View Full Version : The Deception of Katanor

Oct 22nd, 2002, 02:23:10 PM
Line Captain Katanor Freestar was busy at his comm. Intelligence Reports were pouring in. People obviously were in maximum alert status and alerts could not be issued more frequently. Suddenly at the door there was a noise.

"Come in." Katanor said.

A young Ensign rushed in.

"Sir, we have just recieved orders from Grand Admiral Desaria. He instructed me to give them to you immediately and for them to be your top priority sir." The ensign said, nearly out of breath.

"Excellent Ensign." Katanor looked at the man again. He was young, in his 20's, and looked very enthusiastic. This young man could be great someday, the way he was so eager. Katanor decided to take a chance.

"Briggs sir."
"Ensign Briggs, I am going to take a risk on you. As of immediately you are promoted to Lieutenant and shall be on my staff. I have a good feeling of you. You will always be at my side. I will have the Empires elite guards teach you defense should the need arise, don't fail me." Katanor said sensing the amazement that poured onto the boy. It wasn't amazement at the issue...no...it was awe at the power Desaria had granted Katanor...to promote members of his personal crew as he sees fit and within reason. It astounded the Ensign. Katanor smiled at this. With that he looked at his orders.

TO: Line Captain Katanor Freestar
FROM: Grand Admiral Telan Desaria

Line Captain Freestar:
You are to take a small force less than five ships, none larger than a VSD and capture a small planet without life...comb the surrounding planets in the system and eliminate all life.

Land engineers and all sort of shipbuilding materials and things that would sustain the crew of our shipyard. Contact me upon completion. This is to be done immediately.

Katanor looked at it. He needed to plan. But no time. He motioned to Briggs.

"Lieutenant. Please read these orders. Your mission now is to find me a planet with absolutely no life on it. Surrounding planets may have life, we will just kill it off as we see fit later."

"Yes sir!"

The ensign hurried out and Katanor waited for him to exit before comming his ship captain.

"Captain prepare the Victory Class Star Destroyer Armageddon Prepare her for planetary bombardment and long range missions. I also want the Strike-class Cruisers' Fang and Raptor , in addition, ready them for planetary assault, garrison, and fighter complements. I would also like Aegis-class Star Cruiser Malice to join me. Finally, ready the Surveyor-class Scout Cruiser ViewFinder These must all be prepped immediately."

Katanor then turned to his other aides. "Get me some engineers and ship building material to bring along on the voyage. Also ready food and supplies for a year. Guns, grenades, everything. We are going on a journey."

Oct 22nd, 2002, 05:20:30 PM
A week later, they were off. Katanor had recieved the final green light from the Grand Admiral. Both anticipation and nervousness charged the crew. They were battle ready and battle hardened. Katanor knew that some of them may die but that is the risk a commander takes and tries to avoid. On the bridge of the VSD Armageddon Katanor gave the final order. The blew out of the vicinity of the main fleet and were on their way to the Yuth System. Ensign Briggs had informed him that this was a highly unpopulized system. Only primitive animals existed on 3 planets in the system, but the planet they were to conquer was a ghost planet, without a trace of life to its name. Katanor smiled, it seemed so simple yet so hard what they were doing. Katanor knew he was dangling a piece of meat in front of the predators eyes doing this, perhaps drawing in the enemy for attack. He felt adequately safe however, they were in excellent condition.

They dropped out of hyperspace 6 hours later. Line Captain Freestar viewed the barren planet. It was gray and of temperate temperature. Katanor knew he had to get adjusted to the surroundings. They would be his home for quite a while.

"Commander take us in nearest to the planet Mork which we will be garrisoning. "

"Yes sir!" And the ships began their gentle dance into position.

Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:11:25 PM
Katanor eyed the planet below. He read the very short biography of the planet. Which is not even worth describing hear unless you would like to be informed of the minimality of cell structure creation over the past millenia. Katanor turned to his Captain.

"I want alerts of any nearby ships. Land your troops and begin construction of dwelling sites at a logical spot. Now take us to the neighboring planet with the most life. By the end of the day it will have none."

"Yes sir!" The captain responded

Slowly the Star Destroyer moved towards the planet. It was a mild green only starting to show life. The dwellings were primitive and the humanoid race had only recently begun the use of tools. Katanor didn't even blink when he gave the order to decimate the planet with orbital bombardments. The small explosions could be seen from space when the turbolasers impacted the planet. Katanor then ordered TIE Bomber runs to take out any remaining civilization. When this was done Katanor turned his head the planet was now as grey and dark as before.

"Captain, land your troops on the planet and secure it. I want central commands on each of the neighboring planets in the system."

