View Full Version : A Masters Work is Never Done - (Ogre, Open)

Oct 19th, 2002, 11:50:51 PM
Hera had meant to seek her Master out much sooner than this. But life had a way of diverting the best laid plans.

It was not that it was a visit that could not keep, but Hera felt she had allowed herself to be distracted for too long now, and it was high time.

Any time spent in Ogre Mal Pannis' company was time she valued. He was extremely busy, she knew. Just as she herself was with the many diversions of her life. So many people to plague and plunder, so little time.

But today was the day. She had two reasons for visiting Meras and both concerened Ogre.

The first reason had its origins some time back as she set aside time in her private chambers to forge a gift (http://pub8.ezboard.com/ftheacropolisfrm22.showMessage?topicID=53.topic) for the one who had given so much to her.

The second was of a more recent inspiration, but she would explain that when she saw him. She once more, required his instruction and if anyone could provide the answer and training she needed - it would be the Kashirian Sith Master.

She approached his Cave-home on Meras...nothing like just dropping in on a guy...and hoped to find him there. Her other option was the Tarkin Estate, ancestral home of his wife Dalethria. Ogre seemed to divide his time between the two, but the Cave was much more familiar territory to Hera, and so it was to this destination she came to first.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Nov 4th, 2002, 04:09:12 PM
In a seat he had not visited in quite some time, Ogre sat. On the other side of the bar’s counter was the droid given to him by his disciple, Hera, a few years past. In front of him stood a bottle of run and next to it, two glasses.

Just as she entered he turned to face her and she could see the set up on the bar. It looked as if her visit was no surprise, frankly it looked as if he had been expecting her as he sat with a grin on the barstool.

“Greetings Sith Mistress Hera.” Came his deep voice coupled with a wink that hinted of his foreknowledge.

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:38:50 PM
Hera smiled ruefully, taking in at a glance Ogre, the rum, the glasses, and as she passed the droid she donked it lightly on its smooth dome top.

"It will be a long and hard-won day when I get to surprise you, it seems Master."

Hera liked the way her Master addressed her by her recently aquired rank. She was proud to have earned it, prouder still that he had trained her to such standing.

She bowed respectfully in greeting, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "You dont look so bad for a 'Pappy.' I was afraid Fatherhood might have killed you."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:50:38 AM
“My wife has done what only a few years ago I thought to be completely impossible….provided a way in which my genome can be carried on, provided a way to make my having a family a reality in every sense and definition of the word, provided a way to make us even stronger as a whole than we were as individual parts. It has done more to revitalize and empower me than anything I cold have imagined.”

The large Sith reached for the bottle and popped its top with athumb.

“A drink?” He asked as he cast a glance towards the small droid and dismissed it with a small sway of his head.

Nov 5th, 2002, 08:23:39 PM
Hera inclined her head in the affirmative and looked on as Ogre poured the rum.

His obivous pride at the birth of his daughter and of the accomplishment of Dalethria to not only survive the transition to Kashirian blood in her veins, but to produce an offspring as well, was indeed something to be proud of. Hera didnt hold quite as much importance on family, as did Ogre. But then, Hera was not the last of her kind - the sole survivor of a proud and unique race, long lost.

Ogre nudged the glass over to her, but Hera let it sit a moment. The droid trundled past, and Hera, looking back up, spoke frankly.

"You know, there are rumors of another Kashirian" She paused a moment.

"Some things survived the ROS.."

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:05:27 PM
:: pitter patter of feet tried to be stealthy but being small had its perks. A sneaky child crawled on top of the bar stool behind the counter and slammed her hand down like she saw Tirsa do once ::

"Gimmie beer!"


Nov 5th, 2002, 11:22:46 PM
Hera looked over at the child and smiled with amusement.
She was a lovely little thing, and had her mothers smile.

Raising an eyebrow in query to Ogre she asked,

"This is the little protoge' I take it?"