View Full Version : New Beginings (Xazor)

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 17th, 2002, 06:30:03 PM
He had suprised her. She didn't expect it to be so unplanned--usually, Terran was a stickler on directions, organization, and plans. In this case, she had simply recieved a single message:

My Beautiful Xazor:

Take the next ship and come to Gais--I know you will find me.

Your Love

He smiled broadly and thought to himself how clever he was. She was gonna be mad--not really mad, but playfully mad. She would say something like "What are you doing running off and leaving me a note like that?" or "Since when do you just pick up and go without telling me, huh?" He laughed softly.

He had indeed picked up and left three days ago--no explanation to anyone. Only a single note left for all--I'm fine. That was all that was needed, he thought. It had been three days since the night that he and Xazor had reaffirmed their love for each other. He remembered it like it was a second ago--perhaps each millenium his memory would fade a second. Until that time came, he could see every detail as crisp as the light around him now.

He checked his bag--he had the necesities. Fresh namanas--check. Her favorite fruit juice. He would squeeze some for her when she arrived. Erwinian roses--check. He had picked these flowers from the fields of the academy on the day the had promised themselves to each other the first time. They were beautiful--he almost hated to pick them. It would be cool in a few weeks, though, so in his defense, he saved them from the frost.

Last but not least--the ring. They had put back the bands that they had promised for friendship. This, however, called for a new ring. he was no rcich man, and extravagence was never his strong skill. However, Biggs had given him a small fortune from his pirating days--no matter how much he had protested the charity--and he was compelled to buy her something new. Something new to mark something new. He thought it fit perfectly. The ring was beautiful--he hoped she would like it.

Ok, time to get into character, he thought. He needed to sit down and meditate--Xazor should be getting close by now. He would need the Force in order for her to find him--out in the natural woods like this. He opened his mind and let the warmth of the Force surround him, his aura opening to nature. She could already sense him when she was close--this was like putting a flashing beacon on his head.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 17th, 2002, 07:43:14 PM
Xazor had been milling about her living quarters when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Bending over to retrieve it, she found out that it was a note. Much to her surprise, it was from Terran. She knew that he had left a few days ago, letting the Council know that he was fine....but he had not even said good-bye to her. Smiling slightly, she opened the note and read what was on it.

What is he doing running off and leaving me a note like this?

She had to laugh to herself about that as she began to pack. Nearly an hour later the woman hurried through the Space Port and then hopped abord her private transport. The trip was long, taking nearly half the day...but when she was finally upon the planet, she was so thankful to stretch. The Garou opened herself to the Force and began walking as she made a connection to Terran's Force Signature.

Xazor walked for an hour and a half until she came to a grove in the center of the Forest. Trees swayed in the wind, speaking a language only known to a few. The flowers' scents filled the air to create one intoxicating perfume. Everything was perfect...and then she saw him. Smiling to expose her elongated canines, Xazor quietly walked over and knelt before the meditating Terran. She remained quiet as to not disturb his peaceful concentration...so she opened herself further to the Force and let her mind wander to gently touch his as the solitude and quietness of this place surrounded them.....telling secrets to Xazor's heart that she needed to hear. Perhaps this would be a good get-away for her....no, she knew that it would be...with Terran there. He was her everything....and now they would spend some real time together....it was perfect.

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 18th, 2002, 10:09:11 AM
The atmosphere around him changed when she sat beside him. He had felt her, but she was being quiet. To sense and reveal a quiet Jedi Knight was a difficult task. She probably didn't want to interrupt him. He was only waiting for her.

Then, her mind touched his own. It was as if the Force itself gently brushed against his skin. He was intoxicated with her presence--pure elation as her scent filled his nose. His senses flared and his stomach bubbled--he wished to see her so much. It seemed, though, that keeping his eyes closed, building the anticipation, was so exhilerating. He could feel her now as he felt the grass or the wind. He smiled broadly--a smile he couldn't contain even if he wanted to.

You made it. I'm glad. Still, eyes closed, he spoke to her through the Force. He reached his hand out--a calloused, worn hand. But his touch was soft as he touched her face. He brought his fingers across her skin, her ears, her lips. He was painting the picture of his face (though he had a constant portrait as clear as day) with his touch.

He couldn't help it anymore.