Oct 24th, 2002, 08:24:12 PM
Katanor loved being busy, and the work here was endless. Katanor had places to build and things to do. He wrote orders to his engineers and builders.



Power Plants at all places neccessary
Ore Refineries where needed
Defense Turrets outside every base I want them to be the best possible
Landing Facilities for ships VSD II and below
Water Purification Plants in the radius of all public places
Waste Management Facilities where necessary
3 Planetary ION Cannons
Food Processing Plants near all civilian operations
16 Hangars
All Necessary Trooper Barracks and Armories
Central Command Center



Katanor was satisfied with that and motioned to Ensign Briggs to broadcast that to all people.

"Ah Briggs please inform them that Promotions will be given to all involved if it is finished on time, I know how to reward those who perform properly and punish those who do not."

"Very good sir." Briggs saluted

"Oh and Briggs!"

"Yes sir!"
"Prepare my shuttle for a surprise inspection in 4 weeks."

Oct 28th, 2002, 08:52:45 PM
Katanor had waited patiently and now they had only wait 2 more weeks for the construction to be complete. Ground troopers were constantly in the facilities below monitoring security. Nothing could afford to go wrong...his career depended it. Katanor then summoned Ensign Briggs. Briggs was performing spectacularly and would make an excellent field commander. Katanor had shaved a good 20 pounds off of him that he was carrying around when he was a tech. Now the boy was learning how to follow orders, how to make strategic decisions, and a plethora of other useful techniques

"Ensign! It is time for our inspection. Perhaps you should get my notepad."

Oct 30th, 2002, 05:25:42 PM
Katanor marched briskly off of the shuttle to the distressed look of troopers who saluted energetically. The commander of the construction area stepped up and was out of breathe and panting.

"Sir we didn't know of your arrival."
"That is why it is called a surprise inspection Colonel."
"Yes sir!"
"Now how goes your progress?" Katanor asked

"Sir we have effectively started construction on all that you requested. It is going extremely well with no problems. THe base has been built completely as well as the hangars. We are ready to recieve the ship buidling facilities."

"Of course you are." Katanor said with a slight smile with what he knew to be the future.

"Very good Colonel now I will inspect the construction site personally."

Nov 9th, 2002, 06:27:13 PM
Most of the Naval Officers in the Empire would have had their slaves wipe their boots when they got dusty. Not Katanor. Katanor was the soldiers soldier. Respected generally by most everyone, he was an officer and a gentleman and could fight as hard as any Special Ops trooper when he wanted to. However he was in his 50's and walking over the construction site was doing damage to his joints. He stumbled and almost fell but a worker picked him up and was promoted for that. Katanor looked at the giant security turrets that were to be blasted into space upon completion to guard the facilities.

"This looks very well done." Katanor said with a smile as he realized everything was going to plan. Katanor was going to make a name for himself yet. Within weeks it would be completed and ready to carry the entire shipyard.

The conditions that the engineers lived in were quite swank, they wanted the men to be ready to build and promoted a healthy lifestyle and good salvation from the trenches of the war. Katanor inspected one of the sturdy houses and found it to be to his liking. When Ensign Briggs approached him Katanor knew that it was time he had to leave. He saluted the men and then blasted back to the Star Destroyer, satisfied with the progress.

Nov 9th, 2002, 11:14:36 PM
Katanor stared at the grand symbol of Imperial construction. The shipyard. Hugely expensive but it paid itself off in a matter of weeks after the ships were completed. Finally the shipyard had been completed and Katanors mission had been fulfilled. During the time between his visit to the surface, he had completed the construction of two cities that floated above the planet much like Cloud City in the Bespin System. Four cities on the surface of the planet which could support civilians for years to come. It was something to be proud of. But Katanor was an artist when he performed his missions and there was always something missing. In this case a piece of the puzzle seemed to be missing. Why? Why was he instructed to do all this. Even though he held the positon of Line Captain, Katanor was not privy to all the information that he felt should have been awarded to him. Suddenly off the starboard bow.

“Sir, Star Destroy Petalon has arrived with a task force.” His comm officer said.
“Put me through.” Katanor said astonished. He was soon facing his Admiral. “Admiral this is an unexpected surprise.”
“You have been called to return to Bespin, Line Captain. I am supposed to congratulate you on an excellent job. Grand Admiral Desaria requests your presence. You are to take the task force immediately and return.”
“Of course.” Katanor replied
“Excellent. Good work Line Captain.”
“Thank you. Katanor out.”

Katanor leaned back in his chair. So it was over. His work here was done before it really began. Katanor was ready to head home anyways. He turned to his officers.
“Send transports down to pick up all non permanent members that are not instructed to stay.” Katanor said.
“Aye sir!”
Hours later they were blasting home to Bespin…