View Full Version : Under The Wings (Snack)

Xenodoros Stormrider
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:42:46 PM
The days were long and hot in the middle of the desert where a young Sith carried the hilt of his lightsaber at hand. The cactuses that appeared in the way would be cut off with the light saber as Xenodoros.

He had not know what had happened to The Sith Empire, but ever since it had suddenly vanished out of the galaxy, Xeno had been training himself. He had not found any survivors that would be able to train him like they would at The Sith Empire.

Finding a large, round boulder, Xeno attempted to lift it with aid of the Force. He let his thoughts, and feelings give themselves up to the Dark Side of the Force. He looked at the boulder, and anger, rage, pain, and suffering came to mind. His blood was darkened with the Dark Side, and Xeno's cold heart was darker than a piece of coal.

Struggling with the boulder, he slowly lifted it up, and let it go. A loud thump was heard on the ground, and Xeno's frustration was shown in his facial expressions.

Extending one arm, he Force Pushed the boulder a 50 feet away. He had succeeded in pushing it, but not in lifting it.

"What the-," the young silver haired man stated "How come I pushed it, but I couldn't lift it?"

Xeno's attitude had aided him in pushing it, but he did not know that. He needed guidance, tutoring. Extending his arms again, he made a pulling motion with his hands and slowly, the boulder came back at him with the aid of the Force.

With the help of the lightsaber, he smashed the boulder into pieces. The sun was still bright and blinded Xeno a bit.

"Hmph. Guess I wasn't cut out to be a Sith."

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:34:13 PM
*It had been a few months since that one fateful day that saw Snack's departure from the now gone Empire of the Sith. It hit him hard at first, nearly sending him into a state of depression. Though through the words and comfort of those closest to him, even as he was one of the Darkside, he realized that life goes on. He realized that you cannot sit and wait for the galaxy to come to you.

Snack's quest for power and knowledge, no matter how close it seemed he was to completing it, would never find an end. That quest - that urge for power and knowledge had become the driving force behind Snack's actions as of late. The Dark Lord, though not affiliated with the Sith Order (which now holds the supremacy as being the largest and most feared group of Sith in the galaxy) nor with the Dark Jedi of the Black Hand, had been able to find two aspiring Force wielders, each of whom thriving with untapped power that is the Darkside.

What better way to gain power and knowledge than to train others in what you believe - what you can use. The teachings that a Master passes down to his apprentices, and then their own apprentices; the continuation of tradition - the true state of being immortal.


What had drawn him to this desert planet? Whatever it was, it had eluded Snack for the three days of his stay. There was nothing, save sand and dirt, on this planet.

And then, the standing Lord fell to his knees. A ripple in the Force, caused by failing darkness. Faint voices.. or maybe just one voice, echoed in his ears and mind. He tried to make out the words, but failed. He tried again, harder this time, and failed again.

Still kneeling, Snack shut his eyes once more, and projected his thoughts out into the Force. Maybe this other presence would catch it.

Hear me...*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:35:36 PM
Failure - The one word that marked Xenodoros in his actions. This label that followed him through his life, corrupted his thoughts. It was mostly the influence of society that affected his thoughts.


"Oh you'll never be anything," the teacher said.
"I will..," the saddened tone of a boy stated.


Maybe his failures had led him to the Dark Side, or maybe not. Xenodoros grew up to be a solitary person, not trusting anyone, even his family. Xeno traveled a lot, yet these travels around the galaxy served him nothing. He tried to find himself in this lost galaxy, but his thoughts, goals were complex and unattainable.

As he struggled in the middle of the deserted land, he felt a breeze travel through his ears, sending a message... through the Force.

"Hear me," it said.

Who was it, where was he to go? Xeno concentrated, trying to 'feel' the presence of the person in that desert. Walking closer and closer, he felt the presence grow stronger.

"Who might it be?," Xeno asked himself, "Should I follow it, or is it a trap?"

From a distance, he saw a shadow on the floor. A person, it seemed.