His eyes sprung open as he met her own. He lughed and brought his other hand to her cheek. Gently, he pulled her face closer and kissed her--very softly, barely letting his lips touch her own. He loved to draw these kinds of things out.

"It...has...been...less...than...three days...since...I saw...you...last..."he spoke broken words in between kisses. "And yet...I...still...missed you...way...too...much." He laughed and embraced her. He wondered if she would notice the small leather bag he had. It was uncharacteristic for him to carry anything with him save his old, brown satchel.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:19:45 PM
Xazor grinned as Terran came over to her and brought her in for a kiss....then a series of kisses and broken words, though she gathered everything. Smiling, she embraced him tightly in return and let her love flow through her arms as she pulled away and kissed him once again, then noticed he was carrying a small leather bag. It was quite odd for him to carry anything save for his old, brown satchel. She smiled with a sly grin upon her face as her hand slowly slinked for the bag.

"So how have you been for these last three days? I have missed you so and my heart has wept until now...."

The Garou grinned as she moved her hand closer to the target and her lips neared his again...the perfect distraction. Once her fingertips reached the soft material, her lips touched his again and she kissed him warmly through a smile of success...and yanked the bag into her arms.

"So what's in the bag my love?"

She questioned with a coy smile and a look of mischief in her eyes. This was like a game to her now....a game that they had been playing for years so it was not old and she knew how it would go. Perhaps he would make a bargin with her for the bag...and of course, she would allow for it. Pretending to peek inside, she giggled to herself and her eyes sparkled with a joy that was only present while he was with her.

"C'mon....you know you wanna tell me...."

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 27th, 2002, 08:32:05 PM
"I was thinking of things...mostly you..." He kissed her softly as she pursued the bag.

He met her grin with one of his own, his lips closed as he held back a huge laugh. He had been in this position before. They both knew that soon enough she would know what was in the bag--there was little doubt there. It just depended on how long and how hard he would stall it. It was a very fun game, and how it reminded him of his love for her.

"Oh, Xazor, my dear, you know I would love to tell you, but I just can't," he chuckled a bit, watching her face grow with curiosity. She would be itching to see inside the thing, and he would enjoy every second of delaying the moment. Afterall, he viewed it as his civil duty to torture her.

"You know how it is. Official business," he smiled. He reached one hand around her waist and with the other grasped the bag. Kissing her gently again, he stood and backed a step away, holding the bag behind his back.

"You know, now that I think about it, I could stand to part with it if there was an exchange." He gave a very mischevious, childish smile. "A barter, if you will. I let you inspect the contents of this very curious bag--" he paused, slightly "--if you will...'pay' me for each item." He smiled a bit seductively. "You know the market value these items...and of course, you know the currency." He thought of how her lips felt against his, and realized her love was always pay enough.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 27th, 2002, 09:18:18 PM
Xazor giggled and blushed slightly, though not out of embarassment, out of sheer excitement for the moment. Grinning as he rose and held the bag behind him, she too got to her feet and took a step forward, gently placing a hand up his chest.

"And you know that I am a rich woman......and that I can afford such...luxeries, yes?"

She grinned to herself and moved closer to him, sliding her hand up and around his neck. Gently she placed a kiss upon his lips and with her other hand, began slinking down his arm toward the bag.

"I shall pay in full and perhaps.....even leave you a tip, my love. Please, let us barter for these items immediatly....."

With another sly and seductive grin, she kissed him again, leaning in a little further and grasping the bag between her fingers. She prolonged the kiss as she fumbled to get a tight hold of the bag....and then pulled away slowly with the sought item in hand.

"Now...how much will one iten cost me?"

She grinned and thought of how fun this roleplaying was. They had done it often while growing together at their Order on Cysaria. So many nights were spent playing these games....but neither complained...and rather enjoyed it immensly. Xazor pretended to peek inside the thing and then look away astonished as if she had seen something awe-inspiring. Soon, though....both of them would be getting what they wanted.....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 28th, 2002, 06:38:13 PM
"Well, that depends," he smiled. He had hoped she had found the small package that contained her new ring. She would know what it was--she always did. He wasn't good at hiding things. Just buried among the fruits and the flowers, the ring would be easy enough to find.

