View Full Version : Who I am (open)

Oct 21st, 2002, 12:27:01 PM
He walked along the plains, long feilds of grass that stretched beyong the horizon. His zori softly swished across the ground, silent as the wind itself.

"Who am I?"

A breeze kicked up the torn grass from the earth and tossed it high into the air, flying higher than the mountain range in the distance appeared to the eye.

"Where did I come from?"

A few trees ahread, growing thicker, getting larger. A forest was growing ahead, not a thick one, sparsely populated by its wooden denizens.

"Who are these demons and why do they relentlessly cross my path?"

The trees yawned overhead as he walked beneath their shadow, entering the wooded path. He heard the sounds of animal life, the chirping birds, the scuffle of small mamals on the soft earth itself.

"I seek these answers on my travels"

The chirping stoped, he heard the scuffling sounds quicken, then dissapear. He held his hand to his katana stiff, partially unsheathed, he glared into the forest's roof

"No one can stop me from reaching the answers that I seek"


A rather skiny and raged man leaped from the tree tops, followed by a huge brute weilding what appeared to have been an axe. They both looked scragily, unkempt and unshaven. Maruders

"Well well well, what have we got here then? Looks like..."


The two must have found this uncontrolably funny as all they did after that was chuckle and laugh

"What do you want?"

"Well, actually we plan on robing and killing you, and then, then Brutang here will probobaly eat you"

"...Yeah, eat you"

Again, more of the laughing. He stood still, already in contact with all things he might ever need

"Your demons, I think the only thing youll taste today is your own blood"

"Fiesty eh? Oh, I like it like that! Brutang, why dont you go relieve him of his sword and we'll let the fun begin eh?"


The one called Brutang then steped forewards in an agressive stance, holding his axe forewards towards Ninjai, ready to strike. Ninjai quickly spun forewards his shuriken, throwing it with such speed and accuracy to strike the thin one straight through the clavicle, slicing through his chest and pining him to a tree behind him.

The one called Brutang turned and saw his compatriot and what the little one had done to him, and as he turned back, the little Ninja had his katana held before him

"Die" Brutang said as he charged forewards upon the little one, holding his axe high, ready to strike.

The large axe found dirt when it struck down at him, Ninjai lept high into the air, avoiding the blow. Brutang looked up and after the little one before leaping in the air again ready to strike again with his axe. Ninjai struck, slicing with incedible speed and motion he played his katana across Brutang's body. In mid air Brutang fell into at least five distinct seperate peices. As they all fell to eart his decapitated head hit first, split wide open as his own axe fell on top of it.

Ninjai landed, sheathing his sword. The skinny one still lived, he could hear the struggled breathing as blood flowed into his lungs. He pulled back his shuriken and the man collapsed back to the ground.

"Who are you?"

His eyes rolled up into the back of his head as he passed away. Ninjai continued walking, leaving the scene behind, in the past.

"Thats what I want to know"

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 21st, 2002, 02:49:07 PM
In the distance, a chilling sound filled the forest...

<center><img src=http://bama.ua.edu/~hicks020/pics/diegoch8.jpg></center>