"Hey?," Xeno shouted, wondering if the other presence could here him.

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:05:43 AM
*Opening his eyes, Snack saw a figure standing off in the distance. The presence emitted from this figure seemed oddly familiar, one that he had encountered once, maybe twice before in his lifetime. Not moving from his kneeling position, Snack projected his voice.*

Failure only leads to success. Learn from the past to make your future strong...

*This figure that stood over yonder was one in the same as the one he had felt fail at something... failed at using the Darkside.*

Practice and mediate. Allow your mind to grow and so will you...

*Finally, he stood up lifting the hood of his black and red cloak from his head.*

Start small, then work your way up...

*Snack began to walk slowly to where the other stood, his features becoming more apparent. He even looked familiar.*

Consider that knowledge free. Who are you?

Xenodoros Stormrider
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:40:37 PM
Xenodoros observed the stranger. Who was he? Why was he on the floor trying to communicate with Xeno? For some odd reason, Xeno thought that the strange man's presence was a bit... familiar. As Xeno approached the man, he saw him in a kneeling position.

Failure only leads to success. Learn from the past to make your future strong...

"What?," Xenodoros asked, but didn't get an answer.

The stranger stood up. Xeno began to approach him, not understanding who he was and why his presence wasn't a threat.

Practice and mediate. Allow your mind to grow and so will you...

"How?," Xeno's voice wondered, but still no answer.

Start small, then work your way up...

"Why should I trust you?"

Consider that knowledge free. Who are you?

"And why should I tell you?," Xenodoros' ego grew bigger, " Wouldn't that be the question that I'm suppose to ask you?"

As the dark stranger approached him, Xeno saw the knowledge in the stranger, yet Xeno was perplexed, trying to figure out who the stranger was.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 6th, 2002, 06:55:55 PM
Maybe, but then again, you already might know me. My reputation has far preceded me.

*He showed no respect what so ever. Granted, neither one knew ... or recognized each other as of yet, but Snack believed that one should show everyone the respect the deserve, until they prove they haven't earned it.

He stopped his approach, throwing his left hand out. The Force contorted and yeilded to Snack's growing Mastery of the simple move. The invisible wave of the Force knocked itself square in Xeno's chest, causing him to stumble backwards and fall down.

Snack picked up his steps where he left off, until he stood over the man.*

You should trust my words because they are ripe with experience.

*Blinking, the Dark Lord shook his head.*

And I believe I asked you first. So I repeat, who are you and why are you familiar?

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 7th, 2002, 06:59:25 PM
Xeno shook his head and got up. The stranger indeed had power, something Xeno wanted. A gut feeling told Xeno that the stranger was telling the truth. But Xeno had seen him somewhere before. As the stranger asked him for his name once more, Xeno felt that he could trust him and said:

"I am Xenodoros Stormrider... member of what was The Sith Empire."

Xeno paused. As he said told him about his former affiliation, it struck Xeno that the one standing in front of him was one of the Council Members of The Sith Empire. Xeno's eyes widened. Could it be that the Empire was still around?

"You... you're from The Sith Empire yourself," Xeno stated, still not sure if he was.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 7th, 2002, 10:03:23 PM
Formerly of the Sith Empire....

*Xeno. Yes, that name sounded very familiar. Snack had meet him once or twice, and saw him about the same. There were so many members of the now gone Empire that Snack had ran into during his time there; many that he saw come before the Council either to ask abuot this or that, or to seek membership. He was not expected to remember each and every one of them, was he?


He did feel, however, some recognition from Xeno.*

I am Darth Snack, former Council Member of the Sith Empire...

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 12:47:30 AM
"Yes, yes... I remember now. It's an honor to meet you, Lord Darth Snack," Xeno bowed to Snack.

He remembered Darth Snack. The council came to mind when he remembered. Of course, he wouldn't have been surprised if he wasn't recognized, but it was great that someone from what was The Sith Empire was still alive.

