View Full Version : Loud Noise in the back alley (open)

Oct 18th, 2002, 06:53:12 AM


she leaped back about a foot, and stared at the overturned trash-can, the lid now laying on the ground.

"Mew?" she crawled over to it, and sniffed the contents which are now spilled about the ground. She found what smelt like, and looks like, food. She quickly grabbed it and popped it into her mouth chewing happily, her tail flicking back and forth and purring quite loudly.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 18th, 2002, 01:18:42 PM
I was wlking down the street when I heard a a loud noice from a nearby alley, I walked inside it and found a cat like person eating out of a trash can "Umm hello there can I help you" I said with a weak smile.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 18th, 2002, 05:39:08 PM
Sameer was about to enter the Bar and Grill when he heard noise in the back alley. He cautiously walked towards it and with horror saw a crossing between a human and a cat eating out of the garbage! He then noticed the man standing there. Looking back from the man to the "cat", Sam asked:

"You sure you don't wanna come IN the bar and have a better meal?"

Oct 18th, 2002, 06:04:30 PM
She looked at both of the males, her head tilted to one side.


They were talking funny, making 'Baah!" noises.

"Ba! Ba!" she grinned clapping her hands in front of her as she grabbed a piece of old bread and held it out to Sameer.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 18th, 2002, 06:13:22 PM
Jackson opened the door in the back, stepping out, arms laden with garbage bags, as he made his way to the dumpster. He paused at the sight he saw, dropping one of the bags.

"What is that?"

Oct 18th, 2002, 06:27:45 PM
She saw the male with the bags and she ran over to him and rubbed against his legs purring.


She looked up at Jackson, purple eyes wide as one hand grabbed a grabage bag from him, and proceeded to rip it apart and dig through the contents.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 18th, 2002, 06:35:39 PM
"No wait, hey!"

Jackson reached over, trying to pry the contents away from the thing. It wouldn't do any good if he left trash strewn across the alleyway.

"Get outta here...shoo!"

Oct 18th, 2002, 06:40:38 PM
She hissed at the male, and swiped at him, crouched over HER food.


Her tail swished back and forth quickly, as she continues to dig through the trash.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 18th, 2002, 07:09:25 PM

Jackson kicked the alleycat mutant away, as he tossed a few bags into the dumpster.

Oct 18th, 2002, 09:03:23 PM

he had KICKED her! She growled/roared and stood up to her full height of six feet, fangs bared and claws ready. She was going to rip the little male to bits, if it hadn't been for the fact that he threw the rest of the bags into the dumpster. She jumped right in after them.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 18th, 2002, 10:29:27 PM
Jackson watched on, unsure of what to do...

Kyle Krogen
Oct 19th, 2002, 02:56:18 PM
"leave it alone can't you see that its hungry" I said to Jackson" maybe it will go away."

I watched the strange creature in the dumpster wondering if it was somekind of Cizerack, I noticed it never talked it was strange indeed.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 19th, 2002, 05:14:48 PM
Sam took the piece of bread Buchi was holding up to him.

"Gee thanks!" he said with a disgusted look. Obviously, the cat didn't understand him.

He saw another tall man approach with his hands full of garbages. Sameer noticed this stranger trying to make the cat go away.

"It's not like if he/she/it is bothering anyone..." Sam said on an uncertain tone.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 19th, 2002, 06:52:41 PM
"Its makin a mess! Its not like I'm against it finding something to eat, but I got a job here, mister."

Sameer Aryan
Oct 21st, 2002, 05:13:25 PM
"Okay! Sorry I said that, should've thought before I spoke. If you want, I'll help you with the mess after..." Sameer was trying to help both of them, maybe he wasn't succeeding.

Oct 21st, 2002, 05:21:46 PM
Zeke leaned in the back door, drawn to it by the loud crashing and arguing.

"Hang on, I'll handle this...Buchi! Buchi, come outta there!"

Kyle Krogen
Oct 22nd, 2002, 09:55:56 PM
Zeke came out of the back door and was calling the creature Buchi "um Zeke do you know this thing?"

Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:05:15 PM
"Yeah. Buchi! Come out!"

Kyle Krogen
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:00:38 PM
"Is it somekind of cizerack Zeke?" I said moving a little toward the strange creature.

Sameer Aryan
Oct 25th, 2002, 05:21:32 PM
Sameer had no clue what these people were talking about, so he stayed there alone. Meanwhile, he turned towards Jackson and asked:

"Anything I can do for you right now, to cover for the mess it's making?"

Oct 25th, 2002, 08:57:55 PM
"Do Cizerack normally raid garbage cans?" Zeke asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Jackson DeWitt
Oct 28th, 2002, 01:26:27 AM
Jackson shook his head at Sameer.

"Well thank you for asking, sir...but I really should take care of this myself."

He worked at the remaining bag's contents, stuffing it awkwardly back into the bag.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:32:35 PM
"Well Zeke could you move it somewere else?" I asked Zeke moveing up to the dumpster and peering in at the strange creature that was eating everything it could get in its mouth.

Sameer Aryan
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:29:05 AM
"As you wish..." Sameer said turning away from Jackson, feeling out of place.

"So what are you gonna do about the cat?" Sam asked Zeke and Kyle.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:33:06 PM
"If I can ever get it out of the dumpster, I'ma take it back to the LQ..."

Kai Amamiya
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:39:09 PM
Kai walked down the alleyway, and was about to enter the bar and grill, when she stopped suddenly. Approaching the strangers and cat-like figure, she spoke.

"What is that thing?" she said, speaking to the others.;)

Kai had straight shoulder length reddish-brown hair, and beautiful crystal blue eyes. She was quite attractive for a 17 year old, and could be attractive to any man. She wore tight clothing and spoke clearly enough. At her side was a intricate sharpened dagger, which looked rare.

Looking closer at the creature, she sighed. "Is it hungry?" she said, noticing the fallen trash cans and ripped trash bag.

Kyle Krogen
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:06:09 AM
:I'll help you get it to the LQ Zeke" I said as a newcomer came into the alley she was older then me and had a strange looking dagger "Hello"

Kai Amamiya
Nov 4th, 2002, 04:38:55 PM
Kai nodded towards the man, her face saying 'hello' curiously. She looked towards the cat'like creature.

'What is that thing?' she thought blankly.

Sighing, she shrugged, and headed for the door to the bar and grill. The strange dagger tugging at her side. She pushed her hair out of her way, and then stopped, turning around.

"That a Cizerack?" she asked one of the strangers.

OOC: I changed her hair, it's white and black 'stripped' - Christina Aguilera's