View Full Version : Did you say...............cantaloupes? (open)

The Preacha
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:09:40 PM
(I peeks around da bar door, agin, checkin' fer dat pesky flyin' flatware what gave me a powerful headache afore. Oncest I wuz sho' da coast wuz clear I steped inside da place and made my way to an empty table smack dab in da middle o' da room.

Steppin' atop said table, I comminced my sermonizin'....)

"Listen up! I hear tale yuse people don't believe in dem demons cause you ain't never seen one, sose ya don't know what ta look fer. Well I'm about ta change all dat."

(Reachin' inta my trusty Preachin' Bag, I started afumblin' around, tryin' ta find my vizual aid.)

Abel Kannan
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:39:50 PM
"Demons in a bar?" Abel questioned from one table over.

The Preacha
Oct 25th, 2002, 10:19:31 PM
"Ah, Ha!"

(I finally found da stuffs I wuz alookin' fer.)

"Mom's n' Dad's, ya might wanna sheild yer children's eyes cause dese sucker's r gruesome."

(I begans ta slowly remove da most evil, da most vile, da most......da most.......most.......BAD tings on da face a da planet: DEMON MODELS!!!)

"Er it 'tis. What demons really, fo sho, look like. Ladies and Gentilmen I give ya...........DA CANTALOUPE!!!!!

(I helds em out sose everybody could see em proper.)

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 25th, 2002, 11:40:53 PM
Could it be? Was it ...? Yes! It was! I spread my little buggy wings and flew up into the air, revealing my hiding place from the dusty corner in Yog's and flew towards the cantaloupes, landing on one. Immediately I began to hug it, planting kisses all over the fruit.

It had been so long since I tasted the sweet, natural sugar the fruit had produced - being that these fruits seemed to be banished from the Bar and Grill, so naturally, I was excited.

"Oh, thank you!" I cried out, not caring if the man could hear me.

"I swear I'll do anything you want as long as you let them rot and give them to me!"

Abel Kannan
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:12:11 PM
Abel looked at it and took it from the Preacha to have a better look.

"What is this? Some demon. Are you trying to make a mockery out of God?"

The Preacha
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:49:05 PM
"No mokerin' here, friend. I is just tryin' ta show 'em what demons is allllllll about."

(Den I sees da critter, what wuz aclimbin da fruit da pointy haired man was aholdin'.)


(I did my preachin' dooty and I jumped atop da pointy haired man, nockin' da fruit away.. I just kouldn't lets 'im get po....poss....posses.......DEMONFIED!)

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 28th, 2002, 10:52:00 PM

The bar went silent and looked at the man in black, a smirk on his face... and the rail gun in hand, pieces of melon dripping off walls and other places... people... beings...

"That's how we deal with demons around here" he he said dryly, reholstering the gun.

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 29th, 2002, 11:47:10 AM
"Noooo!" I cried out as I flew spiralling into the air, smashing into Marcus - someone I had the pleasure of meeting during the B&G clean-up.

"HOW COULD YOU??!?!?" I latched onto his shirt with the bottom half of my legs and used the upper 'arms' to beat him.

Abel Kannan
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:54:30 PM
the cantaloupe flew from Abel's hand as the Preacha came crashing down on him and then there was a flash and the cantaloupe exploded.

"It was a model, remember?" Abel said as he got up.

Abel turned to the man with the rail gun and grinned. "Niice shot."

"No more demons, you can go home," abel said to the Preacha.

The Preacha
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:36:18 PM
"No more demonz? O no, ya don't understands."

(I went back over ta my preachin' duffle bag. I wraps my arms 'round it, and heaved da bag up 'n over.)

"Dem demonz travel in groups. De never go alone!"

(My bag opened ups and a whole passel of melons fell ta da floor and commenced ta rollin' ever which way.)

"Ya see! Itz a whole demon hoard!"

Oct 29th, 2002, 09:56:45 PM
:: AB walked into the B&G... and halted mid-stride. ::


:: She blinked. ::

Ok, um, either I need glasses or there's a Cockroach beating on your chest...

Mutant Cockroach
Oct 30th, 2002, 11:37:27 AM
I stopped as soon as I heard woman's voice and dug my legs into the fabric of his shirt. Turning my head, I saw a red head who seemed very confused.

"You know this guy?" Now, I was playing tough. Like that Robert DeNiro my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather always used to talk about. He was one of the originals from earth that hitched a ride with his lady friend into space, and well, you get the picture.

"You best stay back, woman. If this man is heartless enough to destroy cantaloupes, no telling what he'd do to a pretty face like you."

The sound of several things dropping caught my attention and I realized that more cantaloupes spilled out. One of them had cracked open and sweet, sticky juice spilt on the floor. Immediately I latched off of Marcus and dropped to the ground, skittering towards the fruit.

"Joy ...!" I grabbed a chunk and began to lug it behinds me as I started to go past the woman.

Abel Kannan
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:08:08 PM
Abel watched the cantaloupes roll on the ground.

"Ok, so what are these demons supposed to teach people?" Abel no longer cared. He wanted to see what this Preacha was up to. The Lord worked in mysterious ways.

Nov 1st, 2002, 02:06:42 PM
I walked into the Bar & Grill, everything face turning to look at me. There ugly faces lit up has they realized that I was the sexy chosen highlander master, and that there very souls and life accoplishments were extremely insignifigant compared to mine. This corrupted planet and many others, needed a hero, and I have come to their aid.

" My name is Beowulf, and I need food and shelter! "

Just then, over the restaurant's intercom, techno music begun playing, That seemed to happen often.

The Preacha
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:56:34 PM
"Don't ya see!?"

( I picks up one o' da melons.)

"Dey shows peoples dat demonz are sneeky little critters. Dey disguizez deemselves sose don't nobody knows dat thar really......EVIL!

Would ya every suspect...."

(I waved da melon infront o' da pointy head man's face.)

".....a CANTALOUPE!?"