View Full Version : Choices and consequences (Kaytor)

Valirion Thorn
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:51:26 AM
:: Upon my ship, I sat in one of the rooms on the living quarters. On the bed opposite of me lay Kaytor Surna, I had unfinished business to attend to with Kaytor and my sword slivered within mny back at the possible thought of killing this night. In my hand, I held a chalice filled to the brim with blood and slowly tasted it, waiting for Kaytor to finally wake up. I sat in my regal blood red silk clothes that I wore when I had used to be a noble, my armor sat benath my skin, awaiting its time if it got it to taste Kaytor's blood. I looked to a mirror opposite of me, seeing my own marble white skin contrast so differently with my clothes then it used to when I had been a soft pink human, the mirror suddenly shattered and with a look of distaste at the thought of my old mortality I once more waited for her to get up.::

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:50:12 PM
Kaytor shivered slightly as she started to wake. Her eyes opened and she sat up slowly.

"What happened?"

She looked around the room then over to Valirion. Her eyes narrowed.

"Where are you, Valirion?"

Valirion Thorn
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:01:55 PM
:: I laughed and placed the chalice down, smoothing out the fine fabric.::

Where am I? I am in hell, where else? The question really is, where do you stand Kaytor?

Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:05:59 PM
OOC: OMG I typoed. Thats what I get for trying to type with little siblings yelling in my ear.


"You make no sense Valrion. Where are you taking me?"

She glared over at him. The chalace started to life up with the force. She flung it at his head.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 25th, 2002, 06:15:15 PM
:: The chalice stopped in mid air and was caught with my own force powers, not a drop of my precious blood wine spilled either. I clicked my tongue and shook my head.::

Kaytor, Kaytor, you need to learn the luxury of good blood. I'm taking you to hell with me Kaytor, where else? Now answer my question and hurry the trip along, where do you stand? It all makes sense, you know what I speak of!

Kaytor Surna
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:45:38 PM
"I dont know what you mean, Valirion. What do you mean by 'Where do I stand?'"

Kaytor stood up from the bed and started to head towards the door, waiting for him to talk. He was creeping her out and it was hard for that to happen.

Valirion Thorn
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:29:56 PM
:: My face contorted in frustration at Kaytor's stupidity. My armor pressed through the skin on my face and then subsided as I regained my noble like composure.::

The Shrine demands loyalty... do you plead treason to its demands?

:: I looked towards the door and the dorr slowly sealed itself and became a part of the wall. My ship was living like my armor, just not as nearly as smart. It required direct instructions from me to make it do things. Such as move and keep moving.::

Answer and I might let you leave, your recent meetings with Tomak have put you under question by the Shrine. Have you gone renegade, returning to your old fold, the jedi?

Kaytor Surna
Oct 29th, 2002, 10:20:19 AM
Kaytor glared at him and her hand slowly drifted to her saber. She wouldn't let him get away with trying to kidnap her.

"At the moment, Valirion, I am not sure where I am going. Now if you let me go then perhaps I can find out." she shouts the last few words.

She grabs her saber, activates it and runs at him. She slashes down at his chest.

Valirion Thorn
Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:44:09 AM
:: My own sword is drawn from my flesh in a flash. The two swords clash and my pale skinned hand wraps about her throat. I leer at her with a fanged smile before talking.::

You let yourself crumble... why kidnap? We're above Roon right now, in orbit. If there were any kidnappings, it would've already been done. And to note, I don't think this very... becoming of a shrine member to attack another, but then again, if you consider taking you back to the shrine a kidnapping, you obviously have no place in the shrine, the little rebellious dirt blood vampire you are!

:: I backhand her and send her sprawling to the bed where the red satin and silk sheets seem to come alive and hold her to the bed weakly. I smooth out my clothing from wrinkles and then snarl::

Don't worry, your beloved Tomak is on his way, but he knows just as you do, the only way you can escape from Roon now is if I let you, and I will, after I've torn you apart and left you as a pick up meal for the traitor Tomak to come vacuum up as trash.

Kaytor Surna
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:22:41 AM
"You wont tear me apart. And your tricks are useless verses me."

She used the force to bring her saber up and slashe away at the sheets. She then jumped back to her feet and grabed it out of the air. She ran at him again and slashed down at him.

Valirion Thorn
Nov 6th, 2002, 10:03:58 PM
:: My sword came up like water and deflected the slash and I turned around with a roundhouse kick, my armor forming into spikes through my skin on my leg, and then my sword screeched as it followed up with a stab.::

Lord Soth
Nov 7th, 2002, 03:53:20 PM
As Valirion's assault connected fully with Kaytor's torso, sending the wayward woman reeling backwards, a shadowy figure slowly emerged from one of the corner's of the living quarters. Kaytor's body slid along the smooth polished floor; only stopping once she came to rest at the armored boot's of the one who's feature's still remained well hidden within the inky black recess's of the room. A cold familiar wave gripped the young woman's mind as she looked up in horror. Snaking tendril's of death enveloped her prone form as the man's evil countenance registered in her troubled mind... It was none other then the dreaded Death Knight, Soth Nuevole!

His searing eye's became evident to her as they locked with her own, peaking to a hot amber hue as the two slit's seemed to glare back at her with hateful intent. The sweet stench of decaying roses lofted on the air of the room, turning her stomach as soon as the putridness of it filled her senses.

"Ah yes, loyalty..." Said the voice from the shadows in a mocking but lethal tone.

"Do tell me young one...Have you already forgotten it's meaning?..." The orange eye's of the Death Knight bored through her like two scathing Sith dagger's.

