View Full Version : Paraphrase the Night.

Jared Mriad
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:46:30 PM
It was night. Just night on Corellia.

Nothing really special about it at all, it was just the time when the other half of the populace awoke to their jobs or life. Jared, with the exemption, had not slept in weeks for he constantly read the blood smeared and written journal of a dead madman. His problem was the same as the old geezer’s: the Old Tongue Blood. He constantly read in his free time, learning as much about the effects of the blood as he could before the first arrival of an eclipse showed.

Thankfully, the next lunar eclipse was forecasted to arrive in the next month or so. So the Cannibal had enough time to leave planetside and travel to another system before returning after the eclipse, unless something kept him from going.

Like Cherice.

He had a promotion that she wanted to see his new form, see it’s ability to reap death.

A pain twisted his insides suddenly like a hot branding iron had been shoved into his abdomen and twisted around, twirling his innards into complex knots. Growling quite loudly at the pain, Jared stood from the wooden chair which served as half of his desk and stalked slowly over to the wash basin. Picking up the tin metal in two hands, Jared pulled it up to his lips and tipped his head back. Drinking the cold water, which eased the firey pains somewhat, he also spilt it over his white shirt and onto the stone floor.

“Blast the blood!” He cursed, slamming the basin back down and resting in place for a few moments. It was the first stage of the old man’s transformation. Taking a few steps back, he recited the passage he committed to memory days ago.

“It is the fourth day of August, and already I can feel the poison running through my veins. It was only two days ago when I was first inflicted with this curse, but yet it seems like ages. They call me mad, they do, but they have no idea of the torture I suffer! It twists my stomach into knots and my muscles ache with a burning fire. My forehead is burning up and I feel as if I'm coming down with a fever, but yet, as if some sort of demented miracle, I have no temperature.

I now use my blood as ink on these old, worn pages with a sick hope that the poison will run out. I feel this constant headache that won't leave me alone, and it worsens every time I move. Already I made a discovery that made me realize I was marked as the Devil's. When the Sorceress stabbed me with that treacherous dagger, it left a scar -- which has turned to be the very image of a dragon ... Now I've been having strange nightmares from Hell itself about this unearthly pain as my bones shift and my muscles grind against each other. I'm shapeshifting into an Old Tongue, and I know it's little time until this happens outside of my dreams.”

Smacking his left balled fist into his right hand, Jared glanced up at the celing of his dorm with glittering gold eyes before returning to the table which the old bound book lay…

Oct 21st, 2002, 08:31:00 PM
Over the weeks, the tiny dragon had grown, its length growing into four feet as its scales began to become deeper shade of blood red. Fallon had finally decided on a gender - male - and now it spent its days idly watching Jared with amusement when his muscles spasmed.

Today, he was lying behind the table where the journal laid, and now its tail had 'slithered up' and opened it. His multi-colored eyes had slowly begun to fade into an obsidian black, constantly watching Jared.

"It is now Octobor thirty-first, All Hallow's Eve, and my skin feels like it's on fire. If there is a God, I ask, why hast thou forsaken me?! The pain, oh God, the pain ... I feel as if I'm being ripped apart by a thousand spears, their points digging into my skin and tearing at it like frenzied, blood-ridden beasts. My eyes are constantly swollen, irritated by the slightest thing, but my eyesight ... My eyesight is beyond that of a human's."

Giving a yawn, the Old Tongue finished repeating a line from the diary it had so often read with Jared.

Jared Mriad
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:45:41 AM
Stopping in his tracks as Fallon read the passage, Jared diverted his heading toward the small refrigerator in the corner. The book was interesting, to say the least, but after each passage and the painful spasm afterwards you tend to gain an appetite.

Restricted from consuming the occupants of Corellia, Jared had been forced to import his own meals from off-planet. In addition, he wasn’t feeding himself now, but the little beast of a dragon as well that lounged in the room. Wrapping his gloved hand around the liquid silver handle, Jared gave it a short turn and yanked it open with a hiss of cold steam and bathing the room in the pale glow.

“You hungry?” He asked, glancing over his shoulder at the lizard. There was no confirmation, for it idly watched him with black globes. Shrugging, Jared removed a tub of chicken innards and dropped in beside the pearl cooler. For himself, he took out a still bleeding and half consumed human arm and placed it on a platter.

Seeing the dragon eye the flesh, Jared shot him a baleful glance before retreating to another table for lunch…

Oct 24th, 2002, 08:28:33 AM
The Old Tongue eyed the piece of flesh Jared held, not breaking his stare. Blood always fascinated him, and he would have what he wanted.

"Mind sharing a few fingers?"

