View Full Version : Kamikaze Delivery Boy

The Deliverator
Oct 20th, 2002, 09:49:13 PM
The Deliverator is a member of an elite order, a sacred subcategory. He's got esprit up to here. Now he prepares for the fifth mission of the night. His uniform is the blue and gold of his order, Blasterfire Pizza Inc. When they gave the Deliverator his job, they also gave him a blaster. The Deliverator never deals in cash, but someone may decide they want his speeder bike, or his cargo. The blaster is smaller than standard, and fires teensy stinging darts like the remote droids Jedi practice with, but far more deadly, and when you finish with it you plug it into the bike's power supply because it operates on electricity. The Deliverator has never used the gun in rage or in fright. He used it once on ground level Coruscant, when some Rodian thugs decided they wanted a free delivery. Thought they'd impress the Deliverator with a huge pipe. The Deliverator pulled the gun and fired, shards of metal blasting in a shower from the stick. Punk wound up with a stump of metal in his hands, a dumb look on his face. Got nothin' but trouble from the Deliverator. Not like he used the gun much anyhow. He'd rather use the Force to settle his differences. The Rodians on ground level weren't afraid of the blaster, so he was forced to use it. But the Force needed no demonstrating. His speeder bike is loaded with more potential energy than a Death Star's main cannon, faster than any speeder made. Why is the Deliverator so equipped? Because people rely on him. He's a roll model. This is Coruscant, people do what they feel like, you got a problem with that? Because they have blasters and vibroblades and there's hundreds of them and no one can stop them. And once they're importing their food and weaponry and starfighters and cruisers and lives from other planets, there's only a few things Coruscant does better than anyone else:

high-speed pizza delivery

The Deliverator used be a code-slicer. Still was sometimes, but if life was a happy little academy run by well-meaning education Ph.Ds, the Deliverator's report card would say: "Alex is so smart and creative but should reall work on his social skills." So now he has this job. No genius or creativity involved, but no socializiation either. All there is one principle: The Deliverator stands tall, your pizza in 30 minutes or you can take it for free, shoot the man, steal his bike, file a class-action suit. The Deliverator has never delivered a pie in more than 20 minutes. The customers would argue over times, years and years of existence were lost to some random being waving an appendage at the chrono over the stove, I swear, can't you tell time? Not anymore though. Pizza delivery is a major industry. People went to universities for years just to learn it. Beings walked in without the capability even to form coherent words and left knowing more about pizza than Tuskens know about sand. They studied the argument problem, monitored the brainwaves and levels of stress and anything in the offending customers. The final decision on this was it was the nature of lifeforms and couldn't be helped, so a fast technological solution was found. The cardboard of the pizza box was replaced with plastic, an LED interface counting the time from the moment the order is placed. The box interfaces with the Deliverator's speeder bike, gives him the fastest route and time until delivery on a heads up display. Should the Deliverator fail, the disastrous news is beamed straight to the headquarters, and the founder of the whole frikkin business is called out to apologize, give the poor customer a ton of free stuff and a high level apartment, in exchange for his soul and half his freedoms. As for the Deliverator that failed? No one knows what happens to them. The prospect of a late delivery is enough to send chills down the Deliverator's spine. But y'know, he wouldn't have it any other way. It's like being a kamikaze pilot, your mind is clear, focused. The Deliverator is proud to drive the bike, proud to walk up to the doors of these people, LED flashing a proud 10: 58 or 14: 18 or even a 20:05. The Deliverator has been at this job for 2 months, his longest job yet. He's not about to screw it up. He screams out of his headquarters, diving towards the lanes of traffic below him, checking the chrono on the pizza.. He's got 25 minutes to make this one. Plenty of time. He checks the address. It's over 120 kilometers away. He spits a curse, that's well outside his zone. His first thought is to go back and kill the man who accepted this order, but he knows better than that. The point now is to deliver the pizza on time. He's a Deliverator, this is a simple task. He jumps out of the traffic and hammers the accelerator, a blue and gold streak weaving through oncoming traffic and cross traffic, defying driving laws like its nobody's business. He will deliver on time..

Riley Chambers
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:45:31 AM
Riley smirked, leaning back in the speeder she had just borrowed. Lately she'd been treating life like it was her last day... like a thief would. Everything she wanted, she took without a second thought. After that run in with the sith by trying to be heroic was like a wake up call to enjoy life and not be guilty about nuthin.

It was then she saw a delivery boy speed by. She saw the pizza and smiled, licking her lips.

My my, dun that look delicious?

She revved her speeder's engines, then sped off after him, weeving in and out of traffic. Several alien creatures yelled out at her, cursing in their native tongues as she cut them off.

