View Full Version : Regrets: Drinks and Kitties

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:53:24 PM
"Damn that was good," the bald man said as he exitted the office of his boss, Hera Drenkast. It was fairly obvious what the two had been doing, given the smile on Cyrus Haman's, the sweat on his shaved head, and the state of his clothes.

He'd wish they'd been able to continue, but Hera had a meeting and Haman had to see to some cargo. The Switch was docked in the ShadowFaene Fortress hangar bay, attendents seeing to the damange it had incured while on a smuggling run near Kessel.

Stupid black holes...

The smuggler paused and stared up at his ship.

"I need a drink."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:10:40 PM
Tucked away in the back of the Zone sat Nasseeri, feet proped up in the neighboring empty chair as she counts the credits she just won from two of the bases' techs.

They had challenged her to a two-on-one arm wrestling match thinking that for sure this time they would walk off with money jingling merrily in thier pockets.

Ssstupjid forrrda! Wjill thejy neverrr learrrn?

In the rare times that any of the humans spoke with her, it was either in a quick business-like discussion or one of thier foolish physical challenges. Nass had won them all. She had warned them from the beginning that human muscles were no match against those of a Cizeracks' but they continued filling her coffer with thier easy-come, easy-go paychecks.

Motioning the tender droid over to her table, Nasseeri orders a bottle of hard whiskey, the rough stuff that most humans turn thier noses up at.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:17:41 PM
Haman walked from the hangar to the bar, then smiled as he saw Nass sitting with a stack of creds in front of her.

The smuggler walked up to the droid, plucking the bottle from it.

"I'll take care of it...put it on my tab," he slipped up behind her, setting the bottle down in front of her.

"So...I see you've been busy...care for a drink?"

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:45:05 PM
"Sssince jit jisss mjy bottle, jyesss ji would ljike a drrrjink. Would jyou carrre forrr one?"

As Haman slides into the chair beside her, Nasseeri wrinkles her nose. The scent of the Faene mistress clung to him like a second skin and she passes a dour look along to him.

"Jyou have been grrreasssjing morrre than sssqueakjy ssstrrrutsss, Cjyrrrusss. Plajyjing "fjind the pajycheck" wjith DrrrenKassst, agajin?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 21st, 2002, 11:14:46 PM
Haman smirked, "More like hide and go seek."

He ran a hand up to Nass' neck and stroked it lightly.

"I could play catch the kitten, if this smell is...offensive," he gave a sly smile.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 21st, 2002, 11:27:39 PM
Haman wasnt one to back away from trouble where females were concerned. He waded in with both feet and damned the consequences. Nass liked that.

What she didnt like was playing second fiddle to the scrawny human female, Hera. In her mind the only reason Haman preferred DrenKast over herself was that Hera signed his check. Once the takeover was complete, he would be spending more time in the company of a female who truly appreciated his talents. Namely one Nasseeri Haalleerraa.

"Thjisss kjitten jisss feeljing verrry plajyful and would love to plajy 'Hjide the Moussse' but onljy afterrr jyou have ssshowerrred."

Lifting the bottle to her lips, Nass swallows deeply then passes it to Cyrus.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 21st, 2002, 11:31:56 PM
Haman gave a smirk as he took a long drink from the bottle. The whiskey shot down his throat, only adding to his sensations.

"Strong stuff..." he smiled.

"I'll take a shower," Haman said, taking another swig, "Only if you'll go with me.

"I think you could use a shower too...Let your hair down a bit..."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:28:23 AM
The chance to 'rid' Cyrus of the Faene boss was too great a temptation to ignore.

"ji thjink the lassst tjime ji let mjy hajirrr down wjith jyou, we mjixed jit up wjith a couple of canjinesss."

Grabbing his shirt front, Nasseeri hauls Haman to his feet with a lick of her lips.

"Letsss go sssee how clean ji can get jyou."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:39:04 AM
Haman smiled a wide wolfish smile, "A tongue-bath perhaps? Or shall I give you one?"

He felt her pull him out of the bar and towards his quarters. A few minutes later they were in the shower...cleansing each other...

An hour later they were still drinking the bottle of whiskey and laying next to each other.

"Am I clean enough now? Or do I need another tongue-bath from the Cat."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:53:34 AM
"ji thjink we both could ussse one orrr two morrre...jussst to make sssurrre. Dont jyou?"

Curling up next to Haman, Nasseeri flattens her tongue against the salty flesh of his neck, licking up to his ear as her tail curves up along his bare thighs.

Tiptoeing her fingers up his chest, her nails drag across his exposed skin as she nibbles on an earlobe.

"ji have been wantjing to asssk jyou when we could take anotherrr sssmall trrrjip togetherrr."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:56:57 AM
"Oh? Where to?" Haman was feeling pretty relaxed under the ministrations from the female Cizerak. He'd soon make her relaxed too.

He slipped a hand down lightly carressing Nass' back, then a quick squeeze to her butt.

"Where do ya want t'go?"

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 25th, 2002, 11:33:40 PM
Purring, Nasseeri turns sideways and rubs her cheek against his before nibbling at his bottom lip.

"jit doesssnt matterrr asss long asss we dont go back to Bjimmjisssaarrri. ji ssstjill get angrrrjy when ji thjink about that. Dont jyou, Cjyrrrusss?"

Tugging him to her, Nasseeri rolls onto her back, supporting Haman's weight on top of her.

"jisss therrre anywherrre jyou need orrr want to go?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 7th, 2002, 11:36:57 PM
"Well, kitty," the smuggler replied, twirling his fingertip over the small of Nass' back.

"I hear that the waterworld of Mon Calamari is nice this time of year. HOw does that sound for Miss Kitty? Care to get a bit...wetter than usual?"

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Nov 11th, 2002, 01:24:02 PM
Her rough tongue slides along his jawline and up to his ear, her purrs vibrating gently on his skin.

"The wetterrr the betterrr, Cjyrrrusss. How sssoon would jyou ljike to go?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Nov 17th, 2002, 05:28:47 AM
"Depends on when you're ready Kitty Cat," was the replied as Cyrus shivered under the tongue.

It was good...definately unique. Except for that Hera liked to do that too. Save for the normal bite, the SFF Mistress gave at the end.

Haman smirked inwardly, "Ya know, Nass...Hera likes to do the tongue thing to me too."

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Nov 17th, 2002, 09:43:53 PM
Her tongue stopped in mid-lick and the purrs dropped instantly. Nasseeri lifts her head slowly and her blue eyes narrow dangerously at his words and the slight smirk on his face.

"How darre jyou mentjion that womansss name whjile jyou arrre jin mjy bed?!"

Teeth bared, Nass snarls and flings herself from the warmth of the covers, her glare fixated solely on the male.

"Get out! Get out, Cjyrrrusss Haman and do not come back, not asss long as jyou thjink that jyou can plajy usss off one agajinssst the otherrr!"

A low growl forms in her throat and her fingers flex, extending the claws that would dearly love to rip into his flesh at this moment.