"What are you doing in this 'desert'?" Xeno asked, quite curious.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 8th, 2002, 12:22:24 PM
*Returning ther bow of his head to Xeno, Snack answered.*

Three days ago, I felt something. Something through the Force was calling me, and I followed it to here. After the first few days, I started to give up hope, and figured this was just some mistake...

*Snack paused, taking a step back and to the side.*

The Force, however, makes no mistakes. It directed me here, to meet you.

What are you doing here?

*He had a mino clue, but wanted to make sure before assuming anything.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 8th, 2002, 06:57:44 PM
"I believe it's the same reasons as yours. But also, I've been trying to... extend my knowledge in the Dark Arts. I takes patience... especially because I have been training myself. With the disappearance of The Sith Empire, I have no Master, I have been forced to teach myself."

Xenodoros wondered. Had the Force led him here to meet Snack? But what were the reasons? Was fate behind this meeting?

"Say... why do you think we were meant to meet here?"

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 9th, 2002, 09:14:57 PM
With the Force, there is always a motive. What they are, one doesn't know until after the fact.

*It was actually a good question posed by Xeno. What was the reason that both were there now? Going over the words Xeno had said, a picture began forming and molding into an answer of that question.

He was here to practice, to train himself in the Dark ways, yet he said even he didn't know why he had chosen this place. Perhaps the answer was right there...*

Tell me, who was your Master in the Empire?

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 9th, 2002, 09:57:56 PM
"My master was Lord DarkStar... but he seemed to have disappeared with the Empire, thus I am training myself like I said before."

Xeno stood there, looking at the Sith Lord, as a thought had struck him. Was he meant to train me? Xenodoros' icy, blue eyes kept staring at Darth Snack, wondering if he should share his thought.


Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 10th, 2002, 09:11:20 AM
*Dagger. He was quite the cunning Sith, one of the best and most feared in the galaxy. Least that was how Snack saw him. He had a lot of respect for the other. Any of his apprentices were truly gifted. Dagger only chose who he thought had potential.

And Xeno, Snack sensed, had great potential. He just needed help in achieving it.*

I will train you, then.

...If you prove your worth.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 10th, 2002, 03:15:15 PM
Training. Exactly what Xenodoros had thought. Xeno nodded and bowed again.

"It would be an honor if you could train me."

Xenodoros knew of Snack's reputation. He knew that Snack would become a great Master for him. If Xeno were to be trained by Snack, it would mean a new beginning for Xeno.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 11th, 2002, 02:27:07 PM
You're not even gonna ask what test I am going to put you through to prove yourself to me?

*Snack looked at the Sith, a boyish curiosity playing in his own eyes. Any evil or dark brooding presence emitted by the Dark Lord were all but hidden. He immediately plopped his bottom on the dirt ground under him, outstretching his legs, before bending them at the knees. Looking up at Xeno, Snack asked the only question on his mind at the moment.*


Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 11th, 2002, 11:21:20 PM
"Why?" Xeno repeated.

"Out of all the Sith, I trust you the most to train me. The first reason would be because you were part of the council. And the second reason would be because you were part of the Empire. You have the style of training that I am looking for"

Xeno answered his question, knowing that the choice he was making was the right one.

"I think... it's logical," Xeno said slowly, "...and I'm sure I can accomplish anything you put me through."

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 14th, 2002, 10:55:02 AM
Anything, you say?

*A hint of a smile crossed over his lips, brightening his white face more so.

So, this boy liked Snack's style of teaching. Unorthodox as it was, maybe it was for the better. A change in the way the Sith do things was needed, that much was true. Why not start at the way they were taught.*

Fight me, here. Now.

*Snack, still sitting, commanded his new Disciple. the Dark Lord made no motion to retrieve his lightsabers. Hell, if he needed them, he had a wrist saber on each wrist, made by another of his apprentices. But he did not need them.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 18th, 2002, 10:01:24 PM
Hearing the word 'Fight' was an adrenaline that immediately made Xeno react. Taking the hilt of his light saber, he turned on the saber, and attempted to slash Snack, aiming for his ribs.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 19th, 2002, 10:50:59 PM
*He felt a new invigorated life come alive within Xeno, who was happy to attack without a second guess. At least he had one aspect of being a Sith down.