The Deliverator
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:56:20 AM
The Deliverator revvs his bike, shooting between two crossing lanes of traffic, cars crashing into one another as their drivers turn to look. Coruscant traffic is divided like its housing, the lower levels of air traffic are for the daredevils, the type A drivers, emphasizing speed over enjoying the ride. The upper level is for the cruisers, type B people who prefer to watch the scenery as they drive along. The Deliverator is a type A driver with rabies. He dives low, shooting vertically toward the lower streets, pulling out above an open air speeder. A barrel roll to his right avoids an ancient speeder full of Dugs, and the Deliverator is well on his way again. He checks the chrono: it says 6:04. A full minute spent going nowhere. The Deliverator punches it, snapping his goggles down over his eyes. He wouldn't be late.

Riley Chambers
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:41:49 PM
Riley smirked, laughing as she hooted and dangerously cut between the crossing lanes. It caused several speeders to go off course, some barely missing eachother while others had minor or major fender benders. When the pizza boy took a dive, Riley kept going straight, then turned left and took that dive down.

When she came up to an ally going back towards where the pizza boy was, she cut out and was right behind him again, with less traffic in her way because of the tiny driving space.

Fee fie fo fum.

The Deliverator
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:53:12 PM
He screams in frustraition, maxing the speed on his bike, the unmatchable speed of the Deliverator and switches over the frequency used by the cab drivers. A hail of static babble came in, aliens of all kinds chattering incessantly. If you tried you could pick out separate languages, teach yourself to pinpoint certain words...if you wanted to dedicate your life to it. Still, he knew some words, and if something was up in this part of town, he'd definitely hear it here first.

Riley Chambers
Oct 21st, 2002, 06:58:48 PM

Riley didn't know how fast this speeder went, but she'd sure as hell try. She brought her bike up at an angle, thinking that if she sped around and through slower less reckless drivers, she'd be able to catch up sooner or later.

Her speed picked up slowly, since she was coming up as if she were on a hill. It was when she leveled out that her speed picked up even faster. She watched him ahead of her, about twenty speeder lengths away or so.

The Deliverator
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:13:17 PM
Quickly he checks the chrono:10:22. He checks the distance: still 50 kilometers to go. He'll make it. He starts to calm down, tuning out the radio. All he keeps hearing is the word "fare". Suddenly the radio becomes a static buzz, drivers screaming in their languages. Ahead of him the Deliverator sees the trouble: A monstrous transport is barricading the way. Above him he sees a tall, multi-tiered walkway, below, an impenetrable floor of speeding traffic. The cab drivers buzz angrily, unable to move for being so close together, whining about their fares. The Deliverator has an idea. He drives straight for the transport, praying his skills are what they think they are, so he won't get he grips the steering stuck in this traffic his eyes grow huge, they feel like they're being pressed into his skull or splattered on this walkway his bladder feels very full and deliver the pizza...

"Oh God...oh God..."


The Deliverator hauls back on his bike, screaming straight up along the side of the walkway, up 20 stories, businessmen and tourists and ol' granmas pointing in awe as he flew by. He checks his chrono: 11:46, with 50K to go...

Riley Chambers
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:40:52 PM
Riley looked up, slowing down slightly as she followed in pursuit. She nearly bit it when the end of her speeder almost caught the end of the transport, but she made it with only a minor "heart attack".

Oh jeezus jumpin' jawas.

She kept cursing, speeding up again slightly to catch up with her target again. Even if she didn't get the pizza, this would be some great story to tell to friends at her favorite club.

The Deliverator
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:52:06 PM
He clears the top of the walkway, maxing his engines and nosediving, adding gravity to his already heinous speed. The Deliverator sees a huge, gold building in front of him. A shopping mall. These things are all built the same. You fly in one of the holes in the sides, which feeds into a parking system. An experienced Deliverator can go through this, navigate the maze of the system and blast out the other side. Normally, this takes at least 10 minutes. He doesn't have that kind of time. But there is always one of the entrances where half way through there is an open air food court that leads straight from one side to the other. If you know which entrance it is, and have the balls to burn through that one restaurant, dodging customers and tables, you can burst out the other side and get out within a matter of seconds. The Deliverator knows this entrance. He has cut through this place before. He dives through the lowest entry, dodging around slow moving speeders trying to find parking. He sees the entrance coming...and he's through it, weaving above tables and dodging the flabbergasted customers. Then he's out, dodging the incoming and outbound traffic, shooting out the other side at an incredible velocity. He mentally thanks his Force sensitivity and hauls left, back on track. 16:34, he's got another 42 km to go. And all he can see is 30:01...