"We don't accept alot of different currency around her, you know. Kisses...hugs...whispers in the ear...that's the common money." He wondered how she would react to the ring. It said more than the fact that it was just an object. It was the emblem to a new bond--a new life. He wanted her to join him again--in marriage, in spirit, and in love. Was it to sudden?

His palms sweated a bit as he grew nervous. Maybe it was too sudden. Perhaps he was being much to forward. Yes, he wanted her to be with him forever. But only on her terms and in her time and with her permission and...

Maybe he had jumped the gun. His uncertainty flowed from his thoughts as he grew nervous. He tried to hide it, but she would most likely pick up on it. Few things he tried to hide from her were actually hidden.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:55:25 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and closed her eyes, then shoved her hand into the bag. The first thing she pulled out was a bundle of flowers.....so beautiful to the eyes and the smell sweet to her nose. Grinning with delight, she inhaled them completely before looking at Terran with thoughtful eyes.

"You are too sweet, you do know that, right?"

She smiled once again and moved a bit closer to him, then wrapped her arms around his neck. Of course she was going to draw this out a bit.....nothing too good in payment right away, though the flowers were priceless to her. Smiling, she set them beside her and thought of a beautiful vase at home to put them in. Once again she made a dive inside the bag and this time, grabbed up a bunch of odd shaped things.....fruit! Her favorite kind too, Namanas! Xazor grinned more so than before and took a quick bit or two of one before setting them beside her, wishing she could have consumed them at the moment, but she wanted to make them last too. Moving over to him, she put her head on his shoulder and nearly touched his ear with her lips.

"Your gifts are beautiful...as is your love....."

She said softly, then pulled away. With the Force she sensed there was something else in the bag....perhaps of greater importance than the rest and this left her wondering. Smiling, she closed her eyes and reached inside slowly...only to let her fingertips come to rest upon...a box. Her heart skipped a beat as she placed it in her hand and pulled it up slowly, then opened her eyes and looked at it. She was honestly dumbfounded at the moment, and her eyes widened as they took in the sight of the little black velvet box. Carefully and slowly she placed a hand atop the small box and with great hesitation---she pulled it open to reveal a stunning ring. Her heart nearly stopped at the sight as a few tears welled up within her eyes. She could barely move, but somehow, she managed to raise her gaze onto Terran....her precious love.


She could not say anything though she desperatly wished to speak the words so heavy upon her heart. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him and that she wanted to be with him forever, but the words were blocked by tears...not tears of sadness, but tears of joy and rapture! The Knight sat, stunned as great rivers poured down her cheeks as she stared at her beloved....the one whom she would spend eternity with.

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:07:13 AM
His anticipation grew each second as she sampled the items in the bag. With every movement of her hand and every thought flashing through her mind, the feeling in his gut grew more overwhelming. She would find the ring...she would. He grew more and more nervous. He loved her--there was no doubt about it. No matter, he was always so nervous in these situations. He tried hard to remained composed, but usually he froze up and stuttered too much.

She drug it out. He knew she was torturing him. She might have known a bit of the objects importance, but she would make this last longer than it had to because she was Xazor and she loved to tease him. Finally, she found the ring. He could see it in her eyes when she opened the box--she loved it. Just as he knew she would. Before he picked it out, before he called her here, before he let her take the bag. He knew she would love it. It was as their own love; fun, unpredictable in direction, but always constant. They had always loved each other. Always.

"I...." She spoke as her aura glowed around her. It was beautiful--the way she glowed. Her eyes sparkled (even as they became wet with tears); her face brightened; her heart and soul was nearly visible through her breast. The Force was alive in her. It made him happier than can be explained by words. Such is the poverty of language that the joy he felt is undefined.

"Xazor..." He reached for her and held her while she cried. She hugged him back--they were not tears of grief or disappointment. They were tears of love and joy. "I'm sorry if it overwhelms you, my love," he spoke softly. "I cannot imagine another moment...another second, existing with you...and you not being my wife...as was planned...as was willed by the Force...as was written in the stars..." He smiled and tears left his own eyes. He let his hand caress her face and then come to her chin, gently pulling her head up, eyes to meet his own.

"We have defied fate..." He thought of how he survived his death sentence. He thought of how she had been pledged to two others before and during his return and how they had not survived. "We have defied circumstance...we have defied the odds..." He smiled broadly, with her. She could feel his heart. "Our love will not be denied."

