View Full Version : The Dark Stone

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 03:10:22 AM
::Azhure watched the images flicker on the holopad, they werent the ones she was searching for. The stones were of various colour, shape and from amny different planets but there was only one she was looking for. The dark deep blue of the stone that hung on her neck moved slightly as she moved her head to look at Ki. Then turning back, there it was. From the Faleen planet. She had looked at the government file on her multiple names to check up on her current criminal wanted status earlier and now was back to the intended business. It was good they did not have any images of her, though one with the name Kali Marak had a good description of her looks. That unsettled her. The voice of her droid broke her thoughts as it analysed the information.::

System: -278,449.
Planet: (5,5).

The Water stone, named because of it's colour and found on the coral ground of the Faleen ocean. It is said to be the stone of luck when travelling on water, is hard to break and old custom used it as a stone that was handed down the generations. Some say that a lost stone, if been in a family for a long amount of time, may call to the blood line, though that has proven to be scientifically wrong.

::she looked at it. All she had needed was where to find it, the other information could wait until later. Azhure knew how it liked to flaunt it's intelligence. A modest droid.::

We have our destination Ki, I'm sorry it took so long.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 21st, 2002, 03:40:36 PM
Kindo had faded into a temporary snooze, but came of of his sleep when he heard Azhure speak to him. He had became some what drowsy, but always managed to maintain focus while on a mission of any kind.

Azhure had seemed to maintain her concentration just has he did. Ki was quite fond of her, although he understood the feelings weren't always mutual. Though the pair rarely spoke before, due to their lives has Jedi, he admired her nature. Just being around her was pleasant.

He glanced around at the ship, trying to become acquainted with it's many features. He briskly arose from his seat alongside Azhure, strolling over to a clear space upon the ship. He removed his shirt, carelessly tossing it a few feet away. His chest was bare, revealing his relaxed muscles and his semi-tan skin. He dropped to the cold surface and started his push-ups, one after another.

After completing numerous exercises, he sprawled over the floor, catching his breath.

" So why did you decide to become a Jedi? "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:13:24 PM
::Azhure watched Ki do his sit-ups, wondering why there was a sudden need for exercise, but did not say anything. He did have nice muscles, but that thought was also kept to herself.
Addressing the question, she also turned to the holopad and looked up 'Falleen' for the latest political and weather updates.::

I became jedi because I wanted to undo the wrongs I have caused, though those wrongs will never be undone, you cannot bring a person back to life. I joined because I had the power of the force, and either had the choice to use it as a jedi, as a sith or as a dark jedi. I chose jedi. I suppose I joined also to remember what it was to be a person and not a killing instrument.

::She knew he probably wouldnt understand what she was on about, but that was the truthful answer to the question. Killing stained your soul, and you had to live with that.
Looking down at Ki she laughed softly at her droid almost tripping over him and muttering a rather rude beep at him. She indicated to the seat opposite her.::

I'm afraid this ship isn't a very good gym. Sit down. We will have to be wary of the government, right now I'm still top of the wanted list and they have a fairly accurate description of me. Just say you don't know any kali if asked. Also, the weather will be raining. They are implicating stricter rules on visitor stop overs so be sure to have your ID ready, and proof that you are jedi. For once I won't have to completely fake my papers.

::After the habit she had taken up as an assasin, the habit to give instructions in briefing style, she went to the bottom of the holopad machine andput in the code. He probably knew the rules anyhow without the briefing. The smooth metal of the holopad stand parted and a draw appeared. Opening it she went through the pile the ID's, picking random names. Mary-Kayn Halshier. Bellainor Marz. Cary Silvers. Azhure Darkstone.

Closing the draw and putting the code in, it became a metal stand once more.::

We will be arriving on Falleen in half an hour. Tell me, why did you join the jedi?

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:01:14 PM
Kindo rose from the floor and trotted over towards the vacant seat adjacent to Azhure. Once sitting back and regaining his comfortable position, he chuckled slightly.

" You will have to forgive me. I happen to enjoy a good morning exercise. Sorry if it bewildered you. "

The grin upon his face turned into a more solemn look. He gradually leaned back in his seat, gathering his thoughts.

