View Full Version : Info needed about Mon Calamari.
Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:24:42 PM
I would like to know anything anyone knows about the planet Mon Calamari and it's people, but especially the planet. For example places, weather, dangerous areas in the planet. Basically anything anyone knows.
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:38:20 PM
Main species there are Mon Calamari and Quarren (Squid head). Ship yards orbit the planet, each ship being a unique work. Buildings would be similar, Organic curves and the like.
Planet is mainly water, with a mix of islands and floating cities.
Think thats right :)
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:40:54 PM
Also known as Calamari btw.
From TF.N:
an ocean-covered world with little solid land mass, Calamari is home to two amphibious races: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. It is a tectonically stable world, without mountains. The planet is covered with deep oceans, with many islands and coral atolls. Much of the exposed land is marshy, and incapable of supporting any kind of civilization. Thus, the two native species turned to building floating cities from the ores mined from the ocean floor. Some parts of the cities are exposed above the ocean's surface, but the majority of the space in Calamari cities is underwater. It is famous for its shipyards. It has a single moon. Its day lasts about 21 standard hours, and its year spans 398 local days.
Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:19:38 PM
thanks :)
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:20:52 PM
Telan Desaria
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:08:42 AM
It should also be added that above Calamari are five major shipyards, each with ten two thousand meter long shipways.
There are several orbital cities, each ten kilometers in length.
She has three moons. The system Calamri is in has four other planets, none of which are habitable.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 3rd, 2003, 05:07:39 PM
Haha, that'll link you to some good stuff
Master Yoghurt
Jan 6th, 2003, 08:04:09 AM
SYSTEM: Calamari System
SPECIES: Mon Calamari, Quarren
LANGUAGE: Calamarian
POINTS OF INTEREST: Floating cities, Knowledge Bank.
Mon Calamari is a peaceful water world that has seen more than its share of tragedy. Its vast blue-green seas gave birth to two distinct intelligent species: the goggle-eyed Mon Calamari and the tentacle-faced Quarren. In spite of their many differences - Mon Cals inhabit the shallows, while the Quarren prefer the ocean-depths - the two species have long shared a cautious partnership. Both species inhabit the titanic floating cities that drift among Calamari's gentle waves. The waters teem with life from the simple glurpfish to the swift and deadly krakana
Within a submerged cove lies the planet's greatest treasure - the Knowledge Bank, a community of intelligent mollusks who maintain a history of every event that has ever transpired in the world's seas. The Mon Cals' spirit of discovery inspired them to leave the oceans. Constructing immense, organic-looking starliners, they begin exploring their sector of space. Unfortunately, they were soon forced to deal with the militaristic, antialien Empire.
The Empire saw Mon Cala-mari as a target ripe for conquest and enslavement. When its inhabitants resisted, Imperial ships decimated three floating cities, killing millions. It is said that a Quarren lowered the planet's defenses just before the attack, a rumor that has done little to improve interspecies relations on the world.
The Mon Cals continued to yearn for freedom and managed to drive off the Imperial occupation force, using nothing more than simple hand weapons and their iron determination. Eventually they openly joined the Rebel Alliance, becoming what many observers have called "the spirit of the Rebellion," Mon Calamari starliners were converted into warships. Ackbar, a former slave rescued from Grand Moff Tarkin at Eriadu, was named Admiral of the Rebel fleet, Ackbar and other Mon Cals helped cripple the Empire in the triumphant Battle of Endor.
For six years after the battle Calamari's orbital shipyards supplied the victorious New Republic with naval vessels, but then the resurrected clone of Emperor Palpatine surfaced on Byss. Exacting revenge for his downfall, Palpatine sent his World Devastators to obliterate Mon Calamari.
As the planet eaters consumed the floating cities of Kee-Piru and Heurkea, spewing out robotic TIE fighters, Calamarian troopers and Rebel Amphibions tried vainly to stop their relentless advance. At the last possible instant R2-D2 broadcast a captured control signal that caused the World Devastators to turn on each other, The ruined machines sank beneath the waves.
With one threat ended, Mon Calamari's inhabitants were ill prepared to deal with another, Just one year later the renegade Admiral Daala pummeled the planet with an orbital strike, destroying Reef Home City. Admiral Ackbar led a brilliant counterattack that, although it sacrificed a halfbuilt star cruiser, wiped out one of Daala's Star Destroyers. Later a female Mon Cal named Cilghal studied at Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy, becoming one of the next generation of Jedi Knights.
The Mon Cals and Quarren have suffered greatly since their world joined the galactic community, but they have also contributed much. For now the planet needs time to heal.
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