View Full Version : Return to mother...Fate (Open)

Oct 20th, 2002, 01:38:52 AM
"Lady Rosalyn, where would I be without you?" Resanul whispered lazily as he fiddled with a etched piece of wood.

"Still suck on that rock out there, that's where." answering his own question.

Bitter irony was all that had been going through Resanul's mind since he embarked on this excursion. The place where the dramatic change in his existence all began was right outside Lady Rosalyn's front window. The tin hull of the ship creaked a little as though she knew this wasn't where she wanted to be.

"I know my girl, but ease yourself…" Resanul said as he set his hand on the wall.

There wasn't much on that planet but the few cities that were freckled on the surface. The rest was nothing but god-forsaken desert or large fields of junk. Resanul knew them both all too well.

"Well I guess we should land…"