Of course, Jared was retreating to another table to eat, but Fallon removed his gaze from the arm to his back, as if boring holes into the man.

Jared Mriad
Oct 24th, 2002, 01:29:18 PM
As Fallon's eyes focused on Jared's back, exactly where the wound that Cherice had inflicted on him, he froze. A wrenching pain, which make the Sith wince and growl loudly, shot from the wound all over his body.

"S--urre," He muttered, diverting his course to the counter in which several sets of sharp knives hung or lay. Taking a large, and extremely sharp, butcher knife and rested it on the wrist of the limb.

Then he drew it back.

Down the blade came, slicing through the flesh and bone with a sucking sound and spray of colagulating blood. With the hand, Jared set it on another platter and toated it to the lizard. Setting the plate down with a soft pang, Jared gave Fallon a short stare before returning to his own meal.

"Cherice will be here soon, Dont leave a big mess, mmkay?"

Oct 24th, 2002, 04:09:34 PM
Fallon calmly watched as Jared cut the hand off of the arm and set it on a platter before putting it before him.

"Cherrrice," he repeated, letting the r's roll off his tongue.

"You seem to have taken a liking to her."

Turning his black eyes to the lifeless limb, the dragon placed a claw on the flesh and pierced it while opening its huge jaws. Taking the hand inbetween his teeth, he bit down, severing the bones and swallowing half.

Jared Mriad
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:23:32 PM
Jared chuckled slightly, "She's my master, I have to show proper respect. How would you like to have a disgrace as a pet? I wouldn't."

Here, Jared bit down into the arm on the table, letting the blood spill into his taste buds and the meat slide down his throat slowly. The taste, or rather, the satisfaction of consuming the flesh of his slain thus making them a part of himself was overwhelming. His golden eyes cut towards the dragon, watching it do nearly the same with its own portion.

How it had control over him, it was sickening, but at the same time intoxicating. With a mere thought, the lizard could send Jared to do it’s every whim..

“Bah..” He half mumbled, swallowing another chunk of flesh. Already his chin was drenched red, giving his pale white skin a tone of crimson that would stay for hours..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 24th, 2002, 04:33:40 PM
The Sith had begun to visit Jared regularly, making it a daily 'ritual'. She still eyed the dragon with distaste, but of course there was nothing she could do. Today was no different - like always, came a knock on the door while she waited outside. Waited for the dragon tattooed face to peer out after the door was open. Waited for the sight of Fallon's blood stained claws.

Waited for another night to pass by.

Jared Mriad
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:05:12 PM
Jared was in mid-bite when a knock came to the durasteel door of his dorm. Looking up over the pale arm with golden eyes, Jared placed the appendage back onto the platter before wiping his chin somewhat clean with a black rag. Sliding the wooden chair back, Jared stood and cleaned up quickly before walking across the small room to the door.

Fallon kept watching him all through this, jealous maybe in it’s mind?

Wrapping his fingerless glove around the slanted doorknob, Jared pushed it down and pulled the door open with ease. Before him, as night and night before, Cherice stood.

“Greetings again, Master,” Jared spoke, respectfully, stepping backwards and off to the side to let the Sith Knight enter, “Please, Come in.”

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:20:11 PM
Stepping inside, she heard him close the door behind her and automatically looked at Fallon. He seemed to sneer at her before returning to its meal. Nice to see you, too, she thought sarcastically.

She turned and watched Jared with her blue eyes, smirking a bit at the smudged blood around his mouth.

"Sorry to interrupt you during your evening snack."

Jared Mriad
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:39:14 PM
“Don’t fret about it,” Jared replied, casting a glance at Fallon and then back to Cherice, “I lost my appetite, anyway.”

Moving over to the two usual chairs, and away from the kitchen and Fallon, Jared motioned Cherice to take a seat, once she did Jared took his own across from the Sith. She seemed awfully concerned in Jared’s well being lately, constantly coming to visit and asking various medical questions such as how he felt, had his eating habit’s changed, and so forth.

Stippling his fingers in front of his golden eyes, Jared waited for her to speak, as usual.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:24:45 AM
But, unlike the other nights, she didn't speak right away - instead, she sat silently in the chair staring at the table. Trailing her fingers over it, she dug her nails into the wood before looking back up at Jared. Finally, "I did some research."

"Fallon wants more than meets the eye."

She didn't bother trying to send this telepathically since Fallon could hear anything in Jared's mind.

"I think my visit tonight will be much shorter than the rest."