Before Xeno's blade could reach the kneeling Dark Lord, Snack raised his left hand, and called upon the Force. It was everywhere and awaited to be tapped into by anyone.

Controlling it, Snack sent out a wave of Force, hitting the attacking Apprentice square in the chest, sending him back several feet.*

Try harder.

*He said, still kneeling.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 21st, 2002, 07:53:31 PM
Xenodoros stumbled as he got pushed back by Snack. Xeno's icy, blue eyes observed Darth Snack as he raised his lightsaber up to his nose. Xeno concentrated on the Force, and the darkness filled inside of him.

There was the blood in his veins that kept running. The darkness in his mind overflowed his blood with the shadows of the Force. Leaping in the air, Xenodoros landed in front of Snack, and twirled the saber around in a 360 degree motion. As it twirled, his arm extended itself, aiming at Snack's head. Xeno's muscles flexed as they were used to attack the saber.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 30th, 2002, 12:56:53 PM
*As Xeno's attack sliced down towards Snack's neck in hopes of severing head from body, the Dark Lord ducked forward in his kneeling position placing both of his hands on the dirt ground. The hum of the saber grew and then faded somewhat as it swooshed over his head, harmlessly cutting through the air.

Snack then re-distributed his weight, shooting out his right leg and spinning three hundred and sixty degrees. His outstretched leg caught the back of Xeno's shins, knocking his legs from under the rest of his body. The young Sith fell hard on his back.

Now standing, Snack reached to his side and unclipped the metallic hilt that was clipped to his belt. He twirled it in his right hand, until he had the cylinder up to his chest. Thumbing the power switch, Snack revealed to the downed Xeno his teal-colored single bladed lightsaber.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Nov 30th, 2002, 05:27:20 PM
Xeno's indigo blue lightsaber was still in his hand. Observing his Master's lightsaber, Xeno quickly struck at it, causing it to fall a few feet away. Snack still in front of him, Xenodoros untangled his legs and pushed them both in front of him, kickin Snack's legs to back him away.

Xenodoros stood up. He saw the other lightsaber on the floor and Force Pulled it, quickly arriving on the empty hand.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 5th, 2002, 06:01:58 PM

*Snack chuckled, looking at his saber now in the hands of Xeno.*

Yes, you're right. I don't need that.

*His smirk grew even wider, as he quickly shoved both hands out, contorting the Force to his demands. Once again, it sent a wave of Force at Xeno, but not as light as it was before. This powerful Force Blast struck Xeno in the chest, picking him up off the ground and flung him backwards a good ten feet, leaving the young Sith on his back on the cold dirt.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Dec 7th, 2002, 06:21:20 PM
Darth Snack had extended his arms. Xeno's eyes closed, and as soon as he opened them, he felt a strong Force push him back. The presence pushing him back was too strong to hold back and every inch of his body went flying back and landed on the floor.

The floor was hard and Xeno's back had landed directly on it. The shooting pain kept Xeno from rising for a few seconds. He looked at the sky, and couldn't move. He slowly pushed himself up. Lightsabers in his hand, he approached Snack and fell to the floor.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:51:08 PM
You have potential, Xeno. I will continue your training.

*Snack looked down at his newest Disciple, and outstretched his right arm to aid him while getting up.*

Xenodoros Stormrider
Dec 17th, 2002, 06:26:52 PM
Xenodoros struggled to get up, and with his last once of strenght he said.

"Thank you, Master." Xenodoros bowed at Darth Snack

Xenodoros knew he'd find someone that would be able to train him without joining another affiliation to start over. From what Xeno had heard, Snack was one of the best around. At this time, Xenodoros needed more training to advance his skills.