Xazor Elessar
Oct 29th, 2002, 12:52:35 PM
Xazor smiled brightly through her tears. She listened as he spoke lovely words that only could come from his lips. Her hand gently brushed by the side of his face as she thoughtfully looked at him, then down at the ring in the box resting upon the palm of her other hand. Her eyes slowly made their way up him and she smiled once again.

".....I wouldn't have it any other way....."

She finally said, giving him the definate answer of yes. A light laugh escaped her lips as she pulled the ring from the box and handed it to him so that he would put it upon her finger was was traditionally done. It was perfect and indeed, they had defied the Universe.

".....I cannot picture my life without you.....and so, we shall never be apart again..."

Her words were simple for she too could not express her feelings at the moment for everything overwhelmed her at once. Grinning as he took the ring in his hand, she held out her left, though it shook from her excitement. An aura seemed to envelope them together as the will of the Force was being done right before their very eyes.....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:53:55 PM
He was too emotional to hide from her, and the tears of his happiness fell down his face. He smiled as she replied. It was going to fall in to place like he had dreamed. He had wanted this so badly and being near her was killing him slowly each day. But now...life was revived in him. He felt alive again, flowing with the Force, able to touch her spirit with his own and feel her mind.

He took the ring from her and took her hand as well. Indeed, a special energy that was very unique flowed between them, and it joined them together, seemingly creating a state of elation that existed above and beyond the restraints of the galaxy.

Her hand shook a bit, so when he took it he sought to calm it. He kissed it softly and let smiled again. She was excited, not nervous, he knew. He wasn't worried either--of the few things he was troubled about, his dedication to Xazor would be a given certainty. He brought the ring to her finger and, gently, slipped it down her soft skin.

"I love you...and this ring is a promise that I will be your everything. I pledge my heart to you, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, that it will never leave yours in companionship. I will be more than your husband--I will be your friend, your brother, and your love. I love you, Xazor." He said, the tears streaming down his face.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:45:49 PM
Xazor smiled to herself as he placed the ring so gently upon her finger. His hands were tender as they touched her own, nearly stopping them from shaking with the evident joy and excitement that ran through her veins. Adrenaline flowed through her as he spoke, giving her a new sense of life. The Force filled her spirit and indeed, her aura glowed brightly against the background of the forest. Terran was like an angel....truly the Light was brilliant within him as their spirits touched for that moment in time...linking them together for eternity. She knew that this was right and never did she doubt it for a second. As the moment was suspended in time, Xazor got a mischevious grin upon her lips and reached inside her cloak...pulling something small into her hand. Little did he know, she too had a ring, for him. It was something she had crafted herself and many knew of her talents in weaponry and jewelry. The ring itself was of the finest pure silver and every couple of millimeters was a blue stone. Inside, there were words engraved: Forever I Am Yours. She smiled and held it out to him to see, then took his left hand in her own, and slowly slid the ring upon his finger.

"I love you too Terran.....I knew that before I ever met you. This ring is a promise I make to you now...that shall last forever. We are soulmates and nothing will ever stand in the way of that...for it has been willed by the Force. I shall love you for eternity and I will never leave you. I will not only be your wife...I will be your friend, your sister, and your love. You are my everything...and I could not live without you ever. I love you so very much...with all that I am, Terran..."

Tears poured from her eyes but she could see him clearly through the rivers and streams. They moved closer together and as promised, she offered him currency in 'payment' for the beautiful gift. Their lips met softly as they kissed deeply and passionatly. The moment seemed to last forever but then it ended all to quickly as the pulled away to breath. She could say nothing more at the moment for emotions had completely taken over her. All she could do was wrap her arms tightly around him and hold him close to her body as they did so long ago....hold him where he belonged....in her life....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:05:45 PM
The ring she gave to him was stunning--he marveled at the jewels and the craftmanship. It was beautiful--she had made it. He could see it in her eyes, the way a chile beams with pride when she presents her mother with a birthday card she made herself.