" I joined because my fate lies within the Force. Like my father before me, I have have joined to give relief to the innocent and justice unto the wicked. My medi-chlorean count is over 10,000, a genetic trait passed down though my family for decades. In the Greater Jedi Order, I have discovered new beliefs, new abilities, a new family, and me. "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:40:21 PM
::Azhure shook her head as she watched the images on the holopad flicker before it died out. Putting on the top of the stand, hiding the holopad functions, it looked like an odrinary table. It had been four years, but she was not surprised. She had done quite a big job on Falleen.::

No need to apologise. Exercise does good things to ones mind and body.

::Looking out into the stars, millions of stars that looked the same she played with the stone on her neck. What was out there to discover? How would she react if she saw her blood mother and father? If they were alive that is. Those questions seemed so distant, so scary for a second that her hand jerked to the saber. The saber, the one thing in her life that told her who she was. It had been given by Xazor and on it was engraved "Always remember who you are." She wondered how amny people knew who they really were, but it was a nice thought.::

Tell me more of yourself KI. We have half an hour to kill, Im not much of a talker but if I am to spend a lot of time with you here it would be good to swap some information as to devalop a little more trust.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 22nd, 2002, 11:10:56 AM
" I was born on the royal planet of Serenno. My father, Lance Kindo, was Count of Serenno for many years. Unfortunately, my mother died while giving birth to me, forcing my busy father to constantly look after me. I grew up learning and developing many skills such has fencing and archery. I watched my father often has he settled many galactic conflicts, hoping one day to bring upon the same peace has he did. During my teenage years, I began training with Serenno’s Military Division, learning all of their militant strategies. Due to my father’s time consuming job, we rarely had time to talk, but when time did allow we had many great discussions.

When I was 19, during a public announcement, my father was killed by some dark jedi, forcing me to take on his role has the Count of Serenno. During five and a half years I served the royal planet, solving several interplanetary issues. About a year and a half ago, I discovered some old documents containing information showing that my father was once a Jedi Knight. Upon learning that, I resigned has Count of Serenno, and headed off to become part of the Greater Jedi Order. "

He leaned forward, his sapphire eyes glaring deep within Azhure's.

" And here I am now. "

Azhure Darkstone
Oct 26th, 2002, 03:45:20 AM
OOC: sorry >< So totally forgot I hadnt edited it.

::Azhure nodded as she digested his story, the droid also tryign to get attention with a large amount of beeping.::

And it is good that you are a jedi. I suppose I had better share my story, you will hear of it anyhow...
What is it!?

::She looked at thre droid who suddenly seemed smug about the attention, which annoyed Azhure a bit more before it proceeded to explain. Connecting to the holopad it showed the location of the area::

Well you know your job, I'm busy at the moment. I'm sure your capable of changing the direction of the ship. I'm human and can make mistakes...

:;Well she thought she was human, she would find out the truth.::

I was raised as an assasin, and until four / five years ago I still played the game and danced with death. I wanted to change, get rid of the shackles that held me down and to heal the hurts that I had done which will never be fully forfilled but I have to do somehting. So I joined the jedi. I have never had a home planet, we were always moving, there are many different bases around the different planets but I must admit I spent most of my time at Coruscant so that will have to do for a home planet. I suppose I still have a long way to go and voices never go away, they only grow less painful to listen to. I do not have a happy ending to that unfortunately but I will hope for one to come.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Nov 18th, 2002, 04:06:03 PM
Kindo nodded with interest.

" I’m sure there will be one. "

Rubbing his chin, he grew silent for a second.

" So, any love interests over the years? "

Azhure Darkstone
Nov 24th, 2002, 06:25:25 PM
::Azhure laughed softly at that remembering her last one, and first one.::

Tomak, other than that my heart was never used. I still am unsure in some ways of how to react to emotions but thats comes with time. I was raised to use the mind and an inactive heart and an incative heart has no time for love interest.

::She looked at Ki and noticed he had interesting eyes but said nothing on the matter. Looking out at the stars she nodded::

Thats where I've lived all my life and it has alsways seemed so small but each time now I go into space it becomes bigger. perhaps because the perceptions of things are bigger.
You open yourself up to more things and more people. Risks, unnceccessary risks are taken, but who can stop them without losing all this information just found.