"Or do you run in vain from the undeniable truth of your nature, what you are, what can never be escaped,...Vampyre?" Soth finished coldly as he forced steel into his word's.

Mistress Tatiana
Nov 7th, 2002, 05:00:53 PM
Kaytor lay on the ground, stunned at seeing the Death Knight standing before her. He was the last person she expected to run into that day. The Death Knight wasn't alone though, he had brought his lover along to help teach this wayward soul of the undead the consequences of betrayal.

Tatiana stepped out from behind the Knights dark form. "What have you stumbled upon my Lord?" Her eyes shot down at Kaytor, the hatred for her shinning through them. "Why... you've found scum." The disdain in her voice for Kaytor was quite apparent. "Allow me to scrape it off the ground for you." She gave a swift kick to Kaytor's gut, making the girl reel forward clutching her stomach. Tatiana took a step back and stood beside her lover smiling. "Please, don't let me take all the fun away." She gestured for Soth to continue. Tatiana knew that the young Vampyre woman would fair better in hell then to face the Death Knight who could torment her soul throughout all eternity!

Valirion Thorn
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:18:09 PM
:: I turned with a smile to Lord Soth and Mistress Tatiana. My armor convulsed beneath my skin at the sight of Soth, my previous teacher, my armor had a lingering attachment to the image of Soth. It melded through my skin and assumed its demonic stature before Soth, I bowed to the Vampyres and then faced Kaytor, upon the floor.::

M'lord Soth and Mistress Tatiana, welcome aboard my ship, The Shrine Rose. Do ou like the trash I picked up recently?

Kaytor Surna
Nov 10th, 2002, 06:27:51 PM
Kaytor gasped out as the pain washed over her. She felt her anger washing over her again. She struggled to control it but it was useless. She slowly rose to her feet and glared streght into the glowing eye slits of Soth.

A fire flickered in her eyes as she grabed her sword again. She quickly brought it up at Soth's head. She used the force to add strength behind it.

"I am not a puppet of the shrine but a being of my own."

Lord Soth
Nov 10th, 2002, 09:04:22 PM
The Death Knight simply gestured with his right armored glove as the stray sword whistled through the air at his head. Immediately the downed woman felt her form seize in place as Soth held her prone by what seemed to be an unseen hand. With a simple flick of his wrist, Kaytor's predisposed body was sent hurling through the air towards Xazor only a number of feet away. The new comer had little time to react to the suddenness of Soth's action's...

With Xazor's view now obstructed, Soth harrowed the power of the Dark-Side to do his bidding on them both...Crackling tendril's of pale blue lighting leapt from his talon finger tip's, engulfing the two women bodies with it's deadly lash of electricity. Within that instant, there was a snapping hiss from his lover's saber as it ignited to life...

Tomak Ohara
Nov 10th, 2002, 09:13:53 PM
Tomaks ship came flying into the space he had tried so hard to forget. He looked at the meteors and smiled. His large battle ship stopped. His crew was sitting at their stations. He sat in a chair in the middle of the deck. He stood, "Fire at will. Destroy the boulders we have too to get through." They fired and nothing happened, "Dammit! We can't get through." He smiled, "Well we will wait till they emerge. There is nothing I can do." He sent Kaytor and Xazor a force message, "Xazor lead them out here. When you do I will do my best to destroy the ship or distract them. Get Kaytor out and then come to my ship." He thought to Kaytor, "Survive this. Do your best. You are strong. Fight for us, and what you beleive in." He then spoke to his crew, "Up the sheilds, prepare every cannon, activate the cloaking device, and prepare to fire on my command." He grabbed his saber and held it in his hand, "And now we wait."

Kaytor Surna
Nov 10th, 2002, 09:15:01 PM
Kaytor slowly climbed back to her feet. She was enraged by now. Her saber flew into her hand and reactivated. She glared at Soth as her fangs extended.

"You will die your final death by my hands, Soth. I swear it."

She ran at him again. She first brought a slash towards his chest with her saber then brought anotherone towards his neck with her sword.

Mistress Tatiana
Nov 11th, 2002, 12:56:40 AM
With blinding speed, Tatiana brought her saber down slicing Kaytor's sword in two and blocking the saber attack to her lover's chest. The two glowing blades sparked and crackled with defiance as they came in contact only inches from Soth's body. All the while, Soth stood motionless, not even flinching.

"You want Soth? You'll have to get through me first!" Tatiana's voice boomed with fierce anger. Her eyes began to glow from red to white as she pulled more energy from the Dark Side, a trait she had inherited from her lover.

Tatiana gave Kaytor a strong kick to the gut breaking the lock of their sabers. The powerful kick to her mid-section folded Kaytor in half sending her back a number of feet as she clutched her stomach in pain. "You're a pathetic excuse for a vampyre."

Kaytor Surna
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:27:27 PM
Kaytor smirks as her eyes glow a deep blood red. She grabs her saber with both hands while still crouching down.

"And you are a pathetic excuse for a being that is supose to be the rulers of night."

She brings her saber up at Tatiana's body in an up slash. She pushes her strength beyond what she has before. Her slash was so sudden that no one in the room expected the weekened girl to do it. Kaytor growls out loudly as she brings the blade at Tatiana.

Tomak Ohara
Nov 11th, 2002, 06:18:38 PM
Tomak looked around in his ship. He could feel Kaytor being hurt. He turned to his shipmates. "Is there anything on this ship that allows materialization or entrance into another ship?"
One of the men stood, "Yes sir. There is a pod that launches and piercies into another ship."
Tomak stood, "Shoot the asteroids. Prepare the pod. I am going to save Kaytor!." He smiled and thought, "I am coming Kaytor."