She kissed him, and the moment lasted much too short, as eternity in the embrace of her sweet lips would still be too little to satisfy his want for her. As they broke, she held him tightly. He stood with her in his embrace, smiling more proud than any other being in the galaxy at that exact moment. It was perfect...all was perfect. The sleepless nights, the empty memories, the times when he watched her walk with Dasquian through the Jedi Halls--all the torment he had faced was--tenfold--still worth this moment. She loved him. He had known it for so long, felt it from her, and now he was only happy that the feelings were falling into place as he would have them.

He kissed her again, and again, and again. Kissing was harder when one was smiling so broadly, but the kisses seemed to be as fun and bright as the smile.

"I'm so happy." He stated, still grinning like a proud man. "The times we have had...the times we will have...you are wonderful." He kissed her again. He looked to the fruits and wondered if they would be a good enough means to celebrate...he thought not.

"Perhaps we should celebrate. But where?" They were in the Coccarian Woods, somewhere SouthEast of Cerena, where he was born. Cerena was quite small, but it was possible that there was a good place to go there. "We could go to my hometown, if my beautiful love wishes, or we could go to the Academy and make all public. My wishes are yours, as is my time. What do you wish, my dear?"

Xazor Elessar
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:20:20 PM
Xazor grinned between kisses....and while they were kissing. It was difficult to smile and do this at the same time, but both of them were greatly enjoying this. Smiling as he suggested they go somewhere, she looked about and listened as he spoke.

"Where we go it matters not....for I am with you and everything is perfect."

She smiled broadly as she spoke, proud to be a part of his life and to have him in her own. Grinning, she closed her eyes and breathed in the air around them, then wrapped her arms around him once again.

"Though I would love to see your birthplace....I am sure it is as heavenly as you are...."

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 30th, 2002, 09:57:19 AM
"If that is possible," he laughed, teasing her. She laughed with him, and he began to gather his things. Rounding up all of his belongings, he kept hold of her hand. He wished only to be close to her now--he would not leave her side. Putting the flowers and the fruits back into the old bag, he gathered his own satchel and faced his love.

"To Cerena we go, then. The town is quite old and is full of gardens. Cerena actually is an adjective meaning "as a flower" in the native tounge. I think you will like it there. Of course, your own beauty will compliment it well." He smiled and kissed her softly. Taking her hand, he lead her back to the ship. Setting the coordinates, they made the short trip there to the outskirts of the old village.

Entering the unprotected gates, the old buildings and small hideaway-shops jutted up in dwarf-like rows, a stark contrast to the sky-scraping heights of modern cities like Coruscant and even the facilities of the GJO. Flowers grew between the stony towers of the gate house, and the greenery of many trees and shrubs dotted the old dirt road. Two speeders were parked outside of a few scattered shops, but the first thing Xazor would notice was the abundance of horses. It seemed as though this old town had never given up on the mounts as the choice trasportation. It had given Terran his affiliation to the animal and his love of riding them.

"It looks exactly the same, Xazor." His eyes were wide--it had been ages since he had been here. He was taken no older than when he was 5 or so, and yet the village--for two decades--had remained a precise copy. He marveled at the nature that he remembered so well. As a child, he had played in the gardens, listening to the toads and grasshoppers. His mother had always scolded him for telling such stories, but she could not understand. He wondered if his family was still here. Could he even bear to see them? Could he face them?

"My family may still even be here...I don't know..." His voice trailed as he observed the village. His heart ached to see his parents, and he knew Xazor would feel his pain.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:10:47 PM
Xazor's eyes were wide two as the pair entered the beautiful village. Everywhere there were horses, and she had grown to love the animal as well. They were wise and she often spoke to them. Her riding had improved greatly for Dasquian had taught her once how to ride....and her experience upon the Direwolves gave her an upperhand with most of it anyhow. She smiled as the smell of flowers filled her air and the joy of this place lingered around them.

"Perhaps.....maybe they are. Maybe you should look for them Terran....."

Indeed, she felt his pain and it was great. Her heart went out to him now as he stood facing a place he had not seen in ages. It was a wonder he could remember it all after such a memory wiping dished out by Kama. She had forgotten everything of Eden until she had gone back....then the memories came to her like she had lived them the day before.

"This place....it's beautiful. Why do you fear finding your parents? I wish to meet them....just as you have met my Father, which reminds me. You have yet to meet my Mother, though you have spoken with my 'other' Father, Marcus. Wonderful they are...and I only think it fair.....if your family is still here....that I meet them too."

