View Full Version : Short Return or Full time Comeback?

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Oct 18th, 2002, 06:10:45 PM
Casey walks into the Fortress after one of his lengthy absences. He is dressed in his usual garb, black shoes, pants, shirt and jacket and his trademark sunglasses. The only sign of other colors his brown hair, pale skin and silver lightsaber.

Casey: Hello!?

Oct 19th, 2002, 01:31:37 AM

o brother where art thou< "we thought. you was. a toad."> /o brother where art thou

Casey dude - hows it going?:)



"Hello Casey. I heard you were dead."

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Oct 19th, 2002, 10:40:15 AM
It's been a busy time. I graduated from HS about 5 months ago, went out of town alot this past summer, and started college. Haven't rped in anything for a long while and felt I should get back into it so why not start with my first love, Star Wars?


Casey: The details of my death, I am happy to report, were greatly exaggerated.

Casey removes his sun glasses and puts them in a pocket of his coat.

Casey: I was just tired of it. Jedi vs Sith, betrayel, self loathing, false feelings. So I went underground. For the past five months I stayed on Coruscant, at a location that will remain seceret, training my body and mind, fine tuning some of the abilities I have negelted over time. Just to come back and prove something to everyone.

Oct 19th, 2002, 06:10:21 PM
Congrats on grad and College :)
Glad life is going well for you. Welcome back, its nice to see you.

************************************************** ***

"Yes, I can see with my own eyes that you are quite alive. Just goes to show one can never, ever believe a Rodian.

So...5 months huh. I trust you have put your demons to rest and finally accept the person who you are. Until then, you are not of much use to anybody, least of all yourself."

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Oct 20th, 2002, 10:11:12 AM
Oh I've accepted who I am. You see in a way I always knew. I'm a risk taking, fun loving, the end justifies the means kinda guy, that at heart I have always been something. I'm not a Jedi or Sith, but I have force talents. I can't walk the light side but I will never follow the dark path. I figured it out Hera, one doesn't have to be a Jedi just to do good in this universe, he just has to do what he knows is right in his heart.

Casey unclips his LS "Hero" from his belt and activates it. The blue blade extends. He points it down and burns a line into the ground.

I will not rest until I see every sith run operation burned to the ground. But because of the past I will give you one chance to stop all operations and get as far away from here as possible. This is a one time offer. If you think I'm joking your dead wrong. I am motivated, I am at peace with my demons and in the best damn physical and mental condition I have ever been in. I will bring down this organization, even if I have to die doing it or kill you.

Oct 20th, 2002, 04:31:57 PM
Hera raised an eyebrow at Casey's aggressive move, and took her own LS in her hand, igniting one end of the brilliant blue dual-bladed saber. "Atropos" pulsed with deadly energy - its namesake the fate who cuts the thread of life from mortals and sending them to the next life. Ironic that it would end that of a "Hero."

"Why, Lance - I think you are trying to hurt my feelings."

Her eyes hardened in a look that was familiar to Casey - he had seen the same look times before when he had tried the Sith's patience. Only this time he had gone too far. This time he was pushing buttons on the Sith Master that would not easily be shut off.

"It appears you found yourself these last few months, but misplaced your good sense somewhere along the line. You - against all Sith? You are atleast ambitious."

She waved the blade tauntingly.

"I will be pleased to end your misery for you."

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
Oct 21st, 2002, 03:00:40 PM
OOC: Decided to take Casey in a new direction, a guy with the whole world against him thing going on.

Casey brings "Hero" Into a guarding position, ready to attack at a moments notice.

"I haven't misplaced my good sense, I've only come to a realization. I had a grat power that not many have. These people can not protect themselves from those who have the power and abuse it. It's the one's that hold that power responsability to fight for those who can't, to save them from those who abuse it, people like you Somewhere along the line I forgot that.

Casey shuts off "Hero". He begins to back up out of the Fortress. He presses his back to the door and slightly opens it.

"You started this Hera over a year ago when you tried to have me kill Liam Jinn. Hell if I hadn't disappeared, I might have done it. But what ever I felt for you back then is gone, it died when you placed that device in my right shoulder. If I hadn't had taken a blaster and blown a hole straight through it, it might be like you now, but you failed, as all evil is destined to fail.

Casey does not turn away from Hera, but pushes the door completely open.

"As for me being alone, maybe I am or maybe I have a few friends left in this universe."

Casey pushes his way out the door and leaves the Shadow Faene fortress for the last time.

Oct 31st, 2002, 01:37:05 AM
Hera powered down her lightsaber and watched Casey leave.

Pity her plan to have him kill Liam Jinn fell through...that would have been fun.

Still, seemed to Hera that Casey hadn't changed that much at all. He still felt the guilts placed by the foolish Jedi mindsets and wanted to "help" people.

He left ShadowFaene once again, and by doing so left perhaps a person that could have been a truer friend to him than he could ever find in his tortured little world.