Jared Mriad
Oct 25th, 2002, 01:25:09 PM
So… I was correct, the little beast wasn’t after just myself, Jared thought to himself with a quiet gaze past Cherice’s left shoulder. Over to the right, and across the room, a little light bleeped on as a recorder began to record the visit’s transgressions for his own little personal ‘journal’.

“What did you find out?”

Oct 25th, 2002, 04:19:24 PM
The dragon watched as Jared let Cherice in before turning his gaze away and resumed consuming the rest of the hand. He was waiting for Cherice to continue to ask the cannibal about his 'medical' issues and so on, but found his expectations to be wrong.

Immediately alert, he looked up after finishing his meal - leaving quite a mess - and became quite amused. The Succubi thought she had figured his motives out, well now, this would be pleasant to hear.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:19:13 AM
"You're just a pawn, Jared. Do you hear me ?"

Without waiting for an answer, she continued.

"No, I don't think you do. Listen closely Apprentice, for this may aide you in the future. I'm not sure what exactly Fallon wants to do to you, but the possibilities are endless. That includes devouring you when you've reached your full potential, or performing a ritual Old Tongue's are known for and discarding his 'skin' for yours so he can walk in human form. Or, he might be just keeping you as a pet."

The things she had read were far more descriptive and the list was longer, but she didn't go into their full extent .. well, not at the moment, anyways. All the stress this was causing was beginning to get to her, giving her a more wearied look as dark circles were under her eyes. Images of blood-stained bodies began to fill her mind and she closed her eyes, trying to shut them out. Visions of her bending over them, devouring the flesh with Fallon behind her, ripping apart Jared.

She cracked.

"Your flesh will be ripped apart slowly as his claws tear into you, revealing all of your inner organs and muscles. Excrutiating pain will shoot through your limbs, driving you blind as you scream until your throat is raw. Bright, red blood will splatter him, but he won't mind - he never does, does he ? - and he'll begin to feast on you .. Eating ... eating ...."

Her voice trailed off as she reopened her eyes, not knowing what she had just said.

Jared Mriad
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:35:01 AM
"Your flesh will be ripped apart slowly as his claws tear into you, revealing all of your inner organs and muscles. Excrutiating pain will shoot through your limbs, driving you blind as you scream until your throat is raw. Bright, red blood will splatter him, but he won't mind - he never does, does he ? - and he'll begin to feast on you .. Eating ... eating ...." Jared repeated, calm and with narrowed eyes.

He could do nothing against the neusance, the blood wouldn't let him. Basically, Jared was powerless to interfere with the turn of Karma at this moment. His golden eyes narrowed to slits before he leaned forward and grabbed Cherice's jaw in his right hand.

I can do nothing to the beast, and he damn well knows it. He spoke into her mind, I live for the day that one lost soul will rip my body apart and feast on it. Because they will never get the chance to do it.

Here he let go of her chin and reclined back again, still staring with glittering slits. "Fallon. Come here, Now."

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 27th, 2002, 01:58:13 AM
A growl rumbled in her throat as Jared felt a sharp pain shoot through his wrist and up his arm, leaving his flesh burning hot and his muscles sore.

"Don't. Touch. Me."

Her words dripped with venom as she let out a sigh in the end, her eyes glazing over somewhat.

Oct 27th, 2002, 02:02:07 AM
Fallon watched with glittering eyes as Cherice finished speaking and after Jared had grabbed her jaw. After he commanded for him to get up and come there, the dragon's tail lifted into the air and thumped down onto the ground, much like a cat.

"Why should I?"

But, for lack of something better to do, he heaved himself up to his feet and lumbered over to Jared's side, sitting down next to the cannibal.

Jared Mriad
Oct 27th, 2002, 02:09:46 AM
Jared inaudibly growled at Fallon's smartass remark, "Because, You, I and Miss. Cherice here have something important to speak of."

Once the dragon had made it to the side of the chair, Jared spoke again, "Fallon. Tell me, What are your... motives..." During this whole time, he gazed at Cherice and then flicked his eyes to the left where a hilt of a saber lay before flipping them back to the master.

Jared wasn't going to live his last days with a smartass dragon, much less one who planed to eat him.

Oct 27th, 2002, 05:51:13 PM
"My ... motives?"

A tendril of smoke curled out from his nostrils as he snorted, shaking his head slightly.

"Even if you knew, there's nothing you can do about it. You're mine, my preciousss."

Oct 27th, 2002, 05:57:09 PM
Jared felt the corner of his mouth edge up in an angered snarl as he gripped the arm rests of the chair. Indeed the rat was right, he could do nothing as of yet.. as of yet..

"Tell us anyway,beholder."

Jared Mriad
Oct 27th, 2002, 05:59:42 PM