She said thoughtfully, hoping for his sake that the Konrads had not moved. The young Knight was sure that they would wish to see their son.....see how much he had changed and grown since they last saw him. It only puzzled her why he stopped and wondered instead of went and sought....

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 1st, 2002, 07:40:41 PM
"It's not fear, Xazor." He turned to face her. "It's...it's...I mean, I haven't seen them...I was 6..." He stuttered quite a bit as he tried to explain what he felt. He was sure she understood, even though his words were unintelligable. He held her hand tightly.

"You're right--I need to find them. I need to see them." He smiled. With her by his side, most of his fears were eliminated. She wanted to meet them. She wanted to see them and she deserved to--he wanted them to meet the love of his life.

He wondered if they would be dissapointed. Perhaps they had been killed when the Sith overrunned the city? It had occurred to him once before. Could he bare to handle it? He thought it best to ask around first.

The pair walked down the street together. They didn't stick out too much--they were in their regular attire and, in an old village such as this, fashion was varied and usually imporvised. Little was questioned here, and strangers were always welcome to its warm gates. It had been a place of friendliness. The Force had chosen this place for him, and it was a good place indeed.

After moments of investigation, they found that the Conrad House still stood on the hill. They found that the house was still in tact, and that the older couple that lived there had once had children.


Finally, with the strength of love beside him, he worked the courage to make it to the house. Approaching the door, he saw an older man nailing on an old wooden gate. The man looked up when he heard them coming. He looked back at his work and then up again. Staring at the man that stood before him. His eyes widened.

"Chase?" A scruffy voice acknowledged that he had recognized his appearance.

"Father..." Terran's voice quivered as he ran to the man. They embraced, a solid, loving hug. His mother emerged from the house and the family was reunited again. After moments of hugging and kissing and happy chatter, Terran turned to introduce Xazor to them. As he did, she smiled and greeted them with her charm. He smiled too--she was beautiful. He was happy that this meeting took place--in fact, mostly because of her push.

After a good, home-cooked meal, the four sat around a warm fireplace and chatted into the night. They told the story of when Terran was taken as a boy. They had been threatened, but had survived. The village was deemed to unimportant to attack--it was weak and offered little real use. So, the Sith picked up and left shortly after landing. It was odd...the will of the Force, Terran knew. It had saved them. Saved them for this meeting.

"Chase--I mean, Terran now, I guess..." he smiled sheepishly. "You must know something." His tone grew steady and silent. "You...after you left...we had another child...a boy...your brother..." Before he could finish, Terran's eyes widened. He had a brother? A family? A brother!! He was so excited.

"Father, I must meet him! Does he live in the village? Is he still on Gais?" Terran quetioned intently.

"My son, we know you are different than all of us," his mother said with a smile. "A good different. A strong different. So was he. This village, this planet--it can't contain the kind of people you and your brother are."

"So he was...he could feel the Force?" Terran smiled, bright eyes. Another Jedi? A team of brothers at the Academy?? How exciting. He gripped Xazor's hand. "Where is he?"

"Son...he went to be a Jedi. He came back several years later, and told us of his travels. He was angry...very angry. He said he had given up on this universe and that he could not understand how people like us could be hurt by people like him. He...he left." Terran grew silent. Fear. Anger. The Dark Side.

"Did he...did he...did he hurt anyone?" Terran's speech quivered.

"We have not heard from him for years. He...he just left. But he was like you--strong, full of life, loving of nature." His father could sense Terran's dissapointment. "I'm sorry, my son. I--"

"What is his name?" He thought of all the Sith he knew. He thought of the Dark Jedi he had met. He braced himself for the worse. He gripped Xazor's hand tightly.


Xazor Elessar
Nov 1st, 2002, 08:03:00 PM
Xazor was loving every moment of this. Terran's family was wonderful, just like he was. She smiled as she was welcomed in with open arms and his family embraced her as they did their own child. The dinner was wonderful and soon after they ate, they began talking....and the subject of a Brother came about. Xazor reflected upon the time when she found out that she too had a Brother...but unfortunatly, he was a Sith and would never turn to the Light, though he had attempted being a Jedi once. This made Xazor sad and her aura dimmed, then she was snapped back into reality as a wave of emotions poured from her love's soul. He was confused and he felt hurt....lost. She wished that she could take his pain, but she knew that he must bear it at the moment. Then they spoke his name......Jeran? She had never met anyone of that name....and with all of her research at The Lost Jedi, they had never encountered a 'Jeran' before.

