that there was an explosion not long ago, and that Jedi Master Morgan Evanar may have been injured by it. I'm sort of his Padawan and when I heard- is he here? Can I talk to him?"

Nov 1st, 2002, 08:23:31 PM
:: AB looked up at the mention of Morgan's name, and stood, walking to Tondry. She turned to the nurse, indicating she'd take care of him. ::

Hello, Pierce. Yes, Morgan's alright. I was with him when the explosion occured. He's now getting treatment for some minor injuries, but he should be fine.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 3rd, 2002, 10:26:07 PM
(Jubei gingerly took hold of Morgan's arm, mindful of sudden movements.)

The fracture shouldn't be difficult to mend, but it will take some time. Don't make sudden movements, and don't be alarmed by heat...it is a natural response.

(Jubei placed a hand atop the fracture point on the arm, and suddenly a very focused heat emanated from the monk's hand at the contact point...nearly painful to the touch. A series of shuddering localized muscle spasms pressed against bone fragments, causing brief spikes of pain, but Jubei's grasp kept any undue flinching at bay. The spasms were localized and deliberately induced, contracting and relaxing in waves that pressed against bone fragments, moving them about until they rested adjacent to each other.)

Now...this will feel...different. Your electrolyte balance will suddenly bottom out, as I am drawing excess minerals to enduce fusion. If you get too faint, I must know.

(The hand moved slightly, running down the arm in a slow straight line. At first, Morgan felt as if he had an itch on the inside of his arm. Then...the room began to spin.)

Morgan Evanar
Nov 5th, 2002, 04:58:52 PM
His vision blurred, but the Jedi Master mostly chalked it up to fatigue and stress. The sensation was bizzare, like the inside of most of his skeletal muscle itched, and the itch flowed towards the break.

"Jubei" It sounded strange, hoarse. The Calanic monk paused.

"...I..." Morgan slumped over, 100 kilos of intert mass.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 8th, 2002, 12:02:48 PM
Pierce turned an observant eye on AB, trying to gain some sense of how badly Morgan had been injured. "Ah, hell," he swore, running a hand through his hair. "What happened? I've been trying to get information from people and no one knows anything. He's my Master and I'm his Padawan and-"

Pierce smacked a fist into his open palm in frustration. "Dammit, all, I feel like I failed him somehow. Nah, that's useless talk- it's not my fault. But damn if I don't feel guilty as hell for no good reason."

The rush of words and feelings expended, Pierce sighed wearily. "Sorry," he apologized. "Guess that just comes from two hours of not knowing what's up when you're used to knowing about things before they even go down. Can you tell me what happened?"

Nov 10th, 2002, 01:29:33 AM
Well, we were out on a picnic and it began to rain. So we headed back to his speeder when he said there was a bomb inside.

Needless to say we vacated the area as quickly as possible.

Then a Sith showed up who had apparaently planted the bomb.

But it was the initial blast from the bomb that injured Morgan.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 13th, 2002, 12:49:43 PM
The brief explanation left Pierce somewhat surprised by its' implications. He frowned, and bit the inside of his cheek thoughtfully.

"At least he's alive and stable," he replied. "Any day you can walk away from is a good one. I guess you made it out okay? No injuries or anything? Morgan probably would've taken anything meant for you. He's that kind of guy, I think."

Nov 15th, 2002, 02:43:53 PM
:: She smiled, feeling her cheeks warm a bit. ::

He warned me first of the bomb, which I cleared, then he warned me of an impending danger at an attack he was going to throw at the Sith.

You could say he saved my life, or at the most, from being barbecued in both instantces.

:: The smile took on a lopsided look. ::

So, yeah, he's that kind of guy.

:: She looked in the direction of the examining room. He must have had more than a broken arm for it to be taking so long. ::