View Full Version : A simple incision(CLOSED INVITE ONLY!)

Jade Terra
Oct 19th, 2002, 01:59:49 PM
**"Hush little one it won't hurt...." a man spoke softly and kindly, holding a large scapel in on hand, his other patting a green-haired girl on the head. "It won't hurt one bit. I promise." he slowly took the scapel cut an incision, the girl screamed, but he continued. Was it five, or maybe ten, mintues passed, and the man was done with the cutting. "Hand me the sample..." he still spoke kindly, as a faceless woman handed him a syringe. He quickly stuck it into the incision. The girl screamed once more.**

"AAH!" she awoke with a bolt, sweat beading her forehead, her green hair plastered to her sclap. When she relised where she was, she calmed dow abit. She breathed deeply, her crimson eyes looking about the dark room, she was safe...But for how long?

She quickly got out of the bed and ran to the dresser, she then grabbed all of her clothes (which isn't much) and then got changed. She walked quietly to the door, since she was renting this room above a humble Inn, she didn't want to wake the owners or anyother sleepers. She crept quietly out into the hall and towards the stairs, she had made it down into the common room, no probelm. She soon waded through the slight crowd and headed for the door, she breathed deeply of the fresh autumn air as soon as she stepped outside........

"Nice night...." she said to herself, almost forgetting the horrid dream, she then headed down the street of the village and out to the villages' edge.

Jade Terra
Oct 19th, 2002, 02:13:42 PM
She continues to walk, even though it has gotten darker, any normal girl would be afraid. But she is not normal at all, anyone who would see her would notice her eyes lightly glowing. The dream, is it something important that had happend to her, it was the time when she was made no longer human....But a host, a home, for Nano's...............

She stopped, she though she had heard something. She scanned the darkness around her, but apon not finding anything she continues on her way.