"Jeran? I've never met anyone by that name......and I assure you, I've been here quite some time and there are no Sith nor Dark Jedi with that designation."

Do not worry my love.....I am sure that he is out there somewhere. And I know that he is not of the Dark Arts.....I can just feel it....

The soothing words entered his mind, cut off from the rest of the Galaxy but him. She smiled thoughtfully and squeezed his hand as she eyed his mother and father. Such kind people they were....to have a son who ran off was not far.....and to be under such oppression as they were was not fair either. Xazor sighed and made a mental note of their characteristics combined with Terran's. Perhaps she would recognize this 'Jeran' if she ever met him.....maybe she would go looking for him herself.....but she could not let Terran know that.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 2nd, 2002, 10:31:15 PM
I hope you are right, he spoke back to her in her mind.

"It pains me not to meet my brother," he spoke to his parents. "I would have liked to see him. Nonetheless, to see you again, was wonderful." He smiled brightly and embraced his parents. This meeting was a good one--he had met his parents once again. He had learned of his brother and--even though he did not meet him--he was happy to know that he had family.

"Terran, you and Xazor can stay here for the night." His mother brought to them many blankets and other pillows and bed furnishings.

"Miss Dawnstrider, you can sleep in the boys' bedroom." His father pointed to the stairs and the blankets brought in by his mother. "Terran, you can sleep here, on the guest cot." He showed Terran to the cot.

As his mother and father turned in for the night, the two Jedi were left alone in the living room. Terran's face was solid as he sat next to his beautiful Xazor. He was deep in thought about the conversation.

"I wonder if I would want to see him. Perhaps he is a Dark Jedi, Xazor. What then? I don't even want to know his name, so that I may never encounter it." His view was a bit pesimistic, but he was troubled by the thoughts. It would be easier to know that Jeran was not special, that he was just a normal, average, a regular person. He held her hand and laid his head on her shoulder. With her, though, it seemed that there were no problems in his life. He loved her. All things were fine with her.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 07:17:59 PM
Xazor was grateful for all that Terran's parents had done for them...then to offer them to stay the night was wonderful. She smiled as they brought her blankets and then gave her the bedroom and not the guest cot. It mattered not to her, she would sleep on the floor if that's what it took. Smiling as they sat together, she gently rubbed her thumb against Terran's hand as he held it.

"And even if he is a Dark Jedi.....he is also your brother. I have three Brothers.....I bet you didn't know that. Not only do I have Chaos, my biological Brother....I have two blood brothers....one a Jedi and one a Sith. Chaos too is a Sith....and it pains my heart, but we love each other."

She said thoughtfully, knowing that he would rather die than see her hurting. When she came to anger in his presence once, he reprimanded her actions to save her from falling to the path of Darkness again.

"They will always be my Brothers no matter what path they choose. You must not fear the unknown.....fear is the path to the Darkside. Always in motion is the future....."

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:11:09 PM
He looked to the floor. She was right. He hated the idea that his own blood would be anything but a Jedi. A Sith, nonetheless! But he had little choice. He still had to care about him--still respect him.

"You're right, Xazor. You're absolutely right. Like always." Smiling at her, he took her other hand. "You know how this feels, and I'm sure you've been through it all before. I'm blessed by the Force to have you around." He kissed her softly on her lips. "Did you know that? You are my savior."

Turning away in a yawn, he began to feel the shadow of sleep falling upon him. It had been a long day--very emotional. It was time for sleep, and he needed it. He really did need it now.

"Shall I help you to your bed?" He gave her a coy grin, standing before her. Throwing the blankets over his shoulder, he took her hand to lead her upstairs. Making their way to the now guest room, he peered in. All of his toys and other things had been removed--most likely in storage. At least the bed was in good shape. It was very soft, and the room was warm, uneffected by the chilly night. He set the blankets down on the bed, and Xazor began to unfold them.

"Don't even think about it," he said with a laugh. He put his hands on her back and gently pushed her towards the lounge chair in the room. Sitting her down, he turned back to the bed. "Allow me, my dear. You are my guest, afterall..." He undid the blankets himself, making the bed and adding an extra blanket at the foot of it in case she was cold.

"There, fit for a queen." He looked at the old quilts and the home made wooden frame. "Ok, so not very luxurious, but adequate, I'd say." He smiled a sheepish grin.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:27:55 PM
Xazor smiled gently as he kissed her. His words made her blush slightly as she wished to return the sentiments....but did not know how without sounding utterly stupid. So instead, she let the silence between them fill the gap. He then took her upstairs and when she was about to make her bed, he would not allow her to and insisted upon doing so. He was always so thoughtful like that and she loved him for it.

"You're too sweet.....and I am going to say that to you forever...."

She winked and giggled in the darkness of the room. It was warm and the light of the moon cast pretty shadows upon the floor, lighting it enough that it was not so dark and gloomy. Her eyes watched Terran as he made the bed and then proclaimed that it was fit for a Queen. She did not argue much about that, but then he smiled sheepishly and mocked himself. She couldn't help but laugh for she thought that it was perfect. Having slept in the lap of luxery for years made her wish for things like this...the simplicity and beauty of it all.

"It's wonderful...just like you...."

The Knight said softly and then rose from her seat to make her way to the bed. It was a strange place for her, and she never did sleep well in places she was not familiar with...but she would make due....she hoped. Smiling, she kissed him upon the cheek and then climbed into the bed, wrapping herself up in the warm blankets. The cold would not touch her this night...she was sure of it. He had placed nearly six blankets upon the bed with an extra at her feet in case she was cold...but she knew that his love was enough to keep her warmed even through a blizzard on Hoth.

"Please......stay with me until I fall asleep......"

She yawned slightly as she spoke and looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Her mind drifted back to the night they had reunited....when he stayed with her so that she could sleep. It was a precious time.....and she treasured those moments forever...

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 3rd, 2002, 09:01:13 PM
He blushed at all of her comments. He couldn't even express to her in words how much he loved her. He did. He could only try by showing it to her every chance he could get. He could tell her and show her and be the best man for her. She brought out the best in him.

"Of course I will, Xazor." He smiled. He knew she had trouble adjusting to new beds sometimes. He used to--much like her--but traveling the seas of stars, he had gotten used to it.

He sat next to her on the bed and then laid besider her. She was tucked into the bed, snug underneath the covers. He pulled his body close to hers and draped his arm over her waist. She would keep him warm. He just had to make sure he left sometime in the night--Mom wouldn't be to happy to see them in the same bed unmarried. She was rather conservative.

"I love you," he said, kissing her check. "Sweet dreams, my dear." He stroked her hair with his hand and watched her face as her breathing slowed.

Xazor Elessar
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:21:03 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded as she became comfortable. How good it was to have him beside her again. Thoughts of their future together eased her into sleep just as he spoke three little words to make everything perfect.

"I love you......too......"

Her eyes closed softly as her breathing slowed and her heartrate came down. The Garou drifted off into sleep.....a dream world that would take her places of memories....of the present....and of the future. She seemed almost to smile as a heavenly glow was cast upon the bed by the soft light of the moon outside. The warmth of Terran's body close to hers was a comfort and she did not even think about being in a new place....or a new bed.....it was perfect.....just like they were together.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 4th, 2002, 03:13:58 PM
Startled by a quick night breeze, he awoke, still laying against Xazor on her bed. She was fast asleep and dreaming--he could tell by the way her eyes moved rapidly behind her eyelids. He hoped they were good dreams, and he kissed her forehead ever so softly, getting off of the bed very lightly. He sneaked to the door and turned to look in on her. The moonlight coming through the window lit her face in a basking white glow. She was so beautiful. He smiled, his face reflecting his happiness with her. Turning to the stairs, he made his way back downstairs.

It was sometime in the middle of the night, he could tell by the way the moon looked. It hung in the sky, moving silently towards morning. He gathered a few blankets and laid himself down on the guest cot in the sitting room. Snuggling closely to them, and thinking of Xazor, he was soon warm and off to sleep.

He slept peacefully, allowing his dreams to carry him into past memories and visions of the future. Sleeping quietly, his thoughts reamined on the woman he loved.